Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
America is such a joke. Like refusing to pass the law because it didn't focus only on Jewish people. I know it's only 23 but you can bet most of the republicans and a chunk of the dems secretly gave zero fucks about other minorities too.

Cos it's fine to hate on anyone but Jews. The whole us senate is in Israel's pocket, it's embarrassing now.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Voting being split or unanimous is meaningless. This whole ordeal was so dumb. The only lasting impact will be a vague impression on the public that will become a cudgel for right wing media and politicians to beat Rep. Omar with for the duration of her tenure. It only gets worse from here.


Alt Account
Feb 21, 2019
Just as a wake-up call: Only on will you see this particular spin on this story - as I said in the other thread, the rest of news media will continue to ignore the open racism by the Republican party - because our society is already deeply racist and don't mind the open racism.

Instead they will frame the coverage on the bill in a way that harps on the black Muslim woman who dared to question the oligarchy and our violent settler-colonial brotherhood with Israel.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Who gives a fuck? I didn't need this as proof that the Republicans are racist. Even after editing the language this bill is just a way for the Democrats to throw Omar under the bus. This resolution wouldn't even exist if her correct assessment didn't make AIPAC get hurt feelings.


Dec 2, 2017
Just as a wake-up call: Only on will you see this particular spin on this story - as I said in the other thread, the rest of news media will continue to ignore the open racism by the Republican party - because our society is already deeply racist and don't mind the open racism.

Instead they will frame the coverage on the bill in a way that harps on the black Muslim woman who dared to question the oligarchy and our violent settler-colonial brotherhood with Israel.

Well New York Mag, The Hill, and CNN have already posted articles specifically on this topic. It's a bit early still in the evening to see how some prime-time talking heads will address the measure still. But to say that the whole of the news media will ignore this is a not entirely accurate.
Jan 15, 2019
Just as a wake-up call: Only on will you see this particular spin on this story - as I said in the other thread, the rest of news media will continue to ignore the open racism by the Republican party - because our society is already deeply racist and don't mind the open racism.

Instead they will frame the coverage on the bill in a way that harps on the black Muslim woman who dared to question the oligarchy and our violent settler-colonial brotherhood with Israel.
Already tested this on my conservative mom and she hand-waved the no votes away as GOP protesting the decision to not rebuke Omar specifically.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Just as a wake-up call: Only on will you see this particular spin on this story - as I said in the other thread, the rest of news media will continue to ignore the open racism by the Republican party - because our society is already deeply racist and don't mind the open racism.

Instead they will frame the coverage on the bill in a way that harps on the black Muslim woman who dared to question the oligarchy and our violent settler-colonial brotherhood with Israel.

I think when all's said and done, this will prove to be a victory for the left and a radicalizing vector for a decent number of ordinary liberals.

People - not all of them, but enough - will remember that the Democratic leadership, the Israel lobby, and the "progressive" American Jewish establishment all tried to destroy the career of the first black Muslim woman in congress, all over some fairly mild criticism of the US' support for Israel.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
So apparently some of the Reps are saying they voted no to protest that Omar wasn't specifically named.
...which they should have known they can complain about that and vote for the bill. This is just bad optics. And there's no way you convince me Goument voted for that reason.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
We already know the GOP is racist. I'm more concerned about the democrats throwing a black Muslim woman under the bus

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
on second thought another good result is that it shows the dem leadership isn't really able to pull together and harshly discipline the caucus for things like this anymore. they tried and it basically blew up in their faces, while proving pretty conclusively that the base either doesn't care about israel or strongly dislikes them.

this could be good in the long run.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's how people on the "Illhan should have been specifically rebuked" train are spinning the resolution:

Yeah, the all-lives-mattering was a deliberate attempt to muddle what this was about and protect Omar, although I agree it was good that the specific dual-loyalty trope was mentioned
I mean, I would give it a B-. Clumsy execution, all-lives-mattering, failure to name wrongdoer, but direct criticism of the tropes.

Of course it's the Democratic Party, so there's a curve.

It's strange that Leftists oppose "All Lives Matter" but when it comes to anti-Semitism, it doesn't deserve its own resolution.

"If you're against All Lives Matter, you're a hypocrite for supporting a resolution that condemns Islamophobia alongside anti-Semitism," basically.



May 18, 2018
We already know the GOP is racist. I'm more concerned about the democrats throwing a black Muslim woman under the bus

Pretty much. This is about the so called 'good guys' and their disgusting racism and islamophobia against the first black muslim congresswomen who dared to criticize Israel, the lobby and the loyalty these government officials have towards another country.

