
Oct 28, 2017
Don't use OCD as a throwaway adjective please. It's hurtful to people actually suffering from OCD.

As a sufferer of OCD, I'd like the mods to work on this. It's incredibly patronising to those suffering the real effects of having OCD.

As for OP, yes, sometimes I feel compelled. Just need to learn to let go.
Jun 2, 2018
Northern Ireland
I used to. Not now. If I'm not enjoying something, I'll quit it. I've quit games very close to the end because I've asked myself if I'm getting anything from the game, and the answer has been no.


Oct 27, 2017
Better to waste money than hours of my life. It was only when I was a backlog-less kid did I go out of my way to finish things I didn't like as it was I had.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll sometimes do this if I just really want to be able to know the full extent of the game's failings and be able to discuss it -- this happened with bioshock infinite and to a certain degree breath of the wild -- but usually if I"m not enjoying myself I'll just stop. I couldn't finish god of war or uncharted 4, for example. Just too boring, and there was nothing bad enough to make me hate-finish like i did with BSI


Oct 29, 2017
My initial reaction was no of course not but actually thinking about it I did force myself to finish rdr2 for some reason. As I had stopped enjoying it wayyy before the epilogue.

It's rare for any game to hold my attention for the entire time nowadays as they are all just too long. Why I love residential evil 2 remake so much I suppose. Perfect length for my attention span so I actually finished it.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I finish generally everything I start. Movies, games, comics, TV shows, it's super rare for me to drop stuff even if I dislike it. At a certain point I gain more satisfaction from understanding a thing holistically than I do merely enjoying its content on a moment to moment basis, so I don't really end up any more or less miserable from it. Understanding a wide variety of things and their fans is more important and interesting to me than only chasing the dopamine rush of stuff that satisfies my extremely limited personal tastes, so I end up consuming a lot more media than I would if I only stuck to things I'd know I would like from the outset. I have also found plenty of stuff I didn't think I would enjoy but ended up coming around on due to this.

I can't think of the last time I actively dropped a game. There are a few I fell off of, but they're still installed and I'll make small progress in short bursts, so I'll eventually complete them.

Metroid Prime 2 isn't universally hated by the Metroid Fanbase? what? That's the first time I've ever heard that take. It's not necessarily the most critically acclaimed of the bunch, but it has its die hards. I don't even think it's the most divisive prime game.
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Oct 30, 2017
It's one thing to say you don't like them, it's another to call them awful. Some of those games are far from awful.

Sorry, understanding that a game is not for you while understanding that it is a objectively well made game with a large healthy fan base is not something we do around here.

My pick: Diablo 2. Worst game ever.

Deleted member 2254

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Oct 25, 2017
I gave up finishing what I don't enjoy, unless I have to review it, and even then it largely depends on the kind of game (not gonna "finish" something with 5000 randomly generated levels or something). My time is worth more than wasting it on something I find hard to enjoy just for completion's sake, I'll just play a game until I'm satisfied with what I played.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Some games I've tried to force myself to finish just to see if it gets any better, or so I can form a more rounded opinion of the game.

Usually though if the game is bad I'll just get bored or frustrated to the point of giving up. I don't like wasting time on something I don't enjoy.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic Heroes. The game was great at the beginning but became awful soon. I still don't know why did i finish it, when i didn't even enjoy it. Since then, i have never finished a game i didn't like, just gave up in time.

I enjoyed Prime 2


Oct 27, 2017
I try to finish a game if I bought it and I can't sell it because of it being a digital version. I've done that with Zombi or Lara Croft GO even though I ended up hating these games. I don't mind dropping games that I got for free like from PS+.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm usually quick to throw bad games, but sometimes when the "it gets better" crowd is really loud I will play to the end just to see what the fuzz is about.
Recent examples of this is zelda botw and rdr2.
I'm far from finished with zelda but I'm at the end of rdr2 now and it actually does get better in the end. It doesn't excuse the overly drawn out and weak middle game though.


Oct 27, 2017
I almost never finish games anymore, so I guess I don't have this affliction.
When I do, it's because I'm really enjoying it - and then I have the opposite problem; I try to play less so it'll last longer.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I often have this. I want to finish games that I started. Even when they are not that good. Sometimes I drop out when they are really bad or when they are way too long.

