Nov 1, 2017
What do you do to respond to toxic teammates in the games u play where communication is key?

If i'm playing with you, a toxic teammate, there isn't much I can do when you come into the game with that attitude. Everyone has good/bad games and sometimes they don't play well together. Get over it and go to the next match.

You're the equivalent of people breaking their items and running down mid in Dota. You'd get reported and spend some time in low priority where you belong.


Oct 28, 2017
This was a fun thread backfire...
This is why I play with friends on these kinds of games. When we are getting our asses kicked we just joke about how bad we are to ourselves.


Oct 29, 2017
Tell them it's a bloody game and nothing you start insulting people about. Sometimes it seems to help because often there won't be any response -- neither negative nor positive, just silence. If that doesn't work, mute them and have fun playing the game.


Nov 30, 2017
My response is to only play with friends or go back to single player games.
Oct 26, 2017
Wow, that OP is something. First of all, Plat isn't very high ranked at all. I bounce around all over Champ right now, and I know I'm still a world away from Grand Champ, let alone pro levels (which granted I'll never be, but GC is the lifetime goal for my RL). Anyway, at my level, most players are making multiple mechanical mistakes per game. There's not much point in getting mad over that, unless for instance they keep going for ceiling shots and whiffing miserably, or whatever. I try to only get mad at teammates when they are ignoring rotations, refusing to pass to me in open space, or other stupid greedy behavior. But if they're trying to play as a team, even if they fail miserably at the execution, it's all good.

If your teammate says "sorry", say "no problem". If they score say "nice shot", and if you score off their pass, say "great pass", and if they send you a compliment say "thanks". Following those simple rules keeps a solid majority of my games from descending into toxicity. Also, if you're doing well off the start, 2 to 3 goals worth of compliment spam by your team can trigger the opposing team into toxic madness, so win/win.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I call out friends and expect them to do the same of me if I cross the line. I don't really play competitive modes with randoms, and if I do I avoid communicating with them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
I hand them their ass a lot of the time. I'm good at Siege (the only game i play like this) though so sometimes I will just mute. Overall I'd rather take a loss than some people's bullshit.


Oct 30, 2017
I love salty voice chat. If my playing has triggered you to the point of verbally abusing me then you have made my day. Bonus points for system message through PSN. The more salt, the better. I love being called trash because they're only insulting themselves. This "trash" just kicked your butt. I love it.

At the end of the day, I'm playing to win. If the win is out of reach due to the team not being great, then I'll play for K/D (Yes it matters to me. Some play for weapon skins and whatnot. I play for K/D).


Oct 25, 2017
If the game lets you leave without punishment, that. If not I afk. I don't have to play and help arseclowns.

Vandal Deca

Oct 21, 2018
Competitive games are the last thing I ever want to play, and if you ask me why, I will point to the OP and his entire elitist sob story as Exhibit A.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Aren't rocket league matches only like 5 minutes? And you throw them instead of just playing them out?

Also, relevant



One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
You'd hate me. I find it an achievement when I hit the ball at all, since 90% of the time I miss it. Granted I have only played 20 hours and never played ranked or hardly online at all as I got it for local.

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
First thing OP needs to do is look up what toxic means. Second thing is write asshole on a mirror and then stand in front of it for a bit and see if a clue emerges


Oct 25, 2017
I mute them and possibly report them. It's a damn game. There's exactly zero reason to be an asshole over how someone is performing.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
I drop the team like a sack of bricks. After reading your post id also quit playing with you also really quick.

If anyone has played Apex In the past few months and you were arrogant in any way and wondered why your teammate quit.....That was me that quit.
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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm just curious as to how you respond to toxicity from your own teammates if you are a competitive player in whatever game you play. I play rocket league and I'm "platinum" ranked in two game modes, which is about 3 or 4 tiers from the highest rank in the game, one tier above "gold". The players towards the later stages of gold are extremely toxic because they're trying to get into platinum rank and the players in platinum are barely, if at all better, than the players in gold rank but the toxicity is at its highest level there because everyone in platinum really thinks they're the shit, when they're not.

