
Oct 27, 2017
i got into the series with nam, believe bc2 is the best battlefield and that bf5 is fun because it reminds me of bc2 because rockets are viable
Oct 29, 2017
BF4 was the last BF where you had to know your weapon, loadout, and how to maneuver. They abolished the Skill Gap in BF1. They abandoned the skill gap that BF was known for in pursuit of the COD market. I remember playing BF1 beta and thinking What the fuck? This is way too easy. I put down BF1 week 1. When I realized that BF5 was the exact same I dismissed it out right.

I might get an 1X to jump back on BF3.


Battlefield 4 is still casual as fuck and easy to play. You just need to tap tap tap and you can master ANY gun in the game.


Oct 29, 2017
There are definitely at least a couple of maps in BFV that I don't care for because they feel so cramped (Fjell especially), but that's not true of every map in the game. I've only managed to play them once each so far, but Hamada and Arras are rather decent. I really hope that all future content focuses on large-scale vehicular warfare, though, especially if DICE is going to take their time putting out new maps.

The best multiplayer Battlefield experience is still Bad Company 2. The maps and player count were perfect.

That's absurd. Not to say you can't have a quality BF experience with just 24 players, but it's not an ideal player count and BC2 sure as heck didn't pull it off well. It's the closest thing to CoD in the entire series.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol what, BFV is the best playing in the series and the attrition system and lack of 3d spotting also make it the most tactical in a long time. It plays nothing like COD.


Oct 27, 2017
It kinda blows my mind that anyone could play BFV and come away with this opinion. It's the least COD feeling Battlefield of this whole gen of consoles.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
ITT: People that aren't actually familar with either series litigate a hot take reheated from the Bf3 era.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This is the most strategic/tactical Battlefield I've played in a while, and it's reflected when one side has a squad or two that knows what they're doing and steamrolls the other side.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Lol what. It almost feels like a classic Refractor Battlefield with modern movement. Just needs better infantry-vehicle combat now.

The best multiplayer Battlefield experience is still Bad Company 2. The maps and player count were perfect.

Bad Company 2 is probably the worst BF game besides 3.

It's weird because BC1 was actually a pretty good translation of the formula to console limitations. But I guess that didn't get them the CoD $$$.


Oct 27, 2017
You know what?
I agree. I had 300 hours in BF1 with my friends and we all found it to be the easiest Battlefield, basically, ever.
BF5 at the start definitely felt more "tactical" but once we got familiar with the new/changed mechanics, it doesn't really feel that much different from BF1. The removal of spotting outside of recon is interesting, and makes sneaking behind enemy lines much more viable, which is actually cool. I also dig the less ammo you start with (though I preferred it in the beta where you had even less). I even warmed up to the medpacks, despite finding the TTK way too low for a Battlefield game. But.... sniping feels somehow even easier than BF1 (seriously, what happened to the bullet drop?) and gunplay, while satisfying, also feels far too easy. There should be way more recoil, hipfiring to the extent as you currently can shouldn't be a thing (though its not AS bad as the automatico in BF1... but almost) and then there's the tanks - they are way too easy to take out as assault now. Honestly, it feels effortless. The tanks no longer feel like a threat which is a HUGE issue in a battlefield game. It just feels far too infantry centered atm.

And then there's the map design - yeah, there's some good ones in there, but there's some truly trash ones. I'm really tired of the hardcore infantry focused maps. Honestly, if I wanted a good infantry game, I probably wouldn't play BF. I want to play BF because it's one of the very few games that offer infantry, ground vehicles and airplane combat all in one package. The best is when it all comes together. But BF5 feels like it's far too balanced towards this regard, even BF1 was much better IMO. In that game - tanks were actually pretty damn terrifying.

Indeed, indeed. But picture this...

I use an Elite controller on PS. Customized to perfection. So I run through the competition at an alarming rate. If I showed you the spike in messages about me hacking since I picked up an Elite for PS, you'd shed tears laughing. So it's even easier than it already is. I don't get it. EA carved out their own place in the market and then abandoned it for COD like experience while forgetting COD is already a BEHEMOTH in the COD market.

It's still the best shooter visually and that sound design is unmatched in the market. But the skill gap that makes BF BF, is gone. I'll jump back in the moment it returns until then I'll wait for another shooter or stick to BF4.


