
Oct 27, 2017
The last movie had moments, but they were so few and far between. You won't ever catch me watching Crimes again. If Tommy Wiseau made The Room 2 and Johnny somehow survived suicide by gunshot to the head, I'm confident Crimes would still be the worse sequel.

I might be interested if they kicked JK out of this franchise

That would also be enough for me.

If they get Collin Farrell back i'm game.

And hell yes. Farrell > Depp every day.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
I hope they keep making them. Every Fantastic Beasts movie they make is a few more years free from a Cursed Child film adaptation.


May 16, 2019
To be clear: I have never read any of the Harry Potter books and am totally unfamiliar with the broader universe.

My wife brought me to see Fantastic Beasts 2 since she's a big fan of all the Harry Potter books/movies and enjoyed Fantastic Beasts 1. I was absolutely captivated by the trainwreck that I was watching. As I have expressed in other threads around Game of Thrones, Cats, etc, I have developed a fascination with the creative process for major movies that are creative failures (not necessarily bombs, they could be financially successful but are widely considered both critical and audience failures). Fantastic Beasts 2 may have actually be where this fascination began because it is such a train wreck from word go. Even accounting for the fact that I was walking into Part 2 of a five part series totally blind, I could not believe how badly FB2 failed to execute basic storytelling elements. Characters motivations are unexplored or paper thin, traits that are (I think) supposed to be viewed as charming and endearing are anything but, and the entire story arch was convoluted as hell. Worst of all, it wasn't even entertaining or exciting. Even my wife, a big fan of the series, admitted "wow, that kinda sucked".

After we got home I did some Googling for reviews. The very first one that caught my eye opened with (and I'm paraphrasing) the line "A franchise destroying sequel." (Note, I found it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottm...disaster-jk-rowling-johnny-depp/#7ecf0d1d3180) I'm still astounded that a movie this important could get flubbed so badly. Presumably there are lots of eyes on a tent-pole movie like this, and a lot of creative people surrounding the series; so how does it get fucked up this badly? As I've asked a million times about GOT, when/did anyone at the studio at any point stop and say "oh shit...we have a problem here."?

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've lost most hope for the third to be anything remotely decent. I haven't read anything from the team acknowledging they fucked up #2 and the decision to make the franchise about good vs evil instead of a chance to explore more of the universe and the magical world is annoying me. I get why in the sense of blockbuster, but man I can't be the only fan of the universe more interested in the universe than the bombastic spell fights.
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
If it was still a trilogy, I'd be into it. But 2 was just such a waste of time and a nothing movie. I'll catch 3 at some point, but if it's still a 5 part series and if 3 and 4 will be along the lines of 2, then I'm not too excited or interested.


Oct 25, 2017
I see some people optimistic for a course correction in the 3rd film... where is that hope coming from? Is it not still Yates directing a J.K. Rowling screenplay again?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
They had an infinitely interesting opportunity to expand a huge and open world and instead went with a Dumbledore prequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw 2 so no I'm not interested in 3. Especially with the recent things JK Rowling has said.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. The second just showed that Rowling can't write movies and I have no interest with Depp anyways so...
Jan 4, 2018
No disrespect to Yates, but it's time for a new director (and general creative team shakeup). After doing so many of them for so long, I find it extremely unlikely he's able to stay creatively motivated and invested in the series.

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The first one was bad, and then they added Johnny Depp to the sequel so I just skipped it. I don't know how it is even possible to spend 200 million on a fantasy movie about wizards and beasts and end up with something that drab and unimaginative.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Excited probably isn't the right word but I'll definitely see it. I'm interested in how the final battle will go down.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ya turned off someone who watched all the prior potter films all the way off with Crimes of Grindelwald, cripes was that terrible.

Kinda sorta. Mostly just to see how much of a course correction it is.

Course correction is knock it down to 4 movies and the 5th movie if there was a contract becomes a Cursed Child adaptation.


Oct 27, 2017
After the mega-disappointment of 1 and 2, I'm not excited for anything Fantastic Beasts

They have the worlds greatest fantasy ip... and they make a movie about awkward characters with drab personalities and boring stories, still can't believe we don't have a Ministry of Magic movie or an Auror trilogy


Oct 29, 2017
I wish this series was about fantastic beasts and where to find them and not about the rise of white nationalism.

This is exactly like the Hobbit. Should be lighter fun romp. Instead is overly dark set-up for the original series.

Doesn't help that Depp and Rowling are not exactly people I want to give money to. Much like the previous two films, I'll likely watch it on an airplane.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not giving Rowling more money. She's trash, and of course she's butchering the story of the only gay couple in her fictional universe. She's a closet homophobe.


Oct 26, 2017
I really liked 1. Was very pleasantly surprised.

2 just fucking sucked.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
Nope. I was already losing interesting with the casting of Depp and how terrible the second movie was, but JK showing her true colors finally means that I will never financially support her again.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the first one. Cool world and character building movie. Went to see the 2nd one with my girlfriend and remember exactly nothing about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Really liked the characters of the first movie, but from what I read I'm not even gonna bother with part 2.

I don't think Rowling is worth anyones time at this point.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I haven't even seen the second one yet but everyone keeps saying its so boring. I still want to see it but I do wish they could have just kept Colin instead. As much as I liked Depp in the past, I just don't feel him right now. Ferrell is great though.

The first movie was wonderful.

Also shame Rowling is such a POS. And I hate how she keeps retconning things. She's starting to turn into George Lucas. I swear if she tries to modify the films in the future or change chapters in the books she can fuck right off. Maclunky.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
Not after the trainwreck that was 2.

I'm more excited for that Wizarding World video game WB is making, assuming it still exists.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Second one kind of sucked. First one was fine. So... meh.

Rowling needs to stop being a shithead though.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think about it at all. Terrible by all standards compared to Harry Potter


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who was thoroughly entertained by Cursed Child, I'm still not interested in this series. First one was passable, but nothing memorable except the whole Depp reveal. And I skipped the second after hearing what an abomination it was.


Oct 30, 2017
I love the setting, the cast, and the music. I'm not super invested in the series, so I know I'll be able to extract some enjoyment out of anything that's offered.

I do hope the script is better for the third one though.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
Deep still in it?
If so, I have no desire to watch it.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know if excited is the right word, but I'm looking forward to it. Still wish it was just a series about Newt going on adventures with the characters introduced in 1 though, I'm a lot less interested in the world Dumbledore thing. 2 was a huge misstep and was just all over the place, but oh well.

They need to bring back the original Harry Potter cast and make a new trilogy already

I don't want a new trilogy.

I want a TV series of the books animated by Studio Mir. Give me filler episodes that have things the movies didn't have, like S.P.E.W.