Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
It's the weekend, I'm hungover so it's time for a rant. If you intend to come in here defending the practice of scalping take it somewhere else.

Browse any of the major retailers, Amazon, Argos, Curry's etc and you soon see that getting hold of either the PS5 or Xbox Series X is damn near impossible and whenever stock does arrive, it's gone within seconds and websites are brought to their knees by massive spikes in traffic. These bots are being used by scalpers to buy up the stock so they can resell at massively nflated prices.

For Xbox Series X it's typically £100 over the RRP, for PS5 expect to shell out between £200 to £300 over RRP, also beware of the numerous scammers, who don't even have stock but are cashing in all the same, ebay seems to be their platform of choice but Gumtree and Facebook marketplace is rife with it as well. On ebay I have developed a fairly simple spot the scammer method by checking a few things on listings.

1 - account age, an awful lot of the accounts are created recently and tend to disappear after making a sale. Related to this, we have alt accounts, these are usually easy to spot as they often copy paste the exact wording of the main account and reuse pictures as well, for this also check the location, this indicates someone trying to get around selling limits.

2 - stock images and/or screenshots of preorders, both of these are red flag events firstly because they likely don't even have the stock, also in the rare event you get a dumbfuck who makes themselves identifiable, be weary as retailers have started pulling the rug out from under scalpers and deservedly so.

3 - CASH ON COLLECTION only sellers, usually giving out a phone number while they're at it.First - taking the conversation beyond ebay's own messaging platform goes against the TOS. Second they are probably going to delete the listing afterwards to get out of paying sellers fees. I would strongly consider reporting these sellers to ebay.

In conclusion fuck you scalpers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves, you have screwed over a lot of people.

Ok rant done, that's enough armchair detective from me, I'm going to go shake this hangover, enjoy your weekend, ERA.
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Oct 28, 2017
I concur. Can't blame people for needing money right now but it's still super scummy.

Websites really need to do something about the bots. Though I guess a sale is a sale to them. :/


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
It's the weekend, I'm hungover so it's time for a rant. If you intend to come in here defending the practice of scalping take it somewhere else.

Browse any of the major retailers, Amazon, Argos, Curry's etc and you soon see that getting hold of either the PS5 or Xbox Series X is damn near impossible and whenever stock does arrive, it's gone within seconds and websites are brought to their knees by massive spikes in traffic. These bots are being used by scalpers to buy up the stock so they can resell ir at inflated prices.

For Xbox Series X it's typically £100 over the RRP, for PS5 expect to shell out between £200 to £300 over RRP, also beware of the numerous scammers, who don't even have stock but are cashing in all the same, ebay seems to be their platform of choice but Gumtree and Facebook marketplace is rife with it as well. On ebay I have developed a fairly simple spot the scammer method by checking a few things on listings.

1 - account age, an awful lot of the accounts are created recently and tend to disappear after making a sale. Related to this, we have alt accounts, these are usually easy to spot as they often copy paste the exact wording of the main account and reuse pictures as well, for this also check the location, this indicates someone trying to get around selling limits.

2 - stock images and/or screenshots of preorders, both of these are red flag events firstly because they likely don't even have the stock, also in the rare event you get a dumbfuck who makes themselves identifiable, be weary as retailers have started pulling the rug out from under scalpers and deservedly so.

3 - CASH ON COLLECTION only sellers, usually giving out a phone number while they're at it.First - taking the conversation beyond ebay's own messaging platform goes against the TOS. Second they are probably going to delete the listing afterwards to get out of paying sellers fees. I would strongly consider reporting these sellers to ebay.

In conclusion fuck you scalpers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves, you have screwed over a lot of people.

Ok rant done, that's enough armchair detective from me, I'm going to go shake this hangover, enjoy your weekend, ERA.

I agree with all of this, as someone who's into building PC's and what have you, trying to nab new parts for my current build is a pain in the butt.

I have no choice but to wait, but it's getting ridiculous that even previous generation Graphics Cards and CPU's are being purchased and resold at an inflated price. :/


Jul 3, 2020
I concur. Can't blame people for needing money right now but it's still super scummy.

Websites really need to do something about the bots. Though I guess a sale is a sale to them. :/
They've obviously got money if they can afford to buy multiple consoles. I think they are exploiting some flaw, and preying on the younger generation who are willing to pay over the odds.


Oct 28, 2017
They've obviously got money if they can afford to buy multiple consoles. I think they are exploiting some flaw, and preying on the younger generation who are willing to pay over the odds.

