
Oct 30, 2017
Is it taking it too far to say this felt like a very shiny, ultra-polished Ubisoft game? Found myself very bored about 8 hours in.
Jun 24, 2019
Great game but didn't live up to the first one.

Gamplay is a step up, Scifi writing is a step down (third act in particular). Besides that, I do love the new characters and I hope we get to explore new environments.

The Frozen Wilds 10/10
Horizon Zero Dawn 9/10
Horizon Forbidden West 8/10
The Burning Shores TBC (haven't played yet)


Oct 28, 2021
Manhattan, NY
Shoutout to the Horizon Forbidden West audio and music teams in particular. I enjoyed many aspects of this game, but I particularly fell in love with the soundtrack. Its in-game implementation, with multiple layers and triggers that dynamically control playback, is nothing short of remarkable.

Here's some gameplay showing all that coming together beautifully (38:30 mark if the embed below doesn't work):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3q8MZKCfx8&list=PL1zwc4Fbv1sL3nRkHLS5BpiQuXk2yDIfX&index=87&t=38m30s
Oct 29, 2017
The writing was terrible, it seems like they had an incredible narrative set up for the first one and then they realized that they need to continue it and everyone fell flat on their faces.

But the premise is so good that even that wouldn't be able to kill my interest for the third one if not for that ending.

They also turned the most interesting antagonist of the last 2 generations into a one dimensional cartoon villain. While also introducing a few more one dimensional cartoon villains.

Not sure how they could've fucked up so bad. ZD was my game of the decade, and while it's impossible to repeat the success of that story again, they could at least do a ME2 to their ME1. Instead it's more of a Mass Effect 3…


Feb 17, 2021
The antagonist faction was omega wasted, the concept was really good. I dont know why they rushed that kind of reveal to just introduce a evil AI villain for the third game

Kingdom Key

Aug 4, 2021
This was a massive disappointment for me as a big fan of Zero Dawn. Lots of mechanics that felt very streamlined in HZD feel convoluted here. This game suffers from sequel syndrome where everything desires to be "bigger and more", but I'm not sure many changes were for the better. Unfortunately, I did not particularly care for the plot in this one either.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn time flew by.

Great game - had a wonderful time with it. Ending sucked though


Oct 25, 2017
Recently picked this up and I'm engrossed.

Took a break from gaming for a long while but reintroducing myself with this was maybe a bit much, I can be an absolute sucker for being a completionist in Ubi-esque games. For better or worse; plenty of content but a lot of busy work.

Loved the first, and am loving the second. Guessing I'm about midway through the story but have been relentlessly completing all other content as I go anyway.

Kind of surprised to see the volume of complaints about the game, and the degree of criticism. I can definitely understand some of the most spoken about flaws but otherwise I didn't think people would be so down on it.


May 8, 2023
Agreed. However, Burning Shores has no Sylens (for obvious reasons) and so that is a letdown.

He is in the epilogue though

I really liked the game but I can't deny I was slightly disappointed after Zero Dawn and Frozen Wilds. But I loved those games so much, that I think FW could never have lived up to my expectations.

Not really liking where this story is going though. Will buy it day 1 of course.


Aug 6, 2023
One of my favorite games and franchises on the last few gens.

The story feom the past gripped me like nothing has in a long time in gaming.

The visuals are top-tier insane.

I am really really waiting to see what the next one brings. I loved FW but some of the story was a lot weaker or they went too big too quick.

It does bother me at a personal level how down people are on this series. Hearing complaints that to me amount to "looks too good so thats bad" "or the protagonist talk to much" seem so stupid. This is a wonderful game, a strong female lead, amazing visuals and everything else. This is a very well made game so it sucks to hear those things.