Deleted member 29249

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
But everyone knows he's talking about DS. Hell you even mentioned him saying he wants to replay red dead is a dig at DS.

You are still talking openly about a game which has an embargo.

He's not being slick if literally everyone can tell he is talking about DS.

And like I said, it's not just one passing comment. He apparently is incapable of not talking about it...

So GB and their fans shouldn't raise a stink when a pub denies them a review copy because they seem incapable of not talking about their impression until embargo date

They do this kinda stuff with almost game with an embargo. They just say based on a demo they played or a video they watched, easy to see thru the cover horse shit. If they haven't been cut off in the years I have been listening, this won't change anything.

Deleted member 5322

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
To clear up some of the confusion over Dan's comments: he said that his time with a "recent game" has made him reflect back upon Red Dead 2, a game which he still does not think is good but maybe he was too harsh on. He didn't imply that he wanted to go back and play Red Dead 2 again, a game which he finished in time for their GOTY 2018 podcast; he meant that maybe Red Dead 2 deserved a critical reappraisal after having spent some time with this recent game (which, to be clear, is Death Stranding.) He also said something along the lines of "some of us are still playing it!" implying that he enjoyed his time with DS so little that he has stopped playing it. He went on to make some sarcastic comments about how there's no games he's got that he wants to spend some time with but is looking forward to the likes of Outer Worlds and Modern Warfare. That was all from the Beastcast before last. On the most recent one he didn't go as hard on the backhanded Death Stranding trashing but had started in on Outer Worlds, further cementing that he is fully done with Death Stranding.
Oct 25, 2017
It's not that serious.

It's probably not

As I've made it clear I don't really follow Giantbomb. But people have just been treating his opinion as gospel in regards to the quality of the game, and based on how much people have said he has talked about it I am just left scratching my head going "how can someone under embargo say THAT much?"

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
But everyone knows he's talking about DS. Hell you even mentioned him saying he wants to replay red dead is a dig at DS.

You are still talking openly about a game which has an embargo.

He's not being slick if literally everyone can tell he is talking about DS.

And like I said, it's not just one passing comment. He apparently is incapable of not talking about it...

So GB and their fans shouldn't raise a stink when a pub denies them a review copy because they seem incapable of not talking about their impression until embargo date
Who the hell cares?

I doubt you'd be complaining if he was slyly praising the game.

Deleted member 5322

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's probably not

As I've made it clear I don't really follow Giantbomb. But people have just been treating his opinion as gospel in regards to the quality of the game, and based on how much people have said he has talked about it I am just left scratching my head going "how can someone under embargo say THAT much?"
Dan is (was?) a Kojima stan. He has not technically said anything qualitative about Death Stranding.
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who does not give a single shit about this game and won't play it... I am very ready for Dan Ryckert's impressions. From what he's weaseled around already, it seems like it's incredibly short.


Oct 25, 2017
It's probably not

As I've made it clear I don't really follow Giantbomb. But people have just been treating his opinion as gospel in regards to the quality of the game, and based on how much people have said he has talked about it I am just left scratching my head going "how can someone under embargo say THAT much?"
People are not treating it as gospel, people are looking forward to him being free to talk about it.


Oct 25, 2017
At what point in the podcast does he talk about it?

Check around the 1:02:00 mark for a discussion of a bowling game called PBA Bowling:

Alex: "I want a story about a bowler who unites America behind bowling. You go from coast to coast and visit every bowling alley between the East coast and the West coast. And you connect the different bowling alleys."
Dan: "That sounds pretty boring."


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Not familiar with this Dan person, what does he usually enjo-
Yeah, just so everyone is aware, Dan doesn't engage with the stealth in MGS games. He plays Snake like an action hero. This was probably never going to be his type of game.
... well ok then his opinion on RDR2 and DS is useless to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I interpret it as Dan thinking Death Stranding has a lot of the same flaws as Red Dead 2 but he loves it - so he needs to reevaluate RDR2 in a new light or he'll seem like a hypocrite/ Kojima mark.

I've been wrong before.

