M. Wallace

Oct 25, 2017
I'm at the point where I won't play a game without a slider. Hence why I'm playing Far Cry 6 on PC and not console. I stopped playing Deathloop as well due to this. I actually downloaded MW2019 on my XSX today to play around and get into the groove for Vanguard. No FOV option, deleted. Every FPS game should have this option. C'mon man.


Aug 25, 2019
Need it all of the time. Many games feel like molasses without it.

Halo MCC feels so much better with it


Oct 28, 2017
If it has an option to change it I'll usually do something a littler wider, but I'm not going to stop playing a game I otherwise enjoy because of the FOV. Same with camera distance changes in third person games.


Oct 25, 2017
I generally need close to 75 vfov or 105 hfov or things just don't feel right. Doesn't bother me as much in third person games.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 30, 2017
I didn't even know what FOV was until a year ago and it still isn't a big deal.

I think i have changed it 2-3 times on PC and once on a console. I don't know how people play with maxed out FOV on a non ultrawide monitor. It looks like shit to me.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty damn important. I had to move my couch even further back from my screen just to keep playing Far Cry 6 on PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
Extremely. I'm very prone to motion sickness, not just in FPS either. I hate being this way.


Oct 25, 2017
I adjust it in some games that I get nauseous playing. So in those cases it's essential. If I feel fine playing a game I usually don't bother to adjust it though.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
In a single player game not very whatever the developer intended. In a competitive game ill move the slider up to 90-100. I cant max it out that just where it becomes too much for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't realize how much I needed it until I tried it last year when I got a gaming laptop. It's definitely night and day and I can't go back. I can't play COD Warzone on my Series X because it STILL doesn't have an FOV slider.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I play most on PC so it's rarely an issue that needs addressing. I can tolerate low ones, but will usually prefer around 90.

Like, the FoV in Dead By Daylight is absurdly low, and there's even perks and addons that raise it, and I generally can manage there.

Premium Ghoul

Oct 27, 2017
Low FoV can make me feel quite sick in an FPS game, so it's very important that I can adjust it to my liking. It actually blows my mind when big PC releases don't include the option at all...

*cough* CAPCOM *cough*

I'm extremely thankful for all the modders out there who can fix this stuff.


Oct 31, 2017
On a couch it can be fine being a bit lower than 80-90 but on PC I crank that shit up to max.


Oct 29, 2017
I didn't really care until I played Sea of thieves multiplayer with my son. I was on PC with a wide FOV and he was on xboxone with the smallest FOV imaginable. I just couldn't look at his screen, that just looked unplayable to me. Since then I really struggle with low FOV games on consoles and loved the widescreen / wide FOV setting in Death Stranding on PS5.


Feb 25, 2018
I keep seeing people saying that they get motion sickness unless the game looks like this

but honestly I get like super barfy whenever I play a high-FOV game for even a few seconds, lmao. I never, ever touch that setting and just leave it at default.


Oct 25, 2017
I can adjust to very low, but it gives me this low key like, idk, bad feeling, that isn't quite bad enough to manifest as a headache, but can get there after a period of time.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
So far i can deal with a low fov just fine (FC6 at the moment) but that only works on consoles on my big TV. On PC a low fov is not a great experience.


Aug 3, 2020
If the game's FOV is 90, I don't need a slider.
Other than that: yes, I need as slider.

The missing slider is the reason why I could not play Resident Evil 7 because the FOV was too narrow, making me kind of sick.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing, I have never touched it.

In relation to this, I really don't understand the obsession of some people to make it all look like fish eye.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing, I have never touched it.

In relation to this, I really don't understand the obsession of some people to make it all look like fish eye.

It doesn't look like a fish eye when you get used to it, and you're normally playing closer to the screen, meaning at least part of it is slightly periphery, which is sort of the point.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I keep seeing people saying that they get motion sickness unless the game looks like this

But that's not what people are saying. Way to use an exaggerated example. I couldn't play a game looking like that shit you posted either.

On the topic of FOV, it's important enough to me that I would never ever consider playing an FPS on console that isn't 60 fps with at least 90+ FOV. Playing Far Cry games and similar games on consoles is impossible for me, it's like viewing the world through a cardboard tube. Utterly migraine inducing and you can't enjoy the great vistas in the games properly. I can deal with playing FPS on a controller, but low FOV is a complete deal breaker. These games feel like completely different games on PC.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Jun 24, 2018
Before I had my pc I didn't really notice or realize how much I cared. But now it really bugs me I like at least having it to 100-110, mostly in pvp games though.


Mar 17, 2018
I wish it was considered an accessibility feature or something. I'd take the risk of an unstable FPS over potentially being laid out for hours.


Jun 7, 2021
Anything less than 90 and it feels like I am playing with binocs. one Of the many reasons I prefer buying on pc over ps5


Oct 25, 2017
I've never cared about FOV settings and just stick to the default. I don't get motion sickness and I have never felt like I'm missed anything due to the FOV being too low. I mean, why would developers set it that way if it did matter?


