
Oct 26, 2017
They serve different teams. Sparkle is a support for hypercarry teams. (Teams where one main dps does the majority of the damage and the rest enable that single character) Robin leans more towards teams where multiple damage dealers are present. They're both premium harmony supports but pretty different.

Ruan Mei is a closer comparison point for Robin than Sparkle.


Dec 8, 2018
They serve different teams. Sparkle is a support for hypercarry teams. (Teams where one main dps does the majority of the damage and the rest enable that single character) Robin leans more towards teams where multiple damage dealers are present. They're both premium harmony supports but pretty different.

Ruan Mei is a closer comparison point for Robin than Sparkle.
They're both Harmony characters so that doesn't stop people from comparing them ;p


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Since I already have Bronya/Sparkle/Ruan Mei i just don't need her and even if she was better my crew would still be fine. I may try pulling on her banner to get my final Xueyi and if she shows up early it's nice but I'm pretty sure I'll wish on Topaz banner for that. I'll only do 30 pulls, give me 2 Hanyas and 1 Xueyi.


Oct 26, 2017
I have no harmony characters so I'm a little torn on robin just because I think I still might want Ruan Mei after her and ideally I'd try and limit the budget for this role to one hypercarry/one multidps support for the year. (Sparkle being the other pickup) But we don't know when that rerun will be and I could use the support kind of right now in order to begin making strides into endgame, not however many months later. Also Robin still does work for break teams so maybe I just reach a point where I settle into using her and don't feel the need for Ruan Mei later.


Sep 10, 2020
I have no harmony characters so I'm a little torn on robin just because I think I still might want Ruan Mei after her and ideally I'd try and limit the budget for this role to one hypercarry/one multidps support for the year. (Sparkle being the other pickup) But we don't know when that rerun will be and I could use the support kind of right now in order to begin making strides into endgame, not however many months later. Also Robin still does work for break teams so maybe I just reach a point where I settle into using her and don't feel the need for Ruan Mei later.
also depends if you want to fully invest in FUA team


Nov 18, 2017
I think Mei is going to be easier to use and throw into teams - even if meta wise, she and Robin are roughly equivilent.

I'd expect Mei to be better with Firefly too, if her kit holds true to some of the alleged rumours.

If Acheron and Firefly are this patch run's Jingliu and Dan, I think Mei has a lot of life in her yet.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, Robin came out after both teamwide and hypercarry supports were already filled with pretty strong units. Shes a pop star though. If it werent for Firefly I would go for her and find her a team.

Btw, does the extra physical damage that robin tacks on to attacks actually count towards the break bar?


Oct 26, 2017
also depends if you want to fully invest in FUA team

It's gonna be weird. I'll have ratio/robin/aventurine.... but no topaz.

Also going to have herta/aventurine/robin... but no himeko for pure fiction. I could definitely fit Jade into the budget more easily in her banner timing than Topaz in hers though. So jade/herta/robin/aventurine might become my go to beginner pf killers?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
This is actually exactly what I was talking about in the previous post lol.

There's just the constant assertion that people going vertically are spending more money than people going horizontally. I've pulled c2/s1s before in genshin without spending a dime... and also seen people spend to get a single copy of multiple five stars back to back. There's nothing inherent in vertical investment that says it has to be any more overbudget than horizontal. You just pull and build less characters.

And another thing that happens here is the "necessity" point- the belief that those goes vertically are doing so because of presumed necessity, but you can just as easily say the same for horizontal. You don't "need" to pull most/many five stars either. in fact, going off Genshin because I have more time there, if you were going to make a necessity/benefit in endgame argument you could even say the games explicitly discouraged horizontal investment over vertical for the longest time because you only needed 4/8 characters to clear the toughest content, although it has gotten a bit better over time with using varied enemy comps to at least encourage having some spread of damage types even if you'd hardly need half the roster. Next patch were getting a mode that should encourage that even more and HSR has seemingly gotten to the point faster that it at least wants you to be able to have aoe wave clear and single target boss damage comps with some elemental flexibility too. So it's getting better for horizontal even though again, you don't really "need" anything in these games one way or the other with folks demonstrating clears of the hardest content on all 4 star teams.

And personally the strongest thing contributing to my distaste for constantly getting new characters is just how long it takes to build a single character. If I could reliably have a new unit built from ground up in like 2 weeks to 3 weeks I'd be more interested in going wide. But it frequently can take me over a month to call a unit done. I still have characters I pulled years back in genshin I wanted to build untouched because the backlog/investment takes so long with how the artifact/relic grinds work on top of all the other needed mats.

