
Oct 29, 2017
I live in China, where voting in the US elections is a very bureaucratic ordeal.

Today, I posted a screen shot of the recent Trump tweet to Iran's president in a group chat, and he told me to vote, or he wouldn't really take my opinion on the matter seriously.

He said he went off about it because he was tired of going out and people wanting to discuss political things in their home countries, yet answering "no" most of the time if he asked them if they voted or not.

So yeah, what is your defense of people who say that to others who don't vote?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Those people just don't want discussions. There are a few situations where you actually can't vote
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What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Your situation is different than someone living in Wisconsin who either didn't vote or wrote in Crow T. Robot.



Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Vote. Things won't improve without it, and even if it's bureaucratic, you do it. Be glad you can vote, unlike many countries.
Oct 27, 2017
Why would I want the opinion of people who have the ability to vote, but don't, thus allowing someone else to make their decisions for them?

Choosing not to participate is a choice


Oct 25, 2017
I always vote so I never get told that.

I would defend someone that got disenfranchised or was otherwise unable to vote, but if you can vote and choose not to then I think it is hypocritical of people to complain most of the time.

I wouldn't tell some one off because of it, but I would encourage them to vote in the next election.
Oct 27, 2017
Some have legitimate reasons of not being able to vote, I don't really have any time for people that complain about the state of their town, county etx if they aren't involved
In trying to fix it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If you didn't vote because it's too much work but you still complain about election results I can see that irking a lot of people since your vote is actually what makes the change. Otherwise it's like complaining that there's nothing to eat in the fridge because you never go grocery shopping.

If you have a legit reason for not voting then no, I wouldn't tell you to shut up.
Oct 29, 2017
If you have a genuine issue with the voting process due to being abroad I don't think it's your fault.

But for people who COULD have easily voted but chose not to or wrote fucking Harambe in the ballot, yeah I don't care to hear what they have to say.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with anyone that says that to a non voter, put up it shut up. Don't complain about trump if you didn't vote against him.


Oct 25, 2017
In general, I'm kind of ok with it. The person didn't take the time to participate in the election, then wants to take up my time complaining about the outcome ... Which probably would have been different if everyone had voted. So, I'm already upset at the outcome, I'm upset about what's happening, so I really don't want to listen to someone who helped create the situation.

I wouldn't say shut up or yell at them, I'd probably just disengage by suggesting if they want things to change, take the effort to vote next time.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have the problem because I have voted in every election since being legally registered to vote.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I agree with the general sentiment. I remember when I turned 18, I told my grandparents, who both served for Canada in WWII, I didn't vote because I didn't feel it made a difference. Disappointing my grandparents like that was maybe the worst I've ever felt. Like, they didn't even want to talk to me me for a while after that, and I've never, purposefully, missed an opportunity to cast my vote again.

The Climaxan

Oct 27, 2017
If you didn't vote because you were too lazy to or you didn't think it would matter—fuck off, I have zero sympathy for you and you are part of the problem in this country.

If you didn't vote because you physically were unable to, or like in your situation, it's a nightmare to try and accomplish—I have more sympathy for those in this situation.


Oct 25, 2017
If you have a genuine issue with the voting process due to being abroad I don't think it's your fault.

But for people who COULD have easily voted but chose not to or wrote fucking Harambe in the ballot, yeah I don't care to hear what they have to say.
Yeah this sounds about right.

My parents were ex pats for many years and voting was a pain in the ass but they still expended the effort to do it. There is a difference between not wanting to spend five minutes before work filling in boxes with a pencil and hours upon hours of paperwork.

And of course there are plenty of people in America who end up being in places that intentionally make voting difficult but that's a whole other subject.
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
I sometimes choose not to vote. It's not a popular option in my country, the United States, but it is a legal, valid option. One should never shun or bash those who have chosen not to vote. At the same time, those who have chosen not to vote shouldn't make a fuss if what they cared for didn't go through, etc, because if they cared enough, perhaps they should have voted.
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Oct 30, 2017
Not voting sends a message in its own way but if you do it consistently then candidates will just assume you're unreliable and never try to win you over. Many Republicans stayed home instead of voting for Roy Moore, that's sending a message.


Oct 26, 2017
Take responsibility for your actions.

Vote. If you don't whatever; but don't expect to be taken seriously when you whine about the current state of things when you wouldnt lift a finger to better them when given a chance.