Why drag the repubs into this? Nothing new there.


Nov 1, 2017
Soooo, is anti-semitism and any hate for minority groups or religions officially illegal and punishable by law?
What is this 'condemn' shit and why should bigots and racists be worried?


Oct 25, 2017
Here's how people on the "Illhan should have been specifically rebuked" train are spinning the resolution:

Yeah, the all-lives-mattering was a deliberate attempt to muddle what this was about and protect Omar, although I agree it was good that the specific dual-loyalty trope was mentioned
I mean, I would give it a B-. Clumsy execution, all-lives-mattering, failure to name wrongdoer, but direct criticism of the tropes.

Of course it's the Democratic Party, so there's a curve.

It's strange that Leftists oppose "All Lives Matter" but when it comes to anti-Semitism, it doesn't deserve its own resolution.

"If you're against All Lives Matter, you're a hypocrite for supporting a resolution that condemns Islamophobia alongside anti-Semitism," basically.


Nuance and context WHAT'S THAT
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
People - not all of them, but enough - will remember that the Democratic leadership, the Israel lobby, and the "progressive" American Jewish establishment all tried to destroy the career of the first black Muslim woman in congress, all over some fairly mild criticism of the US' support for Israel.

Hopefully so.

That everyone is singing kumbaya right now because the GOP looks bad is baffling, as if they didn't reach the point here by throwing Omar's under the bus, fuck off with that. It's obvious where people's priority lie, and it's not with a black Muslim woman, that's for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no clue what any of this actually means. I imagine nothing at all?

I'm just thinking "Hooray hate has been condemned. I thought for sure everyone was all for it until now. This changes everything, definitely"!

Am I missing something?
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
+1. Since the other thread got locked keeping the title as is feels like a shitty way to deflect blame off the Democrats.

And now the story has been shifted again; it's not about a black Muslim congresswoman getting thrown under the bus by her colleagues, no, it's about the GOP looking bad, as if that is a brand new thing that everyone just discover right now.

And of course I'm not surprised by it. We can never have a story centered on us.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
Soooo, is anti-semitism and any hate for minority groups or religions officially illegal and punishable by law?
What is this 'condemn' shit and why should bigots and racists be worried?
Generally no, it's not punishable unless that speech goes along with an illegal action (such as a hate crime).

Bigots and racists have nothing to be worried about from this resolution, it has literally no power.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
on second thought another good result is that it shows the dem leadership isn't really able to pull together and harshly discipline the caucus for things like this anymore. they tried and it basically blew up in their faces, while proving pretty conclusively that the base either doesn't care about israel or strongly dislikes them.

this could be good in the long run.

Agreed. This is a watershed moment that I hope someone in politics takes advantage of, like Tlaib. The influence right winger Israelis have over Congress is not reflected on the people.

That should give hope to those putting in the ground game to help Palestine.

Gotta throw out there, this is like the GOP making a save for a Dem own goal. Minority leader can't even get them to do this one thing? Golly.


Oct 25, 2017
Soooo, is anti-semitism and any hate for minority groups or religions officially illegal and punishable by law?
What is this 'condemn' shit and why should bigots and racists be worried?
I don't think it even does anything other saying "bigotry bad"

The one with anti semitism just said they acknowledge and they will condemn

They really don't change anything in what they have to do


Dec 2, 2017
I have no clue what any of this actually means. I imagine nothing at all?

I'm just thinking "Hooray hate has been condemned. I thought for sure everyone was all for it until now. This changes everything, definitely"!

Am I missing something?
Pelosi and others wanted to make a resolution to condemn Omar accusing her of anti-semitism (she didn't say anything anti-semitic), but they didn't consult all members before doing it. There was a backlash within the Dem party, some members were opposed to this resolution for various reasons.
So they decided to add the "islamophobic and others forms of hatred" part, to make it look like less they're throwing her under the bus, which they absolutely did.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The Dems are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable

American politics are fucking stupid in general. It's all about theatrics. This whole circus was bullshit from the beginning and everyone involved knew it. As a tweet earlier in the thread said, this was Dems and Republicans trying to out-stupid each other. No one really came out of this a "winner", and in the end the 23 GOP members of the House decided on a baffling and utterly pointless self-own by voting "no" on something that was such an easy slam-dunk.

