Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
So, a friend lent me a WiiU with Breath of the Wild. I was very excited to play it, considering it's one of the rare Zelda titles I didn't play (the others are Skyward Sward, since I don't own a Wii, Oracle of Age/Season and Zelda 2 on NES) and Zelda is one of the franchise I simply love.

So I started Breath of the Wild...just to find it insanely boring.
First, I don't really like the open-world setting. I think the game is too big with so many empty spaces in it. But I can pass on this. What I can't pass on is the AWFUL upgrade system. In order to get more hearts/stamina you need to find shrines, beat four of them and than get the power-up.
It's a waste of time, really, because you need to first find the shrine, you need to beat it (usually in a couple of minutes, since the ones I found were all very easy), repeat three other times just to get a single upgrade. I'd prefer something similar to the past, considering the layout of those little dungeons is the same for all of them.

Second, breakable weapons. I don't know why Nintendo did this, but it's simply awful. Two-three swings and your weapon is done. You can't repair it, it simply vanishes from your inventory. Other games have durability, like Witcher 3, but the swords don't work like in BOTW, you can use them for a while and finally repair them if they broke. You are forced to costantly find new weapons, and your inventory is generally filled with garbage, since you need to micromanage it every single time you find a new chest, which should contain a better weapon.

Link is also...just to weak. I understand the reason
he almost died 100 years before.
You run two meters and you are done, out of breath. You swim in a puddle, you die because your stamina depletes. But for some reason you can climb a giant tower much easily than travel a 4 meters large river. It makes no sense. I feel the stamina is one of the most important element in this game, and you need more, but to get more stamina you need to sacrifice your health by choosing the stamina upgrade when you clear 4 shrines.

Weater conditions: again, they make no sense. You are in a sunny plateau, you walk one step, and you are now in a frozen wilderness where you can die because of the temperature. There should be something in the middle.

And last, which is again a very important point to me, the plot.
In the game, simply, there's not a plot.
You awake from your 100 years sleep, the spirit of the King of Hyrule explains you what happened 100 years before, how the four guardians were turned evil by Ganon, Zelda survived, and now you need to set Ganon out of misery, and setting free the guardians in the middle.

When you reach
, a point I believed it would give me some more information, a dungeon, an upgrade...something, well, you are pointed in another direction:
meet the scientist to upgrade your tablet, and find the four divine beasts.

That's it? Really? I died hundred of times to reach that village, and this is what I got? Well, I proceeded to meet the scientist,
she asked me to retrieve a blue fire, I did it with literally no effort and the upgrade I got was...the possibility to make photos? Really? I need to make photos to save the world?

This is the point where I dropped the ball. I put like 10-12 hours in the game, exploring and whatever but the game didn't feel a Zelda to me. It feels like a generic open-world game filled with Ubi tower and collectibles (why to get more "memories" I need to find the places in the photos? Why hiding plot elements behind collectibles? Also those collectibles are really not so easy to find, considering the world is massive). I can understand why people like the game, what I don't understand is the score given by a lot of reviewers around the globe. So many 10/10 which I think are not deserved, considering the issues the game has.

It also totally lacks a soundtrack. While the other Zelda titles had plenty of memorable themes (in fact Nintendo hosted several concerts around the world to play the amazing soundtrack), this one has...none? I mean, I can't get the "it's an open-world game, soundtrack could break the immersion", because FFXV is also an open-world game but it has a very good sountrack too.

Maybe it's me, but this is the first Zelda in my life I had the opportunity to play and I voluntarely dropped. And it wasn't an easy choice, but when I need to force myself to play something, it's the time to stop.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonoran Desert
The user was warned for this post. Don't make drive-by posts to show disdain for a thread. If you don't care about it, don't post.
Okay bud

Kaiser Swayze

Oct 30, 2017
It's a bummer when a game doesn't click with you after hearing nearly unanimous praise. I, on the other hand, thought it was a joy to play and loved exploring every inch of the map.


Oct 25, 2017
That's okay dude, plenty more games in the sea. I need to get back to it sometime soon now all the DLC is out.

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Well, I understand where you're coming from but to me all you mentioned added a challenge. The shrines to upgrade is a must or the whole world of the game would go to waste. There are things that weren't implemented good enough but I understand why they did it


Oct 25, 2017
The user was warned for this post. Don't make drive-by posts to show disdain for a thread. If you don't care about it, don't post.
Game of the Year.


Nov 20, 2017
Nice response brah! Not a shitpost at all!!

To OP:

I was kind of in the same boat for a while, and I bought a Switch to play it. I had a great time with the first 15 hours, then started doing lots of shrines, did the first two divine beasts and got burnt out bad. This was around 30 hours of play. Took a couple months break and just played again for the first time yesterday. Had a much better time than I did last time I played, but feeling like I have to avoid shrines because how bored they make me sucks. It's probably my most disappointing game of the year, but only bc people made it sound like the GOAT. It's a good game though.


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
It's okay to not like a GotY title. It happens on every GotY contender.


Oct 25, 2017
San Juan, Puerto Rico
It's just you (and a few other people).

It's okay to not like critically and commercially successful things because they don't click with you at the moment. Give it time and try again.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's a bummer that you're not enjoying it.

The Last of Us was the same for me. It didn't click with me mechanically during the year which it debuted, so I dropped it quick.

I came back to TLoU later with a fresh perspective and had a blast. Maybe just drop the game and give it another shot some other time. The mechanics of BoTW suit the kind of game it is but it seems like you were expecting a more traditional open world RPG.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand many of your points and had similar experiences with Botw. It's not a 10/10 game for me too. Just play something else like the excellent Mario Odyssey or something on another console or on PC. No big deal.


Nov 2, 2017
That's ok, it's very unlike other Zelda games.