I speak from a U.S. perspective solely; I don't know the state of things in other countries.


Oct 27, 2017
They're right. If you don't vote you don't get to complain, I don't care how disenfranchised you are, one side always is the better of two choices. If you abstain because you think both parties are the same or your vote won't matter, your head is in the sand.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It just depends. If you have the ability to vote, yet don't, and don't make any effort to get involved or discuss with family/friends about any elections, but complain about policies that's straight up on you.

If you can't vote, because of where you at or something else, then you should be able to discuss things.

If you can vote but choose not to because your in California or another true blue state, you should still vote in the local elections and for Congress and Senator, those things matter.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
They're idiots, and don't understand that the 1st amendment protects not voting as much as it does your right to free speech.

But I still think you should vote.
Oct 25, 2017
The Cyclone State
You have a decent excuse, but if you're one of the people who decided not to walk your ass down to your location and vote because "Bernie got screwed" or "nobody is any good." This election is on you.


Oct 25, 2017
I voted so I think "who the fuck are you talking to? what are you talking about?!"


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
It's often easy to shut those people down when I mention that I voted for a third party candidate that I live in DC, a place where our national voting rights are effectively meaningless and our voting powers outside of that are hamstrung completely. I can vote for whoever I want and none of you guys can complain it's great.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I sometimes choose not to vote. It's not a popular option in my country, the United States, but it is a legal, valid option. One should never shun or bash those who have chosen not to vote.

Just because something is legal, doesn't mean the general public should approve of it, or that it should be considered a "valid" option. It's cowardly and should be offensive to everyone who wants to live in a better country.


Mar 1, 2018
If someone didn't vote and is complaining about the outcome then I think instead of telling them "stop complaining" you should tell them "start voting"


Nov 4, 2017
They are the same people who act like racist voting laws doesn't fuck a large chunk of non-white voters every election, or they know but don't care.

So they can eat shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Op, If you really gave a damn you'd jump through the hoops to vote but you didn't so it wasn't that important to you. I bet you have done many things that were equally or even more difficult but you judged them worthy and did it any. So really, to me, your opinion means nothing to me.


Apr 17, 2018
If you were in the US and able to vote in 2016 but did not attempt to:

shut the fuck up and vote next time.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have the patience to listen to apathetic voters bitch and moan. You have the power (collectively) to get changes made you choose not to and instead whine about it. I have voted in every election federal, state and local since I turned 18. As a brown man I know full well how much fighting happened so that I could vote and I don't take that for granted likewise with education.

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
They're idiots, and don't understand that the 1st amendment protects not voting as much as it does your right to free speech.

But I still think you should vote.

Yeah the right not to vote is an underrated one.

That said I have no patience with people that are strongly against Brexit but didn't use their vote.
I can understand not choosing between lesser evils in regular elections but not in something like that if you do feel strongly.

Nick Nehidnyk

Oct 29, 2017
there's an implicit stipulation in that statement that if you could vote, but didn't, you need to shut up.

mail in voting isn't an option for you?


Oct 25, 2017
If you were in the US and able to vote in 2016 but did not attempt to:

shut the fuck up and vote next time.


I don't want to hear people say "Oh well my vote wouldn't have mattered because my state was always gonna go republican" or any other excuses, just vote, so at least you can say you did 'something'

Same for people in the UK that didn't vote on Breixt that want to join the debate or have an opinion, I don't want to hear it, you chose to stay out of the conversation when you decided to do nothing.


Oct 30, 2017
I have told multiple people the exact same thing, it's a privilege so use it! Hell I have relatives who don't talk to me anymore because of it, yet all they do it complain about Trump on social media the irony.


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
There's an anarchist maxim that goes "if voting really mattered they'd make it illegal."

Well guess what, the Republican measures to curtail voting are basically doing exactly that.

You're allowed to complain about the Democratic process even if you don't participate, but your opinion does count for less in my mind.



Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Barring a legitimate reason, if you don't vote, you're a cunt, and your opinion is shit.

Feel free to get off your ass, vote, and join the conversation though.
Oct 27, 2017
People who say that are just trying to label people and divide our country even further, rather than having an adult conversation and asking why they didn't vote/trying to convince them to vote next time, etc.

Telling them to "shut up, you can't complain" is childish and accomplishes nothing and will just push the people further away from voting.

Stop. Fucking. Doing this.