
Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You should probably stop buying games at all then, unless they're made by a small enough team that you can personally vet the political and social views of each team member to make sure they align with yours.

Any large AAA team is going have someone that has a bigoted, racist, sexist, misogynist, classist view or opinion about something, and whether it's a creative director, level designer or 3D artist doesn't really matter.

I will actively not buy any game whose leads are bigoted shitheads, like this one. I will also point to people defending supporting such bigoted shit heads and say I am disapointed in them for being enablers of racism and hate. So, if you want to be helpful, can you instead point me to other games that are lead by bigots so I can decide ahead of time that they are not worth my time?

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
I guess there's no absolutes with activism. People just do what they feel is right for them.

I refuse to frequent Chick-fil-A but I'm not bothered if others do. That's my choice alone.

On the flip side I'm a meat eater and fully aware and saddened by animal-product industry atrocities. But going vegan is just a bridge too far for my lifestyle.

We all make choices and do the best we can. I think it's best viewed and respected as a personal thing though.
I don't really give a shit what people end up doing. Like you said, people make personal choices all the time. I don't really attribute any kind of moral value to these decisions.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with informing people of the controversy. Otherwise, you're depriving people of the opportunity to make a choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I mean it's great that you put your flag in the ground over this but shaming others for not doing the likewise is lame.

Yeah the puritan stance on shit like this is annoying. Peeps can buy the game and enjoy it while also critiquing the director and views in the game.

At the same time it's possible for people who bought the game to respect and understand the decision for people who didn't out of moral reasons.
I don't really give a shit what people end up doing. Like you said, people make personal choices all the time. I don't really attribute any kind of moral value to these decisions.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with informing people of the controversy. Otherwise, you're depriving people of the opportunity to make a choice.

Totally, but actively shaming people who enjoy it isn't fruitful either.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
So I never wanted to actually give any money for Kingdom. Because the dude behind it is just the absolute pits.

Like a genital wart that had been granted a wish to be a real boy.

But I guess I own it now because of the monthly sub. Would have preferred for it to have been on a bundle, that way I could have set all my payment to go towards a charity. Yeesh.

Is it that bloody hard to NOT be a shithead?
Jun 2, 2019
I guess I'll download whatever I plan to play from the trove and pause for now. I don't want to give money to the KCD developers.

I'm in a Star Wars mood. Is X wing VS Tie Fighter: Balance of Power the good version?

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Kingdom Come is great for the price. I backed in Kickstarter for like $100 or so and really enjoyed my time with it although it's pretty janky and rather exploitable. I believe the patches have improved things quite a bit. I've been meaning to reinstall it at some point and check out the DLC.

Very impressive and ambitious game with some very rough edges. I also really liked how the setting was in a part of Europe I didn't have a ton if experience with.


Jun 25, 2019
Sweet thanks, had it on PS4 with that pricing glitch awhile back then after they revoked access I've been meaning to get it again but for cheap on PC, now's the time I suppose.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
everything but that ending is astounding............the ending is just, wow

Was it so bad? I don't remember being terribly disappointed.

Either way, I really enjoyed the more mundane setting of some backwater territory in medieval Bohemia. Was super refreshing to have an ambitious RPG in which you weren't out to save the whole world or defeat some dark lord or whatever. Just shitty people fighting against other shitty people.
Oct 30, 2017
That's an absolute killer month. Those who are getting it but haven't played it, Kc: D is legit. Jank. Jank as hell. But legit.


Oct 29, 2017
KCD really isnt as janky as some posts make it out to be. I mean, yeah, its definitely got jank, but if you are fine with Beth games you will be fine with this too.