You should try going to Hyrule Castle though. Really.


Oct 30, 2017
I've enjoyed BotW quite some time, but I was a bit disappointed with the reversed difficulty ceiling. Boredom came after 80hours or so and that is a good value for a 60$ game, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, you gave it a fair shot.

Don't dismiss the other Zelda games based on BotW though - they are very different experiences, and you might enjoy them.

Ugh, comprehension fail - I was wondering why it sounded like you were a Zelda fan, but said you hadn't played the other games. I misread the latter.


Oct 31, 2017
Keep playing. Once you get stronger and expand your weapon slots you won't die half as much and won't run out of weapons.

The exploration is fantastic. Maybe get a horse to traverse quicker.

You can skip all of this if you want to go straight to the last boss or dungeons. Each area with a divine beast has more NPCs, which add character to the game and make it feel more like a traditional 3D Zelda.

Beware, the dungeons are different than previous games.

I would recommend doing one divine beast and making your decision then.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with you. I only finished it because it was the only game I had back then. I wouldn't have bothered otherwise. I found the game is very bland and boring.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't help but be reminded of this:



Oct 26, 2017
I more or less agree, though I did find it interesting enough to play for around 20-ish hours since the game just sort of drops you in the world, and fucking around with the physics engine was fun. Overall maybe a solid 7.5 for me. Pretty bland experience.

It's just you (and a few other people).

It's okay to not like critically and commercially successful things because they don't click with you at the moment. Give it time and try again.

Or it's the game lol. Weird reply.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
Yeah, sounds like the games not for you.

This game is very very very reliant on intrinsic motivation, and if you are looking to be motivated extrinsically, its just not going to grasp you. As someone who has been lamenting the almost complete extinction of intrinsic design in large games like this, I couldn't be happier, but its very obvious that laying this foundation came with a price, although I think the next one will reach that beautiful balance between the two that made the series so special in its formative years.

It differs from ubi-open worlds not in what you get, or the extrinsic aspect, but how you get there, what you actually get to do, as opposed to watching the computer do it for you.

The people who like the game, like intrinsic design, and have had precious little for decades, certainly nothing like a huge mainstream zelda title, while franchises that used to be the pallbearers for us turned away. BotW was literally a huge breath of fresh air for the suffocating....

So many of us do, of course, recognize its shortcomings, though most dont talk about lest we occur the wrath of the defendo-bots, but we also are more than willing to take those shortcomings in exchange for what we got in return. Although as I said, we do expect the proper balance between extrinsic and intrinsic come the next title, now that the bulk of the work, laying the foundation, has been accomplished with botw.


Oct 25, 2017
That's okay, not everyone has to like a game even though it won multiple GoTY awards. I didn't like Half Life 2 too much but it won a lot of awards so a lot of people must be having fun.

What games are not "not generic" open world game for you anyway?


Oct 25, 2017
Never feel like you have to like something because of the hype. It's a wonderful for game for some folks, but I share your views. I dropped it after 10 hours. The breakable weapons made combat kinda pointless for me. Think I would've liked it more if it were an RPG with a leveling system and normal weapons.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Keep playing. Once you get stronger and expand your weapon slots you won't die half as much and won't run out of weapons.

The exploration is fantastic. Maybe get a horse to traverse quicker.

You can skip all of this if you want to go straight to the last boss or dungeons. Each area with a divine beast has more NPCs, which add character to the game and make it feel more like a traditional 3D Zelda.

Beware, the dungeons are different than previous games.

I would recommend doing one divine beast and making your decision then.
Eh, sadly I already gave back the console and the game to my friend, since today is holiday in Italy and he wanted to play some games in the week-end. But from what I saw in a couple of videos, the divine beast dungeons are different from the shrines, yeah, but they are pretty much all the same between the four beasts.


Oct 30, 2017
I'd say this game is all about patience and discovery. That's what I got from it, and everyone's take will be naturally quite different. But there is a definite specific tone, and solitary exploration based feeling to the game. I'll forget how solid it is, then jump in for a bit like last night, and simply take in the atmosphere and sound design, and everything just clicks.


Oct 27, 2017
Same here OP. It's pretty boring and the combat is terrible imo. But it's okay to not like a game. Some people like different stuff. Happens.


Oct 25, 2017
I hated pretty much everything aside from the climbing, honestly, but I still played well over 70 hours of BotW. I think the game's biggest issue is that it pretends that you have some level of freedom in how you approach certain aspects of the game, but you're ultimately still corralled into the path of having to fight if you actually want to finish the game. I think it's really unfortunate, because I really enjoyed the game when I was just climbing around. When I still continued to be one-shotted (or two-shotted) by enemies even after having collected a lot of heart containers, I really just ended up enjoying the game even less. I don't think BotW is balanced particularly well. I hope a follow-up game addresses some of this game's issues, though, as I do think the base of the game is solid.


"This guy are sick" says the Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Same thing happened to me. Looked st the universal praise all around, knew it's a GOTY contender (if not GOTG), bought a switch for the sole purpose of playing it...and then I just could not get into it. Played about 30 hours or so. Just couldn't enjoy it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I still plan to play it at some point. But I fell off pretty quickly. I have a preference for narrative driven games/RPG's or co-op content first. I has a hard time with the aimless/sanboxy nature of Breath of the Wild. It's something I've noticed as I have to become more selective about my games and time, due to life, finances etc. It's a wierd thing, where I really enjoyed what I played. But I just didn't feel the urge to complete it, similiarly like I feel the urge to go back and complete something like the Witcher 3 which is also a game I had fallen off of due to various reasons.


Oct 26, 2017
It either clicks or it doesn't. It's very specific game design. It clicked for me for a while, but I have no desire to go back.