Oh yeah, I mean like the individual unit buyers. Those who are buying in bulk purely to sell on inflated are scum.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
I agree with all of this, as someone who's into building PC's and what have you, trying to nab new parts for my current build is a pain in the butt.

I have no choice but to wait, but it's getting ridiculous that even previous generation Graphics Cards and CPU's are being purchased and resold at an inflated price. :/

Can't be hurting financially too much when they are buying multiple consoles at £450.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Do you mean scammers perhaps? A scalper is not a scammer per say and your post seems to mostly direct anger towards scammers.


Nov 21, 2017
Do you mean scammers perhaps? A scalper is not a scammer per say and your post seems to mostly direct anger towards scammers.
Personally both fuck me off. I can almost understand trying to spin a buck on launch consoles but it's two and a half months later and they're still getting snapped up by bots.

It's getting irritating to the point where I might just stick to PC for a year or so; by the time supply resolves it won't seem particularly new tech anymore.


Jan 9, 2018
Best fruit and fish goes overseas, because people will pay more. Locals complain, but all the local growers and exporters can't stop they like the money!
If there is an opportunity people will make the money and people can get stuffed.

It will stop when retailers and manufactures setup different protocols
As long as there are people willing fork out for the inflated prices, the scalpers have their opportunity.
The opportunity WILL be taken is given the chance - Fair go does not come into it


Dec 4, 2017
At this point I'm blaming the awful websites and their shit systems. Literally add a captcha?? Not that complicated. At least that would remove the basic bots haha.

The Gentleman

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it's rubbish.

You just can't compete against a group with bots and a co-ordinated effort to snap consoles up before anyone else.


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
The people who buy from scalpers and make all this possible are just as despicable. These little weak minded shits should be shunned.
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Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
While I don't approve of scalping, making a bunch of impatient nerds wait a bit longer for a luxury electronic is about as low as stakes get.
Oct 27, 2017
£200-£300 more? Over here in Norway they've been sold at approx 3x the RRP. Seems to have gone down to ca. 2x the RRP nowadays.

But yeah, fuck scalpers. I'll just wait until I can get a PS5 for RRP.


Oct 25, 2017
You should see what happens in stores with the Pokemon TCG currently.

There needs to be a conversation here that it's not "scalpers needing to eat" it's people that are well off enough to buy up entire stock to mark up to sell to people who are less fortunate. You can argue that "more stock should be produced!" But they'll just take that extra stock too.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
It's not just consoles. CPUs, GPUs, sneakers, video games, etc... Anything that has somewhat limited availability now days gets grabbed by bots and resold.

What's ridiculous is that retailers also don't give a shit about it.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a serious problem with online only sales. Physical shops would at least help with this. Oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish it wasn't a thing, mainly because it makes buying any semi-popular consumer product these days a massive pain. But I blame the clowns who pay the scalped prices in the first place. If not for them, scalpers would be running out of funds to secure fresh stock relatively quickly.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It's a bummer but scalpers only have power if people buy their products.

Ultimately, if people are willing to pay more money from a product from a less reputable party, it's on them.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The thing that really ticks me off about scalpers is that it's literally a "rich get richer" scheme. Someone's clearly well off if they can spend $5,000 on ten PS5s. If you can comfortably spend that in the first place then do you really need to flip them for an extra hundred bucks profit each? It's complete greed.


Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
When the PS5 went up for pre-order, just trying to get onto the various online stores to pre-order one, or to verify an interest in one (ala ShopTo) was an absolute nightmare. Then browsing eBay after to see these orders with overly inflated prices. Luckily, some online stores have been cancelling newer orders. They could do more themselves to help the situation. And, doesn't help physical stores are not open (in the UK at least) and supermarkets can't sell non essential goods at present either.

It urks me to see these happening, and browsing ERA and social media, people felt similar. For me, I feel fortunate to have been able to get a PS5 at launch for RRP. However, people will buy from these scammers/scalpers and keep the need for them high.


Mar 15, 2019
Microsoft hasn't really sent enough Xboxes to Japan for me to get too upset about scalpers but there are still some rediculous prices on Amazon.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I ended up using bots myself to get all the stuff I wanted that was in demand aside from the PS5 which I just got lucky with from the Walmart preorder.

Damn scalpers didn't get a dime from me.


Oct 28, 2017
I ended up using bots myself to get all the stuff I wanted that was in demand aside from the PS5 which I just got lucky with from the Walmart preorder.

