Deleted member 3534

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Mine has grown exponentially over the last few weeks as I've tracked down every single game I've wanted or might want going back over ten years. It started with 3DS and wanting copies of games now before they become rare and valuable. Then it evolved into some 3DS and DS games that ARE rare and valuable (DQ6, DQM:J2, the boxed version of Kid Icarus are all sealed.)

Then I saw a Wii for $35 at my local game shop. I missed every single Wii game. Never played Metroid Prime 3, Xenoblade, or any or either of the Mario Galaxy games. They also had the steel book for Metroid Prime Trilogy and a like new copy Xenoblade and aww well screw it might as well get Skyward Sword even though I've heard it sucks and rebuy Twilight Princess.

I've had a PS3 for a few months now that I bought for Demon's Souls and that's it. Except while I was at the store I noticed a lot of games were under $5. Then I saw I could own all the Metal Gear Solid games for $25. I've never played anything in the Killzone, Resistance, or Infamous series and they were cheaper than dirt. I'm pretty sure we aren't going to get any further remaster of the J&D or Ratchet and Clank games so I bought those too #yolo.

I bought Bloodborne and Yakuza Kiwame steel book because they were both <$10 new and sealed. I don't own a PS4 yet (sold mine last year.)

You could say I'm becoming a little collector but really I'm motivated to play these games I just don't know how or where to start. This isn't even counting my enormous backlog on Steam. A large factor in collecting these games is that I simply can't get into playing games on emulator and there's a good chance most of these will become more expensive in the future. In the grand scheme of things I made out pretty well and snagged a good portion for below market value. In a few years that'll be next to impossible.

I digress. How do you manage your collection? Do you have any good collection /backlog database website to help you keep track of what you purchase and play? Do I have an illness? I have to admit it's been really fun tracking these games down.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't manage it. I think about all the games I can play and then just proceeds to shitpost on resetera about videogames that aren't even released for the rest of the day.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I just sort of take it as it comes. I'd been meaning to play a bunch of Bethesda Game Studios games for several years; I finally got around to starting on that journey. I've been meaning to give The Witcher games another chance for years; I'll be doing so later this year. I've been meaning to play Red Dead Redemption since it came out; I will probably hit it up by November or so. But if I don't, I don't sweat it. My backlog isn't really all that vast anyway, and not because I play a ton of games, because honestly I really, really don't. I just hear good stuff about certain games that seem to fit my somewhat niche interests and I hop aboard whenever I get the chance.

The only exceptions are BioWare and Naughty Dog. Always Day 1 on those.


Jan 8, 2018
I don't have a backlog. I simply don't start a new game till I finish the one I'm playing. I don't see why more people don't do this. It probably helps I rarely play online multiplayer.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, what I did was go through my hundreds of games, and decide which games I really really wanted to play, after many tears I brought the list to like 100 games, then I did it again till it was like 10-20 games.

Then you just... play them, I also became super selective about what I buy, and I have to REALLLYYYYY want a game to buy it at all.

Deal with the fact that this is a hobby and something you're supposed to enjoy, it's not a chore, and everything will be better.

This year so far has been a backlog year for me, haven't really bought much and for the rest of the year I only see myself buying 4 or so games, when in the past I'd buy at least 30-40 games a year.

Deleted member 3862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I stopped buying games. On a good year I can finish ten games, and I have 300 on Steam, and I own stuff going back 20 years that I want to get to still.


Oct 25, 2017
I just came to terms with the fact that I'm never gonna play all those Steam games I bought on the cheap all those years ago.

On consoles/portables I have no backlog, and the Steam deals aren't what they used to be anymore so it's easy for me to lay off.


Nov 6, 2017
Don't keep track of it anymore. Also if a game doesn't grab me I tend to move on pretty quickly. Dropped FC5 and NNK2 recently in favour of Witcher 2, best decision I made.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
I don't. I've cut back on buying games quite a bit over the last couple of years but there are still things I've bought that quickly go into my backlog, or don't even get touched. I've accepted that it happens but I hope to keep cutting down on new releases until I really get the time and desire to play a lot of games.

Deleted member 9714

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I like using It doesn't use a database of games so it can be adjusted to fit your needs. My backlog at its largest was 50-something games at a time where I thought I needed to beat them in order to not waste my money. I did it. Slowly. After that it climbed to 20, and after beating that once more my philosophy toward backlogging changed and I became more careful with what I purchased. My backlog never goes over 5 games now (which I feel is a little too much tbh. If I'm not gonna play a game immediately, I shouldn't buy it in the first place).

But some advice that isn't related to beating your backlog, but will help you shrink it nonetheless, because as I got older I realized just because a game was in my backlog and I spent money on it didn't mean I needed to play/beat it. Gather the games in your backlog together. Pick up a game with your hands, look at it, and think: "Do I need to play this game? Do I gain anything by playing it rather than watching a Let's Play, stream, or simply not giving it any further mindshare?"

