Oct 25, 2017
Claire McCaskill (R) should have zero say in how the Dems function at all. Bernie votes more with them as an independent than she does as a Dem.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I wish there was a way to have a strong political party that truly cared about minority rights and issues.
The Black Panther Party! Which was met with heavy State violence and incarceration. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a bilateral coalition greenlighting that.

We can have a similar party but who amongst us is ready to die?

Deleted member 5593

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Meanwhile while Dem's are trying to shift the focus away from the actual Issues Ilhan Omar brought up about Israel turning this into an identity politics issue:

Israeli home demolitions this week (not even the totality of it):
~ Israel demolishes Palestinian village for 141st time
~ Israel demolishes 4 greenhouses
~Palestinian forced to demolish own home (to avoid fines)
~Israel demolishes Palestinian homes near Haifa
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Meanwhile while Dem's are trying to shift the focus away from the actual Issues Ilhan Omar brought up about Israel turning this into an identity politics issue:

Israeli home demolitions this week (not even the totality of it):
~ Israel demolishes Palestinian village for 141st time
~ Israel demolishes 4 greenhouses
~Palestinian forced to demolish own home (to avoid fines)
~Israel demolishes Palestinian homes near Haifa

the entire point of the Trope Policing that Ilhan Omar has been subjected to is to make the definition of antisemitism so amorphous, malleable, and ever-shifting that it's impossible for anyone to speak up about what Israel is doing without knowing if they'll be accused of antisemitism, consequently creating a massive chilling effect around the entire subject. That's not everyone's conscious intent, but it's the only conceivable outcome IMO


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
Meanwhile while Dem's are trying to shift the focus away from the actual Issues Ilhan Omar brought up about Israel turning this into an identity politics issue:

Israeli home demolitions this week (not even the totality of it):
~ Israel demolishes Palestinian village for 141st time
~ Israel demolishes 4 greenhouses
~Palestinian forced to demolish own home (to avoid fines)
~Israel demolishes Palestinian homes near Haifa
And this is why keeping pressure is important.
Its not likely to change anything for the Palestinians in the short term, but we need to make criticizing Isreali atrocities a viable political move for future change.

This all rests on Ilhans political career, they are trying to make an example out of her and if they succeed, the message will spread to the entire political landscape.

For once we have a politician brave enough to stand her ground, this is a once in a blue moon opportunity.


Nov 1, 2017

The party of Hate

Are there any people of color on the Republican party?


Oct 28, 2017
Because the whole thing is a front to prevent discussion of the insane support the US gives to Isreal.

The old guard is scared shitless that the younger generation is starting to notice and trying to shift discussion.

This is a turning point, we could finally push for a break down of the political taboos of questioning the "unwavering support" to a genocidal state or we could just accept a bit of embarassment on the dems side and agree that "antisemtism is bad"

The latter not gonna do jack shit for the palestinians who daily face crimes against humanity.

The second option would silence any questioning of why billions of US taxpayer dollars is going to a functioning state with a strong economy and run by war criminals.

The second option silences any question of why law makers are curbing their citizens freedoms for a genocidal state.

Which one would you prefer?
Well put.

Can we please remove the whole "only republicans voted against" from the title?

I feel this only distracts from the real event, which was the attempt of the democrats to smear Ilhan and silence any criticism of Isreal backfired , that's the gist of the whole story so far.

The fact that the GOP is racist as fuck is nothing but a footnote and an accepted fact of reality.

We already have posters who believe the main take away from this that "hooray, we condemned anti semitism"
I was so confused by the framing of this thread right from the start. That was never what was newsworthy.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
Can we please remove the whole "only republicans voted against" from the title?

I feel this only distracts from the real event, which was the attempt of the democrats to smear Ilhan and silence any criticism of Isreal backfired , that's the gist of the whole story so far.

The fact that the GOP is racist as fuck is nothing but a footnote and an accepted fact of reality.

We already have posters who believe the main take away from this that "hooray, we condemned anti semitism"

Thank you! Somebody is sane still. This was all a big distraction/PR event.

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
I was so confused by the framing of this thread right from the start. That was never what was newsworthy.
While I don't think anyone is surprised that Republicans are ok with bigotry, to have 23 of them actually put their names to it on the House floor is absolutely newsworthy and is being covered as such by other outlets.


Oct 25, 2017
Kirblar was excited when the vote results came out and rushed to make a thread. But the GOP being hateful fucks isn't news. The more pressing issue was the treatment of Ilhan by her own party.

Dude was so happy that he could deflect from the real issue with the Democrats.

With "allies" like this who needs enemys


Dec 2, 2017
That's fair. It doesn't mean they couldn't have been drumming up discussion and support for HR1. It's been quietly shut down by McConnell and no one noticed. HR1 is supposed to be their first big bill! Where's the talk?

The bill is DOA on the Senate floor. What's there to talk about?

a bold move, defending this charade because "congress got nuthin better to do"

Not defending the veracity of the resolution, but to claim the House is wasting their time when they could be coming up with more meaningful policy is disingenuous at best since nothing they put out has a shot at actually passing through the Senate and getting Trump's signature, including the most recent gun control bill that actually passed with bipartisan support in the House.

