Should any “exclusive” Nintendo Switch Plus game be made available as a Cloud Version to base models

  • Yes

    Votes: 373 56.0%
  • No

    Votes: 293 44.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
This is the scenario I'm fine with. Third party games would most likely just be ports from other systems I already own.

If Nintendo does make exclusives for this this new model, and its not a Switch 2, then that number of exclusives would probably be small. It would be pretty shitty to have to buy a new system just to play a small handful of games that aren't available anywhere else.

I know this is an enthusiast forum, but I would bet the majority of people who play games, including myself, don't like spending money on new hardware if we don't have to. Its why I like long generations, and if I can play a game on a system I already own I'll just do that.

The analysts in the Bloomberg article hinted that this Switch Pro could be a way for Nintendo to get in mainstream/core gaming. They theorized that the regular Switch could remain as the family friendly platform whereas Switch Pro could be the iteration that core/mainstream gamers prefer. Switch has already missed some big mainstream series due to lack of power: Madden, Call of Duty, Battlefield and Red Dead, this might be Nintendo's opportunity to rule both markets.

If you only want to play Nintendo's own titles plus the best indies available, go for Switch Regular.

If you want an handheld platform where you can do all of your gaming, pick Switch Pro.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
The analysts in the Bloomberg article hinted that this Switch Pro could be a way for Nintendo to get in mainstream/core gaming. They theorized that the regular Switch could remain as the family friendly platform whereas Switch Pro could be the iteration that core/mainstream gamers prefer. Switch has already missed some big mainstream series due to lack of power: Madden, Call of Duty, Battlefield and Red Dead, this might be Nintendo's opportunity to rule both markets.

If you only want to play Nintendo's own titles plus the best indies available, go for Switch Regular.

If you want an handheld platform where you can do all of your gaming, pick Switch Pro.

Yeah, and I wouldn't mind this. I don't buy those big mainstream games anyway, and the few I get I wouldn't buy on the switch anyway.

My Switch isn't only just for Nintendo games, but also other Japanese made games that would probably keep coming out for the regular Switch. To me the system is a portable only device and replaced what I used my 3DS for.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm never ever going to buy a cloud game.

Streaming service with access to a library for a subscription? Sure!

Buying an individual cloud game? Absolutely not.

Goddo Hando

Oct 25, 2017
i'll do this for BOTW 2 (or other nintendo 1st parties) on an og switch, but if it's an AAA that i can play on ps5, or XSX I'm not that hungry to play it on the go tbh


Oct 25, 2017
You absolute monster!!! How low do you want the door texture to be? 4x4 texture?
Just make it a solid color at that point, if it's still properly lit I'm not convinced it'd be worse lol


Jul 8, 2018
That could be a way to take advantage of everything the Switch Pro has to offer. Even if you buy the cart in store, the game would launch in "cloud mode" if it is inserted in a basic Switch.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
That could be a way to take advantage of everything the Switch Pro has to offer. Even if you buy the cart in store, the game would launch in "cloud mode" if it is inserted in a basic Switch.
then the publisher would have to give the cloud provider a cut of the revenue from a physical release. they'd never do that
Nov 4, 2017
What type of internet speeds to you get?
Wow, OP putting in the work replying to people! That's dedication, kudos.

Personally I am on a nominally 100mbps down 40mbps up connection, which in reality becomes about 80-90 down and 30-ish up depending on local network load etc. I'm one of the lucky ones. I have friends who live in an area where they should get 100mbps down, but only get about 40 for some reason. I also have friends who are on 4g and ADSL connections, because they just never got anything better where they live (and these are just people on acreage at the outskirts of town, not even rural). The coalition government completely f$#@ed the rollout of what was supposed to be a FTTH network, replacing it with a bullshit "hybrid" FTTN system which is an ineffective, more costly mix of fibre and copper because they had to polish the knobs of their corporate overlords.