When the podcast started I also figured that might have been what he meant , but then they kept talking around it more later on and it became pretty obvious he just meant it as a jab at DS.

But in the end Dan not liking it doesn't really mean anything. Dan could easily just dislike it because it's slowpaced regardless of actual quality.

They do this kinda stuff with almost game with an embargo. They just say based on a demo they played or a video they watched, easy to see thru the cover horse shit. If they haven't been cut off in the years I have been listening, this won't change anything.

Also every site that isn't just a bunch of shills basically does the same thing.
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Oct 27, 2017

Check around the 1:02:00 mark for a discussion of a bowling game called PBA Bowling:

Alex: "I want a story about a bowler who unites America behind bowling. You go from coast to coast and visit every bowling alley between the East coast and the West coast. And you connect the different bowling alleys."
Dan: "That sounds pretty boring."

Oh shit that was way over my head. I just shrugged and assumed they were talking about some movie I didn't know, as before they were referencing something about making the Rudy of Bowling stories.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Dan realized all that babble in death stranding and metal gear is politics, so he's done with kojima

I look forward to the... *opening third eye* ✨ 👁 ✨ ...2 hour fight about why DS should be one of the most disappointing games of the year while everyone else is like "I was never that excited for it, but whatever, I've got others I want to fight for later" in the GOTY podcasts

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
I found it interesting when on the Giant Beastcast last week when one of their last conversations was reflecting on how comparatively poor 2019 had been for games. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but considering they were all playing DS at the time I think that played into how they felt considering that aside from the Star Wars game it's the last big release of the year (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm interested to hear their discussions about it once the embargo lifts.
Oct 25, 2017
Who the hell cares?

I doubt you'd be complaining if he was slyly praising the game.

No, I'd still care.

Like I said it's not that he dislikes the game that bothers me. My issue was how many times in different content he said he disliked it.

Id find it weird if it was the polar opposite to, if he was constantly praising the game in different content because the thing that confuses me is the apparent frequency of him talking about DS when they are supposed to be under embargo
Oct 26, 2017
I found it interesting when on the Giant Beastcast last week when one of their last conversations was reflecting on how comparatively poor 2019 had been for games. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but considering they were all playing DS at the time I think that played into how they felt considering that aside from the Star Wars game it's the last big release of the year (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm interested to hear their discussions about it once the embargo lifts.

Pokemon Sword and Shield will be one of the top selling games of the year probably.


Oct 27, 2017
I could see Dan totally making himself a mark and actually really enjoying the game and just playing up all the kojima hate. For how stupid he makes himself seem (which hes really not) he is actually a professional and I am not so sure that he would talk such open shut about a game he hates before embargo is up.

I could totally be wrong and i have no horse in this race; but he is so blatant about it, I cant honestly tell if it's a schtick.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Oof, I guess I wouldn't be surprised but damn I hope it doesn't play as slow and tedious as RDR2. Given Dan was one of the few reviewers to echo my opinions on that game I'll def be paying attention to what he has to say about DS.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I am looking forward to the 1st. I am insanely curious to see how Death Stranding is received. Hopefully well so I have another game to play!

people are putting a lot of stock in the opinions of a guy that ate eggshells after reading egg whites were more healthy than yolks.

To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to enjoy Kojima games
Oct 25, 2017
Dan Ryckert from giant bomb has already pretty much said that he haaatttteeesss this game so I have rock bottom expectations for it. Oh well maybe kojima will make a good game next time.
May 10, 2019
Embargo you say...



Jul 22, 2019
Don't see why people expect MGS fans like Dan to automatically like this game. And that he if hates this game then it must really mean something.

MGS games are pretty much action blockbusters. Death Stranding you don't even get a gun till 9 hours into the game according to a leaker.


Combat Designer
Oct 27, 2017
They didn't directly say anything. It's just...well

Why don't people get that it's ok to not like something even if it's from a creator you liked in the past? There's this weird narrative that not liking DS is somehow validation to some people that Kojima's past games were garbage or whatever. Obviously that isn't how things work.

