
Oct 25, 2017
Playing on PS4 tonight and my God the rubberbanding was terrible. I just got this game two weeks ago, and have been playing pretty regularly with a group of guys, but damn if this game doesn't need many more big fixes. Im hardwired into my modem but the game is bouncing me all around or not loading textures.

Is this common or a "me" problem?

Oh and I have 250mbps down.
Just a you problem, no rubberbanding on my end on any of my games. Although, I did have one bonkers ass bug one game. My hurtbox stayed at spawn yet I could still move around the map. Couldn't do anything but crouch and run. This allowed me to scout ahead for my partner and see who was where (I was invisible to players and NPCs). Accidentally fixed it by climbing a ladder.

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Is smurfing a known problem in this game? I recently passed bloodline level 11 so I'm out of the baby phase now, and have been getting downed consistently by crack headshots, before I even know someone's there. (On PS4, so headshotting a moving target is no mean feat.)

I still enjoy the moment-to-moment gameplay, and usually play with a buddy so it's still fun. But I give the game "3 strikes" each evening and if we can't get any momentum then I just call it. The long load times and terrible menus aren't worth any more stress!
Oct 27, 2017
Not sure about smurfing. What I do know is that level/rank is no indication of ability or skill. I've played with new players who were vastly better than others players with multiple prestige levels. I'm only prestige level 1, rank 42 and that's probably where I'll stop when I get back to rank 100, really can't be bothered to unlock all the gear again by going up another prestige level.

As for headshots, as far as I know it's a one hit kill regardless of weapon or rank (or distance? Not sure) etc so even ham handed scrubs like me can occasionally get a headshot by accident ha.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
For headshots what you want to look at is the effective range stat. It indicates the distance at which a headshot will instant kill, with exception of weapons that inherently complicate the variable (shotguns pellets, bomb lance, etc).

I can't vouch for consoles but every PC match is a mixed bag of skill. I've come to accept it as part of the formula; you'll find players that are obviously new, and players that are well and truly pro. Obviously no fun dying to them instantaneously out of nowhere, but unfortunately that's just part of the cycle.
Oct 2, 2018
My god this game. when I play well, I play well but when I don't its the most frustrating mess. It also can't be helped that even though we have headsets and when we play with randoms (me and my mate) - he's an idiot who can't communicate

instead of "he's behind the house to the right + tag" "they're behind the trees/rocks etc" "I just got shot the guy is in the area downstairs etc" "upstairs in the shed"

what I get is lots of hysterical yelling...

which doesn't help and end up getting me/us killed.

Last game session today

"help he's behind me behind me"

I have no idea where. When he could have said "they're in the tree grove to my right"

Horrible game sessions today. just horrible.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
My god this game. when I play well, I play well but when I don't its the most frustrating mess. It also can't be helped that even though we have headsets and when we play with randoms (me and my mate) - he's an idiot who can't communicate

instead of "he's behind the house to the right + tag" "they're behind the trees/rocks etc" "I just got shot the guy is in the area downstairs etc" "upstairs in the shed"

what I get is lots of hysterical yelling...

which doesn't help and end up getting me/us killed.

Last game session today

"help he's behind me behind me"

I have no idea where. When he could have said "they're in the tree grove to my right"

Horrible game sessions today. just horrible.
Communication is key, in any aspect of life
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, some sessions are just disastrous, everything goes wrong, every decision you make backfires etc. It's those sessions where you get inexplicably mobbed by multiple AI that get me, wherever you go you get swarmed by immolators and then a load of hellhounds get involved and then you're covered in flies as a wild hive appears etc.

I tend to push through those matches (and sometimes they come in sets, like waves) but it always comes good and when you do get some good matches it's just sublime. There's still nothing quite like it. My mates are always on at me to play Cod Warzone with them, but I really can't be bothered, much rather sneak about in the bayou listening for footsteps than get 360 no-scoped from across the map amidst a screen covered with a billion hysterical icons and pick up prompts and radio comms.


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
I really hope Crytek will take a look into the loading texture issues on consoles. Sometimes it's in such a bad condition, you think you're playing a PS3 game.