Even with a good connection, I'm still looking at an extra ~100ms ping to an overseas server. I just can't see Nintendo (or many other gaming providers) investing in the cost of providing game streaming servers within Australia. We do have Xcloud, but I don't know if the servers are domestic. MS could afford to eat the cost I suppose.
Dec 11, 2017
But they did have two or so of their games exclusive to New 3DS

A few did make it there.

My feelings exactly. This is a PS4 Pro situation, the base Switch will outsell the Switch Pro as long as it's available. Every game being developed will aim for adequate OG performance.

Even when the NS+ is firing on all cylinders, by then, the OG model and Lite will probably receive price drops and become attractive all over again.

I seriously doubt there are gonna be exclusives at all. If what we've heard so far about the new Switch is all there is to it, I'd just expect higher image quality on the new version and that's it. They should still be playable on the OG Switch.

It could just be prettier versions of games. True.

I guess I don't really get the question.

If you're a bystander, why would it matter?

If you own the pro, why would you be disappointed for others to have the option to play some of the games the same way?

If you own the OG Switch, I can see where it could be frustrating if third parties abandon the OG to cloud ports entirely, but that's highly unlikely for the vast majority of third party titles. A cloud title is a much harder sell than a native port, and most third parties won't want to abandon the market potential of nearly 100M users.

Cloud games are a harder sell, unless they came with a cartridge/eShope purchase, so that when you do upgrade your system, you can now play natively.


I don't think anyone is expecting exclusives from Nintendo. Especially not anytime soon. Maybe way down the li e when a successor is released we could get a Fire Emblem Warriors situation.

People are expecting third party games on other platforms that would be very difficult to port to the OG Switch.

Yeah, mostly third parties.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a big demanding third party or two launch exclusive on the new model.

From there I don't really see Nintendo preventing companies from doing it, but I don't see many companies jumping to make much of any games exclusive because of the massive portion of the install base they would be missing out on.

If I can get Street Fighter VI on the go, I want it! Please, Capcom.

But those were ports from more powerful hardware. No such Nintendo games exist relative to the Switch.

It would be good if people actually read the OP. It is clearly talking about games from more powerful platforms, not games developed exclusively for the Switch, such as 1st party.

Thanks for reading the original post. Exactly!

As a backup option that's fine. I do not like not being able to backup them locally though.

A last choice for me too, but if it's the only one and I had no other system/no cash to upgrade, I'd take it.

Seems like a band aid option for owners of the original which kinda sucks for original owners. I think some companies would just not spend the time and investment to make a playable version on OG Switch even if it was possible if it became the norm.

My question also would be if the cloud version would come with the physical, pro version? Seeing as companies really like to rip off Nintedo users I wonder if they'd try and charge you seperately for physical for pro and cloud for OG.

Ideally, companies would tie a cloud release to said eShop download/cartridge.

I really hope so.

Cloud versions for the OG model, and games that actually take advantage of the improved hardware. Best case scenario for me, but I can see why people would be against it.

I'm glad you like the idea. Thanks!

The fact of the matter is that there are quite a few games on other systems that just can't be ported to the existing Switch. If they were possible, they would likely be on the OG Switch already (Ex: RE7).

And then there's stuff like Grand Theft Auto V. Come reason why it shouldn't be on Nintendo Switch by now.

Oh yea I understand that. I think it would be a shame if companies started to default to creating a cloud version instead of considering a port. Things like Dragon Quest or Witcher 3 for example which were possible to port and well regarded but problably were quite an investment. I could see it being a hard sell to argue for a native port if a Cloud version is cheaper and easier to provide.

Here's to getting the best of both worlds whenever possible!

As others have said, the audience for the OG Switch is massive. If a native port for the OG Switch is possible, they'd go for it.

I'd think so as well. Kind of unfortunate that there's no GTAV after 4 years though. I played the game on my Xbox One, then my Xbox One X here and there...and depending on the Xbox Series X improvements, will hop in more or less, once more. That being said though, I'd probably double dip for a portable version if one were available.

if there's a crossbuy option i'd be fine with it. if i bought a cloud version of a game, i'd want to get the native version for free when i upgrade to a switch pro.

Yeah that'd be nice.