I have a "one mistake" rule, meaning that everyone is entitled to one mistake per game because shit happens. So if they make a mistake and use quick chat to say "sorry!", I'll say no problem. If they just repeatedly make mistakes and we're not playing well (down 3 goals) by the 3:30 mark, I usually call for a forfeit, because we're wasting each other's time. Other times I'll be the one that makes one mistake 30 seconds into the game and my teammate starts berating me in the chat while the game is 0-0 or 0-1and I'll "throw" the game because I don't have the energy to deal with that. Sometimes I just don't say a word and try to outplay them, but for the most part, I respond to toxic teammates by intentionally throwing a match and if they request a FF, I don't accept it and let them pay for their toxicity with their time.

What do you do to respond to toxic teammates in the games u play where communication is key?
Whenever I've played dota and teammates start cursing/using hatespeech for a mistake that I or another teammate has made, I throw the game, I know it's not fair to the others to waste their time, but I rather take the punishment if it means I've ruined the game for one a-hole.


Oct 26, 2017
I mute.

I'm way past the age where i get joy out of trolling assholes, muting does the trick 99% of the time.

Edit: feeders and throwers are the worst kind of teammate. Especially when it's because the team isn't doing what they want or they feel the game is lost.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
OP, players like you are why I stopped playing RL. That's how I dealt with toxicity. Y'all really know how to suck the fun out of anything you touch.


Jan 28, 2018
Ex LoL Challenger player here, I no longer play. Most of the time I just muted everyone the second the game started, pings and chat distracted me, there's really no need to communicate with your teammates, doesn't really make a difference if you are not high enough ranking to actually have an impact in the outcome of the game by telling people what to do, and if you are, you and everyone else should know what to do. Just focus on yourself and improve on what you can, you are the only common denominator between games, that is if you want to actually improve, if you don't, then do whatever. In my experience the higher the rank the more people value their time, so I used to have a lot of early surrenders, there's really no point playing a game when 10 minutes in you already know you're going to lose. If you feel you can't handle the pressure of competitive gaming you should just try something else, don't go AFK or start trolling games, composure its just as important as mechanical skill, if not more.


Oct 25, 2017
I play a lot of Siege, but aside from the 10 starting positioning matches from each season I don't touch ranked at all. I'm confident that after 600h I could do fairly well in ranked, high gold or low diamond, but it's just not worth it. Even on casual sometimes I hide the chat for weeks due to the toxicity and play on my own.

Audio is always muted.

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Hostility towards other members.
I have a "one mistake" rule, meaning that everyone is entitled to one mistake per game because shit happens. So if they make a mistake and use quick chat to say "sorry!", I'll say no problem. If they just repeatedly make mistakes and we're not playing well (down 3 goals) by the 3:30 mark, I usually call for a forfeit, because we're wasting each other's time. Other times I'll be the one that makes one mistake 30 seconds into the game and my teammate starts berating me in the chat while the game is 0-0 or 0-1and I'll "throw" the game because I don't have the energy to deal with that. Sometimes I just don't say a word and try to outplay them, but for the most part, I respond to toxic teammates by intentionally throwing a match and if they request a FF, I don't accept it and let them pay for their toxicity with their time

lmao you're a real piece of shit.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I stopped playing hyper competitive MP games

Same. My response is that I don't come to videogames for this shit so the shit's got to go.

Sorry to all the folks that work really hard to make these games, but almost invariably the community experience tends to ruin it completely for me. There are really exceptionally well made games in the competitive sector but you can't control what people do with it. I love Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch but I really can't stand dealing with the people and the culture they cultivate within the games.

I still love to play PVE coop games for the most part, even if they're not completely devoid of assholes either.

EDIT: I will gladly play fighting games and deal with the toxicity because I at least know it's an individual effort thing. The fact that I'm in the fight for myself is enough to kind of deflect the toxicity at times, as the toxicity isn't disrupting a coordinated effort. Yes, it can add to tilt, but it's the inter-team toxicity that's the problem, not the trash talk and mindgames people are trying to put on me from the opposing side.


Oct 30, 2017
OP needs to reevaluate and take a look in the mirror.

Some players love to blame their teammates because they can't take criticisms themselves. It's much easier to blame others than yourself. Until you get passed this hurtle you'll never truly improve.

