Deleted member 8674

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Oct 26, 2017
We know the upcoming Black Widow movie is a prequel focusing about Natasha's past but I expect the post credit scene of that movie to be about her revival.


Apr 22, 2019
Do a Midnight Sons movie (or film series potentially) starring Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, Punisher, and Morbius (if the movie turns out alright). Spin off into Blade and Ghost Rider movies.

Then Fantastic Four series, Doom, and X-Men films focused on lesser known characters or characters that got the shaft like Jubilee and Shadow Cat.


Dec 25, 2017
Each standalone gets a sinister six villain... With decent back story ala vulture. Have the big culmination film be the face off between each group.

Far from home has Mysterio apparently... This is conceivable.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Endgame is peak superhero movie as a genre. It could be decades before anything comes even remotely close, if ever.

Marvel/Fergie need to organically establish a new summit to climb over the next 10 years. The Avengers/Thanos story arc was done exceptionally well and sets such a high bar. But if anything, MCU is still in good hands.

Personally I'd like to see the focus on establishing X-Men within the MCU, at least 1 film per year from 2022. If they nail X-Men with great casting and intriguing story lines there's plenty of potential left in an expanded MCU.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
CĂłmic book gurus, am I wrong in thinking that X-MEN would completely ruin the MCU?
X-men isn't just a having a team of hero's, it's changing the entire world these movies exist in to have an entire advanced race of humans running around or being persecuted.

How do you introduce this slowly?

Do you just say fuck it and say the X-men were there the whole time? These random super powered folk that existed all around the earth?

Also, we are getting further and further from WW2, how do you have a good magneto if he's old as fuck

I'm basing all my knowledge off the movies.

Deleted member 19739

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
CĂłmic book gurus, am I wrong in thinking that X-MEN would completely ruin the MCU?
X-men isn't just a having a team of hero's, it's changing the entire world these movies exist in to have an entire advanced race of humans running around or being persecuted.

How do you introduce this slowly?

Do you just say fuck it and say the X-men were there the whole time? These random super powered folk that existed all around the earth?

Also, we are getting further and further from WW2, how do you have a good magneto if he's old as fuck

I'm basing all my knowledge off the movies.

I have been thinking about that too. X-men universe is pretty large and it would be awkward to introduce them in the same MCU and say that they have always been there. Unless they introduce them in an alternate timeline. In that timeline, Captain America and iron Man might still exit.


Apr 27, 2018
I'll be interested in how they replace the Avengers movies. It seems too big of a brand now to be done with it. New Avengers and Young Avengers seem like a given but we'll go a couple of years first, like Phase 1 building up to the Avengers.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
CĂłmic book gurus, am I wrong in thinking that X-MEN would completely ruin the MCU?
X-men isn't just a having a team of hero's, it's changing the entire world these movies exist in to have an entire advanced race of humans running around or being persecuted.

How do you introduce this slowly?

Do you just say fuck it and say the X-men were there the whole time? These random super powered folk that existed all around the earth?

Also, we are getting further and further from WW2, how do you have a good magneto if he's old as fuck

I'm basing all my knowledge off the movies.
Endgames main theme revolves around time travel and that marries quite well into the X-Men story arcs as there is a lot of time travel elements already established in that IP. Difficult for sure but doable.

The foundation is already set with Endgame but Marvel would need to jump on the time travel aspect really quickly, maybe with some post credit scenes for the time being...? Some liberties will definitely need to be taken.


Dec 26, 2018
Endgames main theme revolves around time travel and that marries quite well into the X-Men story arcs as there is a lot of time travel elements already established in that IP. Difficult for sure but doable.

The foundation is already set with Endgame but Marvel would need to jump on the time travel aspect really quickly, maybe with some post credit scenes for the time being...? Some liberties will definitely need to be taken.

The Avengers will be so confused once Cable shows up.



Jan 11, 2018
There's already a massive glut of characters in the MCU. This is part of why I was really hoping Endgame would clear the deck more than it did, but instead we still have to save slot for a bunch of old characters.

As long as the next leg has Galactus as the big bad guy, and features Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl, then I'm pretty satisfied. I want Squirrel Girl to be booked as strong as Captain Marvel was in Endgame.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, they have so many characters available now, the sky's the limit. They've got enough material for twenty more years without rebooting anything. The main thing I would do is delay any big crossover until people are hungry for it again, since the IW+EG combination was a conclusion of epic proportions and people might be spent after it.