Nintendo will stay on regular Switch. It's the third parties we're talking about. You simply cannot have Mafia 1 or Red Dead 2 running on regular Switch. It's either Switch Pro or none at all.

By the time PS5 and XSX gen grows big enough, third parties will abandon the old Switch regardless. Games will be too demanding to have downports of. Even something like The Witcher 3 took a year to bring to Switch.

But as everyone said, many of Resetera members don't use their Switches for anything beside first party titles and indies. It's natural for those folk to understand to concept of this. Switch Pro is clearly not for them. It's Nintendo's attempt to make presence in the mainstream gaming area. Switch has already missed many important titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield and Star Wars games. It's totally make sense for Nintendo to want a slice of that cake.

Yeah, this could be the machine that really further bridges the mainstream gap. And perhaps by Nintendo Switch 2's release, Big N is back with an epic machine that everyone in the industry seriously considers as their #1 platform of choice. A whole lot has to go right in order for that to happen though.

I'm vaguely expecting games to be tailored to the pro, released on OG but optimisiation slipping on OG. From the third party perspective at least.

I can see that.

And would a cloud solution really be the easy option? Sounds like more of a commitment than print, sell and forget port.

Hard to say how easy it would be. Nintendo would need a good infrastructure to run it all.

ps4 pro had no exclusives so why should switch pro or plus or whatever

PS4 wasn't in a position where it'd soon be old/weak. It was already ahead of Xbox One and like the Xbox One X, PS4 Pro was just made to run games better. Nintendo Switch on the other hand, is now 4 years older and more than that amount weaker than PS5 and Xbox Series X, with a divide in games capable of running on it, only going to widen. It's a powerful enough of a hit with enough life left, that a Nintendo Switch 2 doesn't need to come out just yet. However, if Nintendo isn't smart and doesn't do something to make the brand new and exciting, then sooner or later, it will get less culturally significant as PS5 and Xbox Series X take over. Nintendo Switch Plus being able to play some of the other console's games, once again makes it a hot and compelling platform.

I don't care I am usually in favor of more options for ppl

if this is comparable to a ps4 pro jump it shouldn't be an issue but... this seems bigger than that? Could be mistaken

It does seem to be bigger for NS than what PS4 Pro was to PS4, but we'll see...

There will be a lot of PS4 + Xbox One ports that were simply impossible on the current Switch due to it's CPU. The new CPU could be up to an 8x improvement then you probably have double the GPU power, double the ram (with at least double the memory bandwidth). It's probably going to be an enormous leap in tech over the original and that's ignoring DLSS which will take 1080p games to 4k when docked.

I think it's going to be amazing!

The difference between the Playstation 4 and Playstation 4 Pro or Xbox One and Xbox One X is not the same universe as the difference between the current Nintendo Switch and the Playstation 5/Xbox Series X.

The Switch is ALREADY completely locked out of ports from the new-gen consoles, so if the new Switch isn't it is getting exclusives by default.

In order for Nintendo to stay relevant, I think that beyond the next hit Zelda, Pokemon, and Metroid, it needs a current platform that also gets some of PS5/Xbox Series X's heavy hitters.

this topic headline makes me shudder

Haha, sorry!

I'd rather not have any exclusives at all. Every game should run natively in both models in some capacity, otherwise don't bother with it

I see.

I suppose it's better than not coming at all. I've never played a cloud game but I'd be interested to try.

The couple I tried on Nintendo Switch did work great for me! Others have not had the best experience, but that largely depends on your internet speed.

I think that the majority of "no" votes here are answering the wrong question– instead expressing that they don't want exclusive games to start with. Because otherwise, what's the harm? Better than not having it at all, as others have said. Some games simply won't be able to run on both models.

Well said, thank you. Isn't it better to have in some way than not at all? That way you don't feel abandoned...because you weren't going to get it originally in the first place.

How would I feel?

Bad. Obviously.

It's seems like a buckwild thing to do...which is why I have to believe that it is something Nintendo is definitely considering.