The only effective thing the Dems in the House can do at this time is committee work and weilding their subpoena power. Otherwise everything else is a moot point including this non-binding resolution that has had the unintended effect of forcing 23 Republicans to explain why they don't support anti-hate measures. "It should have just been about Omar's comments" doesn't really translate well when someone immediately just looks up their voting record and sees a "No" vote on this.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

"The incident that happened with, I don't think our colleague is anti-Semitic, I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn't understand that some of them are fraught with meaning, that she, what, didn't realize."


Oct 25, 2017
Meanwhile while Dem's are trying to shift the focus away from the actual Issues Ilhan Omar brought up about Israel turning this into an identity politics issue:

Israeli home demolitions this week (not even the totality of it):
~ Israel demolishes Palestinian village for 141st time
~ Israel demolishes 4 greenhouses
~Palestinian forced to demolish own home (to avoid fines)
~Israel demolishes Palestinian homes near Haifa

Not surprising. The first thing the fucking Senate did this year was the anti BDS bill.

It's insane. They are trying to make an example out of Omar by labelling her comments as anti semitic. How else can you criticize Israel for what it's doing now? Every statement someone makes will be misconstrued this way now.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Kirblar was excited when the vote results came out and rushed to make a thread. But the GOP being hateful fucks isn't news. The more pressing issue was the treatment of Ilhan by her own party.


As far as Peposi, people love her for that tumblr friendly image of her being condescending to 45. But even that didn't mean shit.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I was so confused by the framing of this thread right from the start. That was never what was newsworthy.

Because the voices of us Muslims don't matter. See, the article stating that Congresswoman Tlaib said that she's felt really hurt about how the Dems treated Omar is now drowned under the 'But look at the GOP making a fool of themselves, lol'

The story is never about the Muslims. We're just props.


Oct 28, 2017
Because the voices of us Muslims don't matter. See, the article stating that Congresswoman Tlaib said that she's felt really hurt about how the Dems treated Omar is now drowned under the 'But look at the GOP making a fool of themselves, lol'

The story is never about the Muslims. We're just props.
I know, I'm sorry. As I said earlier, the dems are more than happy to parade around a first time progressive black muslim congress woman until she starts actually talking about progressive ideals, and then its time to shut up and fall in line.


Oct 25, 2017
Because the voices of us Muslims don't matter. See, the article stating that Congresswoman Tlaib said that she's felt really hurt about how the Dems treated Omar is now drowned under the 'But look at the GOP making a fool of themselves, lol'

The story is never about the Muslims. We're just props.

Hey, the African American community (and its intersections with the Muslim community) warned us a long time ago. White "liberals" are going to have to put their money where their mouth is if they want a truly diverse big tent coalition. This shit is infuriating.


Oct 29, 2017
A part of me wants to say it's actually pretty easy to be Omar going ham on these countries because....I mean fuck, the last 70 years of Israel fuckery and 80+ years of subservience to Saudi Arabia as they both commit atrocity after atrocity is pretty easy for anyone who knows how to read a damn book.

....And then another part of me instantly wants to kick me ass for thinking that because she's quite literally the only congressperson with the iron will and resolve to force a mirror in our faces and realize that we're more like Dorian Gray than we'd like to admit.

It's easy to rage on a keyboard like I we do, but it's another thing to do it in the public sphere in a position of power inside a country full of war mongering psychopaths and in a world intent on destroying itself, but only after it kills off we plebs on the ground who will be doing most of the dying.

Anyways, after Obama and Slick Willy, I'm really trying not to put politicians on a pedestal. Not trying to repeat mistakes in the past on these tribal cults of personalities where I'm excusing atrocities or justifying some really bizarre statements because they're on my team. But I really, really love Ilhan Omar and hope she keeps it 75 - I say 75 because let's admit it can never be 100. Not even "God damn America" is keeping it 100 and she hasn't said anything close to that, even if it's right (which it would be).

Ninja edit: jesus fuck that stream of consciousness. I'm out for the night


Dec 26, 2018
OMG is this real.

Even if she gets primaried that is hardcore winning.

She likely will get primaried after this, the question is - will she be able to protect herself in her district to keep her seat? That remains to be seen. Then, assuming she does manage this, somehow how translate this into action in congress.

When Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Trump hate you you're doing shit right.

This is the easy part, the hard part is hurting them back and surviving.


Oct 27, 2017
At least it's better than the first iteration in that it basically condemns all bigotry, but it's still a bad look that it was originally supposed to be slapping down Omar for comments that weren't actually antisemitic.

Another fun reminder,the US actually overthrew the democratically elected leader of iran and put the pahlavi monarchy back in power

Who was then overthrown by the current theocracy esque govt

Gotta love it
To their credit, even the CIA regard the Iran coup as a massive blunder in hindsight. Iran being the way it is now is, sadly, a combination of Britain being pissed that Iran's PM was nationalising its oil and cold war-era US fears of Iran moving towards communism.