Oct 28, 2017
Bear with me here... but I think Black Widow in Endgame was a Skrull.

Phase 4 - Secret Invasion
Phase 5 - Dark Reign
Phase 6 - Secret Wars

Get as many Peter Parker Spider-Man stories adapted over these three phases as humanly possible. Also, Doctor Doom should be built up as a threat even more menacing than Thanos, but not exclusively via the Fantastic Four... Black Panther should be heavily involved in some of the Doom stuff, and playing Namor off of both T'Challa and Doom over the course of the decade would be great.

Also, over the course of all of these phases, make a Secret Warriors film, a SHIELD (Hickman) film, a Fantastic Four trilogy (third part being Galactus/Surfer), and end phase six with a multi-film Secret Wars arc, replace Peter with Miles Morales by the end of Secret Wars. I know people want to see Miles sooner than later but we're only a few years into an incredible young Peter Parker run and I'm just not ready to see that come to and end without a lot of Spider-Man classics being adapted first.

Also, X-Men stuff through Phase 5 and Phase 6, but none of the stuff Fox adapted. Introduce Magneto as a threat but for the love of fuck don't focus on him in every movie. How about:

Film 1: Original team, origin stuff, end with Giant-Sized X-Men stuff.
Film 2: Cooler weirder X-Men stuff. More Savage Land, perhaps. Or X-Men in space. Whatever happens, introduce Gateway no later than film #2.
Film 3: The Uncanny X-Men in MOJOWORLD.

The X-Men films should be the craziest, most insanely fun things ever. They see dinosaurs regularly, go into space regularly, and semi-regularly go to a dimension where reality programming ratings are lifeblood... these are the adventures I want to see.

Anyway, that's what I'd do if I were in charge.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't forget, Marvel already has a 5 year plan and it doesn't include the X-Men or F4.

And knowing Feige they probably had one that included them. But as this interview was pre endgame releasing he wasn't going to say anything concrete and never does.

F4 I can see sidelining for now. But I'd bet we'll see an X - Man character probably Wolverine in an MCU movie within the next two years.

Same as 'villains' Marvel sitting on as character like Dr Doom for 5 years? Yeah no haha


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Scrap everything and throw all the money into a Nextwave movie, including the theme song.


Oct 25, 2017
In the comics BP one on one against Cap would beat him. MCU BP would get man handled.

Except in Civil War, before his suit and powers were upgraded in Black Panther, he fought Cap, Bucky, and Falcon to a standstill...

I'd be genuinely surprised if we went 20+ more movies without at least a Squirrel Girl cameo.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem likely. Marvel Studios gave Marvel Television the okay to use Squirrel Girl in a New Warriors show, which means they likely don't have a plan to use her in the movies. I HOPE this has changed, because she's one of my favorite characters.


Oct 25, 2017
I kinda want the third Spidey film to adapt the Ultimate (Sinister) Six storyline. Would be similar to Civil War, but with more villains, and end with Spider-man in a position of leadership within the (Young?) Avengers, and since it would feature Osborne, it could even lead to a Dark Avengers film.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
I would do a full on reboot as the Marvel Ultimate Cinematic Universe. That would let them use the X-Men and Fantastic Four without trying to shoehorn them into the series 30 movies in. I would bring back anyone still under contract so they can do the new versions of their characters in the new series, but I wouldn't make any more movies in the current universe. Endgame was the perfect ending for the MCU.


Aug 8, 2018
Core Avengers and Sendoffs: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange
Avengers and Sendoffs: Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Sam Wilson Captain America, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ant-Man, Wasp, Valkyrie, Okoye, Guardians of the Galaxy
Newbies: The Eternals, Shuri as Black Panther, Shang-Chi, Monica Rambeau, Hercules, She-Hulk, Kate Bishop, Hulkling, Billy Kaplan, Speed, Patriot, Cassie Lang, Black Knight, Nova, Jane Foster as Thor
Teased: Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Wolverine, Storm, Fantastic Four, kid Amadeus Cho, Ms. Marvel as a kid


Oct 25, 2017
Introduce Xmen, then Fantastic 4, then Silver Surfer with Guardians of the Galaxy and by the end of the 10 years, Galactus.

In between you can add Namor, but keep giving us some movies with the other characters.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
More or less. I'm still fucking dumbfounded on how Marvel even allowed their Netflix IPs to be held hostage like this.
You would think Disney/Marvel are smart enough to not let like shit like this happen again to their own properties.

I dunno. The characters tied up with Netflix seem pretty d tier.