
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
People keep posting this take but hasn't public domain always happened years after the death of the last living author? Not the same year?


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
I don't get why anyone would have a horse in this race. Both companies sound like assholes. Of course Disney is the bigger overall villain, because you'd think that rolling in the amount of cash they do they can afford to pay Sony.

But - Is it bad I'm a little happy this whole thing happened, because as comic book movies become basically the only movies, I'm slowly growing to detest them, and want to see them fail? Yeah, I know, I'll show myself out.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Like my stance is this

  1. Feige would do Spider-Man and his characters better
  2. Sony would be stupid to give up any money so obviously if Disney wants a bigger cut business wise they should walk away
  3. Sony will fuck it up and there's zero reason to believe they won't
All those opinions are fine(and I agree with all of them), the problem is the immaturity of other people who decide to make a hashtag to boycott Sony because they didn't get what they want. That screams entitlement and immaturity.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
it's concerning to see fans rally behind the multi-billion dollar corporation that is Disney, and position them as a noble underdog in this fight
I don't think this accurately describes the situation. I don't think anyone thought Disney was the underdog in this, just that Disney/Marvel make better Superhero films than Sony (at least constantly) and so don't trust Spider-Man under Sony's creative control.

For me, at least, it was never about Sony vs Disney, it was all about Spider-Man and personally I just think he is better inside the MCU than out of it.


Nov 2, 2017
Looked at those Twitter accounts a bit more closely... none of those people read like typical MCU fanboys. This reeks.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I mean in the end it's just comic book movies guys

Like it's not deep cinema or anything as much as the armchair critics on YouTube will have you think.


Oct 27, 2017
People are so weird. I know it's a tired line to ask if people really don't have anything better to do with their time, but ffs. It's a fictional superhero character, and they're not taking the movies away they're just taking it out of a specific canon.

Picturing a bunch of 30-somethings tweeting #savespiderman and all this other crap is cringe inducing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't even care if Sony could make a good movie. I want to see Spidey interact with the FF, X-Men, DD, etc. We've had 5 movies (of varying quality) where Spider-Man was on his own, and this MCU thing isn't going to come around again. If Sony wants to take their ball and play alone later then so be it, but I want to see more of this existing character, which I'm really enjoying. Disney and Sony need to get this figured out.

Nah, we've had a decade of that, the idea of a new Spiderman as being central instead of just being a smaller piece of a larger story sounds sublime. No more hero teamups is exactly the right direction to go.
Oct 28, 2017
Looked at those Twitter accounts a bit more closely... none of those people read like typical MCU fanboys. This reeks.
Agreed. Like, I'm always in for a good "internet fanbois are trash" session. But I feel like to boil this one down to that is burying the lede. Which is clearly that you have 2 mega corporations using the public as a proxy for their battles, stoking the flames with bots, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope Sony announces Phil Lord and Christopher Miller will be producing both the live action and animated Spidey films.

I would be excited by that.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Nah, we've had a decade of that, the idea of a new Spiderman as being central instead of just being a smaller piece of a larger story sounds sublime. No more hero teamups is exactly the right direction to go.
He's 16 and steals every scene
I want to see adult Tom Holland grow into a leader in the MCU. Sony deserves all the shit they are getting.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
Agreed. Like, I'm always in for a good "internet fanbois are trash" session. But I feel like to boil this one down to that is burying the lede. Which is clearly that you have 2 mega corporations using the public as a proxy for their battles, stoking the flames with bots, etc.

shieeeeet, it wouldn't surprise me at all

but at the same time, alt-accounts exist. people are aware that twitter have kinda been cracking down on the hate speech

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I still cry at night at how poor innocent Disney has been treated in all this


Oct 27, 2017
Fandoms have always had a toxic population but the ease of sharing and amplifying that toxicity is new and being used in disturbing ways.
Yup. Fandoms by their nature are extreme and over invested in things. That's what makes them dangerous and toxic. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and tell people they shouldn't care this much about stupid comic book characters owned by corporations.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
All those opinions are fine(and I agree with all of them), the problem is the immaturity of other people who decide to make a hashtag to boycott Sony because they didn't get what they want. That screams entitlement and immaturity.

I mean yes, though really if all they do is boycott I'm not really gonna lose any sleep, the ones that go beyond that can fuck off.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Because Disney makes great movies and Columbia Pictures is an utter garbage factory. It's as easy as that.
Yes, those creatively defunct live action remakes they keep shitting out are truly cinematic masterpieces.

The reason you were looking for is because Disney has an army of fanboys.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky, USA
This thread is now just a repeat of the dumpster fire of the last one.

Also, is at best a level above a pile of dog shit for trustworthy news sources.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see the problem, spider-man is my fave super hero but far from home ended in a perfect place for the character's story to just be ended off screen.


Oct 27, 2017
Im ok with people voicing their opinions and empowering themselves as fans, I dont want movies in general to stop being works of art born from their creators, but this types of movies are basically just fanservice, so the reactions are expected.

As long as they dont harrass people and just try to "boycott" movies, It is their right, and its the responsability of the movie studio to regain the public's conficence.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Stanning mega-corporations isn't fantastic and it's perpetually disheartening to see excitement over Disney owning everything but it's kind of funny to call this "the ugly side of fandom" and not like, the average comments on Instagram posts of any woman involved with any of these franchises. These save/boycott hashtags are completely innocuous compared to the usual shit.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone realizes that this whole this is a limited version of class warfare, right?

A hyperrich corporation pitting their fanbase against another hyperrich corporation in order to force a better deal for themselves.

Corporations have discovered how to easily manipulate people into astroturfing for them for free.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone realizes that this whole this is a limited version of class warfare, right?

A hyperrich corporation pitting their fanbase against another hyperrich corporation in order to force a better deal for themselves.

Corporations have discovered how to easily manipulate people into astroturfing for them for free.
I just want my entertainment how I want it. I couldn't care less about the corporate side of things. I just want Spider-Man in the MCU, who gets the better deal is of no interest to me.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just want my entertainment how I want it. I couldn't care less about the corporate side of things. I just want Spider-Man in the MCU, who gets the better deal is of no interest to me.
Exactly proving my point.

For example the Disney Fox buyout was bad. It should have never gotten regulatory approval. But doesn't matter to a lot of fans because they wanted X-Mans in the MCU.


Nov 2, 2017
I really don't buy into the "blame it on the fandom" thing here. Sure, there are dickwads behaving badly on the internet. Always have been, always will.

But here we had 2 huge entertainment conglomerates create a hugely popular property based on a mutual agreement of trust, and HAVE very recently released the most popular iteration of this property, and now pull the rug out from us, and this basically ruins not only solo Spidey films, but the MCU in its entirety too (since Far From Home HEAVILY positions Spidey as the carrier of Starks legacy, tech, genius, and heart/heroism in general.

So they deserve to take some heat (as long is not of the illegal threatening of lives and family type of stuff). I hope like hell, this becomes a Guardians of the Galaxy 3 James Gunn type of situation where all parties eventually come to their senses and see how bad of a road they are walking here and make a course correction.


Oct 28, 2017
Exactly proving my point.

For example the Disney Fox buyout was bad. It should have never gotten regulatory approval. But doesn't matter to a lot of fans because they wanted X-Mans in the MCU.

Fox was going to sell regardless. And the only two companies that were going to buy were Disney or Comcast. It's not as if it was a hostile takeover.