I think it's pretty clear that DS isn't a Metal Gear. If you were expecting MG then you are likely going to be disappointed. That's ok too! That doesn't necessarily mean that the game itself is bad. It just means it's different and maybe not your cup of tea.

This was the game dude wanted to make and it's ok if it isn't your thing. People make stuff you don't like sometimes. I feel like that should be obvious.

I look at something like the Tekken series. I love it. But 4 and 6 were my least favorite in the series. Does that mean that the ones prior or after were bad? Nope. And if the Tekken team worked on something non-Tekken I would especially look at it from a completely different point of view since it's specifically a different franchise.


I don't know who this Dan guy is or why people keep bringing him up but it's totally fine for him to not be Into something that is different than his expectations. Doesn't mean anything about the game itself.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
I think this game will make people have to decide if they actually like Kojima craziness or if they really only like it within the confines of Metal Gear (which I think might be what happened with Ryckert).
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm personally interested in seeing if there's division in the team regarding the opinions.

For example I think it'd be a load of fun if Dan was super down on it but Abby or Jeff or Alex ended up liking it.

Also for people asking "Why do we care what Dan thinks?"

Because it's fun to hear different opinions and in Dan's case, he's such a Kojima mark that it'd be a blast to hear how he feels about this game one way or the other.

Games are fun! Talking and listening to people about games is fun!

Let's have fun!

Deleted member 2379

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm personally interested in seeing if there's division in the team regarding the opinions.

For example I think it'd be a load of fun if Dan was super down on it but Abby or Jeff or Alex ended up liking it.

Also for people asking "Why do we care what Dan thinks?"

Because it's fun to hear different opinions and in Dan's case, he's such a Kojima mark that it'd be a blast to hear how he feels about this game one way or the other.

Games are fun! Talking and listening to people about games is fun!

Let's have fun!
Based on commentary to date, the West Coast team has been so down on this game I doubt it changes. Watch them talk over the 1 hr gameplay with subtitles.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Why don't people get that it's ok to not like something even if it's from a creator you liked in the past? There's this weird narrative that not liking DS is somehow validation to some people that Kojima's past games were garbage or whatever. Obviously that isn't how things work.

I think it's pretty clear that DS isn't a Metal Gear. If you were expecting MG then you are likely going to be disappointed. That's ok too! That doesn't necessarily mean that the game itself is bad. It just means it's different and maybe not your cup of tea.

This was the game dude wanted to make and it's ok if it isn't your thing. People make stuff you don't like sometimes. I feel like that should be obvious.

I look at something like the Tekken series. I love it. But 4 and 6 were my least favorite in the series. Does that mean that the ones prior or after were bad? Nope. And if the Tekken team worked on something non-Tekken I would especially look at it from a completely different point of view since it's specifically a different franchise.


I don't know who this Dan guy is or why people keep bringing him up but it's totally fine for him to not be Into something that is different than his expectations. Doesn't mean anything about the game itself.

Pretty sure Dan knows that. When he was being serious he has said multiple times in the past that as he learned more about Death Stranding he figured it might be a game he wouldn't like. This is just Dan being Dan, when he bounces hard off of something he's very vocal about it. Happened last year with RDR2 where RDR1 was one of his favorite games ever, but hated everything about how 2 played and he was very vocal about it during Game of the Year. Generally when he's being super exaggerated about something it's him playing it up since he loves to be the heel.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
There's no one left at Giant Bomb whose opinion on Death Stranding would mean much to me, outside of maybe Vinny and Brad.
He is as big of a Kojima and Metal Gear fan boy as one can be. That said, he has been open about being unsure about this game since at least the first time we got in game footage.
But what does this really mean? The guy who says Metal Gear isn't a political series? The guy who says he doesn't engage with the game's stealth mechanics and just guns his way through? The guy who misses most pretext behind the series to focus on superficial "cool guy stuff" like Solidus is also the president of the U.S.?

That doesn't necessarily transfer over to any game Kojima would make. Especially not one like Death Stranding, from everything we've seen of it.