I am really dreading a switch upgrade. It's gonna be:
  1. Saves won't transfer over
  2. Licenses won't transfer over
  3. Accounts won't transfer over
  4. Screenshots you accidentally took will
  5. That demo you downloaded and forgot to play will be the only thing you can access.

The screenshots and demo bit gave me a good laugh. Nintendo Switch does allow you to transfer content between systems though.

Some pubs don't even want to use 16gb carts and people expect 32/64 ones to be used?


Prices are dropping. 32gb cartridges in 2021 cost less than they did in 2017. A year from now, 64gb cartridges shouldn't be a crazy thought. Plus, though not ideal, a portion of games could fit on a 32gb cartridge, with the rest requiring internal/Micro SDXC storage space.

If it's just a mid gen refresh, then no exclusive. I'm ok with my current Switch.

I like mine too, but will upgrade even if it's not tremendous...but I also love new tech.

You can already transfer all of those things


It's kind of amazing how many people here still don't know this.


How would you feel if it's a Switch Plus with exclusives, then the following device is a Switch 3 while Nintendo continues to support the Switch Plus?

If by "properly" you mean like Hyrule Warriors 3D, I don't see it. I imagine the Breath of the Wild sequel will have similar performance to the original on the base hardware. There's not really much need to push it further when the upgraded model is targeting 4K (and potentially a higher frame rate now that they're experimenting with Skyward Sword).

Not just compression, but asset quality. You could slash assets (which make up the vast majority of game storage) to 1/4 the level of detail for the Switch and nobody would bat an eye. Compressing something that's closer to ~30-40 GB and maybe requiring a little extra be downloaded to get under 16 GB? Perfectly reasonable. Or if they're cheaper by then, 32 GB carts exist and should be borderline easy to fit the game in.

I can see BotW2 being a 900p 30fps game while docked, with better textures, slightly enhanced polygon models, increased draw distance, and overall, improved lighting and shadows on Nintendo Switch. What I'd love to see if while running on Nintendo Switch Plus, we got a 1440p 60fps experience, while every other detail I mentioned also received a reasonable bump. That would be wonderful in my opinion. And yeah, compression and split cartridge/download is something I'm down with.

Not right away especially if it's $400 usd

It makes me wonder if this will be a $350 or $400 console...

You absolute monster!!! How low do you want the door texture to be? 4x4 texture?

Beautiful game right the...what did you do!? But hey, even as such, if it ran smoothly, it'd be better than nothing, right?


Mar 8, 2021
There shouldn't be exclusive games for a system that is the same generation.

Exclusive features? Yes.

Ya they would just need to call it super switch or switch 2. If the original switch is not able to run the game off the same cartridge it's a new console/handheld. It isn't a ps pro/one x type upgrade.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
The screenshots and demo bit gave me a good laugh. Nintendo Switch does allow you to transfer content between systems though.
Oh yeah, I'm just always wary with Nintendo. If there's a weird way to do something, It seems like they will always go for that.

Always on Motion controls, no cloud saves for certain games, limited run digital releases etc.

Believe me, my ideal is loading up a new Switch Pro or Switch Plus (which sounds too much like a bad energy pill brand) and just hitting a "download account/saves/purchases" button or a "transfer from console/SD card" button.
Dec 11, 2017
No way in hell there are many exclusives for the Switch Pro. There might be a few small 1st party games, and maybe a few 3rd party games, but the OG Switch has just sold way too many units for them to actually go down that path.

I realistically only think/hope it'll be third party titles that couldn't come over otherwise/only via cloud

Why do they need to be on the cloud? Just add a lower graphical setting like PC games have been doing for decades.

I would never buy a game if I could only play it on the cloud. My internet speed can't handle it.

A lower graphics setting would be nice, provided the game also run well, but I'm talking about stuff that developers just can't port or can't be bothered to make another version of.

Actually it's expected for games to have even smaller sizes with DLSS. All the devs have to do is port their game at lower resolutions and DLSS would do its magic of bringing the resolution to an acceptable level.

