
Oct 27, 2017
I played it years ago on GC in 2002. Is it still a good game?

I've recently been on a retro/old school/remasters phase and currently playing RE1 HD in PS4. All in preparation for the RE 2 Remake, one of my favourite games from PS1 era.

Anyway, I just beat REmake with Chris and currently playing through with Jill. I'm enjoying it, although I'm using a Walkthrough to figure out where to go this time on PS4 as I don't have the time I did back when I was younger and wondering aimlessly through the areas on PS1 and GC trying to use items in the correct places lol.

I like how they added more story and characters and lore to the mansion like Lisa Trevor and her family. This wasn't in the PS1 game right? I dont recall that it was.

I don't really understand how this all happened in the 60s with Lisa and stuff either, but now it's 1998? What happened in between? No zombies? No incidents? Was Lisa the first human they did experiments on?

So, I'm gonna play 0 after I'm done with Jill's campaign. All I remember about it was the train, some escaped convict and being able to drop and pick up items anywhere. I did beat it back then but I really don't remember much if it.

Does the story and gameplay still hold up?


Oct 28, 2017
Not much about RE0 held up but it's not like they were holding up at release either. RE0 was at a time where the classic formula was getting stale and their tag mechanic with no item box added all the frustrations of the formula with almost no benefits. It's comfort food if you're hungry for more, but the drop in quality after REmake is severe.
Oct 28, 2017
Story? Not really. The script and some of the stuff Billy says to Rebecca are cringy.

The gameplay is still fine, my only gripe with it is that there's no control option to run with Square, only Circle. Be sure to use the remap function on your PS4.

Canas Renvall

Mar 4, 2018
RE0 is a flawed, but still decent game in my opinion. I like it more than Code: Veronica X. Story is fine, the villain is cool in theory but soooooo melodramatic and ridiculous in execution. Gameplay is good at its core, but the zapping system and the lack of item boxes are very much a "your mileage may vary". Keep in mind that RE0 is far and away the hardest of the classic games and running from some of the tougher enemies isn't a terrible idea.

As for your timeline questions, they experimented on the Trevors in the 60s, yes. Since then they continued experimentation. They disposed of George and Jessica and continued to test on Lisa once she showed signs of mutation while retaining some semblance of humanity. It's my understanding they built that cabin for her, but I don't believe they built that underground room. She made it herself after so many years.

The leaks at the Spencer Estate didn't happen until... if I recall, a month or so before RE0 and 1. But then the infections on the train happen the same evening as RE0, so July 23rd.


Oct 28, 2017
Limerick, Ireland
Not much about RE0 held up but it's not like they were holding up at release either. RE0 was at a time where the classic formula was getting stale and their tag mechanic with no item box added all the frustrations of the formula with almost no benefits. It's comfort food if you're hungry for more, but the drop in quality after REmake is severe.

Glad I'm not the only one that thought they seriously fucked the item box thing.

Credit where it's due thiugh the tag mechanic I thought worked fairly well and the short loading time when you swapped character was excellent.

I never got too far into the game though, it sounds sily and I couldn't get past the item boxes issue. You had the option to drop items in this game instead which didn't work frankly.


Oct 27, 2017
Story? Not really. The script and some of the stuff Billy says to Rebecca are cringy.

The gameplay is still fine, my only gripe with it is that there's no control option to run with Square, only Circle. Be sure to use the remap function on your PS4.

Doesn't it work just like the PS4 RE1 remake where it also gives you the option to modernise the controls and you can turn in any direction instead of a tank control?


Oct 27, 2017
The game is not good.

The remastering effort is great, much better than the REmake Remaster as they (developers) still had access to the original assets, so the remastering effort is a lot more sharper.
Oct 27, 2017
United States
As a game, it's barely ok. Bottom of the barrel for survival horror resident evil. No item boxes is such utter bullshit.

I will honestly never forgive this game for making capcom go action with resident evil 4. I still think that gameplay would have been amazing for dino crisis...oh well...


Jan 8, 2018
RE0 is a fantastic game, it's more of REmake. The story is give or take, but who cares.


Feb 1, 2018
Disagree with most.

RE0 is good. The remaster is really pretty.

Its a bit difficult and frustrating but its a good game thats definitely a worthy addition to the classic style.

Cloud Strife

Nov 13, 2017
Having recently replayed RE0, I personally found it to be slightly more enjoyable than I remembered… But to be fair, I must admit I've gotten way too used to playing REmake's "Real Survival Mode".
I suppose that what could be a deciding factor in your enjoyment (or lack of it) will be the answers to these questions: How do you feel about good ol' item boxes? Do you like that they're oh-so-conveniently "linked"?

Story-wise, 0 is kinda "meh".


