
Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
It's ironic that you sound like an angsty teenager with how you've chosen to give your two cents.

There's nothing wrong with not liking something that many others do. However, you're not doing yourself any favours with the way you've tried to portray your criticism.
First, you're "verified"? Ok, standards must have gone down.

Second, 2018 was not a slow year. Next time try not to sound so angsty. You can make criticisms without sounding like a middle-schooler.

Ah yes, good old ad hominem. Never gets old.
Nov 17, 2017
Obviously not, because the game is designed around you seeing only the field that you are seeing.

It's like complaining about a first person game giving you a radar to show you where enemies are around you - the combat is designed around that perspective. Being able to see enemies more clearly by zooming the camera way out defeats the purpose entirely.
But what is the purpose exactly?

Deleted member 22405

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
What I couldn't get over is how God Hand was able to use its camera just fine in mob control but Dad of War fails at it spectacularly.

Its combat system is such a mess. Its infuriating. It feels like it wants to be a character action but then you hit an enemy and all of a sudden you're not doing any damage.


Aug 15, 2019
You are missing the point.

The fact of the matter is that the game doesn't force you into mastering it. You can play through it without much thought or strategy. You can style if you want but then again you can do so in GOW4 if you master it.

Someone posted a video earlier that shows how GOW4 when mastered plays like and it is way more demanding that old GOW ever was. Only classic GOW that felt "deep" was Ascension because you had to use parry and a lot of different moves to get through the game or else the game is much harder.

Seems to me you like the classic combat (and I like that one too) and are expecting GOW4 to be like it when it is not. It is a much different combat system that requires a lot more than "style".
I'll grant you the following: God of War doesn't push you into really learning the mechanics. However, even in Ninja Gaiden, it's possible to just use the same, boring tactic over and over again on the higher difficulties. NG3RE can basically just boil down to you mashing dodge, and 360Y on Ultimate Ninja, if you so please. And likewise, Ninja Gaiden 2 can just boil down to just constantly using the claws to use Flying Swallow to Izuna Drop. Exploits and spams are in nearly every action game out there. God of War is no different.

That doesn't mean that the combat is not deep. Trust me, if you actually dig deep into God of War's mechanics, and learn about how grabbing, collisions, ring-outs, and learn each way to beat each enemy in the most effective way possible, you'll realize that there are a LOT of details.

Back to new God of War, I'm not expecting it to be like the OG trilogy. I just don't think that it lives up the OG trilogy's combat, nor does it stand particularly well on its own. Everything in this new game just feels so restricted.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
I was pretty disappointed when the
Blades of Chaos showed up. It felt like pandering and the axe is way more satisfying as a melee weapon, besides. Also, it was really discouraging when I learned I had to level up another weapon from zero. I almost put the game down.
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. My only complaint is enemy variety, mostly in regards to the big beefy boys like trolls or whatever. Felt like I fought way too many of those. I wish the Valkyries hadn't been optional; they were incredibly fun to fight and would've helped spice up the game. Maybe make one or two of them be required, and then have finishing that quest be completely optional. But I loved the combat. It clicked immediately with me and that's very rare. I've never clicked with games like the OP compares this to, like the DMC games, but this worked for me. And as someone who feels like he just floated through the first three GoW games without much challenge, I appreciate feeling that I needed to actually think about what I was doing in this to get by. It was by no means brutally hard, but it was challenging for me.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I loved God of War myself. I voted it as my GOTY 2018.

But it's by no means a perfect game. Strangely I agree with many of the OPs complaints. God of War actually shares a couple of the same flaws as another game I love, Ryse Son of Rome.

But it's fine to point out a games legitimate flaws while also still enjoying that game immensely.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Agree with almost all of the OP points. I dropped the game about halfway personally. While I did enjoy at least the experience enough to want to someday finish it, i didn't see how it garnered such attention beyond the production budget clearly paying off.

It's fine, but the lack of variety, poor loot and rpg progression, and downtime kind of killed my interest. Beautiful visuals, world, and intriguing update to the classic style, but eh...


Aug 15, 2019
I loved God of War myself. I voted it as my GOTY 2018.

But it's by no means a perfect game. Strangely I agree with many of the OPs complaints. God of War actually shares a couple of the same flaws as another game I love, Ryse Son of Rome.

But it's fine to point out a games legitimate flaws while also still enjoying that game immensely.
Really, it all comes down to just how much my gripes with it mattered to you. If they do, that's fine, but if they don't, that's also fine.


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't matter how many boxes it checks as long as it's well made. You can basically say this about every game. The question is always how much fun it is in the end.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
First, you're "verified"? Ok, standards must have gone down.