Oct 26, 2017
If anyone wants the BC2 experience, go try Domination gamemode, its the closest you will ever get to another BC game.


May 27, 2018
Battlefield V smallest maps still has more flanking routes than the likes of operation metro/locker, majority of BC2 maps are rectangles with a single lane down the middle and some paths at the side that lead nowhere, BF4 is impossible to play in a vehicle because of the amount of lock on weapons, and every Battlefield game pre Bad Company 1 wasn't suited for run and gun because the shooting mechanics were straight up broken due to random deviation and lack of "true" recoil.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean do people actually play Call of Duty and Battlefield. Because again they played nothing alike.


Oct 25, 2017
BC2 is my favorite game and he best "modernization" of Battlefield's formula.

5 is the most traditional that Battlefield has been since 2:MC. I love it.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Indeed, indeed. But picture this...

I use an Elite controller on PS. Customized to perfection. So I run through the competition at an alarming rate. If I showed you the spike in messages about me hacking since I picked up an Elite for PS, you'd shed tears laughing. So it's even easier than it already is. I don't get it. EA carved out their own place in the market and then abandoned it for COD like experience while forgetting COD is already a BEHEMOTH in the COD market.

It's still the best shooter visually and that sound design is unmatched in the market. But the skill gap that makes BF BF, is gone. I'll jump back in the moment it returns until then I'll wait for another shooter or stick to BF4.

> skill gap
> BF4


BF4 protip: Bind fire to scroll wheel and say hello to perfectly accurate ARs!
Oct 29, 2017
I mean do people actually play Call of Duty and Battlefield. Because again they played nothing alike.

It's a stupid, thoughtless comparison that shouldn't be payed attention to.

The single act of shooting feels completely different in both series. Battlefields gunplay changes from every iteration. I don't even understand the comparison, really.


Oct 29, 2017
BF5 at the start definitely felt more "tactical" but once we got familiar with the new/changed mechanics, it doesn't really feel that much different from BF1. The removal of spotting outside of recon is interesting, and makes sneaking behind enemy lines much more viable, which is actually cool. I also dig the less ammo you start with (though I preferred it in the beta where you had even less). I even warmed up to the medpacks, despite finding the TTK way too low for a Battlefield game. But.... sniping feels somehow even easier than BF1 (seriously, what happened to the bullet drop?) and gunplay, while satisfying, also feels far too easy. There should be way more recoil, hipfiring to the extent as you currently can shouldn't be a thing (though its not AS bad as the automatico in BF1... but almost) and then there's the tanks - they are way too easy to take out as assault now. Honestly, it feels effortless. The tanks no longer feel like a threat which is a HUGE issue in a battlefield game. It just feels far too infantry centered atm.

This is what I'm concerned by. I only have a few hours in the full game, but I spent some time playing the betas, and the tanks - unlike in BF1 - felt pitiful. Doesn't seem like much has changed for the final release in that regard, whereas the TTK feels significantly shorter now compared to beta. Players just melt before automatic weapons, and the silly upgrade system does the game no favors at all.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Just my opinion guys.

It's just kind of a weird opinion.

Like BF4 vehicle combat doesn't involve aiming. At all, it's basically 100% lock-ons. And then infantry combat is just explosive spam that makes BF1 blush (remote mortars, instakill impact grenades that resupply instantly at an ammo box, etc.) and infinite-range laser guns because of tap firing (especially if you're using the scroll wheel like a pro). It's basically a pure twitch shooter.

It just sounds like it was your first Battlefield.

You forgot that he also plays on console.

True, true. Maybe BF4 is balanced and fun on consoles.

Xbox Live Mike

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I purchased both and I feel they are very different from each other. BF is very open and COD is more corridor ish, both chaotic.
Oct 25, 2017
It feels like a mix of BF1 and BF42 to me. I'm enjoying it. Universal spotting made sense in a modern war, but not BF1. The class breakdowns feel like class breakdowns.


Sep 24, 2018
It doesn't play anything similar to CoD. It's also the best BF since BF3/BF4.


Oct 27, 2017
OP, thats one way of looking at it..It doesn't play like COD... but it has its issues
I like the TTK, but have a major issue with gun balancing and how the TTK is slowing people from playing the objective. Its leading to landslide victories on maps like Hamada where they stupidly have one side take over all the flags. People just want to camp and fire from there.
Kid you not, Ive had 10min games on that map where everyone just stays at the start and fires/returns fire at the hills.
Im not going to even mention the overpowered KE7 and how it rips into health even while standing a mile away (without bipod or anything) and mowing people down.

