Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
So Hisoka got his arms cut off with no fucks given.
I don't want to spoil anything, but you basically just passed HxH Violence 101. You'll understand later.
What I see generally the least liked arc is Greed Island, but I loved that one as well. It's just a testament to how good this series is to have one of your lower quality arcs still be awesome.
Its the fact that Togashi starts it out as a Video Game Isekai like every fucking Manga did in the late 90s/early 2000s, and gives you the middle finger cause you actually expected him to do something that boring that makes it so good. And the fact that we now know that crazy definitely runs in the family.

Just about ready to write up my thoughts for the second half of the Chimera Ants. Just about ready to watch 136. 135, wow. When Anime skips the OP you just know shit's about to get real. But the ED as well? That's the sign of an all time classic.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing that losing limbs becomes a norm HxH, since they're so easy to reattach.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn York New is one of my least favorite arcs. Y'all crazy.

I did just finish reading it in the manga, though, and I think it worked better there for me than it did in the anime.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There's only been one good(but still flawed) arc in the whole series and that's the Chimera Ant arc. the rest are kinda pointless or bad.



Oct 25, 2017
York New City is one of the best shonen arcs of all time in my eyes. I remember watching 1999 anime adaptation of it in my teens and just being floored. I got no issue with people who put it above the Chimera Ant arc, even though I disagree.

The Chimera Ant arc is the greatest shonen arc I have ever read/watched, bar none.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't be bothered to explain every one, but Going to save Killua, Greed Island, The Election arc, Nanika and Succesion War are all kinda pointless. It either didn't need to happen or didn't need to be focused on.

Nanika was just a bullshit thing to explain away other bullshit.

Yorknew is terrible because Kurapika trivializes the threat of the Troupe by wishing for OP powers. The Troupe themselves become boring as they just wanted to steal stuff from an auction. Best character Uvogin also dies.


Oct 25, 2017
The Chimera Ant arc is the greatest shonen arc I have ever read/watched, bar none.
No lies detected.

Really the only reason I'm not a huge fan of York New is 'cause I don't like Kurapika's REVENGE!!!!!!!! story. But it was still a pretty good arc all things said and done.

I'm not liking how the CURRENT arc is overflowing with exposition. No, I don't need to know the intricate details of how the princes work. Tell me this over time, Togashi, not in an essay. GEEZ.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
York New the least favorite? That's literally the first time I've heard someone with that opinion, but to each their own I guess.
Oct 25, 2017
No lies detected.

Really the only reason I'm not a huge fan of York New is 'cause I don't like Kurapika's REVENGE!!!!!!!! story. But it was still a pretty good arc all things said and done.

I'm not liking how the CURRENT arc is overflowing with exposition. No, I don't need to know the intricate details of how the princes work. Tell me this over time, Togashi, not in an essay. GEEZ.
Honestly Togashi's work is at it's best when you filter it through somebody that's able to regurgitate it in a digestible fashion for the viewer.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly Togashi's work is at it's best when you filter it through somebody that's able to regurgitate it in a digestible fashion for the viewer.
Does the YYH manga suffer similarly? Love the anime, never read it.

Even so, the beauty of HxH is the each arc has something different to offer, so I guess I can understand someone even saying that Greed Island or Heaven's Arena was their favorite arc for example.
I actually thought Greed Island was fairly popular, so I was surprised to see people not like that one.

Heaven's Arena is just a training arc, but a better one than most (most) action shounen have, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
YYH's manga ending is the biggest problem. Togashi wasn't allowed to take the series where he wanted to because of executives. He would later take those ideas and use them in HxH, but he basically gave up on YYH. Things repeatedly get built up, only for nothing to happen. There's setup for big arcs, but that gets abandoned, and everything gets wrapped up very quickly. The anime completely cuts a lot of that stuff out and adds in some stuff that gives better closure to a few character arcs.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
YYH's manga ending is the biggest problem. Togashi wasn't allowed to take the series where he wanted to because of executives. He would later take those ideas and use them in HxH, but he basically gave up on YYH. Things repeatedly get built up, only for nothing to happen. There's setup for big arcs, but that gets abandoned, and everything gets wrapped up very quickly. The anime completely cuts a lot of that stuff out and adds in some stuff that gives better closure to a few character arcs.
That very last chapter read like something that could have been a huge arc, but was instead wrapped up in a handful of pages.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest; I didn't really like the ending to the anime.

