
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

This is my first Vanillaware game, so I don't have any reference points to draw upon, except the fact that it's different from past VW games. It's funny looking at the threads about this game on here with people thinking that it's not worth all the dev time. If you are not in a reading mood, at least listen to Masahiro "There never was and there will probably never be a game similar to 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, everyone should play it." Sakurai, Yoko "let's all buy 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim" Taro, and the people that nominated it for Japan's Seiun Sci-Fi Awards.

If you are already sold on the game before this, I don't think you need to or should read any further; I went into the game blind and it just kept on surprising me until the very end.

For those of you that barely know anything about the game, it's split into two sections.

The Adventure section is a visual novel... and it is amazing. This game and 428 are peak VNs to me. They somehow made this huge cast work; everyone in the main cast plus some of the side characters are all likable. The stories of the protagonists are all very different tonally, and it's like reading mini-VNs that are part of a larger VN.
Edit 5/26: After looking at newer comments about the game and thinking about it a bit more, It's definitely a mix of point-and-click games and a VN, at least presentation wise.

Throughout the adventure segments, keywords will appear and you can "think" about them through the triangle button. This mechanic is what allows the player to push the story forward and interact with the characters. However, it's not that difficult; most of the times you will know what to "think" about.

For those of you that played 428, here's an analogy. 428 is a giant 3D sliding puzzle that the player has to sit there and solve. On the other hand, 13 Sentinels is like as if someone dropkicks a giant puzzle and the individual pieces scattered throughout every corner of a messy room, and the player has to find it and put it back together. On top of that, the shape of the puzzle and the illustrations on it are designed in a way that it could fit into smaller illustrations. THEN at the end, you can use the archive section of the game to give you a complete look of what the ACTUAL illustration on the puzzle is supposed to look like. The story, when told in a linear fashion is already pretty good, but it's the way that its told during a playthrough that transforms it into something truly special.

The battle section has the basis of a turn-based strategy game, plus a dash of tower defense and RTS elements. It's a bit overwhelming and hard to decipher in the beginning, but I eventually get used to it. There aren't a lot of fancy animations for the mechs; my imagination and the sheer number of enemies are what completes the experience of "operating a mech and facing off swarms of enemies" for me. It is not that difficult (I played on normal and got all S ranks), but it is tons of fun. The chaotic nature of the battles is what makes it fun for me - especially when enemies explode into fireworks. However, if you are attracted by only the mechs and don't care about reading one of the most interestingly told stories in video games, then I don't think it's for you.


The music is a blast, and I'll just highlight some of the songs here.

With the way things are, I doubt it is getting released here in the West in 2020. But if you even have a slight interest in the game, I encourage you to keep it in your mind and avoid footage of it if possible. In all honesty, this game will release at a horrible spot (be it 2020 or 2021), since it's for sure getting overshadowed by next-gen systems and games. It seems that almost all PS4 games will be playable on PS5, and I better see this game on the long list of games that are compatible, Sony.

Overall, it's a strong GOTY contender for me, and playing through it has gotten me interested in VW's older titles, even though I know that they are drastically different from this. Vanillaware probably doesn't have the manpower for it, but I hope they can find someone to help them bring their back catalog to modern platforms.

I don't think using time as a way to deceptively present a story is necessarily new, but it's done extremely well and layered in here.

The world is first presented as linear, with different points on a single timeline and time travels, so the fact that they are revealed to be "parallel universes" (sectors) would come as a shock. However, even if someone deciphers that ahead of the in-game reveal, there's the reveal of actual parallel universes at play, with the sectors actually being just different era cities right next to each other. And then that is superseded by the true role of the year 2188 plays in the narrative, and eventually, the ultimate reveal of the cast being in matrix.

IMO it can be disorientating, but also super rewarding, even if I ended up deducing something insignificant. There are definitely times where I can feel my brain attempting to process it at times and struggling to find a reference point, since time is usually an easy go-to, but it is unreliable for a large portion of the game.