It's worth nothing that these "miracle ports" most likely won't feature 4K visuals. As they're demanding games, the juice DLSS frees would be used to get the game to run.

Control devs Remedy tried that but didn't work. So it's cloud only on base Switch. It might come to Switch Pro as a native port.

True regarding DLSS. It could really be a game changer.

This is the scenario I'm fine with. Third party games would most likely just be ports from other systems I already own.

If Nintendo does make exclusives for this this new model, and its not a Switch 2, then that number of exclusives would probably be small. It would be pretty shitty to have to buy a new system just to play a small handful of games that aren't available anywhere else.

I know this is an enthusiast forum, but I would bet the majority of people who play games, including myself, don't like spending money on new hardware if we don't have to. Its why I like long generations, and if I can play a game on a system I already own I'll just do that.

Yeah, I think most out there would prefer not to have to buy new hardware. Unlike a new phone that they're ok with getting every one or two years, a gaming machine is less essential to them.

I don't think they should make any games for the "Switch Plus" that don't run natively on the regular base model Switch.

I see that.

Same. If they don't run natively on the original Switch, then the Switch Pro might as well be a new console entirely.

Unless it's a modern day equivalent of what the N64 Expansion Pak / Game Boy Color philosophy. Certain games only on NS+, natively, but cloud versions are still present on base models.

It is, though.

Everything we're hearing points to this being an iterative upgrade, like an iPhone 2.

I really wish we were having an in-person E3 and it's where Nintendo was gonna reveal it at.

Again, I really don't think PS4 pro level is possible in handheld even in 2023. I think 2.5TFs is probably the peak but of course dlss might help.

I also can't see Nintendo going over $300-$350. I don't even think Pro will go over $300. $399 would be way too high IMO.

especially when you consider there is real possibility $299-$350 Ps5 slim in holiday 2023, when Switch 2 could release, and potentially $200-$250 (at worst $299 still) Xbox series s

With DLSS, I can see a quite powerful NS2 in November, 2023, but I guess that remains to be seen. As for the price of this Plus model, $350 would be appropriate...maybe including a pack-in title, but if the dock has some guts behind it, $400 isn't unimaginable.

If a game literally couldn't run on the Switch, but could on the "Pro", the existing units sold are irrelevant.

Somewhat, unless people can buy a cartridge that works on the Plus, but in the meantime, it comes with a cloud version that will work on their base version.

I wouldn't be as pissed off because my switch is pretty much Nintendo games only, Xbox is for the rest.

But I would still think it was a dick move. Give games enhancements or whatever you gotta do. But exclusive only games is not cool.

Fair points.
Dec 11, 2017
The analysts in the Bloomberg article hinted that this Switch Pro could be a way for Nintendo to get in mainstream/core gaming. They theorized that the regular Switch could remain as the family friendly platform whereas Switch Pro could be the iteration that core/mainstream gamers prefer. Switch has already missed some big mainstream series due to lack of power: Madden, Call of Duty, Battlefield and Red Dead, this might be Nintendo's opportunity to rule both markets.

If you only want to play Nintendo's own titles plus the best indies available, go for Switch Regular.

If you want an handheld platform where you can do all of your gaming, pick Switch Pro.

Yeah, this system is sounding more like another pillar. Back in the day you had GameCube, GBA, and then DS...which also played GBA games. DS really took off and became its own thing. Now we just have Nintendo Switch (and Lite for purely portable purposes), so if Nintendo Switch Plus is powerful enough to run its own games and came out 4.5 years after the original, I think it deserves to be considered an upgraded model and not quite a full sequel console. If an overwhelming majority of games coming out for it never saw the light of day on Nintendo Switch or NS didn't have at least cloud versions of said games, then yeah, that sounds more like an NS2.

Yeah, and I wouldn't mind this. I don't buy those big mainstream games anyway, and the few I get I wouldn't buy on the switch anyway.

My Switch isn't only just for Nintendo games, but also other Japanese made games that would probably keep coming out for the regular Switch. To me the system is a portable only device and replaced what I used my 3DS for.

