How do you rate 2020

  • Worst year of my life!

    Votes: 205 19.6%
  • Pretty bad

    Votes: 452 43.2%
  • Not so good

    Votes: 158 15.1%
  • Average

    Votes: 57 5.4%
  • Quite ok

    Votes: 69 6.6%
  • Pretty good

    Votes: 75 7.2%
  • Best year of my life!

    Votes: 30 2.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017
So this year is coming to an end (or already did in some parts; happy new year you aussie folks!)
We all know this year will not be remembered too fondly by people. I don't think I have to go into detail why that is.

But I'm curious on how each one looks back at this year. Was it really the worst year ever? How did you cope?
Was there anything positive you're grateful for?
Oct 29, 2017
Absolute, utter shit out of a dog's ass.

And I say that despite keeping my job, being able to work from home and not getting any pay cuts.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Financially if was my best year ever between the stimulus money and two job shifts this is the most money I've ever had (and I'm still buried in student loan debts ;-;). Emotionally/Mentally it was a wash the stress of the pandemic and not seeing family/friends was offset by not having to leave the house all that much.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Well, last year I had my relatives pass away and we had to put our dog down so this year was slightly better in that regard. But yeah, with the pandemic and my anxiety and all the COVID-19 related deaths, still a pretty shitty year.

Kel Varnsen

Oct 31, 2017
Nothing really bad happened to me or my social circle personally, so it's not gonna be the worst year.
But the lack of any social activities, getting together, concerts and festivals, dinners did affect me more then I like to admit.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty average for me personally, more like a slow year than a bad one. I'm lucky to live in a place with low infection, so I haven't been that isolated.

Cosmic Bus

Oct 27, 2017
Uh, well:

Lost my career
Split up with my husband
Lost ~$25k
Two suicide attempts
Mental hospital
Back living with my elderly parents at 42


Oct 27, 2017
Other than a lacking face to face social life due to the pandemic, it was mostly fine. The absolute worst event was the deteriorating health of my dog until losing him. Thankfully everyone in my extended family has remained physically healthy, but depression and financial hardship has really affected some of them which saddens me to see.


Oct 26, 2017
Worst year clearly. I still have a job but it's struggling a lot so lords know how it will end, and lost my grandmother recently.


Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't great but then my gripes are most 1st world problems.

We had a pretty full year planned between weekends away, holidays, concerts etc and it's always really difficult to fit these in with both the wife and I working shifts/having allocated annual leave blocks and having kids in school, so going months without any annual leave then having everything cancelled was a kick in the balls.

Us both having to work in front line roles (police/NHS) obviously was a worry and has been difficult for a variety of reasons.

otoh we I managed to upgrade my PC and bagged both new consoles as well as us doing a fair bit to the house with the money saved.

All in all while not a great year for us, I realise I have had it pretty good compared to most so can't really complain.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I've been too privileged to answer this. The year has been pretty good for me. No affected friends of family, positive career evolution.


Oct 26, 2017
Pretty terrible year, all in all. Importantly, me, my girlfriend, my dad and her mother have coped well health-wise, but the strain of not having a proper vacation, the NOTICEABLY increased workload at work (despite WFH), the massive lack of social interactions, the uncertainty of running the family-owned restaurant on the side and a general cynisism/pessimism among most I hold dear is starting to take its toll. Let's just hope the new year is better, fast.


Oct 25, 2017
My mom died this year and not even covid related. Shock to all of us.

Kobe, Gigi, and two of her teammates and their family members died.

Pandemic has been a bit more difficult when you're living alone.

Other things I'm probably forgetting.

Fuck this year.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Personally, pretty good. but I couldn't say it vote for anything more than pretty bad all things considered


Nov 2, 2017
Hard to say anything other than pretty bad, what with corona, my brother continuing to have complications due to it, and losing my job. Far from my worst year ever though.


Oct 25, 2017
Uh, well:

Lost my career
Split up with my husband
Lost ~$25k
Two suicide attempts
Mental hospital
Back living with my elderly parents at 42

Don't even know what to say. It only has to go up from here... But this is really so much. Even though it may not mean much to you (considering the forum I'm posting in), I will have you in my prayers.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
It was pretty bad. The only good thing that came out of it was socially distancing.

Tawney Bomb

Oct 25, 2017
Pretty bad. My mental health has been in the gutter and I hate being stuck in my house all the time. I have made a ton of poor choices this year, likely due to shitty mental health. To top it off, my cousin got killed, my grandpa and uncle died and my grandma and aunt were both diagnosed with cancer. This year has been pretty bad, to put it mildly.

Full Recovery

Needs a sandwich
Oct 26, 2017
Had surgery, Dad died, dog died, sold my house and moved back in with Mom. Health keeps getting worse, having a difficult time holding onto my job because of health issues. 2020 sucked. All I want to do is excel in my career, start a family and pursue my dreams but my body is broken and no doctor has been able to fix it. Honestly not sure if I'll make it to 40. Absolutely zero confidence in my health right now.


Nov 7, 2017
It was a strange year for me. I actually had the best year of my life personally. 2020 transformed my life entirely.

I Graduated College (First in my family, and I grew up in poverty)
Secured a Second Internship out of college with a fantastic boss who mentored me.
Got a really good job out of college at a fortune 500 because of said internship
Broke off my toxic relationship with my family, which for me was a major step in my emotional development
Got correct therapy for my ADHD and for the first time in my life I have some clarity
bought a new car, my dream car from when I was a kid
Stayed mostly healthy, which for me was also a big deal

2020 has been an absolute terrible year for most people, so I feel extremely fortunate to have had such a good year. I am already trying to give back by donating to local charities who need help the most right now. I am not oblivious to what is happening right now, but I am thankful that my family I care about has followed the social distancing and mask wearing protocols and no one I know has gotten the Virus.