Feb 22, 2018
I will actively not buy any game whose leads are bigoted shitheads, like this one. I will also point to people defending supporting such bigoted shit heads and say I am disapointed in them for being enablers of racism and hate. So, if you want to be helpful, can you instead point me to other games that are lead by bigots so I can decide ahead of time that they are not worth my time?
Sure thing

Companies including CDPR, NetherRealm Studios, EA, FROMSOFTWARE, Rockstar Games, EPIC Games, Sony Santa Monica Studio, Activision, Blizzard, 2K Games have extreme crunch periods and in some cases ex-employees have shared dissatisfaction with how they were treated, and some of these companies don't have the best working environments, including FROMSOFTWARE.

None of these things have or will stop me from buying games, because it's not just the creative director that makes them, but in most cases a very big team full of very different people, with very different views.

If you're looking to buy a game from an entirely clean company, you should probably leave gaming as a whole or stick to indie developers you can personally vouch for.

Just because the director of the title is a shithead, doesn't mean it invalidates the work put in by the other developers. People buying the game aren't supporting bigots, stop making people feel bad about something they have no intention of doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, getting it in a Humble Monthly was one of the only ways I was willing to give KCD a shot. Maybe I will later in the month since I haven't skipped a month since starting.


Jul 28, 2018
Sure thing

Companies including CDPR, NetherRealm Studios, EA, FROMSOFTWARE, Rockstar Games, EPIC Games, Sony Santa Monica Studio, Activision, Blizzard, 2K Games have extreme crunch periods and in some cases ex-employees have shared dissatisfaction with how they were treated, and some of these companies don't have the best working environments, including FROMSOFTWARE.

None of these things have or will stop me from buying games, because it's not just the creative director that makes them, but in most cases a very big team full of very different people, with very different views.

If you're looking to buy a game from an entirely clean company, you should probably leave gaming as a whole or stick to indie developers you can personally vouch for.

Just because the director of the title is a shithead, doesn't mean it invalidates the work put in by the other developers. People buying the game aren't supporting bigots, stop making people feel bad about something they have no intention of doing.
Loads of fucking difference between companies engaging in peak capitalism for investors that demand more money faster and the lead of your game being an ACTUAL NAZI! And the idea that his views are isolated to just him is absurd. If his team continues to work with him after he made his views loud and clear, then they're complicit.

Also, the idea that people dont support a man by buying his product and giving him more money that will, no doubt, go back into supporting his views is ridiculous. It doesn't matter what someone "intended" to do.
Jun 26, 2018
Sure thing

Companies including CDPR, NetherRealm Studios, EA, FROMSOFTWARE, Rockstar Games, EPIC Games, Sony Santa Monica Studio, Activision, Blizzard, 2K Games have extreme crunch periods and in some cases ex-employees have shared dissatisfaction with how they were treated, and some of these companies don't have the best working environments, including FROMSOFTWARE.

None of these things have or will stop me from buying games, because it's not just the creative director that makes them, but in most cases a very big team full of very different people, with very different views.

If you're looking to buy a game from an entirely clean company, you should probably leave gaming as a whole or stick to indie developers you can personally vouch for.

Just because the director of the title is a shithead, doesn't mean it invalidates the work put in by the other developers. People buying the game aren't supporting bigots, stop making people feel bad about something they have no intention of doing.

I'm sure the creative director does not benefit at all from people buying the game he worked on, just like all the other directors who see no benefit from their games being bought. /s
Oct 26, 2017
If his team continues to work with him after he made his views loud and clear, then they're complici

That's not how things work in the real world. Do you really think people will leave thier jobs because Varva is a shithead? Warhorse is based in Czech, they are probably one of the biggest studios in the country, people aint gonna leave their jobs and go find another job only because of this reason.

That's necessity


Oct 27, 2017
That's not how things work in the real world. Do you really think people will leave thier jobs because Varva is a shithead? Warhorse is based in Czech, they are probably one of the biggest studios in the country, people aint gonna leave their jobs and go find another job only because of this reason.