I am just going to throw this in here, even though I am not even 100% sure myself. In some routes, there seem to be some non-flashback scenes that are presented out of order, which further complicates things.

However, there are sacrifices that the devs made in order to accommodate the current structure and maintain that element of surprise. There are gaps in the narrative (the time Megumi and Izumi Juurou spent together, Tomi and Tetsuya) that lead to a lack of characterization, and it's really apparent in Megumi's route. As a result of that, I am definitely not as invested in some pairings as much as for example, Tsukasa-Taketoshi and Iori-Ei, which have way more actual build-ups that are shown throughout the game instead of just the game telling me that "hey she loves him".

This is strictly a personal preference, but I feel like the VN portion could've used a more hyped up bookend (such as Iori's sentinel activation) instead of connecting it to 3-10(?).

Talking about the game is gonna be a pain. One of my friends watched the prologue on Youtube after getting interested, and whenever they talk about how they think the story will go, I have no choice but to sit there and just, smile. :)))

I was very interested to this game but I didn't even know that it was out in Japan.

Honestly now I'm quite scared by the game play screens... What am I watching?

It's Vanillaware's interpretation of mechs vs. monster invasion on a massive scale in a city setting. I really enjoy the visually chaotic nature of it, to be honest.

just to be 100%, this game has no english options?
Unfortunately not, Atlus West does have a website up but that's all there is to it.
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Alt Account
May 2, 2020
It's been on my radar for close to 7 years. I have no idea why nobody has talked about localizing yet, Vanillaware games usually sell decently.


Nov 6, 2017
I was very interested to this game but I didn't even know that it was out in Japan.

Honestly now I'm quite scared by the game play screens... What am I watching?


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the writeup. It's been on my list and I really want to play it. Really hope somebody scoops this up for western release.

How difficult is the Japanese? Is it like hard-sci fi, filled to the brim with technical terms? Able to play most VNs and stuff like FF7 but sci fi novels tend to be over my head.


Oct 27, 2017
I love Vanillaware games, but there is virtually nothing about 13 Sentinels that I find interesting. Other than the mechs, of course.

Visual novels bore me to tears. Japanese high school is utterly foreign, and completely without interest.

Tower defense/strategy? No, thanks. I have no problems falling asleep at night; I don't need any such sleep aid.

Now, if the game were similar to Dragon's Crown, or Odin Sphere, or Muramasa my interest would perk right up.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm... interesting to hear the story is good. When VW puts effort into story they can do pretty well, and I think a VN by them is an appetizing proposition.

Still... I'm disappointed in the choice of genre and how the "action" gameplay has turned out. I'm a fan of mechs, both Western and Japanese variants, and I don't think we get enough games that use them and use them properly.
VW are also pretty damn good at creating fun action mechanics so I was excited to see what a mecha game by them would have looked like.

But 13 Sentinels is the game that is it, and I can't hold that fact against it. If it ever comes stateside I'll most likely give it a chance. But I'll forever have a "what if...?" in the back of my head.


Oct 25, 2017
It is very much on my radar, but I don't think there is a chance we are getting it in 2020. Honestly, I think odds are that we aren't getting it in the west at all.

Now, if the game were similar to Dragon's Crown, or Odin Sphere, or Muramasa my interest would perk right up.

I understand your position. Honestly, I was devastated when they announced Madden 2019 and it wasn't an on-rails shooter. ;)


Jul 1, 2018
How difficult is the Japanese? Is it like hard-sci fi, filled to the brim with technical terms? Able to play most VNs and stuff like FF7 but sci fi novels tend to be over my head.
Not very. If you've played FF7 and VNs in Japanese you should have no trouble at all here. It's fully voiced and the text is divided up so that there's never more than 20 characters on screen. It's very digestible.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
I was interested, then lost interest when I saw gameplay, then gained interest because now people are saying the story was good. I hope it gets a release in English, I'll still check it out. I love 428 to death so if this is a case of many tonally different stories seamlessly intertwining, I'm down for it. Still not a fan of tower defense rts stuff though.
I was interested, then lost interest when I saw gameplay, then gained interest because now people are saying the story was good. I hope it gets a release in English, I'll still check it out. I love 428 to death so if this is a case of many tonally different stories seamlessly intertwining, I'm down for it. Still not a fan of tower defense rts stuff though.
Atlus West already confirmed it for a localization. Question is when.