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
I went for preety good, I've been very fortunate in that I only personally know a couple of people that caught the virus and they had very mild symptoms and recovered within a week or two. I also only know a handful of people whose occupations were negatively affected and they quickly went on to find new roles.

I got to spend more time than ever with ky wife and kids which is incredible.

Financially its been a great year due to work and investments.

Im also in an area that is constantly in the lowest affected regions in the UK.

Makoto Yuki

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Me personally, average. I made the best of the shitty situation and learned a lot about myself and the world around me. It's been an incredible time for self-reflection.

I'm also grateful to have work, but it's also made me realize the fragility of it all. So it's opened my mind to other avenues of accumulating wealth.

Overall health (both physical and mental) is wealth, and it took a virus about 9-months to really upend society's sanity and show people's true colors when the chips are down.

I wish you all the best in the coming year. Just because it's 2021 doesn't magically make it better, but I'm sure 2020 will go down in history as a rather troubled time for everyone on planet Earth.


Oct 27, 2017
Trying to be as positive as possible...

I got to see friends getting married just before lockdown.

I managed to get back into exercise and have been trying to push myself.

I got BIG into good coffee.

I became a bit more comfortable with myself.

Sadly, Covid and Brexit have definitely made it worse.


Nov 27, 2017
Finshed my certificate program at University, bought my first home and got a new better job, also working from home is pretty dope. Pretty good year overall if it wasn't for all the deaths and the shutdowns.
Oct 27, 2017
Personally, not bad at all
Got promoted
I'm as healthy as ever both physically and mentally and nobody I know got sick

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Not even close to my worst year. Which I can't even start to go into.

but 2020 was a fucking disaster of a year


Oct 28, 2017
Strange, some good some bad.

Kickboxing gym was shut down, started doing CrossFit at home with the wife, got super into that and kickboxing in the garage.

But then decided on divorce officially, moved out, sold the house when the market was hot, really enjoying living alone with my hobbies and splitting time with the kids. Still got a nice garage gym going, brewed some amazing beers when NB was finally back in stock with supplies, and got a raise, so not terrible.

Hate that restaurants and bars were shut down twice, I never went out all that much, but the option was nice.

No one in my family got sick or died, but I have several friends that have lost loved ones now.

Oh and homeschooling a kindergartener and first grader while trying to work SUCKS.


Oct 25, 2017
Extremely frustrating, a lot of anxiety, and a promising hard-earned job cut short because of COVID layoffs; but also a lot of quality family time and watching more movies in a year than in any other year of my entire life

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
Covid, lockdown, Brexit, Trump, rise of fascism, Tories, strain on my marriage, unhappy lockdown kids, my mental state, autistic son, special schools, family bullshit, miss my mum,dad, brothers and sister.

2020 can fuck off. I'm just making sure i'm concious that I'm not going to wake up tomorrow morning to find it's all gone away. I hear a lot of people who are being unrealistically optimistic, and they're in for a shock in mid January.


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
My daughter was born and I got to spend loads more time with her than if it were normal times. Bought my dream house. Changed my work culture hopefully forever so that the stupid amount of travel I was doing is a thing of the past.

At the same time lost a lot of faith in people I respected due to their Covid opinions. Couldn't do BJJ which I've done for 9 years four or five days a week. So that was hard.

On balance a pretty good year for me though I feel bad for the vast majority for whom it has sucked.


Oct 25, 2017
I moved in with my girlfriend
I got engaged to my girlfriend
I've been quarantined with my fiance for 9 months and we have not gotten sick of eachother
I took a bunch of art classes and got some freelance projects
My job was not affected by the pandemic
I did not quite reach my financial goal for the year but was really close

Bad (ignoring all the obvious stuff):
Fiance's uncle died
Fiance's grandma died
I had to put down my 3 year old cat due to severe urinary tract issues
I tested positive for COVID a few days before Christmas , despite quarantining myself. I wonder if it was a false positive, but nevertheless we had to cancel our quarantined family visit plan the day before Christmas Eve.
My mom was let go from her job

Overall it was obviously a bad year, but because I kept my job and had good company it was far from the worst year I ever had. In previous years I've had to deal with really bad depression, and I'm thankfully not having to deal with that anymore.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I finally moved out of LA, my wife got her dream job here within a week of moving. Ive learned and accepted more about myself this year than in the last decade. I may have my set career-job in a union if everything goes well when covid ends (they hired me then immediately shut down so i never started... not sure if they'll keep me on when everything starts going back...)

then again got covid with my whole family, left most of my family behind except my parents i now live with, my cat suddenly got a brain disease and died within about 2 months time, have barely had any work the last half of the year...its been a year for me thats for sure lol


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego-ish
Shitty year but great for me personally. Met my awesome new boyfriend that I'm going to move to Canada to be with. Kind of never been happier.


May 24, 2019
1. Dad died
2. Brother checked into rehab twice
3. Grandfather is extremely depressed, and we had to check him into hospital yesterday because he was highly suicidal
4. Covid, obviously

Worst fucking year of my life, and I can only hope we are going up from here


Oct 27, 2017
The one really bright spot, the company I work for said there was no way we could work from home full time - now we've been doing it since March 17 and will continue to mid-2021 at least and they are now downsizing our building and we may or may not ever go back (depending on the position)...


Aug 1, 2018
Some good things happened: Graduated college, got into law school, and finished my first semester of law school.

But I lost my grandmother and my father is dealing with severe health issues due to Covid. Both make this one of the worst years I've experienced.