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it on the GC and enjoyed the remaster too. It's not the best old skool RE, but it's still good game imo.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a very good game. I would put it near the bottom of the pile of RE games, easily. I replayed the HD version when it came out and think that the beginning hour or so is by far the best and most classic/scary part. The rest is poor inventory management and giant bugs as bosses. It's easily the weakest of the games in that classic style (1,2,3, and Code Veronica) even if I kinda dislike Code Veronica more, personally.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
So everyone thinks it's a bad game? But it has mechanics more or less like REmake, with the exception of the item box change.

Not at all.

The story -is- pretty terrible, but if you are a fan of the survival management of the classic games, the twin character system was a novel idea and was executed pretty well. The thrill of forcing separation among them to handle two different tasks simultaneously was palpable, as was the clarity from anxiety felt when they reunite and your inventory and arsenal doubles for a period. Tough decisions regarding loadout were abound. Often moreso given you had two characters that regularly split pathing to plan.

The locations were diverse, the visuals were pretty, the music was on-par with other titles and uniformly good.

The only real knock is again the tepid plot, the atrocious writing and characters(especially villains). Also, if the survival aspect of these older games isn't what you want out of the series, then this game will absolutely frustrate and cause internet rants. Certainly worth a play if anything beyond this intrigues from what I wrote.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still the same game you remember, so whatever you think of it's one thing.

As far as the remaster goes, I think they still had the original assets and were able to make proper 1080p renders of them instead of having to upscale 480i assets like the first REmake, so it's really well done from that standpoint.


Oct 25, 2017
The game should have stayed on the train.

I was enjoying it there but quickly lost interest after.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It's a good remaster imo. RE0 is fun but it has problems for sure. The train is easily the best part and the lack of item boxes makes backtracking a huge hassle. I also hated the leeches and Marcus. Other than that though, I enjoyed it.


Oct 31, 2017
enjoyable game, but flawed. a good remaster, but content wise not on the same level as the other classic REs.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still the same game you remember, so whatever you think of it's one thing.

As far as the remaster goes, I think they still had the original assets and were able to make proper 1080p renders of them instead of having to upscale 480i assets like the first REmake, so it's really well done from that standpoint.

Cool had no idea the art assets were up scaled from 480i for REmake. No wonder they looked blurry at times lol.

RE0 must have substantially better pre rendered backgrounds if they were sourced from 1080p. This alone makes me want to replay it.

I'm gonna play RE0 on easy though. Don't want the extra aggro of frustration mixed in with that item management the game has. Also Leech Hunter will be easier too. I want the trophies. Not gonna go for platinum but would like to obtain as many as I can in one playthrough.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like it honestly, and playing it recently only made me dislike it more. Billy is inconsequential to the Resident Evil lore and is kinda just there to be Rebecca's partner because tradition I'm guessing, some of the connecting environments don't make sense (There's a way to the Chemical Plant and Lab from RE2 which is said to be located in Raccoon City, under that lab lies an entire treatment plant and said treatment plant is somehow also under a warehouse located near the Training Facility from early in the game and Spencer's Mansion which is miles away from Raccoon City), the main antagonist looks like some generic JRPG villain who has an unhealthy fetish for leeches and sings opera because reasons, and Wesker and Birkin are just there because, well I dunno.

The story is just a mess honestly, and the gameplay is no better. The removal of item boxes and the whole drop items thing hurts the game because it just adds unnecessary backtracking to a game that already has backtracking. The puzzles were rather weak compared to the ones in REmake, and they were also rather strange and somehow even more absurd than in previous entries.

Overall, it's a rather weak entry in the series and coming off Code Veronica that's saying something. At least REmake coming out roughly around the same time made up for it.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
RE0 is just as good as the other classic Resident Evil's that aren't REmake & 2. A lot of people refuse to admit it today as they miss those style of games but people were burnt out of it by the time 0 came around and were wanting a change, so they hated it and those emotions have remained with them. It releasing soon after REmake didn't do it any favors either.

That said, the partner system is really dumb and does boggle the game down.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm, those replies are worrying!

Having only played RE 5 and 7, whenever I'll start my entire series marathon (main games + Revelations), should I skip 0, or will it make me appreciate 1 even more? Worst case scenario I can just play the train intro and ignore the rest xd

I think RE 2's release + RE4 HD mod will totally make me start this marathon early next year.


Dec 14, 2017
Well i just beat this game on hard mode so this thread is perfect, i think this is a really good game but it does have flaw, the first playthough can be a huge pain because of the inventory management, if you don't know what item to give to who or weapon your going to waste a lot of time backtraking and gameover, the game is also very hard, way more than the other RE classic.
But it's one of those game, the more i play it the more i enjoy it.


Oct 27, 2017
I just played it for the first time a couple days back because it was on Steam for like $7. I could have had Arby's instead.