But I'm sure Rep. Omar feels great that she's only been in Congress for barely two months and already she's been thrown under the bus by her own damn party.
Oct 27, 2017
And now the story has been shifted again; it's not about a black Muslim congresswoman getting thrown under the bus by her colleagues, no, it's about the GOP looking bad, as if that is a brand new thing that everyone just discover right now.

And of course I'm not surprised by it. We can never have a story centered on us.

I dunno, I think the media will get bored of the 30 no-votes. You look at that list and the majority of them are "of course they did"-level votes, low surprise factor. The media is always thirsty for dems-in-disarray and eventually the media mini-panels will be in disarray themselves. Chuck Todd today near the end of his show almost stepped in it pretty good and you can tell the control room told him to pivot right out of there.


May 18, 2018
So are the Dems going to introduce a resolution on anti-semitism every time Omar opens her mouth and criticizes Israel. Cause looking at her speeches, I don't think she's going to stop...


Dec 2, 2017
So are the Dems going to introduce a resolution on anti-semitism every time Omar opens her mouth and criticizes Israel. Cause looking at her speeches, I don't think she's going to stop...
I fear they will kick her out of the Foreign Affairs Committee, but it will prove her point.


Oct 25, 2017
American politics are fucking stupid in general. It's all about theatrics. This whole circus was bullshit from the beginning and everyone involved knew it. As a tweet earlier in the thread said, this was Dems and Republicans trying to out-stupid each other. No one really came out of this a "winner", and in the end the 23 GOP members of the House decided on a baffling and utterly pointless self-own by voting "no" on something that was such an easy slam-dunk.

But I'm sure Rep. Omar feels great that she's only been in Congress for barely two months and already she's been thrown under the bus by her own damn party.
The only thing this theater seems to have accomplished is ironically making a lot of people go 'Uh....hey. Israel does seem to have too much influence on our legislators.'
Oct 25, 2017

"It hurts a lot:" Muslim, black members of Congress react to anti-hate vote

On Thursday, a revised version of that resolution, now cast as a broad rebuke of hatred, was passed by the Democrat-controlled House. But despite the resolution's inoffensive syntax, which condemned anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry broadly and did not mention Omar by name, the damage was done. The move left hurt feelings, particularly among black and Muslim members of Congress, as well as freshman members.

"I don't want to cry about it, but it does – it hurts a lot," Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) told VICE News in a phone interview while fighting back tears. "I just feel like I'm not being truly seen or heard."

Besides Omar, Tlaib is the other historic first Muslim woman elected to Congress. Her grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins are living in the occupied territories of Palestine, and she says she wishes even her fellow Democrats would stop and listen to their stories instead of rushing to label them anti-Semitic.

"These are powerful stories that I feel like need to be told," Tlaib said. "You have to make sure we have a Congress where we can talk about issues like oppressive actions of governments and human rights violations. That's what I heard from Ilhan at that event. I heard her speaking up for peace and justice for Palestinians like my grandmother."

And Tlaib says this week she also learned that her supposedly "big tent" party might not really be that big.

"I think we realized how bipartisan Islamophobia is," Tlaib said. "I have been on the front lines getting other Democrats elected, and I realize being here just how much work we have to do still. This seems to be an attempt to silence this perspective. You know, women of color, Muslims, those who have different experiences. There's times that I do feel I'm being silenced or shushed."


Oct 25, 2017
So are the Dems going to introduce a resolution on anti-semitism every time Omar opens her mouth and criticizes Israel. Cause looking at her speeches, I don't think she's going to stop...

Given that the Dem leadership was completely blindsided by the backlash I would (hope) expect that they won't rush to put their foots in their mouths next time.
Oct 26, 2017
The GOP are the 23 no votes.

The story the overt racists are racists isn't going to be talked about in any meaningful way anywhere, it dies when they just say that they issue is protecting Omar from charges of antisemitism (which it doesn't at all) by making it about bigotry in general. The blatant Islamophibia within the Dems and loyalty to a apartheid state is the clear issue here.


Oct 25, 2017
The story the overt racists are racists isn't going to be talked about in any meaningful way anywhere. The blatant Islamophibia within the Dems and loyalty to a fascist ethnostate is the clear issue here.
And the Dems decided to let everyone know that it's an issue as loud as possible. I genuninely don't get what they wanted to accomplish with this vote originally. Was Pelosi worried about donors and wanted a public vote to appease them?

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
So this is the 'don't look at me for dumb shit I've said... look at the GOP' thread. The other should have stayed open in the face of this farce.

Mofo's trying to hit the reset button and still push the same bullshit.