
Oct 27, 2017
it's been a day over 2 month.
normally, I shower I brush my teeth and shower every single morning. I often have a quick shower before I sleep.
I decided one day in my quarantine to not shower. It was because of laziness, but then the next day I didn't shower and I came up with an excuse. I remembered reading that some populations of the world have some kind of hormonal chemicals that deters body odor. I wanted to test this for myself. After the third day, my pits started smelling pretty bad, but instead of going back to showering, I just put on deodorant. My crotch and my ass daily got bad too, so I wash those daily with wet whips. But other than those areas of my body, till this day of not showering for so long, I think I'm okay. I dont work out, I've been naturally lean my whole life, so I dont sweat and get buildup on my skin. My hair got very oily and uncomfortable though, so I just started shampooing over the sink after brushing my teeth.

you're probably thinking I cant detect my stink myself but others do. but I occasionally see close friends, especially in the last couple of weeks, and they havent noticed a change.
so ya, showering has just been a waste of water for me all this time.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you actually ask them or just assume most people don't want to bring it up if you smell.


Oct 29, 2017

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Take it from asshole-extraordinair Adam Corolla. he stopped bathing for several months and was hospitalized with a horrific staph infection that wouldn't have grown if he had just washed himself.

Wipes are much worse for the environment than showering. Gray water is recycled, it's used again, it's not contaminated, the earth does not lose any water when you shower. If you take a shower you're not taking drinking water from someone. When you shower, the water you shower in is decontaminated and then reclaimed by the Earth's natural processes, and distributed into some other area to be used again, ad infinitum, for the remainder of time. The water that you shower in was used millions of years ago by the dinosaurs, it's not going away. In a hundred thousand years, the air that some distant relative of yours breaths will be made up of the same molecules that you used to clean yourself in your shower.

On the other hand, the wipes that you're using don't break down easily. They take hundreds, thousands of years to break down. Most wipes aren't made of "natural" resources. They're usually plastics -- polyestre and polypropylene with paper products or cotton added to them, because the paper products are fused with plastic, they're difficult to recycle easily, and the recycling process contributes to pollution, let alone the trees that need to be felled for wood pulp, the natural environments that need to be replaced with cotton fields, and the extraction of fossil fuels from the earth to produce the plastic that makes them up. The chemicals used for scents or for "cleaning" don't break down easily, they wash into natural water supplies and end up contaminating lakes and rivers.

Worse off, if you flush those wipes down the toilet, they don't break down at all, they clog sewer lines, they're not flushable, they lead to public health crisis of contaminating drinking water, and the chemicals used on them get into the water supply which then makes it harder to clean that water supply and return it to the earth's natural processes.

For the love of god, if you love the earth, just take a shower once a week instead of using wipes. Wipes do not clean you like a simple shower does. You're festering bacteria and other harmful biological agents on your body, getting those on your sheets, clothes, and other materials. A simple, quick shower of soap and water -- even just once, twice, three times a week -- will provide cleanliness that would otherwise take thousands of wipes which do undue harm to the environment.

I remembered reading that some populations of the world have some kind of hormonal chemicals that deters body odor.

God it's back.

This is the QAnon of Era/Gaf conspiracy theories. Just when you think you've killed it, someone hears about the natural oils that make you not smell after 2 weeks of not bathing.
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May 30, 2020
I guess in this current point in existence where time means nothing, Thursday might as well be the weekend.

Take a shower/bathe, pls.


Oct 27, 2017
Going to assume you aren't being serious and this is just a joke thread.

Otherwise, you're grimey as fuck lol


Oct 27, 2017
you're essentially washing all your stuff anyway...just at separate times and in weird ways?

...why not just hop in the shower for 5 minutes?