I currently have this with Kingdom Hearts Dream. Drop. Distance. I want to finish it because I finished all Kingdom Hearts games before it - even the fucking mobile game until Quest 500 - so I want to get done with it before starting KH3. It's not a bad game. It just feels so pointless and dull and it doesn't help that it originally was a 3DS game.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished Persona 5 because I had already wasted 80 hours on it, why not go through another 15 and see the damn ending.

It's not like I could have played Witcher 1 in the same amount of time.


Oct 25, 2017
I barely even finish games I enjoy lol. If I'm not having fun it's out in 2 minutes.

There are too many games out there to waste time on games you don't enjoy.

Ryouji Gunblade

Oct 26, 2017
It's not awful, but I finally beat Yoshi's Woolly World today out of a longstanding feeling of obligation. It's like a blend of Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story with an Epic Yarn twist.

Unfortunately it wasn't as fun as Island or as charming as Story. The visual aesthetic was the strongest thing about it, but that isn't what I play Yoshi for.


Oct 25, 2017
For example, I finished Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, which is universally hated by the Metroid fanbase because I felt that if I didn't beat it, I would be accepting defeat.

Some more examples of games that I felt weren't very good but finished them anyway

Assassins Creed 2
Uncharted 3
Fallout 4
Doom 2016
Quantum Break
Devil May Cry 2

Which game did you feel the need to finish even if you were so bored that you felt as if you were going to slip into a coma?

More importantly do you feel that you HAVE to beat your games because of a need for closure?

Uhh...where exactly did you get that prime 2 is universally hated by metroid fans? Are you sure you didn't get that confused with other m? Prime 2 is loved overall, and at worst is considered just a slight step down from prime 1.


Oct 31, 2017
I can pretty much finish any game if it interests me enough good or bad but if doesn't click with me I won't force it and drop it.
Jan 9, 2018
Very rarely. I've finished the first Assassin's Creed for instance. Did not enjoy it one bit. Nowadays I just don't have as much time to play games so I'd rather play something that is enjoyable.
Oct 27, 2017
It's extremely difficult to me to buy games that are awful. I never blind buy games and always look many sources (videogameplay, streams, reviews, opinions) and obviously my own first impression, before doing it.

So, every game i buy i like it, to various degree.

Many years ago it happened i bought an awful game though, i simply stopped playing it. Never force yourself to play games you don't like, why waste precious time doing something you don't like?

Even if it's a digital game you can't refund, simply accept you made a wrong decision, next time try to buy physical when there is a game you are not so sure you will like, so in case it disappoints, you can sell it.

Deleted member 51789

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Jan 9, 2019
There has to be something to keep me invested - a good story can overcome poor gameplay and vice versa.

If it has nothing to pull me through, I'll drop it.


Aug 5, 2018
Spending money on something I don't enjoy is unfortunate, but I'm not gonna give it my time on top of that. There's many ways to make money. Your time is finite.


Dec 6, 2018
Only game that came close for me was Mass Effect Andromeda.I love the Mass Effect universe and was determined to see everything the game offered so did everything,and spent 100hrs in game.The combat kept me going but the quest design was so bad,it was a struggle at times.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly a lot of games nowadays are so bloated with content I find it difficult to even finish the one's I enjoy.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the game, if it short enough i will continue! If not (like 30 more hours) i just stop and go play something else!

Sometime i will finish it cause the story and awfullness actually make me laugh and i want to see where the trainwreck is going


Nov 2, 2017
I don't have to finish every game, though I do have my own quirk: the number of games I finish for a particular system must be a multiple of 4.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Not all the time. But recently I went through this with Kingdom Hearts 3. Forced myself to finish it, even thought I hated it, because I thought I should. I felt like I owed it to my past self to "finish the trilogy".

Deleted member 283

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Oct 25, 2017
Nah, making the time for stuff I want to play is hard enough. Forcing myself to play through something I hate? There's no real point in doing such a thing, so nah. Just not worth it.


Oct 27, 2017
Metroid Prime 2 is an awful game? šŸ˜­
Yeah, wtf. I'm pretty sure it's one of the most beloved games in the series. It's not my personal favorite, but the game is damn good and I almost never hear bad things about it.

To stay on topic: I'm generally pretty good in picking games I know I'll like, but every once in a while I'll get it wrong and I'm not gonna force myself to play something I feel nothing for.


Nov 6, 2017
I used to finish anything i started just to get rid of the game after or achievs, but know i can't even begin the ones that are on my backlog =(

Is Quantum Break that bad? It's very high up on my backlog at the moment.

I guess it's personal taste, since i loved it and Doom 2016 is on his list of "bad games" too