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Mar 13, 2019
My wife has a friend who had three boys but was "desperate" for a daughter, so she and her husband conceived again. Bam, another boy.

This modern parable is brought to you by how pointless it is hoping for a child of a specific gender.
Oct 25, 2017
You do you OP. We have 2 boys and are going to try for one more and hopefully it's a girl but if it's not it's not, regardless I'm shutting this shit down after that.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of developed world have huge problem with low fertility rates (You have soon more elderly than kids in many countries) so I don't get these posts.

But that isn't what he is saying, since a child from a country outside the develope world is as good to address your post.

Of course, there is a biological drive to create your own offspring.


Oct 25, 2017
But that isn't what he is saying, since a child from a country outside the develope world is as good to address your post.

Of course, there is a biological drive to create your own offspring.

Oh. Yeah. I have nothing against adoption as it's great option too. Maybe I should have picked different post. I just kinda cringe when I read ''world is overpopulated'' stuff so often nowadays. Even developing countries have constantly decreasing fertility rates. In 100 years we wonder how we could get people to get kids in every part of the world as the human population starts to fall off the cliff (assuming there is no miracle medicine to make people live far longer)


Oct 26, 2017
You should get another kid if you want another kid. You shouldn't let gender decide how you feel about your kid and how you raise it.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I love kids, but I think we're done at 3. I'm turning 37 in December and she's 32.

The biggest factor for us is affording another child. Also, my wife is a school teacher, and she's not into having to deal with more kids.

I'm a bit opposite in that stance, I'd have 10 kids if I could afford it. They don't overwhelm me like I see it do to others. Love spending time with them and watching/helping them grow into little people. I'd rather pile on the couch with all my kids and watch a movie or kick a ball around outside than go out and do anything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Maximum kids for me will likely be two. I would never keep going just in hopes of getting the other gender. If you and your spouse are eager for kids and want the other gender, consider adoption.


Oct 27, 2017
If you can afford another child, and you both want to have another one, then go for it. But don't do it just for the chance at having a girl, because you're just setting yourself up for disappointment (if you have a fifth boy).

I wanted to have one boy and one girl just to know what it's like to raise one from either sex, but had two girls instead. My wife and I didn't want more than two (plus we can't afford it), so that's where we stopped, but I wouldn't trade those two stinkers for anything in the world.


Nov 6, 2017
Has the OP even said anything else in this thread? This seems like a ridiculous question to ask randos on the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh. Yeah. I have nothing against adoption as it's great option too. Maybe I should have picked different post. I just kinda cringe when I read ''world is overpopulated'' stuff so often nowadays. Even developing countries have constantly decreasing fertility rates. In 100 years we wonder how we could get people to get kids in every part of the world as the human population starts to fall off the cliff (assuming there is no miracle medicine to make people live far longer)

- The world is overpopulated. First world countries style of living is not sustainable if everyone in lived like that and third world countries are catching up. Look at some studies
- Having less kids is different from overpopulation, people don't suddenly die when they have kids, look at these predictions for world population


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
We will probably have to cut down on flying in general across the world in the future yes, veganism/vegetarianism is also on the table. AC will be necessary if people continue to live in places like Phoenix or Dallas. Construction is not that much of a problem either. It's not like we're deforesting to use the wood for houses. We're deforesting to open farmland for business. Tell them to knock it off and deforestation will decrease.

Yes, that's why I'm saying "population control" is not the way, because for it to be effective, it would have to be enacted where population is growing and it's not growing in developed economies. The US has 330 million people, getting the birth rate down would barely move the needle globally. Pretty much every developed nation without a steady influx of immigration is sitting on a demographics time bomb because of "not enough babies". This time bomb will do all sorts of weird things to the economy. That doesn't mean I want people in developed nations to start having kids en masse to prop up the economy (which is what the Japanese government is attempting to do), but it is generally not a significant problem. People like OP are the exception to "rich countries have less kids".