The train section was decent enough, but then I ended up in Not-Spencer mansion and lost the will to play completely. The zombies just kind of disappeared into the background and now it's all giant bugs and leeches and crap. I don't want to be glorified pest control.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Not much about RE0 held up but it's not like they were holding up at release either. RE0 was at a time where the classic formula was getting stale and their tag mechanic with no item box added all the frustrations of the formula with almost no benefits. It's comfort food if you're hungry for more, but the drop in quality after REmake is severe.
This is a very good way to put it


Jan 27, 2018
Graphics of the remaster are insanely good, the backgrounds are quite high resolution, so even at 4K on PC they look good.
But yeah the game takes a tumble off the quality cliff when you exit the train.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
It's the weakest classic RE game but it's still a good time despite some frustrations. The remaster is beautiful though, it looks better than REmake.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
It's a really, really good remaster, and the art direction and remastered pre-rendered backgrounds look amazing, especially considering it's an early 2000 game.

RE0 itself is one of a few 'black sheep' entries in the series, along the likes of Code Veronica, Revelations 1, and RE6. These four games have a pretty even split of fans and people who dislike them. The reason why is because these games do some things very well, but falter in other places. In my opinion, the game succeeds the most in having two very likable protagonist, really nice art direction and some of the best quality pre-rendered backgrounds in any horror game (or games in general) ever, good music, and I personally think has better puzzles than your average RE game. In the middle, some people feel differently on the 'control two characters' partner system and the ability to drop items anywhere on the ground while lacking item boxes. The bad is the game has some boring enemies, while the protagonist are quite good in Zero the actual story is ehhhh, level design has some low middling points, it's not really that scary outside of one enemy type (which I like a lot, but can be frustrating if not sure how to deal with it), and there's several key moments of frustrating forced back-tracking due to the changed item drop system (plus the game sorta' increases the amount of 'filler items' for puzzles to make up for having two inventory systems in RE0).

A lot of people say the game falls off a cliff after the train, but I personally always really liked the locations in the game, that's another more split thing I think. I especially liked (only going to mention my favorite location to not spoil too much) the church. Also random mention, REmake HD was made easier on harder difficulties than the original REmake due to a few changes in how enemy headshots work and a few other minor things, meanwhile Zero HD on Hard is harder than the original Zero on harder difficulties due to some other minor changes making the game more challenging.

Generally speaking, Code Veronica, RE0, Revelations 1, and RE6 I wouldn't really listen to others opinion on as they're kinda' really split down the middle for a lot of people, with some RE fans loving one or two or all of these games or even includes one of their overall favorites, while others really don't like one or two or all of these games or would rank them lower on their series chart so they comparably seem worse even if better than a lot of copycat RE clone games. They have more flaws than your average RE game that can be identified easily enough, but they all also do some things very well, better than most of the rest of the franchise that will make them strike more with certain audiences. I think it's worthwhile if a fan of the series to play through them and forge your own thoughts, unless you really only have the time/will to only play the best of the best or only like a certain style of RE.


Oct 27, 2017
I've finished RE0 again not that long ago and as a remaster, it's really well done as the game is really pretty. As a game, it's still meh. The level design is poor, enemies are designed poorly, and the partner system is frustrating, and especially unbalance in hard mode. Its worth checking out if its on a sale but yeah I don't think it's great.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Resident Evil 0 is still worth playing. I'd recommend just playing on easy though. It fixes a lot of the problems the game had. But even on normal the game never gets any worse than say the revelation games.


Oct 31, 2017
So everyone thinks it's a bad game? But it has mechanics more or less like REmake, with the exception of the item box change.

It's the most frustrating game to play in the series. If you added item boxes and fixed a few very tedious and punishing backtracking problems, it would be a "pretty good" game compared to the other classic titles. It's not anywhere near the top, but it generally plays like REmake when the game isn't doing something to screw itself up.

One thing it has going in its favor is that the HD remaster was really well done. They did what everyone had wanted them to do for REmake and re-rendered everything, even improving the original textures and lighting in a lot of cases. In purely technical terms, it's the absolute peak of fixed-camera RE. I still don't necessarily know for sure whether Capcom could have done the same for REmake- it's assumed that they lost the original assets, but why would they still have Zero's if they were developed at the same time? Maybe they thought the remasters would sell weakly and that filtering and upscaling the backdrops would be more cost effective than going back into all the old data and rerendering everything. Either way, the worse game got a far superior treatment.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018

Looks like someone modded RE0's RE2 factory section and made a "what if" scenario.

I dig it but I prefer what we're getting. The music though still stands up nicely to this day for atmosphere.

Edit: Was supposed to put this in one of those RE2 remake threads but it works it here too i guess

F31 Leopard

Oct 30, 2017
A lot of people hated the no item box but for me I personally liked it because it made you have to adjust your priorities on what to bring or leave behind. It kept me on my toes throughout the campaign. RE0 is one of my favorites in the series.

Looks like someone modded RE0's RE2 factory section and made a "what if" scenario.

I dig it but I prefer what we're getting. The music though still stands up nicely to this day for atmosphere.

Edit: Was supposed to put this in one of those RE2 remake threads but it works it here too i guess

Man, the comments section of that video are in denial.