That's a good look on it.

i would, but there are two other Switch users in my house. 3x machine is a bit much.

Three is quite a bit. For me, it'll be my household's second NS.

I'm never ever going to buy a cloud game.

Streaming service with access to a library for a subscription? Sure!

Buying an individual cloud game? Absolutely not.

What if the individual cloud game was at a fraction of the cost of a native release?

I'm not particularly interested in paying full Nintendo prices for the rights to play a game off of a server.

How about at a reduced price?

i'll do this for BOTW 2 (or other nintendo 1st parties) on an og switch, but if it's an AAA that i can play on ps5, or XSX I'm not that hungry to play it on the go tbh

I see that point.

None of the cloud games already on Switch are full price. There's no reason to expect that they would be in the future.

That's what I'm leading to believe, too.

Just make it a solid color at that point, if it's still properly lit I'm not convinced it'd be worse lol

Here's hoping it's great.

That could be a way to take advantage of everything the Switch Pro has to offer. Even if you buy the cart in store, the game would launch in "cloud mode" if it is inserted in a basic Switch.

Exactly! If this happens, it'd be wonderful and extremely fair for all NS owners.

then the publisher would have to give the cloud provider a cut of the revenue from a physical release. they'd never do that

A cut from having sales in some capacity is better than not having anything to cut from though. But we'll see. It's all fun hypothetical talk for now.

Wow, OP putting in the work replying to people! That's dedication, kudos.

Personally I am on a nominally 100mbps down 40mbps up connection, which in reality becomes about 80-90 down and 30-ish up depending on local network load etc. I'm one of the lucky ones. I have friends who live in an area where they should get 100mbps down, but only get about 40 for some reason. I also have friends who are on 4g and ADSL connections, because they just never got anything better where they live (and these are just people on acreage at the outskirts of town, not even rural). The coalition government completely f$#@ed the rollout of what was supposed to be a FTTH network, replacing it with a bullshit "hybrid" FTTN system which is an ineffective, more costly mix of fibre and copper because they had to polish the knobs of their corporate overlords.

Even with a good connection, I'm still looking at an extra ~100ms ping to an overseas server. I just can't see Nintendo (or many other gaming providers) investing in the cost of providing game streaming servers within Australia. We do have Xcloud, but I don't know if the servers are domestic. MS could afford to eat the cost I suppose.

Thank you for the acknowledgement! I began responding to every single person in every thread I made, from back when I worked for and never stopped! It's great getting to talk with so many gamers. :) Your 80-ish download speed is solid but yeah, I can see how especially for some friends pretty close by, how they could have a more difficult time with cloud gaming. Hopefully everywhere continues to improve sooner than later with higher speeds!

Because most of the games OP mentioned won't run to an acceptable standard on the original switch.

That's right!

7 remake cloud strife?


Haha, that would be fun! An intentional blocky look would actually be kind of cool.

There shouldn't be exclusive games for a system that is the same generation.

Exclusive features? Yes.

What kind of features do you hope to see?

Ya they would just need to call it super switch or switch 2. If the original switch is not able to run the game off the same cartridge it's a new console/handheld. It isn't a ps pro/one x type upgrade.

I am curious if the leap over the base NS is over what Xbox One X was to its base or PS4 Pro was to its. We'll see!

Oh yeah, I'm just always wary with Nintendo. If there's a weird way to do something, It seems like they will always go for that.

Always on Motion controls, no cloud saves for certain games, limited run digital releases etc.

Believe me, my ideal is loading up a new Switch Pro or Switch Plus (which sounds too much like a bad energy pill brand) and just hitting a "download account/saves/purchases" button or a "transfer from console/SD card" button.

Oh yeah, a simple button like to transfer everything, without going through a bunch of menu selecting and dropdowns, would be great!


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
A cut from having sales in some capacity is better than not having anything to cut from though. But we'll see. It's all fun hypothetical talk for now.
"anything is better than nothing" is an approach that many third parties don't see as practical, as evident by the lack of games being ported to switch. I wonder if the current crop of cloud games only further reenforces that belief