You call other players toxic but you admittedly throw matches.
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Oct 26, 2017
OP sounds like a miserable teammate. I assumed this topic would be about verbally disruptive/abusive players (which I mute, then ignore/avoid and report depending on their actual behavior), but the set of expectations (and "remedies") sounds like every mal-adjusted personality you end up trying to filter out of matchmaking. 90% of those people are seeking validation from the game in a weird way, so they feel compelled to blame others when they make mistakes or just aren't succeeding. That deflection is obvious to everyone else, and it's the seed of most toxicity I see.

I understand everyone carrying their own weight in a game (and yeah, a poorly matched player can be annoying), but the explanation in the OP sounds like the exact kind of player I avoid if at all possible. It's just a terrible attitude all around.


Jan 31, 2018
I have a "one mistake" rule, meaning that everyone is entitled to one mistake per game because shit happens. So if they make a mistake and use quick chat to say "sorry!", I'll say no problem. If they just repeatedly make mistakes and we're not playing well (down 3 goals) by the 3:30 mark, I usually call for a forfeit, because we're wasting each other's time. Other times I'll be the one that makes one mistake 30 seconds into the game and my teammate starts berating me in the chat while the game is 0-0 or 0-1and I'll "throw" the game because I don't have the energy to deal with that. Sometimes I just don't say a word and try to outplay them, but for the most part, I respond to toxic teammates by intentionally throwing a match and if they request a FF, I don't accept it and let them pay for their toxicity with their time.

Honestly, you'd do everyone and yourself a favor if you quit the game. In competitive games you aren't supposed to look at your teammates mistakes. If you reflected on your mistakes in all those games instead of wasting your energy throwing games, you could have maybe become a better player.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
I just don't take games this seriously. If I have a toxic team getting mad at me I just leave or keep playing if I have to.

Deleted member 2563

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that OP is something. First of all, Plat isn't very high ranked at all. I bounce around all over Champ right now, and I know I'm still a world away from Grand Champ, let alone pro levels (which granted I'll never be, but GC is the lifetime goal for my RL). Anyway, at my level, most players are making multiple mechanical mistakes per game. There's not much point in getting mad over that, unless for instance they keep going for ceiling shots and whiffing miserably, or whatever. I try to only get mad at teammates when they are ignoring rotations, refusing to pass to me in open space, or other stupid greedy behavior. But if they're trying to play as a team, even if they fail miserably at the execution, it's all good.

If your teammate says "sorry", say "no problem". If they score say "nice shot", and if you score off their pass, say "great pass", and if they send you a compliment say "thanks". Following those simple rules keeps a solid majority of my games from descending into toxicity. Also, if you're doing well off the start, 2 to 3 goals worth of compliment spam by your team can trigger the opposing team into toxic madness, so win/win.
lmao this is great. OP thinks he's big time. Would probably be more successful if he picked up your attitude

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
In rocket league, I just play my best and don't respond to trash talkers. You're not going to accomplish anything by doing playing into their bullshit.

I never get down on my teammates or opponents. It's a video game and Does. Not. Matter.

Fucking remember that op. Nobody gives a shit about your ranking. When you die, no one will give a shit about how many rocket league wins you have. You will SOLELY be remembered by how you treat others.

Remember that.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I understand everyone carrying their own weight in a game (and yeah, a poorly matched player can be annoying), but the explanation in the OP sounds like the exact kind of player I avoid if at all possible. It's just a terrible attitude all around.
Agreed. Even when I have a teammate that sucks, I just make it incumbent upon myself to step up my game and play better.

I'm convinced that best players can win even when disadvantaged with less skilled teammates. And if you can't do it, you at least did the best possible to overcome the stacked odds and leave the game with your head held high.

Tanking a game is genuinely immature. Just like anything else you do, put in your best effort and don't worry about the results.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
You play like a loser, OP. Just ignore it, play though it, and get the practice in. It's not your job to punish it, especially since you can guarantee it's going to keep happening.


Oct 30, 2017
Doesn't seems that you know what toxicity or communication is.

Anyway, if I'm competitive and playing a team based game, I make my own team. If not, I just play my game without really talking to anyone. Good players don't really need to talk to each other, the moves they make is all the communication their team needs. You can see big pro streamers when winning, hardly talk, and when losing, talk only to be toxic.