Nov 2, 2017
I didn't know the original soundtrack was made by a Crytek inhouse band named "Port Sulphur". For example, the narrative designer is the lead vocalist for this song:



Oct 28, 2017
I bought this yesterday on the ps4 since it's 30% off right now (via the spring sale). I played quick play for about an hour and that was pretty intense! I'm not used to no auto-aim on consoles. I'm excited to play more.
Oct 2, 2018
Just played a few epic games on PS4. Good team play with my mates all with headsets- took out two teams of 3 and one had the avtomat too. Shit gets tense.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
the graphics is so much better on PC. I'd like next gen to at least look this good.It's pretty horrible even on PS4pro
The game on PC doesn't look as good as they make it look in social media, sadly. It looks incredible at times but most of the time it's just an unpolished washed out mess of low-res textures, pop-in and other distracting visual flaws.
Oct 27, 2017
Had an odd glitch last night where I was killed by the spider in the main Lawson Station building, then when I spectated a teammate my body had teleported 100yds away into the middle of the train yard. Weird.

Also a weird but fun round whereby the first bounty we got to was surrounded by dead hunter corpses, so we picked that bounty and went for the other one which was also surrounded by dead hunters. Only saw one other guy the entire match.

Edit: maybe I'm easily pleased but I really like the graphics on PS4. Certainly there are flaws (mad reflections, awful texture pop in on occasion etc) but for the most part I think they're generally awesome.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I reckon it looks about on par for that video on PC, at least on my end it does. The biggest catch with Hunt, and I find this a problem for a lot of modern CryEngine games, is that the AA solutions are awful. SMAA coverage is weak, and while TXAA looks okay in motion both it and TAA introduces an enormous amount of IQ blur. It's worsened in Hunt as it's a geometry heavy game, in that's real physical polygonal detail intricacies on a lot of objects. Like houses and stuff, more often than not, are not just wood plank texturing but physically modelled 3D planks. Because every scene in Hunt is full of geometric detail it's a prime candidate for aliasing to go bonkers as there's visible staircasing on polygonal edges all over the screen. But they do also, much like DICE, use higher quality shader passes I think for the trailers and promo stuff. It's still all technically CryEngine, and the assets are in-game, but it's all spruced up and clean.

The game desperately needs a better form of AA. On PC they would really benefit fro DLSS. Either way, downsampling from 4K with SMAA 2TX looks nice.


Oct 2, 2018
Just did a quick play. Lol. The guy panicked and his dynamite killed himself.

I'll take the soul survivor win 😍



Oct 25, 2017
The fact that they know the game is a crashy mess and won't implement a reconnect feature is some clown shoes shit


Oct 28, 2017
Which weapons are considered to be the best? Do you have to invest in legendary weapons to keep pace with players that have them?


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Which weapons are considered to be the best? Do you have to invest in legendary weapons to keep pace with players that have them?

Legendary variants are just skins. They have no statistical advantage over the base models.

Most guns are, more or less, useful in the game depending on your play style. Rather than trying to find the best guns you're better off equipping a loadout that most appropriately accommodates your own strengths and weaknesses. What you want to look at with weapons is;
a) What type of ammunition do they use, and their damage/effective range. Damage is obvious, effective range far the bullet can travel and still reliably kill with a headshot. Lesser ammunition types generally have lesser effective range.
b) Rate of fire. Powerful weapons usually shoot slower, and many rifles are single round reloads.
c) Reload speed. Tied in with the above. Because every shot in HUNT counts, a weapon that holds a lot of ammo and shoots quickly might have a poor reload speed. Whereas a single shot rifle might have a lower rate of fire, but a more consistent and manageable reload speed.
d) Muzzle velocity. Weapons have no bullet drop in HUNT, but they do have ballistic travel time. If you're planning to do a lot of long range precision shooting choosing high ballistic, fast muzzle velocity is probably beneficial.

But the ins and outs of HUNT are that no super powered gun is going to save you over other players that can still kill you one shot to the head with the starter pistol. On the higher, more expensive and all round reliable end I very much like the Lebel 1886 and Mosin Nagant. They're your classic bolt loading rifles that do a lot of damage, have high muzzle velocity, scoped variants if you need them, and are wonderfully accurate. Downside being that they use rifle rounds, which are less common on the map and supply less rounds from ammo crates, and also have slightly obtuse reloading. If you try to reload when there are already rounds in the chamber (eg: half a magazine), you'll lose the round already chambered as you go to put in more. You need the Bulletgrubber perk to offset this. Meanwhile the Martini Henri is a single shot rifle using the same ammunition type. Obviously much more disadvantaged for that reason, as you need to reload after every round. It also has lesser muzzle velocity, so over distance you need to lead the shots more. But the reload is pretty snappy, you wont accidentally loose rounds, it has the same effective range and technically does more damage. And it's about a 1/3rd of the price.