The point isn't that one preference is the one people should have- I don't really take issue with people wanting wider rosters over a couple eidolons and/or a sig on a smaller roster. It's that there's a constant double standard in the discourse I see about vertical investment vs horizontal. It may stem from the presumption that people going deep are also pulling just as many characters as those going wide for some reason but that's just not the case for everyone who likes it and it does get a bit tiring.

All that aside, I do need to resist my general preference for vertical for the time being in HSR. I'm brand new so at least going wide enough to get the various teams I'll need for each mode online is priority number one. No argument there.
I get where you're coming from. I apologize that my post gave off the impression of vertical investment being more expensive and less viable. Both vertical and horizontal investment have their pros and cons and are viable ways to play this game. My post was moreso referencing newer or casual players that may feel pressured to spend more than they should. This game is all about temptations, and different people will react differently, but in my experience at least, players have spent more than they'd like when going for vertical rather than horizontal investment. I'd argue that's partly because of what you said, that new characters require a ton of investment, whereas pulling an Eidolon or Light Cone is safer.

To give a recent example, a friend of mine who's been playing since 1.4 and has been pretty casual thus far, decided to spend everything he'd saved up on Sparkle's banner. He was able to get her, but lost the 50/50 so had to spend most of his jade. He got E6 QQ in the process, so felt that he should invest in the team more and spent some money going for Jing Yuan's LC (which he thankfully won the 75/25 on). He was then planning to skip Acheron since it would be too much of an investment, but then using pulls from 2.1 he got very lucky and rolled her 20 pulls after Sparkle. But then because of that great luck, he felt pressured to spend more money to go for her light cone, even though he didn't want to. I encouraged him not to and thankfully he rolled a copy of Good Night Sleep Well from a single 10 pull on the LC banner, so didn't spend. But experiences like these are what fueled what I said. Vertical investment is totally fine, but many players aren't aware of how long those that go for E2 or S1 had saved up jades. I try to remind players so they don't make mistakes I've seen some of my friends make in Genshin.
I have no harmony characters so I'm a little torn on robin just because I think I still might want Ruan Mei after her and ideally I'd try and limit the budget for this role to one hypercarry/one multidps support for the year. (Sparkle being the other pickup) But we don't know when that rerun will be and I could use the support kind of right now in order to begin making strides into endgame, not however many months later. Also Robin still does work for break teams so maybe I just reach a point where I settle into using her and don't feel the need for Ruan Mei later.
It is tough. From what I've seen, Ruan Mei does seem to slightly edge out Robin due to greater versatility from her kit (though both are close and super good), so she's probably the more valuable pick. But we don't know how long her rerun will be. Given 2.3 is getting a new SU expansion I could see her being rerun for the occasion. But I could also see her not being rerun in favor of older characters like Argenti and Huo Huo, and then Mei could still be a couple patches away. I guess for now the best course of action is to wait, hope we get accurate predictions on the re runs of 2.3, see how well Robin actually compares after her release (she could be much better), and make a decision.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah thats a good perspective to keep in mind. When I see new players discussing things in genshin and us established folks are talking constellations sometimes I forget the impression it can give to them. Don't want to convey that those units are useless without the vertical investment even if its something I value/have to have to put them over my established account alternatives- an issue new players won't have.

My vertical investment preference absolutely doesn't apply to even me as a new account in games. And I definitely wouldnt recommend it to other new players either.

I think I'm committed to a single copy of Robin who will get handed the bronya lc the general banner gave me at this point. I'll see what the state of my account is when ruan mei happens again but even if robin ends up slightly worse in the places I use her, having a good harmony support at the onset of my journey into lvl 80 content is too valuable to pass up for advantages months away.


Dec 3, 2021
Building new characters is a pain in the ass. I prefer to pull much fewer, but very strong (eidolons and sig lc), characters. I've found that to be a better investment than a lot more simply strong characters. There are only so many that can be on a team.


Oct 25, 2017
Building new characters is a pain in the ass. I prefer to pull much fewer, but very strong (eidolons and sig lc), characters. I've found that to be a better investment than a lot more simply strong characters. There are only so many that can be on a team.

Realistically, there isn't yet a 5* limited character who 'needs' their E1/E2, yeah.

It can get to obscene DPS boosts, sure (looking at you, DHIL E2), but I don't think any limited 5* has NEEDED E1 (and indeed, Hoyo has, at certain points, gone out of their way to shift over previous E1s and baking them into base kits based on beta feedback/complaints, like Kafka exploding all DoTs and not just shock, or Aventurine getting bonus shields from talent use without needing E1) - it's definitely pulling for Waifu/husbando and/or whaling at that point.