Oct 26, 2017
My favorite Vanillaware game. I started the game with low expectation, without watching any of the trailers apart from the E3 ones and got mind-blown with all of the plot twists.
I feel that it's a love letter to the adventure genre (which is dead in Japan) and to the 1980's fictions.


Oct 25, 2017
It's worth noting that there is a substantial (like, close to 3 hours long) Japanese demo of the game on PSN, where the save transfers to the full game. There's also a demo for the Chinese/Korean version on the Hong Kong store.

I've played through that, and while I'd rather wait for an English-language release, what I saw of the VN portion really impressed me with its clarity and ambition. I'd really like to see where the full plot ultimately goes, because those early hours raise a ton of questions. I'd be there day one for a US release on the strength of the adventure elements alone.

The battle portions, on the other hand, didn't feel all that interesting. The battles move more slowly than I'd like (I felt like I was spending a lot of time lining up cursors just right to hit big groups), they're not challenging, and the presentation removes a lot of the satisfaction you'd want from setting up big attacks on alien foes. The system nods to constraints like move costs, but the demo battles never really make them an issue.

Dlanor A. Knox

▲ Legend ▲
Apr 6, 2018
It's been on my radar for close to 7 years. I have no idea why nobody has talked about localizing yet, Vanillaware games usually sell decently.

They announced a western localization more than 2 years before release: https://personacentral.com/13-sentinels-aegis-rim-localisation-announced-north-america-europe/

The game also has an official english website: https://atlus.com/13sentinels/

Game came out 7 months ago in japan, hopefully we'll get some news now that P5R is out, but with the current situation it might take a bit. :(


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's worth noting that there is a substantial (like, close to 3 hours long) Japanese demo of the game on PSN, where the save transfers to the full game. There's also a demo for the Chinese/Korean version on the Hong Kong store.

I've played through that, and while I'd rather wait for an English-language release, what I saw of the VN portion really impressed me with its clarity and ambition. I'd really like to see where the full plot ultimately goes, because those early hours raise a ton of questions. I'd be there day one for a US release on the strength of the adventure elements alone.

The battle portions, on the other hand, didn't feel all that interesting. The battles move more slowly than I'd like (I felt like I was spending a lot of time lining up cursors just right to hit big groups), they're not challenging, and the presentation removes a lot of the satisfaction you'd want from setting up big attacks on alien foes. The system nods to constraints like move costs, but the demo battles never really make them an issue.

If you looking for some kind of challenge on the battle portions, definitely turn the difficulty up.


Oct 25, 2017
Really hope we hear about western release soon cause all that praise is incredibly exciting


Oct 25, 2017
It might actually be one of my favorite video games of all time and after half a year removed from it, I think it's a genuine masterpiece.

It's easy to see why so many JP devs were gushing over it.


Oct 25, 2017
My interest is continually piqued for this game after being disappointed about what it turned out to being after my initial impressions from the little shown. I will probably pick this up when the english localization occurs as it sounds like its something fairly special and certainly different.


Oct 25, 2017
Not very. If you've played FF7 and VNs in Japanese you should have no trouble at all here. It's fully voiced and the text is divided up so that there's never more than 20 characters on screen. It's very digestible.

Oh cool thanks! Guess I'll give it a shot then, it'll be good practice either way.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I've never played any visual novel games but I'm exceptionally hyped to play this. My only experiences with Vanillaware games are Odin Sphere and Muramasa, and I looooved Odin Sphere's story so I have faith, plus the great impressions.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been waiting for this forever. FromSoft and Vanillaware are the only devs I'd buy without sufficient info from. I may just buy JP version and power through it. I don't think my Japanese is good enough to go through a well thought-out Visual Novel, but I hope it's good enough.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the impressions! Really want to play this but still holding out for a western version. I will buy it in Japanese if I have to though.