The Caldwell Pax is probably the best all rounder side arm. Not fast firing and it does slower reload, but it hits hard, shoots straight, and uses medium ammunition which is common enough. It's just a solid revolver to pot shot at targets.

But yeah, you more need to think about how you're going to play. HUNT is the kind of game where in the right context you can clear up players with the most expensive guns in the game just by using an axe, because melee is so fucking dangerous. The Nagant M1895 is the cheapest starter pistol in the game, using standard pistol ammo. But at the right range a shot to the head will instantly kill anyone, and its decent firing rate makes it still useful to chip damage.

The only major weapon factors to maybe avoid or be considerate of are;
a) Crossbows are deadly but hard to use due the low range and quick drop. They also have goofy sights. Better off practising a lot first.
b) Spectre 1882 Compact has fucking atrocious spread, the worst of all the shotguns, and is probably the one gun I'd avoid. The pump action sounds appealing but it's actually quite slow, and given you have to use it in close quarters you're better off going with another shotgun.
c) Avtomat and Nitro Express Rifle are monster weapons with their own flaws. Both can tear opponents apart in the right context. But the former is forced burst fire and eats up an ammunition absurdly quickly and has shit handling. The latter blows things to smithereens with absurd damage, but uses the rarest special rounds and has an awful sight. Both cost a fucking fortune.

That's about it. Sorry for the rant, but yeah. I think getting into a mindset of "what's the best gun" will inevitably lead to more frustration as you'll get killed by lesser guns and feel robbed. Some guns are definitely weighted as most advantageous in the grand scheme of things (Lebel and Mosin Nagant), but they still all have their flaws and situational context matters most. HUNT plays best when you're not getting in reckless shootouts, but being very careful with your positioning, pathing, noise, deception, trapping, etc. You can be the best rifle shot on earth using a scoped Mosin Negant, but if you're not careful you're still gonna get crossbowed to the head from a bush, or flashbanged and axed while defending the boss.


Oct 28, 2017
Legendary variants are just skins. They have no statistical advantage over the base models.

Most guns are, more or less, useful in the game depending on your play style. Rather than trying to find the best guns you're better off equipping a loadout that most appropriately accommodates your own strengths and weaknesses. What you want to look at with weapons is;
a) What type of ammunition do they use, and their damage/effective range. Damage is obvious, effective range far the bullet can travel and still reliably kill with a headshot. Lesser ammunition types generally have lesser effective range.
b) Rate of fire. Powerful weapons usually shoot slower, and many rifles are single round reloads.
c) Reload speed. Tied in with the above. Because every shot in HUNT counts, a weapon that holds a lot of ammo and shoots quickly might have a poor reload speed. Whereas a single shot rifle might have a lower rate of fire, but a more consistent and manageable reload speed.
d) Muzzle velocity. Weapons have no bullet drop in HUNT, but they do have ballistic travel time. If you're planning to do a lot of long range precision shooting choosing high ballistic, fast muzzle velocity is probably beneficial.

But the ins and outs of HUNT are that no super powered gun is going to save you over other players that can still kill you one shot to the head with the starter pistol. On the higher, more expensive and all round reliable end I very much like the Lebel 1886 and Mosin Nagant. They're your classic bolt loading rifles that do a lot of damage, have high muzzle velocity, scoped variants if you need them, and are wonderfully accurate. Downside being that they use rifle rounds, which are less common on the map and supply less rounds from ammo crates, and also have slightly obtuse reloading. If you try to reload when there are already rounds in the chamber (eg: half a magazine), you'll lose the round already chambered as you go to put in more. You need the Bulletgrubber perk to offset this. Meanwhile the Martini Henri is a single shot rifle using the same ammunition type. Obviously much more disadvantaged for that reason, as you need to reload after every round. It also has lesser muzzle velocity, so over distance you need to lead the shots more. But the reload is pretty snappy, you wont accidentally loose rounds, it has the same effective range and technically does more damage. And it's about a 1/3rd of the price.

The Caldwell Pax is probably the best all rounder side arm. Not fast firing and it does slower reload, but it hits hard, shoots straight, and uses medium ammunition which is common enough. It's just a solid revolver to pot shot at targets.

