
Oct 27, 2017
Used to have that crap on at the LA Fitness I went to a couple years ago. To be fair, they had CNN on another TV. The one I go to now apparently only has one working TV out of three in the locker room, and all it seems to have on when I get there is old sitcoms. (Some show with George Lopez, Friends, and some others I don't recognize.)

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
That blows. You're in a tough spot

I'm against any TVs having news channels on at work, I think it's inappropriate because television news really isn't news, it's bull shit reality TV entertainment pretending to be a lens turned on the world. The news shows that do a good job reporting the news, like PBS, only have 1-2 hours of news programs a day so it's not like you can really put "the office TV" to PBS ... for most of the workday it's children's TV shows. Also I think it makes sense that the channel that has good news reporting, PBS, only reports the news for about 1-2 hours a day... When you have to fill up 18-24 hours of programming around news, you have to fill it with bull shit. Even if you agree with the political direction of the news program and most of your coworkers agree, I think it's bad for the work environment. I politically agree with *all* of my close colleagues/friends at work, we're all pretty much in the same realm politically, but if we sat around for a half hour watching MSNBC or CNN, we'd end up getting testy and having buttons pushed in inappropriate ways at the office.

THere's 3 autobody shops side by side in a little stretch kinda near my house, and all three of them are about equal with quality, but one of them has Fox on in the waiting room, one of them puts on like daytime TV, and the other doesn't have a TV but has wifi. I go out of my way to go to the wifi one and just to get some fuckin peace. What's interesting about Fox too is that for about half of Americans it's just "the default news channel," not necessarily because they have horrible opinions, but because they've done such a good job at casting dispersions on all other news, and then going back to its founding really putting effort into flashy overlays, good lighting, modern looking sets, and hiring attractive/engaging hosts. The Red White and BLue thing has become a cliche if you're slightly left of center, but for like 50%+ of Americans that's the default of what they think news should be, and Ted Koppel sitting in front of a black desk even with modern wipes and presentation, feels old, out dated, and because of the effectiveness of Fox' counter-programming, biased even for people who feel like they're otherwise non-political. Fox became the most consistently dominant news station partly for the same reason that Cocomelon is like eye-crack for toddlers (cocomelon has like 20-30 cuts/scenes per minute, while other children's shows tend to have 4-5 cuts per minute, rarely more than 10 per minute, it's like eye crack... If you ever suffer through cocomelon with your kids, start counting the number of seconds it takes for the scene/perspective/cut to change, it's rarely longer than 4 seconds, sometimes as quick as 1-2 seconds)

A otolarygologist office we go to has whatever generic home remodelling/decorating shows on HGTV or the equivalent channels. Much better than news, and I'm glad they do that.
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Oct 27, 2017
Our cafeteria has three TVs, one is always Weather and the other cycle between Fox, CNN, MSNBC and CNBC but luckily they're muted so not too bad.


Oct 27, 2017
Report to the higher ups that productivity would increase if the TV was removed and see if there's any stats that back it up. Then nobody gets TV!


Oct 25, 2017
People are hungry for their hate rhetoric. I know people that stream that shit all day. I'm only surprised they haven't hurt anybody honestly. When you're fed hate all day long it's got to be only so long until you snap.

Hate Joe Biden, hate immigrants, hate mask wearers, hate Hunter, hate Hillary, hate lazy Black people, hate cancel culture, hate the war on Christianity, hate White racism, hate socialism, hate gun laws, hate abortions, hate healthcare, hate clean energy, hate White genocide, hate trans folks, hate etc.

The list goes on forever. And it's all day long, 24/7.


Oct 25, 2017
Bern, Switzerland

TV-B-Gone Universal Remote - Turn OFF Virtually Any TV!

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When we were putting together the TV-B-Gone kit, we started imagining a dystopian future, filled with televisions, where this kit would be super useful and we'd be a hero for ...

There are also ways to record and playback a specific TV remote signal so you could set up a little device so it constantly sends the signal for a specific channel...

Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
also just get rid of TV's in waiting rooms, at work, etc... unless needed for said work.

I don't want to hear that any of that shit and if I do wanna hear something, I have a phone.


Oct 30, 2017
Out break room TV is a romper room for the elderly where it's a fight between a western themed channel and an all day deal or no deal channel. It is hell. I routinely turn it off and hide the remote.
Westerns don't sound so bad.
Why does everybody have TVs at work? I have never seen one in any kind of office.
Yeah the only TVs I have in my office are used for conference room meetings, or slideshows of company news.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I love how the people who complain the most about politics being in movies and sports are the same people who insist bringing politics into the work place
fOx NeWs Is FaIr AnD bAlAnCeD tHo So ItS dIfFeReNt.

👆 is the excuse I used to hear working at a metal plant staffed with a bunch of high school dropouts that used to try justifying keeping that shit on all day.


Oct 25, 2017
Shit seems crazy to me. I am in a pretty redneck part of Illinois, but even here I don't see that. Most places just have on cooking and home renovation shows. Nice neutral shit so people aren't fucking arguing over politics in your lobby.
yeah, seriously. I live in Nebraska and would definitely switch jobs if my workplace did stuff like that.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I would feign ignorance and say "Why is this channel always on? It's so boring"
Oct 26, 2017
I went into the Parental Controls of the STB in my breakroom and blocked Fox for this reason. Took them forever to figure out what I did and unblock. I then did it again and changed the PIN on the box so only I could reset. They never freed Fox News again.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather have Fox News on tv than Fox News irl in the form of my 4 co workers

The Fallen

Oct 27, 2017
Your boss or coworkers should never mention Politics and religion in the workplace, but I guess individuals nowadays do not respect their coworkers.


Nov 27, 2017
Block -every- channel with Parental Controls except for one like PBS or CSPAN or something else without blaring commercials. If there's a classical music station, then let that be the only one available.
This, or at least make sure to take out the worst offenders with Fox, don't want them swapping to OAN


Oct 29, 2017
I'm older, but I remember growing up and reading/seeing examples of actual propaganda news in other countries and always thought, naively, "I just don't understand how that shit can work, like no way right? It's just the state trying to force compliance through mass gaslighting but secretly everyone has to know right and it's just fear keeping in line?"

.....Then Fox News started and by about 2003, when it really got into rhythm, and I saw people like my father and people around me turning from open-minded, maybe economically center-right, somewhat social liberals into fear-mongering, racist, clownish Republican reactionaries regurgitating the same talking points and becoming increasingly angry and tribal and I was like, "oh, I get it."


Oct 25, 2017
Usually construction jobsites play some cbs radio or rap, rock, pop, etc. But I hear worse sometimes, the other day a jobsite labour was listening to some right wing radio/podcast really loud on the floor I was working on. The host and his co host and guest were just sharing the wildest lies about everthing from Antifa, Biden, BLM, Bill Gates, Faucci, LGBT, random celebrity, vaccine, and Obama still living rent free with these guys


Oct 27, 2017
I went to the dentist in 2016 and they asked if I wanted to watch tv while the dental hygienist was working on me. I realized there was a republican primary debate going on at that moment. I could be in a new layer of combined Dentist & Republican debate hell. The dentist alone was not so bad after that.


Aug 25, 2020
This reminds of this pizza joint that I go to once once in a while and used to go to all the time before the pandemic that would have Fox News playing all the time. Would always sit outside if there was room because that shit was nauseating.


Oct 27, 2017
Not too fond of American 24 hour news channels in general but Fox should not even be "on air". It's a pathetic group of talentless liars.