I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

Can you disable autoscrolling text in this game? I am only learning Japanese so if I were to play the game in Japanese I really need to disable autoscrolling. I don't mind advanced vocab and kanji as long as I have time to pause and read it slowly.

Does the game have voice acting? And how much of the game is voiced if so?

About how long did it take you to beat?


Feb 24, 2018
I've been looking forward to playing this game since they announced it and hearing about how good the story is since the game came out just makes the wait to play it that much harder.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for the impressions! Really want to play this but still holding out for a western version. I will buy it in Japanese if I have to though.

I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

Can you disable autoscrolling text in this game? I am only learning Japanese so if I were to play the game in Japanese I really need to disable autoscrolling. I don't mind advanced vocab and kanji as long as I have time to pause and read it slowly.

Does the game have voice acting? And how much of the game is voiced if so?

About how long did it take you to beat?

You can use ZR to disable/enable autoscroll. There's also a text log that you can access through the touchpad.

The adventure section is fully voiced. The battle section has the occasional battle quotes; they aren't subtitled.

It took me 28 hours to beat the game & platinum it, but I am a fast reader and I don't wait for the voices to play out.

If you end up getting it, enjoy - you are in for a ride. Definitely try to avoid walkthroughs; progressing through the game isn't too difficult, the difficult part comes from interpreting the pieces that you are given.

And hey, maybe start a thread like I do after you beat it. It's an unique experience, and I would love to see more people's views and thoughts on the game.


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
You took a darn long time in your write up to mention that it isn't available in English at all. I was getting excited and looking for places to buy it before realizing I can't.

But it's on my radar and if the western release happens, I'll consider picking it up.


Nov 8, 2017
The fact that the battle system has heavy RTS elements is a huge turn-off. I'd be totally down for a pure VN game with a Vanillaware art style.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that the battle system has heavy RTS elements is a huge turn-off. I'd be totally down for a pure VN game with a Vanillaware art style.

It's more like a turn-based strategy game with the light RTS elements. Even if you don't care about the battle portion at all, there's always easy mode. Don't let this turn you away from the VN portion; the game's core is with the VN portion and it is a wild ride.


Nov 19, 2017
I've heard the JP VN community consider this a masterpiece. I'd love to play it.


Dec 12, 2017
Good to see your praise of the game. I haven't looked too deep in to the game myself, but my initial impression was of confusion of combat gameplay. Will be awaiting the western release patiently.


Alt account
Sep 11, 2019
This, Yakuza: Like a dragon and Persona 5: Scramble are day 1 purchase games when they release in the west.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that the battle system has heavy RTS elements is a huge turn-off. I'd be totally down for a pure VN game with a Vanillaware art style.
It's much more like a turn-based strategy system in practice (or like ATB?), and what I played was not very demanding. The game pauses when each robot has a chance to take their turn, and attacks are executed and deal damage instantly once they're chosen.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
You can use ZR to disable/enable autoscroll. There's also a text log that you can access through the touchpad.

The adventure section is fully voiced. The battle section has the occasional battle quotes; they aren't subtitled.

It took me 28 hours to beat the game & platinum it, but I am a fast reader and I don't wait for the voices to play out.

If you end up getting it, enjoy - you are in for a ride. Definitely try to avoid walkthroughs; progressing through the game isn't too difficult, the difficult part comes from interpreting the pieces that you are given.

And hey, maybe start a thread like I do after you beat it. It's an unique experience, and I would love to see more people's views and thoughts on the game.
That's awesome, thanks for the answers! I'll definitely consider sharing my impressions when I do end up playing it!


Sep 24, 2019
Eastern Europe
The moment it releases I'm getting it. The current situation probably means localization might take a long while, but it's Atlus and I'm in EU so I'm used to it.

Horrid memories before they merged with Sega still haunt me.