But yeah, you more need to think about how you're going to play. HUNT is the kind of game where in the right context you can clear up players with the most expensive guns in the game just by using an axe, because melee is so fucking dangerous. The Nagant M1895 is the cheapest starter pistol in the game, using standard pistol ammo. But at the right range a shot to the head will instantly kill anyone, and its decent firing rate makes it still useful to chip damage.

The only major weapon factors to maybe avoid or be considerate of are;
a) Crossbows are deadly but hard to use due the low range and quick drop. They also have goofy sights. Better off practising a lot first.
b) Spectre 1882 Compact has fucking atrocious spread, the worst of all the shotguns, and is probably the one gun I'd avoid. The pump action sounds appealing but it's actually quite slow, and given you have to use it in close quarters you're better off going with another shotgun.
c) Avtomat and Nitro Express Rifle are monster weapons with their own flaws. Both can tear opponents apart in the right context. But the former is forced burst fire and eats up an ammunition absurdly quickly and has shit handling. The latter blows things to smithereens with absurd damage, but uses the rarest special rounds and has an awful sight. Both cost a fucking fortune.

That's about it. Sorry for the rant, but yeah. I think getting into a mindset of "what's the best gun" will inevitably lead to more frustration as you'll get killed by lesser guns and feel robbed. Some guns are definitely weighted as most advantageous in the grand scheme of things (Lebel and Mosin Nagant), but they still all have their flaws and situational context matters most. HUNT plays best when you're not getting in reckless shootouts, but being very careful with your positioning, pathing, noise, deception, trapping, etc. You can be the best rifle shot on earth using a scoped Mosin Negant, but if you're not careful you're still gonna get crossbowed to the head from a bush, or flashbanged and axed while defending the boss.

Thank you for your in-depth response! I'm quite new to the game and I am conditioned to assume that there has to be a "best " gun. I'm learning slowly the importance of being cautious and surveying the area before moving in. Are there any videos besides the ones in the OP that you (or anyone else) recommend for new players?
Oct 27, 2017
Which weapons are considered to be the best? Do you have to invest in legendary weapons to keep pace with players that have them?

Obviously EatChildren has covered all bases perfectly, but I thought I'd stick my oar in too - I'm not a fan of anything that takes too long to reload so I tend to run with a Vetterli Karabiner (no scope) for anytime I feel like playing at a longer range and a base Specter 1882 shotgun if I feel like playing close quarters. The only issue with this is its only of use in close quarters, it's not much use at any kind of distance but for CQC around the bounties it's powerful.

The Karabiner is also perfectly functional at closer range so tends to be my main choice to be honest. You can still kill stuff at range (like Hives) and it's decent at mid range against other players.

Crucially for me, both of these are super cheap weapons to buy. I die a lot and have to rebuy equipment a lot and I can replace these guns for around 100 funbucks each. The higher level guns I'm no better with and it's not sustainable for me to have to keep rebuying them. Ammo is also plentiful throughout the map.

I also quite like the Winfield which is believe is getting a buff with the next patch.

For my secondary weapon I use a Cavalry Sabre. Prior to unlocking that then it was the machete. I find I'm quite bad using the knife, I tend to miss a lot and lose a lot of health to basic AI grunts so I like carrying a sword to quickly and quietly deal with AI and it's been surprisingly effective against other players too. Don't underestimate melee I guess, some guy with a combat axe took out me and my entire team the other night, it was hilarious.

For stuff, I carry a medkit, a sticky bomb, big dynamite bundle, Molotov and a health syringe. The sticky bomb especially can take down the spider and the butcher in a single hit so it's useful to carry. Big dynamite has a huge range so it's quite good for catching people out who are trying to get out of range.

One of the things I love about this game is that every weapon is viable, there doesn't appear to be any weapon which is demonstrably better than the others.
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Oct 28, 2017
Obviously EatChildren has covered all bases perfectly, but I thought I'd stick my oar in too - I'm not a fan of anything that takes too long to reload so I tend to run with a Vetterli Karabiner (no scope) for anytime I feel like playing at a longer range and a base Specter 1882 shotgun if I feel like playing close quarters. The only issue with this is its only of use in close quarters, it's not much use at any kind of distance but for CQC around the bounties it's powerful.

The Karabiner is also perfectly functional at closer range so tends to be my main choice to be honest. You can still kill stuff at range (like Hives) and it's decent at mid range against other players.

