Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
Both the ps5 and Xbox series only support hdr10 even tho the vast majority of physical releases use Dolby Vision. It's wild and you can't even use a console as a viable physical media player even tho they have the hardware to support it. Let me pay the Dolby license fee so I can take the uhd player off my entertainment center please


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
truly outrageous

truly truly truly outrageous

wooh oh wooh oh


May 17, 2022
It's why I have a 'cheap' Panasonic uhd bluray player.

Got the 820EB for 299 gbp.

I don't get why xbox decided to get the DV license for apps but not disc. I assume it's cost related.


Feb 4, 2018
Yeah, this sucks. The PS5 is a bad 4K UHD player but I can't justify spending another $500-600 for a standalone when PS5's player is "good enough"

They really should let you buy the DV as an add-on. It's crazy they don't.

To be fair though I can't tell much of a difference between HDR10 and DV from the ones I've tested, so I just don't think about it when watching 4ks on PS5.

Sho Nuff

Jan 6, 2019
Kyoto, JP
Both the ps5 and Xbox series only support hdr10 even tho the vast majority of physical releases use Dolby Vision. It's wild and you can't even use a console as a viable physical media player even tho they have the hardware to support it. Let me pay the Dolby license fee so I can take the uhd player off my entertainment center please

What happens if you play a Dolby Vision disc?
Chance Hale

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
I can download a streaming app and get the superior Dolby Vision on Netflix, hbo max whatever but without any of huge bitrate advantages from uhd. Utterly bizarre
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Chance Hale

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
What happens if you play a Dolby Vision disc?
It falls back to the hdr 10 spec which few disc's are designed around anymore. Not bad but doesn't have the same attention at all.

Hdr 10 can still be stunning, my favorite uhd remains the original Suspiria which isn't Dolby and still looks unbelievable but Dolby Vision is the norm these days
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Considering how much Dolby charge in licensing for such a tiny upgrade for top quality TVs (it works better or lower end TVs), I wish we could all just stick it and get HDR10+.

They should allow you to buy it as an add-on rather than inflate the cost of every console for those that really want it.


Oct 28, 2017
after lack of support last gen, it's hardly surprising to say the least


Oct 27, 2017
distributors should finally start to ditch the Dolby brand all together and use the consortium's solutions for audio and video.


Jan 15, 2020
It's why I have a 'cheap' Panasonic uhd bluray player.

Got the 820EB for 299 gbp.

I don't get why xbox decided to get the DV license for apps but not disc. I assume it's cost related.
Yeah cause then you only pay the fee per app user who actually wants to use it rather than per device made and sold
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
They probably don't want to pay the licence fee for DV because most people don't care or couldn't tell the difference between HDR and Dolby Vision anyway and the people that do really care about this stuff would probably have a better dedicated 4K player anyway.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
This was me yesterday putting my 4K copy of Dune into my PS5.

Also the PS5 hums and buzzes so loud during movie playback it's almost unusable.


Nov 12, 2017
You'd be hard pressed to tell a difference on most modern displays unless your TV manufacturer sucked to begin with. What's also funny is that despite the Dolby standard, TVs from different manufacturers with almost identical capabilities might present the image differently.


Oct 30, 2017
I know this is going to be one of those duh things for me but what else do you have? Pc, ps5, UHD player and fire tv I toggle between it and switch

TV 1: apple TV, switch, PS5, series S
TV 2: apple TV, switch, series X, analogue pocket

also i have a ton of mini consoles in TV 1's stand but... they're not plugged in because i don't have any spare ports lol. just for decoration really, i use the pocket to actually play those games


Dec 23, 2017
You can tell both Sony and Microsoft couldn't give a fuck about disc media for movie playback this time around. Had to but a dedicated UHD player cause it's ridiculous the lack of features.


Dec 4, 2017
We literally have a SONY streaming service (song pictures core) on a SONY Playstation and it doesn't have PureStream on it...

Joke. I don't know if these companies believe that film viewers give a shit about fidelity as much as gamers.


leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Doesn't seem that outrageous honestly when they would have to pay a licensing fee for every unit and 95% of people would never even take advantage of it.

The Panasonic UB820 really is a must buy for anyone who watches a lot of 4K discs. DV support, HDR optimiser, good upscaling and almost whisper quiet. It does suck you have to go out and spend another $300+ and have another device plugged in though.

The PS5 is way too loud, that's why I still keep the Xbox One X as a Bluray player.

Xboxes are even worse physical media players than Sony's offerings outside of noise (though I find my Series X noisy anyway). The disc player is an "app" so it can crash and I remember last time my internet was down I couldn't even watch my discs on it because my console wasn't online.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of the reasons why I ultimately went with the Nvidia Shield Pro as my playback device and a NAS running Plex Media Server to host the movies. Far more expensive overall (purely because of the NAS, but you can cut costs by running Plex Media Server directly on the Shield or basically any PC if you use portable storage), but I rip my 4K discs to the NAS and playback in DV on the Shield without issue.

I am not a crackpot lol


Nov 17, 2020
Yeah, Dolby Vision should be supported for media as it's already standardized and requires no user tweaking. I guess licensing costs?

However, for gaming, HDR10 / DV is still a hit or miss depending on the game so I mostly keep it off.


Sep 4, 2020
I think DV on disc requires the player to have an extra chip/hardware. No doubt they didn't want to pay it.

Love the Panasonic UB820, consoles are mostly bad blu-ray players anyway (except PS3).

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
Doesn't seem that outrageous honestly when they would have to pay a licensing fee for every unit and 95% of people would never even take advantage of it.

The Panasonic UB820 really is a must buy for anyone who watches a lot of 4K discs. DV support, HDR optimiser, good upscaling and almost whisper quiet. It does suck you have to go out and spend another $300+ and have another device plugged in though.

Xboxes are even worse physical media players than Sony's offerings outside of noise (though I find my Series X noisy anyway). The disc player is an "app" so it can crash and I remember last time my internet was down I couldn't even watch my discs on it because my console wasn't online.

Yeah, this is not at all surprising. Subtract the number of people that care about Dolby Vision from those that even watch UHD discs, it's not really that outrageous; they're gaming consoles first and foremost.

I use my Series X and it's merely serviceable as a UHD player, which is fine for me. But I can't say I've ever had issues watching movies offline in the midst of an Internet outage.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand why they don't. Just let me pay for the license then myself. I'll probably be buying a stand alone player in the future since I've been expanding my 4k movie collection.

Adam Tyner

Oct 25, 2017
What happens if you play a Dolby Vision disc?
Every disc with any flavor of HDR has to include HDR10. So if you have a disc with Dolby Vision or HDR10+, but something in your chain can't support that, you'll always have HDR10 to fall back on. That's part of the format spec.

(Unless the disc doesn't have HDR at all, rendering it moot!)

I'm on my second Panny 820. The optical drive seemed to go back on my first one.
Oct 27, 2017
I just wish the Xbox bluray app wasn't so flaky. It struggles so much with 4K disks. I ended up giving up and buying a stand alone player and it was well worth it.

imagine having free HDMI ports for a blu-ray player

I'd imagine the kind of people who would care this much about Dolby Vision would also be the kind of people who would use a receiver.