That's necessity

Same reason people put up with "crunch". It's not because they enjoy it or agree with it. Sometimes you just.. have to. lol


Oct 26, 2017
Sure thing

Companies including CDPR, NetherRealm Studios, EA, FROMSOFTWARE, Rockstar Games, EPIC Games, Sony Santa Monica Studio, Activision, Blizzard, 2K Games have extreme crunch periods and in some cases ex-employees have shared dissatisfaction with how they were treated, and some of these companies don't have the best working environments, including FROMSOFTWARE.

None of these things have or will stop me from buying games, because it's not just the creative director that makes them, but in most cases a very big team full of very different people, with very different views.

If you're looking to buy a game from an entirely clean company, you should probably leave gaming as a whole or stick to indie developers you can personally vouch for.

Just because the director of the title is a shithead, doesn't mean it invalidates the work put in by the other developers. People buying the game aren't supporting bigots, stop making people feel bad about something they have no intention of doing.
For me there is a difference when the game actually mirrors the views of that "just one person". I bought Dragon Quest Builders even tho a prominent person involved in it is a terrible human being for example. I did it because the game doesn't reflect his views at all and so I can't let him taint what is a good game made mostly by what I can assume are decent people. KCD treats anything that isn't a white man as either unimportant or bad. Why? Because "historical accuracy" apparently... yeah, no. See below. That's the difference.

Good article:

Deliverance: Myth-making and Historical Accuracy | Unwinnable

Making Henry believable is a process of selection—of sorting out what’s important to Deliverance’s designers and what isn’t. It reflects, in its own small way, their priorities.


Oct 29, 2017
Loved KC:D, one of the best immersive sim rpgs in decades imo. Also had what I felt was one of the best first-person melee combat systems, but that takes time and patience to learn (which a lot of people didn't seem to have).

If anyone here gets KC:D I can't stress enough that you remember to go back to Captain Bernard and train after the "first" time you train with him, you do NOT unlock all the combat stuff and there's a lot of people I've seen that miss this and then talk about how "bad" the combat is, you're literally missing like 50% of the combat depth by not doing this, the advanced combat stuff that he teaches you is what makes the combat so engaging and tactical.

They recently released the expansion "A Woman's Lot" (which lets you play as Theresa and works as a kind of prequel from her point of view) and it also lets you have a dog companion in both the base game with Henry or Theresa's storyline from the expansion.

Deleted member 42472

User requested account closure
Apr 21, 2018
I will actively not buy any game whose leads are bigoted shitheads, like this one. I will also point to people defending supporting such bigoted shit heads and say I am disapointed in them for being enablers of racism and hate. So, if you want to be helpful, can you instead point me to other games that are lead by bigots so I can decide ahead of time that they are not worth my time?
Cool. That is your perspective. I have a similar "if the project is represented by an asshole, don't give them money" model

But what about the folk who don't support any game made with crunch? You cool with them saying you are enablers of abuse? And god help us if the vegans find you

Its one thing to inform. Its another to attack people for having a different value system than you. Also: Irony!

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So many people shitting on a game that was made by a team not a single individual.

Good thing the rest of the team ignored the bigoted instruction and put their own diversity in the game anyway!!!

Oh wait that didn't happen. Well that is confusing??? But but a team? But but crunch?

Here is an idea, don't act like assholes, double down on it and then expect support from decent people.


Oct 26, 2017
Was it so bad? I don't remember being terribly disappointed.

Either way, I really enjoyed the more mundane setting of some backwater territory in medieval Bohemia. Was super refreshing to have an ambitious RPG in which you weren't out to save the whole world or defeat some dark lord or whatever. Just shitty people fighting against other shitty people.

There was a whole bunch of Reddit responses on it as well lol. It's bad, just type kingdom come ending reddit


Oct 27, 2017
Will pause for the month. I always check Steam for Humble bundles because I cannot remember if I have some games, thanks to KC:D being ignored on Steam, I realized there was something wrong with the dev or publisher that I could not even recall. Thanks for being my memory, Steam.