Crucially for me, both of these are super cheap weapons to buy. I die a lot and have to rebuy equipment a lot and I can replace these guns for around 100 funbucks each. The higher level guns I'm no better with and it's not sustainable for me to have to keep rebuying them. Ammo is also plentiful throughout the map.

I also quite like the Winfield which is believe is getting a buff with the next patch.

For my secondary weapon I use a Cavalry Sabre. Prior to unlocking that then it was the machete. I find I'm quite bad using the knife, I tend to miss a lot and lose a lot of health to basic AI grunts so I like carrying a sword to quickly and quietly deal with AI and it's been surprisingly effective against other players too. Don't underestimate melee I guess, some guy with a combat axe took out me and my entire team the other night, it was hilarious.

For stuff, I carry a medkit, a sticky bomb, big dynamite bundle, Molotov and a health syringe. The sticky bomb especially can take down the spider and the butcher in a single hit so it's useful to carry. Big dynamite has a huge range so it's quite good for catching people out who are trying to get out of range.

One of the things I love about this game is that every weapon is viable, there doesn't appear to be any weapon which is demonstrably better than the others.

I appreciate the information! I'm going to continue to experiment with different guns/loadouts and see which ones I prefer. I've had some success with the Martin Henry and the Caldwell pax.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm having a torrid time of this of late, just can't complete a round. Can't hit anything. Seems to be infecting my partners too, invariably we're all getting wiped incredibly swiftly with no revives. If I cared about k/d I'd be feeling bad right now.

Also that feeling when you come across an unaware enemy hunter and you don't have the weapon to deal with them. There he was, perched stock still on the roof of salters pork, peering through his scope looking north oblivious to me creeping up from the east. Even I could have head shot him, but for once I had the Specter so I was way out of range and no quiet way to creep up. Damn shame.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Echoing Skittle and BarryFishFinger, the Karabiner is probably the best all round rifle in the game. Cheap, uses relatively common medium ammunition, bolt action to fire off multiple rounds before reloading while also benefiting from bolt action related perks, iron sight and dead eye scope variants, from memory a bayonet variant too. It's not going to have the punch over range like a Lebel or Mosin, but it's more than serviceable. I'm literally 500+ hours into Hunt and I still use it from time to time, as do my regular playing circle.

Caldwell Pax is a great accompanying sidearm. Uses the same type of ammo so you're doubling your held, but eating into the same pool. Shoots hard, shoots straight. As an outlier you could also look into the Chain Pistol with the fanning perk. Only because if the Karabiner is keeping you happy in standard shootouts, something to accommodate for close range can be a good option if they try to rush you. Chain Pistol + fanning gives you low chip damage for standard pistol shooting if you need to (still insta kill headshot over certain distances), but up close you can fan the hammer from the hip and fill them full of lead. Silenced Pistol is also not a bad option. Quick drop off on damage so not the best for nasty shoot outs, but it's still very useful, particularly as a tool to take out enemies and other annoyances quietly.

As for videos, NubCakes09, I find this channel has a ton of fantastic guides and overviews of the pros/cons of weapons and gears and useful tips for different playstyles: . Full weapon reviews, monster guides, tips for beginners, tactical advice, changes from patches, etc.

Oct 27, 2017
Right, thoughts then;

Playing with two randoms, one guy fairly low level, the other guy prestige 5. Load in, within seconds the low level guy is banging away with his pistol at the first zombie, so prestige guy swipes him with his knife. From where I was a clear admonishment to be quieter. A little further on and we get swarmed by a pack of hellhounds, low level guy starts banging away, me and Mr prestige use our knives/cavalry swords. After the dogs are dead, prestige guy walks over to low level guy and shoots him dead.

Then stands over the body for a bit, then revives him, plugs his mic in and in a very grumpy voice says "stop shooting your damn gun all the time".

I mean he's right, but bit of a bellend thing to do yeah?


Oct 25, 2017
Bought Bayou DLC on Xbox but shit is not showing up for some reason. Have restarted my console and re-downloaded the 10mb file but no dice.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully crashing is non existent on consoles next patch, bit absurd that I can't use crossbows or throwing knives because they increase crashing
Oct 27, 2017
That feeling when you're 4 seconds away from a solo successful extract with a bounty and you get sniped from 100 metres away. Booooooo.


Oct 25, 2017
Just picked this up on sale and looking for people to play with as matching with randoms is a right pain (they see my rank and nope out). It's there an era Discord? (On PS4).