I kinda agree on constellations arguably being better 'value' with how long it takes to build a new character from scratch, especially with energy-stingy-ness w/r/t trace mats and ascension mats, not to mention cavern RNG....the only problem is how long it can theoretically be for a re-run....

That being said, the perhaps more salient issue in HSR compared to Genshin is that the enemy health pool-creep is progressing faster in HSR compared to Genshin, so the new character "need" (read: really want to, because it would make things easier) is arguably stronger (because every new units is stronger/a banger/really really good), especially if you haven't adjusted your older characters with new relic sets or what have you.

2.2 is gonna be hell for anyone who wants Robin and (mild, but well-leaked 2.2 spoilers) Harmony MCp because you're going to need to spend FOREVER in that trace mat farm, unless Hoyo's REAL generous with the trace mats as rewards from quests during the main story or w/e, like they were with Jingliu, and to a lesser extent, Black Swan/Acheron.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like its not an uncommon reaction to shy away from pulling as many units so it really does make me wonder if the artifact/relic systems aren't costing them money in pulls at some point lol.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
i just want the new shiny toy sometimes. Playing the same dps for a whole year or so would probably just bore me after a while


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like its not an uncommon reaction to shy away from pulling as many units so it really does make me wonder if the artifact/relic systems aren't costing them money in pulls at some point lol.

IMO, it's probably moreso the 'time' required to farm traces and ascension mats that are holding people back (as well as the opportunity cost issue, which is always present) - in terms of relics, while the current resin system isn't at all perfect (I've had so many roll with 2-3 flat substats ), but it does, to a point, help you get the 'baseline' of what a character wants, unless you're pulling for a lot of new characters and are perpetually hard-up for more resins (i.e. a newer account)

That being said.....I do wonder what data they have as to how many people 'swipe' for new character(s), but DON'T swipe for maxing out daily top-ups, or buying the 'supplemental' material crates to skip that part of the grind, versus those who do both.

I can't imagine the 'buy-trace-mats with real money' group is nearly as big as the character-only swipers, but they're probably where the concentration of 'most money spent' lies from the whales, given how terrible of a value proposition they are....

But that then seems like it would just dis-incentivize the whales from logging on and continue topping off, because the only thing they have left at that point is the cavern grind?
It can get to obscene DPS boosts, sure (looking at you, DHIL E2), but I don't think any limited 5* has NEEDED E1 (and indeed, Hoyo has, at certain points, gone out of their way to shift over previous E1s and baking them into base kits based on beta feedback/complaints, like Kafka exploding all DoTs and not just shock, or Aventurine getting bonus shields from talent use without needing E1) - it's definitely pulling for Waifu/husbando and/or whaling at that point.

Even for herself since her % are really low E0


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like its not an uncommon reaction to shy away from pulling as many units so it really does make me wonder if the artifact/relic systems aren't costing them money in pulls at some point lol.
Even considering swapping relics. It absolutely is since trace farming, relics, leveling, light cones development all take time. Acheron helped alleviate this in such a way I at least can develop 2-3 characters casually and focus on 1 but I still am stretched for resources and that doesn't even count F2P players.

I feel F2P just need to make a handful of wise pull decisions and they likely can clear 99% of the content.
Fu Xuan, Aventurine Ruan Mei and some solid DPS characters. After that your gucci.


Oct 25, 2017

Even for herself since her % are really low E0

Yeah, that's fair - Topaz is probably the closest we've gotten to REALLY wanting E1 or S1, especially with Ratio's debuff requirements - As a 'follow up-booster' she is arguably a good chunk weaker than someone like Kafka for DoT, or Sparkle for Seele/DHIL hypercarry, or Ruan Mei for dual DPS.

We'll have to see if her 'baseline' E0/S0 gets more viable with the new Boss-rush Hunt-favored mode (since Ratio is the primary single-target follow-up DPS right now), but....I agree in that her kit is kind of underwhelming in terms of her personal damage output without either/both E1 or S1, while being a Hunt Path character.

Meanwhile, Kafka as DoT enabler is doing just fine, and Ruan Mei is pretty mind-numbingly easy to gear up/play while still being SP positive, as long as you have enough break effect.

My guess is that she'll do better once we get the 'full combo' of Aventurine/Ratio/herself + Robin whole-team action advance giving way to WAY more Numby output, so they kept her baseline 'somewhat' lower than other units as a pre-emptive 'cautionary' measure.