Damn scalpers didn't get a dime from me.

So you cheat the system. The reason I can never buy the sneakers I want @ retail is because of people like you using bots.


Nov 7, 2017
Im biased, mainly because I had and sold 9 ps5s, 3 xboxes and like 4 or 5? 3080s.

All were purchased legit without bots.

It took "work" and planning to make it happen. The same amount of work and planning anyone else who really wanted the items that bad could have put in themselves.

Am I in the wrong ? Maybe, but why should lack of planning and investing time and resources be rewarded ? Many people sit back and expect things to be available when and how they want without accountability.

Its a messed up system, I know. But if scalpers can buy these items.....so can you.

In essence, no one complained about paying extra. The people who purchased off me where the type that did not want to invest any effort themselves and rather pick up and pay extra.


Dec 5, 2017
Scalpers will scalp. Always have, always will.

I was lucky enough to Pre-order a PS5...but it took me 2+ months to get the dualsense charging station from a retailer (scalpers were charging double the price for quite a while)

What's really needed is a far more pro-active approach from the console maker.

Initially, require a Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo account for purchase. Only allow the purchase of 1 piece of hardware every 3 months(to that account) account. Only allow 1 piece of hardware to be delivered to any specific address. They need to have a central database connected to all retailers.


Nov 22, 2018
Im biased, mainly because I had and sold 9 ps5s, 3 xboxes and like 4 or 5? 3080s.

All were purchased legit without bots.

It took "work" and planning to make it happen. The same amount of work and planning anyone else who really wanted the items that bad could have put in themselves.

Am I in the wrong ? Maybe, but why should lack of planning and investing time and resources be rewarded ? Many people sit back and expect things to be available when and how they want without accountability.

Its a messed up system, I know. But if scalpers can buy these items.....so can you.

In essence, no one complained about paying extra. The people who purchased off me where the type that did not want to invest any effort themselves and rather pick up and pay extra.
Thank you for your service


Oct 27, 2017
I stayed consistently checking certain retailers and was able to preorder a ps5 and get a Xbox slightly after launch, after securing the ps5 I'd periodically still check to see if they were still popping up and they were, just keep checking and don't give in to scalpers.


Oct 30, 2017
This is definitely the strangest console launch period I've ever seen. There's hardly any exclusive software and supply/scalping issues are so bad that it's like the consoles never even came out.

As long as my PS4 Pro stays alive for at least another year, I'm fine with waiting until 2022. Especially if something resembling normal life resumes before then.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Anyone who hasn't been able to get one make sure you're using the direct to cart links. Refresh them a million times around the time they announce availability.

the direct to cart link literally eliminates the whole first step of loading the webpage and putting it into cart and is needed to beat the bots


Aug 10, 2019
I think the person who chooses to willingly buy a video game console at anything but retail price is a fool . I have purchased multiple PS5 for friends and family and gave them it at retail price. Technically I'm hurting your chances at getting a system just like a scalper, so I'm a terrible person right ?
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Travis Pickle

Jun 21, 2020
"Scalpers gotta eat" off of other people's plates, apparently. Fuck 'em.

I think the person who chooses to willingly buy a video game console at anything but retail price is a fool . I have purchased multiple PS5 for friends and family and gave them it at retail price. Technically I'm a scalper, so I'm a terrible person right ?
If you don't make a profit you're not a scalper.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
I think the person who chooses to willingly buy a video game console at anything but retail price is a fool . I have purchased multiple PS5 for friends and family and gave them it at retail price. Technically I'm hurting your chances at getting a system just like a scalper, so I'm a terrible person right ?

No, because you are not profiting from it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 5, 2017
If people are willing to pay more than retail because they can't wait until restock, than its their problem. Nobody forced them too.

I got for myself a free 3090, 2x ps5 and a 3080 for a friend who was very thankful, just by buying and selling pre-orders.

Do i feel bad? Not in the slightest. I had the same chances of preordering like others and was more successful. I took a risk by spending a lot of money upfront and it paid off. I didn't force people to buy from me at a higher price.

It's the oldest financial game in the world of buying and selling with profit.


Oct 28, 2017
I 100% agree.

And yet I'm part of the problem, For the first time in my life I bought something through a scalper on eBay, a PS5. Paid a few hundred more than retail, but man was it worth it. The amount of time and energy I was putting forth to secure one was ridiculous. But I do hate that I didn't have the self control to wait.