Population growth restriction talk is very dangerous because people will eventually try to determine it's someone else who shouldn't have babies (some fascist movements already make this argument). There are already reliable "checks" for population growth. Education, economic development, and birth control.
You seriously have too positive of an outlook for the future. The reality is people are pushing back against your gorgeous green future. Will we get there? Sure but I sincerely doubt well get there in my lifetime? That is doubtful, people overall want a greener earth but are also overall not willing to make the nesesary sacrifices to achieve it in a 10 to 20 year timeline.

also, "Population control"? No one here wants to force the OP into anything the choice is his and his wife's but having a kid is not a choice that should be made lightly. There are many repercussions to it and it affects all of us. OP should definitely be aware of that.

The Grizz

Oct 27, 2017
I love kids, but I think we're done at 3. I'm turning 37 in December and she's 32.

The biggest factor for us is affording another child. Also, my wife is a school teacher, and she's not into having to deal with more kids.

I'm a bit opposite in that stance, I'd have 10 kids if I could afford it. They don't overwhelm me like I see it do to others. Love spending time with them and watching/helping them grow into little people. I'd rather pile on the couch with all my kids and watch a movie or kick a ball around outside than go out and do anything else.
Your situation sounds like my wife and I, but reversed. Turning 37 on Monday, wife is 33, we have 3 kids now and I'm good but she wants to have another. I can see why from her point of view, as she sees herself getting older and a woman's window for having children closes much quicker than a man's. I think I've talked her out of a child if she can have a dog, lol :)


Oct 25, 2017
How do people afford to have more than 1 kid?

kids arent expensive after daycare. at least on a monthly basis.

my son is 16. daughter is 5 in school now and were pregnant again.

....I had 1 year of not paying 800 a month in daycare and bam got her preggo again.

One day Ill have a new day


Oct 25, 2017
You seriously have too positive of an outlook for the future. The reality is people are pushing back against your gorgeous green future. Will we get there? Sure but I sincerely doubt well get there in my lifetime? That is doubtful, people overall want a greener earth but are also overall not willing to make the nesesary sacrifices to achieve it in a 10 to 20 year timeline.

also, "Population control"? No one here wants to force the OP into anything the choice is his and his wife's but having a kid is not a choice that should be made lightly. There are many repercussions to it and it affects all of us. OP should definitely be aware of that.

oh come on. his having a baby does not affect you. maybe if Everyone alive got pregnant now than yes wed be fucked.

maybe his 5th kid cures cancer and people are telling him notnto have them



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Oct 28, 2017
Every time I see this thread I get just a little more disappointed in humanity. Replacement theory should be enforced globally. We're a stupid bunch of creatures.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
oh come on. his having a baby does not affect you. maybe if Everyone alive got pregnant now than yes wed be fucked.

maybe his 5th kid cures cancer and people are telling him notnto have them

In the current world, all of my efforts to reduce my carbon footprint will amount to roughly one 20th of the carbon footprint that another human being will generate in their lifetime.
So in a way it makes my efforts not as valuable. There is a very very very veeery slight chance the kid will cure sure sure. Lets count that as a positive. But a certainty that the kid will impact the environment. That will be a negative

Im just saying OP should measure the positive and negative impacts in his choice.
I gaurantee you your siblings raised you more than your parents did. Literally impossible they had the time to give you or your siblings any sort of actual individual attention on a regular basis without pushing another kid aside.

I remember my father saying something similar as you about his family of 10 growing, but yet he can only remember 1 time in his entire life that he spent a whole day with his father one on one. Turns out he barely even knew his parents in the end. Parents of large families are relying on everyone around them to do their parenting jobs for them.
What kind of bs is this? I grew up with 4 siblings and my parents were the absolute best. There were few days where my parents weren't around constantly. To be honest, I was actually glad when I could escape them for a few hours hanging with friends.


Oct 25, 2017
In the current world, all of my efforts to reduce my carbon footprint will amount to roughly one 20th of the carbon footprint that another human being will generate in their lifetime.
So in a way it makes my efforts not as valuable. There is a very very very veeery slight chance the kid will cure sure sure. Lets count that as a positive. But a certainty that the kid will impact the environment. That will be a negative

Im just saying OP should measure the positive and negative impacts in his choice.

man I get what you are saying. I do but what if this guy and his family are good people and raise good kids that become good adults.

This world may not need a ton of babies but it needs good people.
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