Oct 28, 2017
Echoing Skittle and BarryFishFinger, the Karabiner is probably the best all round rifle in the game. Cheap, uses relatively common medium ammunition, bolt action to fire off multiple rounds before reloading while also benefiting from bolt action related perks, iron sight and dead eye scope variants, from memory a bayonet variant too. It's not going to have the punch over range like a Lebel or Mosin, but it's more than serviceable. I'm literally 500+ hours into Hunt and I still use it from time to time, as do my regular playing circle.

Caldwell Pax is a great accompanying sidearm. Uses the same type of ammo so you're doubling your held, but eating into the same pool. Shoots hard, shoots straight. As an outlier you could also look into the Chain Pistol with the fanning perk. Only because if the Karabiner is keeping you happy in standard shootouts, something to accommodate for close range can be a good option if they try to rush you. Chain Pistol + fanning gives you low chip damage for standard pistol shooting if you need to (still insta kill headshot over certain distances), but up close you can fan the hammer from the hip and fill them full of lead. Silenced Pistol is also not a bad option. Quick drop off on damage so not the best for nasty shoot outs, but it's still very useful, particularly as a tool to take out enemies and other annoyances quietly.

As for videos, NubCakes09, I find this channel has a ton of fantastic guides and overviews of the pros/cons of weapons and gears and useful tips for different playstyles: . Full weapon reviews, monster guides, tips for beginners, tactical advice, changes from patches, etc.

Thank you for the tips! I'll have to delve more deeply into that channel.


Nov 2, 2018
Just picked this up on PS4 today and managed to solo the butcher and successfully extract in my third match. The first two had rather unceremonious ends. Still trying to figure out how the store works and all. I imagine that becomes much more significant when permadeath is enabled at 10.


Oct 28, 2017
Is it just me, or have the NPCs become more aggressive lately? And it seems that there are a lot more crows, ducks and monsters on the map. I'm playing on the PS4 by the way.
Oct 27, 2017
Just picked this up on PS4 today and managed to solo the butcher and successfully extract in my third match. The first two had rather unceremonious ends. Still trying to figure out how the store works and all. I imagine that becomes much more significant when permadeath is enabled at 10.

Items just unlock as you hit new levels, they're then available to purchase in the equipment section for each hunter. Certain hunters you buy come with gear and perks above your current level so you get to try stuff you haven't unlocked.

Also don't forget, if you have a successful extract you'll have points available to buy perks for your hunter to make them quieter, better skilled at certain things, more stamina etc. I invariably forget to equip these on a successful hunter and then once that hunter dies you lose all their perks.

You'll also probably find as I did that the whole 'buy your stuff back at the end of each round' starts to grate a little when there is no option to save a load out; so assuming you settle on a preferred selection of gear you have to manually buy the same things every single time which means wrestling with the sluggish menu UI. I'd kill to be able to select a preferred load out with a single button.

Beyond that, don't worry about the permadeath, the hunters are entirely disposable unless you're trying to level them to 25 and retire them or 50 for trophies/achievements. You get used to cycling them in and out and buying gear etc as needed. The beauty of the whole system is that there is no 'best' weapon, hunter or load out, everything is viable. High level guns are often just vastly more expensive with no major advantages so if you die a lot (I die a lot) they're too expensive to maintain and you end up at the earlier guns and realise they're just as good. Some of the later tool unlocks are worth aiming for though, sticky bombs especially (kill the butcher and spider in a single hit).

Oh and top tip, when buying gear in the equipment tap double tap X (on PS4) with the icon over the gun/tool/consumable you want to buy and it adds it to your load out more quickly.
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Oct 25, 2017
The main differentiator(graphics wise) between console and PC seems to be the lighting. Woo boy, the fire on pc is a night and day difference.

I wanna see a rain time of day and a snow map with a light blizzard "time of day". Fortnite had a blizzard effect for a few weeks and it was god damn amazing and so atmospheric. Wanna see more of that in games.


Oct 28, 2017
So the 1.3 patch is finally coming this week for consoles? Its been ages since its out on PC...


Oct 25, 2017
Frag bombs need a fat nerf or a complete rework. They're the most absurd thing in the game right now.
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Oct 28, 2017
Is this the cross play patch?

I don't think it is but I maybe wrong.

My friends and I have been running into more glitches and crashes on the ps4 lately. It's a fantastic game but sometimes the bugs can ruin a play session.

If anyone on here is looking for someone to hunt with on the ps4, feel free to add me: NubCakes09.