Second, 2018 was not a slow year. Next time try not to sound so angsty. You can make criticisms without sounding like a middle-schooler.
Listen, i love God of War about just as much as most people, but what's the point in excoriating someone for posting their genuine qualms w/ the game? Do you believe that user is just trying to get a rise out of people? I mean, if you're going to fuss about another person's criticisms, at least make an attempt to be less flippant and more thoughtful with your engagement.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
Don't care in the slightest whether a game "checks boxes" as long as they are well executed. As far as execution goes, GoW 2018 is miles ahead of basically 98% of all other AAA titles on the market.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree OP. I got bored a few hours in. It felt like a drag. Never finished. Ever since then, i stopped buying games based on reviews by mainstream gaming media.


Oct 27, 2017
Canoeing around was long, tedious, and boring. I couldn't take the story seriously with all the "humor"-relief thrown in there. It felt like it had all the maturity of an angsty teenager that listens to too much Puddle of Mudd or something.

It's your opinion, and as such can't be wrong and I don't mean to say that it is, but I have absolutely no clue what this part of your critique is trying to say about story time with Kratos and Mimir.


alt account
Jul 18, 2019
YEah, the open worldness to it, side quests, walking around, kinda killed my interest in it. Why can't games just be short and sweet, instead of this whole dragged out affair where you do boring grindy things?

I was enjoying it, but then it just starts to wander on and on.


Oct 27, 2017
Does that work the other way around?

If it's valid criticism to give in a post is it valid criticism to receive as a poster?
Its an ad hominem fallacy. Which for some reason he didn't seem to like when called out on it. I was just pointing out why his post doesn't come across as "sincere and non trolling"

Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion in general when discussing in good faith you don't attack the person

Eugene's Axe

Jan 17, 2019
User Banned (1 day): Thread whining, history of similar behaviour
When I don't like a game I just don't play it and I'm sure no one gives a fuck why I didn't like it.
Oct 27, 2017
I'll grant you the following: God of War doesn't push you into really learning the mechanics. However, even in Ninja Gaiden, it's possible to just use the same, boring tactic over and over again on the higher difficulties. NG3RE can basically just boil down to you mashing dodge, and 360Y on Ultimate Ninja, if you so please. And likewise, Ninja Gaiden 2 can just boil down to just constantly using the claws to use Flying Swallow to Izuna Drop. Exploits and spams are in nearly every action game out there. God of War is no different.

That doesn't mean that the combat is not deep. Trust me, if you actually dig deep into God of War's mechanics, and learn about how grabbing, collisions, ring-outs, and learn each way to beat each enemy in the most effective way possible, you'll realize that there are a LOT of details.

Back to new God of War, I'm not expecting it to be like the OG trilogy. I just don't think that it lives up the OG trilogy's combat, nor does it stand particularly well on its own. Everything in this new game just feels so restricted.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I found GOW4 to be a really refreshing take on the series and still kept the spirit of GOW.

I do understand your feelings though, I am going through a similiar thing where a series I love changed a lot (Yakuza 7 which turned the series from a brawler into a turnbased game) and it is leaving me frustrated over the change.


Oct 27, 2017
Its an ad hominem fallacy. Which for some reason he didn't seem to like when called out on it. I was just pointing out why his post doesn't come across as "sincere and non trolling"

Just because you don't agree with someone's opinion in general when discussing in good faith you don't attack the person

Now I must ask, can the presentation of the argument not be criticized? If someone can say that various aspects of the game "felt like it had all the maturity of an angsty teenager that listens to too much Puddle of Mudd or something" can someone else not say that critique "sound(s) like an angsty teenager"?

At the very least one should be open to getting as good as they give, no? And lets be honest, punctuating the post with the "Must have been a very slow year" comment is that poke that's near bait-worthy.


Oct 27, 2017
Now I must ask, can the presentation of the argument not be criticized? If someone can say that various aspects of the game "felt like it had all the maturity of an angsty teenager that listens to too much Puddle of Mudd or something" can someone else not say that critique "sound(s) like an angsty teenager"?

At the very least one should be open to giving as good as the get, no? And lets be honest, punctuating the post with the "it must have been a slow year" route is that poke that's near bait-worthy level.
We just see it different

I say that stating a poster "sounded like an angsty teenager" is not a sincere non trolling statement. You say it's fine to say that to another poster. We see it different on an ethically fundamental level and I doubt either will be able to change the others opinion on that.

So on that note I will withdraw from the discussion as to prevent derailing the thread as there really isn't anything else to say

EDIT: as for your last paragraph that implies the poster deserves to be criticized for saying it must have been a slow year and it was reciprocal. I would disagree that statement is on the same level as a personal attack. Just my opinion
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Oct 27, 2017
I didn't care for it much either. I don't have any particular love for the series having only played the first game and not finding it particularly special. I wasn't interested in this game either, but they hype got me and I got it. Good looking game, but again nothing particularly special.


May 17, 2019
I agree with pretty much every point in the OP and had similar thoughts as I played, but I did end up thinking the overall package was still a good game, carried heavily by its amazing art direction.

I think the most egregious part of the game is the RPG elements. I think the game would just be outright better without the leveling, stats, and crafting.