Oct 25, 2017
For those that have her, how important is Huohuo for a DoT team? DoT is easily my most invested and liked team (E2S1 Kafka, E1S1 Black Swan), but having yet another 5* sustain seems a bit much, as I have Aventurine, Fu Xuan, and Luocha.


Sep 10, 2020
For those that have her, how important is Huohuo for a DoT team? DoT is easily my most invested and liked team (E2S1 Kafka, E1S1 Black Swan), but having yet another 5* sustain seems a bit much, as I have Aventurine, Fu Xuan, and Luocha.
the team wide energy regen and atk buff is very nice for Kafka and everyone on the team.

But it is a tough pull when you already have Aventurine and Fu.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, that's fair - Topaz is probably the closest we've gotten to REALLY wanting E1 or S1, especially with Ratio's debuff requirements - As a 'follow up-booster' she is arguably a good chunk weaker than someone like Kafka for DoT, or Sparkle for Seele/DHIL hypercarry, or Ruan Mei for dual DPS.

We'll have to see if her 'baseline' E0/S0 gets more viable with the new Boss-rush Hunt-favored mode (since Ratio is the primary single-target follow-up DPS right now), but....I agree in that her kit is kind of underwhelming in terms of her personal damage output without either/both E1 or S1, while being a Hunt Path character.

Meanwhile, Kafka as DoT enabler is doing just fine, and Ruan Mei is pretty mind-numbingly easy to gear up/play while still being SP positive, as long as you have enough break effect.

My guess is that she'll do better once we get the 'full combo' of Aventurine/Ratio/herself + Robin whole-team action advance giving way to WAY more Numby output, so they kept her baseline 'somewhat' lower than other units as a pre-emptive 'cautionary' measure.
Topaz is interesting cause shes hunt. I think shes subject to getting powercrept more than most characters. As a follow up support she needs E1 or S1, and as a DPS she doesnt do much unless shes on a follow up team (in which case she will need to support them, and we circle back to needing E1 or S1). So as a follow up DPS she will get powercrept the moment they release another one, and as a support Robin is now more valuable, isnt she?

I guess her value is that she does both at E1S1.


Oct 25, 2017
For those that have her, how important is Huohuo for a DoT team? DoT is easily my most invested and liked team (E2S1 Kafka, E1S1 Black Swan), but having yet another 5* sustain seems a bit much, as I have Aventurine, Fu Xuan, and Luocha.

As of now, Huohuo is the best sustain for DOT - she gives attack%, energy regen on ult (For more Kafka detonation ults and Black Swan stacks), and if you have E1, more speed, and more SP+ because her passive is now 3 turns instead of 2.

Her main 'negatives' are that she's not 'AS' SP+ at E0 as Luocha, her ult Energy requirement is pretty high, and she doesn't have a 'panic heal' outside of other characters using ult while her passive is active, which isn't that big of a heal in and of itself.

Though, if you already have Luocha AND Fu/Aventurine, she's probably not SUPER necessary, no.

Luocha can 'work' with DoT team fine, save for you NOT wanting to use his ult to break enemies (because the dots won't trigger) - if you don't have Luocha's signature, you can use Shared Feelings, which Luocha's emergency 'free' heal DOES work on.


There will, at least at some point down the line, likely be a future Dot-based healer which theoretically will be more explicitly for DOT teams compared to Huohuo, similar to how Aventurine has a big boost with other follow-up attackers compared to Gepard.


Oct 26, 2017
Robin and Bronya though.


All Action Advance all the time.

That seems kind of nuts but I also wonder how viable it is for those us using uhhh.... less sp generous carries lol. Is Blade the only one who can pull this off?

If SP isn't an issue, seems like a good foundation for Boothill for those of us without RM so he can get his breaks going and stacks of pocket trickshot up quickly at start of battle. Gallagher would be pretty SP positive to help out that comp too.


Oct 26, 2017
Jun 1, 2021
I'd love to pull for new characters but at this point I need to finish building the characters I actually have. Hopefully will have made some progress by the time Firefly is out, although I would like Topaz.


Oct 26, 2017
At this point, with all the characters coming out and wanting them, I kind of just stop with characters at lv8 traces(with everything else) and the right armor set bonuses and with the right mainstats, before moving on, unless I really adore a team I've built. So far, my dot team is the only one like this. Just, not enough time to do more.

My luck is also weird. I'll lose like two in ten 50/50s, but good relics are impossible. Got NONE in either triple event this patch.


Oct 25, 2017
What sucks about Topaz is that I'm not sure she's worth it at E0S0. I don't want to do a 200+ pass investment on any character just to get them to the starting line. I'll still pull to see if I can get 1 copy early, but if not then I might give up on the full FUA team.