But, to be more honest, I think a big part of that was Kuwabara deciding not to fight anymore. IIRC. Something along those lines, anyway. Even if it wrapped his arc up nicely, he was always my fav, and I liked watching him fight. ):

All that said, I bet I'd like it more these days. I'm a different human.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
And finally, the curtain closes on this 60 episode epic, with a heartfelt hello, a heartfelt reveal, and a badass reveal of the Zodiacs, who I never heard of before, but surely I will love. I talked mostly of the first half, up to before the fights in Peijing, if I recall correctly. I won't go into too much detail as its too much info to retain, but I do remember the good bits, the scary bits, and the bits were I needed to have a smoke or 5 before I smashed my monitor cause Togashi is an evil son of a bitch.
The entire raid on Diego's Palace, start to finish was mind blowing. At all times, you have this slow meticulous pace that feels like its going nowhere, but always full of steam. You wait and you wait and you wait, for the climax to come, the big spectacle, but its on a teary eyed blanket in the middle of an abandoned warehouse, lamenting the atrocities of war. Its simple, elegant, and tells a far better story then anything else. As you plod along this torturous journey, you learn about the motives, the drive of every character involved. You learn that redemption or a change of spirit can never come, not only for the villains, but the heroes as well. Chimeras are flawed, but so are the humans.
Netero is not some hero of the story, he is but a simple old man resolved to his duty, even if there is no honor in his actions. The bomb is a threat yes, but you also understand that his location of choice is not a mere act of safety, but the actions of a human who is ashamed of what he must do, and so he dies hidden from the eyes of his comrades.
Same thing with Meruem. Yes he is evil, per say. And yes he must be stopped. But he has that human spark, the spark of change. We see him in the arms of someone he loves, not a bloody heap of bones and flesh, much like Pitou, with no redeeming qualities. He too acted on duty, but a duty forced upon him that I assume otherwise would not be carried out. His death was dignified, and he honestly deserves it.
Gon's outrage and fight with Pitou, now that was heartbreaking. Worse off, the pain, the sacrifice, its all for naught as Kite is still alive, holy shit was I not ready for that. Killua is the best friend in the world, and I love how he simply cannot leave him to die or worse. As for the other Guards, I love how they were treated, and Pouf got too little of what was coming to him. Manipulative little fucker deserved Gon's outrage, not Pitou. Yes she was evil, but she was only doing what she thought right. Pouf though? He never understood what redemption is, and he honestly should have been eaten whole by Meruem.

I have much more to say, but I feel the core of the arc is the most important thing, and I covered it sufficiently. If there are any point you guys want to discuss, then ask away. But yeah, motherfucking Ging. Honestly can't wait.

Oh, and one more thing. Gyro is gonna be the final big bad of the series right? Like I have no idea what's after the Anime, and I don't expect em to say anything about him in the near future, but he has to be the final boss. I also swear to god I heard his catchphrase before from another Chimera Ant that was never seen again.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Huh. Well, whatever comes next, I will take it as it is. Best Shonen media I have consumed in a long time. Can't wait to finish the Anime and jump into the manga. Its possible, right?
Yes it's what I did. The current arc is pretty good, just chock full of exposition.
I like to remain optimistic. I personally hope we get a time skip at some point and get to see an aged up Killua and Gon. I would love for Killua to inherit Zeno's Dragon Dive if at all possible.


Oct 30, 2017
I hope Leorio doesn't go the Kurapika/Gon route and start making these huge condition/sacrifices for major power. I wanna see him grow :P

Hisoka acknowledges his potential afterall
Oct 25, 2017
Leorio doesn't seem like the type for that. He can be the contrast to their characters and grow through regular means. He won't become as strong or skilled overall, but he'll have reached his level the "normal" way.


Oct 30, 2017
Leorio doesn't seem like the type for that. He can be the contrast to their characters and grow through regular means. He won't become as strong or skilled overall, but he'll have reached his level the "normal" way.

Hopefully. He doesn't have to be battle-strong but I want to see him be revolutionary in the medical field without some pledge/vow hax.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Does Leorio ever get a fight? So far he hasn't had a fight, the only time there was a chance for him to fight, Killua fucked it up.
Oct 25, 2017
I bet leorio has some moves. He used to carry a switchblade around, and ging thought his hatsu was cool enough to try it for himself. Doesn't seem like a front-line brawler at all tho yeah.

Kinda weird, it's almost like Togashi went out of his way to not show Leorio fight, the times it looks like he's going to something happens to call it off lol
Oct 25, 2017
Leorio has common sense. He might have brazenly challenged Kurapika, but that was pre hax Kurapika. I think he wants to live long enough to actually become a doctor and not get Ponzu'd in the process.