Oct 27, 2017
Its the difference between me throwing up in first 15 minutes and me enjoying the game for hours, so yeah pretty big deal for me.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a gameplay thing for me. I don't get motion sickness with a low FOV, but 90º is the sweetspot if you ask me. Anything below that just doesn't feel right for me. I played through Deathloop on PS5 and the FOV sucked. I could feel I was lacking peripheral vision and turning felt slower and unresponsive.

I keep seeing people saying that they get motion sickness unless the game looks like this

but honestly I get like super barfy whenever I play a high-FOV game for even a few seconds, lmao. I never, ever touch that setting and just leave it at default.

It's cool that it doesn't affect you, but you really don't need to ridicule people who need a higher FOV than you.

I've never cared about FOV settings and just stick to the default. I don't get motion sickness and I have never felt like I'm missed anything due to the FOV being too low. I mean, why would developers set it that way if it did matter?

Games without FOV settings are usually developed with consoles in mind first. People usually play console games on a TV that is a few meters away from them, so the lower FOV doesn't feel as closed as it does on a monitor that sits a few centimers away from your eyes. Plus, a higher FOV means more geometry on screen, which in turns means more stress on the system. Developers try to optimize their games as much as possible to maintain performance, so a lower FOV allows them to save on some graphic rendering.


Dec 12, 2018
Agreed. I don't get motion sickness like others do but a small FOV is real annoying. 90 is a minimum I think, but I tend to like bigger if I can.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Before I got my gaming PC a couple of years back, FOV wasn't even a thing on my mind. I knew no different.

Then I had my eyes opened. And now everything I play on PC I do with FOV at 90-95 if possible (on 55" TV playing from the couch). It's so much more immersive, you see so much more, it feels so much better. But it's not until you go back to console games with low FOVs that it then really hits you. Games like GoW 2018 (and not even a FPS) are genuinely a real struggle now, feels like walking around looking through binoculars and so claustrophobic.

So yeah, it's a big deal for me now. But then so is 120fps. It's like all things, you don't know what you're missing until you get a taste, then it's a struggle to go back.


Feb 25, 2018
But that's not what people are saying. Way to use an exaggerated example. I couldn't play a game looking like that shit you posted either.

On the topic of FOV, it's important enough to me that I would never ever consider playing an FPS on console that isn't 60 fps with at least 90+ FOV. Playing Far Cry games and similar games on consoles is impossible for me, it's like viewing the world through a cardboard tube. Utterly migraine inducing and you can't enjoy the great vistas in the games properly. I can deal with playing FPS on a controller, but low FOV is a complete deal breaker. These games feel like completely different games on PC.
It's cool that it doesn't affect you, but you really don't need to ridicule people who need a higher FOV than you.
I obviously used that image as a joke. What I really meant is that even the slightest increase in FOV means tons and tons of motion sickness for me. It's weird how different people can be regarding this.


Oct 25, 2017
I obviously used that image as a joke. What I really meant is that even the slightest increase in FOV means tons and tons of motion sickness for me. It's weird how different people can be regarding this.

Most people find increasing FOV after never having done so disorienting and even headache/motion sickness inducing. But it's something you can adjust to, unlike people who suffer motion sickness with low FoV.

Of course everyone still has a different tolerance level for high FOV too, but if you're saying ANY increase in FoV that kind of sounds like the thing most people experience, and it can take a little bit to get used to before it stops making you feel bad.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't play many FPS games so its not impacted me much in those types of games but I struggled with GOW 2018. Kratos was so damn close to the screen and seeing around him was hard work it 100% needed some type of FOV options


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
It usually isn't enough to bother me, though I like the options, and prefer FoV to be in the 90-100 range.

That said, it is and has always been way too low in the Far Cry games. I almost never get motion sick outside of VR, but I climbed a water tower in Far Cry 6 the other day, and between the extremely tight FoV, the heavy chromatic aberration (also can't be changed in the options) and the swaying effect they have at the top of tall structures, I felt genuinely nauseous. Ubisoft needs to get with the times.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm used to 95 to 105 horizontal FOV in FPS games and luckily 99.9% of FPS games on PC lets you adjust FOV. Many still ship with 75 to 85 as default. Latest being 2042 beta that felt pretty claustrophobic with default FOV.

I keep seeing people saying that they get motion sickness unless the game looks like this

but honestly I get like super barfy whenever I play a high-FOV game for even a few seconds, lmao. I never, ever touch that setting and just leave it at default.

Who has said they need FOV that high?


Oct 30, 2017
I never even knew it was a thing that people adjusted in games until I started noticing some PC games in streams had a fisheye lens look to them, that's when I came to learn it's a FOV setting. Personally when it starts to have that fisheye lens look I find it offputting, otherwise I usually never notice the difference.


Feb 10, 2021
It feels like FOV adjustment should be a necessity at this point alongside core accessibility features like subtitles.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually like about a 95 FoV, enough to get a good view but not wide enough to bring on the fisheye effect . Thankfully it's becoming a common setting even on consoles these days, even indie titles like Maquette have it. I think it's finally being accepted as an accessibility feature and not just something for super competitive players to adjust.