Fix this, Dice. All of it.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Zerging has always been a problem in battlefield. People just go where everyone else is at. Squads encourage separation from the pack but most people don't really play the game like that. I do agree that battlefield feels like a console series now, they aint going to ever go back to old battlefield. It's kind of weird for me because when I look at my time played for all the battlefields before BF1 I have over 200 hours in all of them. However with BF1 and BFV I have less than 30 hours in both. No plans to go back and play BFV either. Maps are few and mostly garbo and I feel that conquest isn't really that great anymore. At least this year it only cost me $15 instead of $60.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
I'm joining in on the Bad Company 2 love, best multiplayer game of all time.

Current BF is trash.


Oct 27, 2017
I really love the feel of bfv, everything is much tighter. And unlike cod you can still play a support role and be very useful to your team. Hanging back and getting picks has value, map knowledge and flow is just as important as direct gunplay skill.

I absolutely love that someone can go 50-2 and their team still loses. As it should be.

Deleted member 34239

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Nov 24, 2017
BFV is not a bad game and it can be fun at times but, its definitely watered down. In its current buggy state, it is one of the worst releases Dice has ever put out. The lack of polish is low-key embarrassing and is only topped by the farce that was BF4's launch. The ttk has definitely been lowered and the game is heavily balanced towards infantry. The map design is honestly not my favorite and its kinda disappointing tbh. Even then, BF4 was more content rich. People debate the skill gap in this game compared to other iterations but what I will say is this, in BF4 on PC, I wasn't able to win as many shootouts with a controller as I do in BFV on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing can touch Bad Company 2 or Sof2. Battlefield V seems an improvement on their previous release but that is not saying much. COD embraces what it is and retains its own unique feel.


Jun 21, 2018
I gave up on BF, did not liked any after BF3. For me the pinacle of BF is BF 2 PC version.
Nowadays i play SQUAD on PC wich is a spiritual sucessor to BF 2: PR mod, and CoD on console.

In my opinion they should continue BF:BC series for consoles and separate entries of mainline BF on PC.
In that way each game could play on the strenghts of the plataform, with no compromise. I know this is a pipe dream, but would be great.
BF 3,4,1 and 5 feels too console centric to play on PC, and too PC centric to be played on consoles.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree with everyone saying that Bad Company 2 was the best online shooter there's ever been.

It was just so well designed in almost every aspect, you could absolutely boss a round and have a huge impact on your team without even firing a shot.

It's the shooter I've been the best at apart from CoD4 (when I still had quick reflexes) and Halo 3 (because all my mates were a bit shit at it).

Deleted member 24118

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Oct 29, 2017
Did you really just use the term "CODification" outside of Gamefaqs?

I mean, it's not really unfair to point out that Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 just so happened to make major departures from the previous games (even the previous console games like BF2 Modern Combat and Bad Company) right as CoD Fever was a thing.

The weirder part is suggesting that BF1 and BFV are where the "CODification" occurred.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I just hate the CODification of Battlefield.BF5 is even more run&gun than BF1.Its just too chaotic,it feels like COD with 64 players.Maps are too small,you can't even play tactically,everything is so crammed like a giant clusterfuck.Have a feeling there's always 2-3 enemies 20meters around you.

It's like a massive zerg of 10+ people move flag to flag. One minute you are taking a flag on your own way out at side of map then all of a sudden are surrounded by about 10 players. Feels like GW2 open world pvp where a huge zerg of players just steamroll over the map killing anything in its way.

I hate what Battlefield had become.I miss the glory days of BF2(2006) and BF3.I know they had to make some adjustments to cater for a console but today's battlefield just doesn't feel right.

I really hope they will try to stop chasing what COD is and make Battlefield what we all know it can be.

BFV plays nothing like COD. The gunplay is completely different. The maps are small? BFV hosts some of the largest maps DICE have created.

Reading between the lines OP runs around solo like a headless Rambo chicken. Moaning about being out numbered by opposing players squads and being out gunned. This gives it away - "One minute you are taking a flag on your own way out at side of map then all of a sudden are surrounded by about 10 players.".

BFV needs some work e.g. TTD bug, but it has the potential of being up there if nailed right.

(Been playing BF since Wake Island Demo)