If you answer "No," sell/trade-in/give away the game. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game. I've knocked quality games off my backlog. The reason being they simply aren't worth my time. They may be good games, but I don't need to play them. I don't get anything. "Cred" is worthless.


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
I buy very few games at a time (1-2) and don't buy more until I consider myself finished with what I have. Whether that's beating the game or deciding to permenantly drop it


Oct 27, 2017
I used to obsess about it and it would overwhelm me. Now I try not to think of it and just pick away at it when I can. I try not to buy many games anymore, and really don't, but have also realized that I'm not going to get to all of the games I bought when I was younger and making really good money.

I would buy them as they came out and tell myself I'd get to them soon, but it wouldn't happen with a lot of them. I regret wasting so much money since a lot of them can be had for $5 or less now.


Oct 25, 2017
I just say "fuck it" and continue to play Fortnite.

Life's to short to play and experience everything.


Nov 21, 2017
I look at it, sigh, then go back to playing the same game I've beaten 100 of times before.

Games are like work, you put them aside for as long as you can, and eventually, you'll regret that decision.


Oct 28, 2017
I stare at all the unfinished AAA budget games I've bought for a few minutes then go back to playing Perfect Dark multi on XB1 for the billionth time.

Edit: Dammit Ganransu.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
Made a list in Excel of all the games. Made a list of games I don't own but I'm interested in.

Then started to play them. If they didn't work on my computer or I got bored, stopped playing. Don't buy new games unless I play them immediately.

Since last year took my list from close to 100 down to about 30. And I still bought new games.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly my dudes, 99.9% of videogames are a complete waste of time. And that's totally fine, because people need leisure time and activities. But if you have a backlog of waste of time activities, something is seriously messed up and needs reevaluating. I'm guilty of this myself.


Oct 27, 2017
You just gotta keep picking at it. I watch at least one movie a day, and my watchlist still grows faster than I can work at it. I also try to read and play a consistent amount every day, but end up drowning in an ever-increasing amount of books and games anyway.

Just try to be 'glass half full' about the whole thing (I mean, you've got a stupid amount of great content for whatever mood you're in), and keep carrying on.




Oct 27, 2017
My backlog is about 500+ right now. I keep telling myself not to add to it, but I can't help myself. I just slowly reduce it by playing finish-able games / games I can move on from.


Oct 25, 2017
It can be difficult, but I try and keep to playing two or three (one each on PC, portable, and home console) and try to avoid starting more than that. Restricting what I buy also helps (especially by trying to only buy during certain periods, for example during the Summer / Christmas sales) but I'm not as successful on that front. As far as tracking, I use OneNote to keep, well, note, of what I've bought, played, and finished, and also use Backloggery to keep track of my purchases and progress. One thing that does help, though, is to keep in mind that most times you can find stuff on sale later on, so try and buy things you plan on playing ASAP.
Oct 27, 2017
I personally don't for the most part. Generally the process is as follows: Buy games, get discouraged and never finish them, go on a streak and maybe finish a couple, go back to being discouraged, scour over the games I have and go through a process of elimination. Repeat.

Basically at some point I go over every game and make a honest decision on whether I will ever finish/play it. If it's no then I delete it or sell it. People make mistakes, it's not a huge deal.

I made a point to start only buying games I absolutely know I want to play. Let's look at the rest of the year: Yakuza Kiwami 2, RDR2. Those are my only definite buys.


Jan 1, 2018
I make a play schedule for myself based on how long a game is (using and much free time I expect to have during any given month. Given that I only have about 30 hours a month to play games, right now getting through my core backlog will take until 2022.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess my best advice is to detach yourself from the modern hype and release cycle if you want to get serious about clearing out your backlog.

I organize what I have and what I have completed on an Excel sheet that helps me keep things in perspective like: "Oh shit, I still have Dark Souls and Bioshock along with 10 other games in my Steam library untouched, I probably don't need to buy this 80hr RPG right now".
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Ya don't you try and chip away at it and hope for the best. Personally I have been making great progress by making some games weekday games and other weekend games. For titles that I know are long I set aside a few hours every weekend to chip away at them. For smaller titles that I know wont take as long as others to beat. I set aside an hour of play time before I head off to bed. I also make sure look at every game I play and ask myself every few hours while I am playing it. "Am I really enjoying the experience right now?" and if the answer is no I drop the game and move onto the next one.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
You don't have to play it just because you bought it. (See also sunk cost fallacy.)

Cross anything that you know will not be a personal 9/10 or better off your backlog.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia

i use this app.

Its amazing.

You can set your own labels. I have all my games categorised like this:

Favourite (games finished which i think highly of)
Pile of Shame (backlog lol)
Platinum'd (games i've platinumed, duh lol)
Playing (currently playing)
PS+ (Ps plus titles)
Shelved (Games i have not completed and have shelved forever)
Story Completed (story mode completed, or I have "finished" it)