Oct 25, 2017
She gives ATK, dots come from ATK

the team wide energy regen and atk buff is very nice for Kafka and everyone on the team.

But it is a tough pull when you already have Aventurine and Fu.

As of now, Huohuo is the best sustain for DOT - she gives attack%, energy regen on ult (For more Kafka detonation ults and Black Swan stacks), and if you have E1, more speed, and more SP+ because her passive is now 3 turns instead of 2.

Her main 'negatives' are that she's not 'AS' SP+ at E0 as Luocha, her ult Energy requirement is pretty high, and she doesn't have a 'panic heal' outside of other characters using ult while her passive is active, which isn't that big of a heal in and of itself.

Though, if you already have Luocha AND Fu/Aventurine, she's probably not SUPER necessary, no.

Luocha can 'work' with DoT team fine, save for you NOT wanting to use his ult to break enemies (because the dots won't trigger) - if you don't have Luocha's signature, you can use Shared Feelings, which Luocha's emergency 'free' heal DOES work on.


There will, at least at some point down the line, likely be a future Dot-based healer which theoretically will be more explicitly for DOT teams compared to Huohuo, similar to how Aventurine has a big boost with other follow-up attackers compared to Gepard.
Thanks. Might give her a pass depending on when her rerun drops then.
Oct 26, 2017
There will be better FUA units coming in the future.

Would rather just wait for those.

I get my ass kicked every PF when it has the FUA buffs but I'm willing to wait.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Man they really threw a lot into the exploration areas of Penacony. Lots of cool mechanics.


Oct 26, 2017
Easily my favorite set of puzzle mechanics as well as general vibe of any hoyo region. Largely prefer Genshin stuff to the rest of the game by a mile (and some of its best subareas like the new Remuria still compete at the top) but Penacony is something great.

Does Robin's attack count as FuA? Or is it like Tingyun?

The latter
Oct 25, 2017
I'm thinking of running Acheron, Kafka and Black Swan together. But dunno who the 4th character should be. Ruan Mei is a big boost to them, but I won't have any means of healing/sustain.

Was thinking of pulling for Fu Xuan because in two team content will probably put Aventurine with the follow up team


Jun 27, 2020
Her secret is that she makes ANY FUA better and ANY FUA makes her better at that investment.
Not really. Take PF as an example. In this cycle, she is good with Himeko/Herta because you can drop weights based on the number of FUA. But without this kind of FUA blessing, you are better off with Himeko, Herta, and 2 out of Robin, Ruan Mei, and Aventurine rather than trying to fit Topaz in there. I expect that Jade would create a 2 choose 3 situation with Himeko and Herta, again without any place for Topaz.


Oct 26, 2017
i'd like to get another crit chest for acheron, and more cr in general to get her closer to 84. and maybe bs/kafka to 150 for when I use them with Ruan Mei, but thats rare. but generally im happy with where they are at, even though the t-rex is really annoying to play against





Oct 27, 2017
Not really. Take PF as an example. In this cycle, she is good with Himeko/Herta because you can drop weights based on the number of FUA. But without this kind of FUA blessing, you are better off with Himeko, Herta, and 2 out of Robin, Ruan Mei, and Aventurine rather than trying to fit Topaz in there. I expect that Jade would create a 2 choose 3 situation with Himeko and Herta, again without any place for Topaz.
Why would you take Aventurine over e0s0 Topaz for a FUA team in PF, much less e1s1 Topaz? She does way more damage in more instances and provides a larger buff to ally FUAs. I could see it with the dot blessing because sustains were more useful there, but otherwise even with Ruan Mei and imaginary but no fire weakness I bet Topaz does better. I mean, even with the current FUA blessing Aventurine is worse with Himeko/Herta/Ruan Mei than Asta, Tingyun, or Pela.


Oct 26, 2017
I do wonder if they'll eventually up the need for sustain in PF. Or if it downplaying the role to allow for other comps while designing other endgame modes to utilize them is the idea? Does make a hypothetical aoe centric healer less valuable long run though so it feels like there should challenges in both the sp and aoe centric modes that do/dont want healers.

I'll have the same team.

Feels like you can stick Asta in there, more SPD, more attacks and more recharge to Robin's Ult.

Although I'll try Bronya or Tingyun there too.

Yeah I don't have the latter two so maybe asta is a good idea. Should be pretty sp positive too so ratio can spam away while robin contributes no points and we'll be fine. Aventurine is pretty sp positive too so I guess really not an issue but good to have someone who doesnt need to spam skill every turn.