I think the rest of the points are fair and I agree with most of them, but still felt the game was decently fun in spite of its many issues. If I had another big issue, it's that I think the story drags hard at the end. There was a point where I thought I was pretty much approaching the end and then it threw me into another few hours of gameplay, and I was a bit checked out by that point.


Aug 15, 2019
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I found GOW4 to be a really refreshing take on the series and still kept the spirit of GOW.

I do understand your feelings though, I am going through a similiar thing where a series I love changed a lot (Yakuza 7 which turned the series from a brawler into a turnbased game) and it is leaving me frustrated over the change.
Oh yeah, I saw the news. That's even more radical than the change from Old to New God of War.

Nice having a discussion with you, though.


Apr 9, 2019
I think MatthewMatosis's video sums up all my distaste of certain elements of the game for me personally but I don't know the policy here on linking content creators. Even Sony Santamonica retweeted it or replied to it stating that they're taking it to heart.

I think most of hte problems will be fixed next game, due to the hardships faced in development of this game. Things like enemy variety are well known by Cory and others at the studio. The Valkyries show potential if they can fix the camera.

dead souls

Oct 25, 2017
I absolutely hated it. The gameplay is lackluster and the story is awful. Trying to make a serious story in the GoW universe is just laughable. Stick the the pulpy trash game companies that's all your capable of creating. Better yet, put as little story as possible since the medium isn't suited to storytelling at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I absolutely hated it. The gameplay is lackluster and the story is awful. Trying to make a serious story in the GoW universe is just laughable. Stick the the pulpy trash game companies that's all your capable of creating. Better yet, put as little story as possible since the medium isn't suited to storytelling at all.

I personally hope no one listens to your sensibilities as it relates to stories in games. Many of my favorite recent games wouldn't exist as they do without narrative to support them.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
My biggest gripe was the proximity of the camera as the OP mentioned, but I enjoyed everything else. The sequel's gonna be bananas.

I absolutely hated it. The gameplay is lackluster and the story is awful. Trying to make a serious story in the GoW universe is just laughable. Stick the the pulpy trash game companies that's all your capable of creating. Better yet, put as little story as possible since the medium isn't suited to storytelling at all.

For someone who seems to have an incredibly reductive view of video games period, I'm surprised you're bothering to post on an enthusiast forum like Era at all.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
It's so embarrassing when the first response people have to criticism are defensiveness or dismissing it as a "hot take". These games are all flawed no matter how good they are and it's fine to talking about it.


Apr 5, 2018
I agree with most of your points OP, except for some of your combat complaints. Don't you worry, some day I'm going to make a triple threat thread, a post about how Witcher 3, BoTW, and God of War are all overrated. Then you'll get to witness true hate, and maybe even feel it depending on how you feel about those other two games.


Aug 15, 2019
I agree with most of your points OP, except for some of your combat complaints. Don't you worry, some day I'm going to make a triple threat thread, a post about how Witcher 3, BoTW, and God of War are all overrated. Then you'll get to witness true hate, and maybe even feel it depending on how you feel about those other two games.
I'll be looking forward to that!

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
The Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time and I could write a mini essay on the issues with it at launch.


Oct 25, 2017
DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to say that my opinion is fact... I don't even know why I have to say this, but it seems that I have to these days.
Yeah, sad truth of the modern era. If you aren't explicitly saying that your opinions are opinions, people will take them as a sleight against them personally beacuse it doesn't line up with their perception of reality. Such is the way of things.

I agree with OP about GoW 2018 btw. really plain.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
I really hope they rethink the camera for the sequel. This generation has really raised the standard for 3rd-person action and I was pretty disappointed when the game didn't live up to those expectations.

I also had problems with the story, but I've rehashed that enough in past threads.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
And the story is just nonsense.
There's a part where Kratos decides to go to hell or whatever to kill the bridgekeeper to get his heart which will cure his son of the "doesn't know he's a god sickness" (lol), and the characters all tell him he's crazy for doing this. It's insane! It's suicide! And then.... It's.. easy? In the reality of the gameplay it's fucking easy. And the bridgekeeper himself is just another copy paste of the troll you keep fighting.

Those characters are saying that it's suicide without knowing Kratos has a hidden god weapon up his sleeve. The bridgekeeper being another copy-paste troll was admittedly bad.


Nov 3, 2017
There is no way having the camera up close to your character is "fine" versus having it pulled way far back to see everything. You might be able to deal with it but it's certainly not helping.

And the reason is because you have enemies in the game throwing shit at you from every which way angle from every which way distance. And the indicators shows that the developers probably know this.

I think it was Super Bunny Hop that mentioned how the off screen indicators translate information easier to the player than actually seeing the enemies on-screen where you have to read their animations and everything, so technically speaking you'll want to have as many enemies that you can't see lol

EDIT: Not SBH, it was Matthewmatosis
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Jul 22, 2019
I thought the camera was the way it is due to Atreus.

Because if you were to pull it back and show everything, it would reveal that he is basically teleporting all over the place.