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hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I wanted to make it to the government alcohol monopoly shop before they closed so I ran to catch a bus. I entered the bus short of breath and sat down and put on my mask. After a few minutes I started to feel like I wasn't getting oxygen to my brain. My vision was starting to go black, similar to what may happen if you get up too quickly after sitting down. I didn't want to be a covidiot so I thought I could fight through it or hoped I was imagining things. When the bus reached my stop I wanted to get off as quickly as possible so I could take off the mask. I passed out and collapsed after getting up. I immediately came to collected my things and hurried down the stairs out the bus. I hurried out more quickly than intended by passing out again on the way down the stairs.

I'm young 30s, not in the greatest shape in my life, but not unhealthy. Nothing similar has ever happened to me before. Yet despite that, the mask seemingly interfered with my breathing enough to make me pass out. Lesson I learned I guess is to not run before getting on the bus in covid times. But also, I think we need to take people seriously if they say masks are making it hard to breathe. If it can happen to me who is young and don't have health-related issues as far as I'm aware, it can definitely happen to someone who is older. If someone is taking off their mask it doesn't necessarily mean they're a karen or a covidiot


Shinra Employee Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 28, 2017
If your mask is causing you to faint, you need a better mask

Edit. Might want to get checked out, there could be something else going on
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
If your mask is causing you to faint, you need a better mask
Is there any website or similar resource.that ranks masks by their potential to cause oxygen deficiency, or are you proposing people use trial and error to test different brands until they find one that doesn't make them pass out? I have used this brand of mask before several times without passing out


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
If your mask is affecting your breathing to the point of making you pass out, you don't have a properly-fitted mask.

I think you are conflating two events. You were already short of breath before putting the mask on, could be an undiagnosed health issue that you're just blaming the mask for.


Mar 10, 2019
I don't know if it was the mask, it sounds like you might have had a hydrophilic attack


Oct 27, 2017
I would recommend getting checked out. I think you can buy a meter for checking your blood oxygen level, if you are worried about covid.
Nov 17, 2017
I'm sorry you passed out, OP. That can be scary and embarrassing when it happens in public. Happened to me before. That said, I've biked several miles with a mask on. Either your mask isn't on right, the mask itself is bad or you passed out for another reason. I would maybe give the doctor a visit, get checked out just in case.


Oct 25, 2017
What type of mask is it? I remember wearing a N95 mask and it was pretty unbearable at times when I first wore it - nowadays I just wear a generic medical

Also just to be safe, check with doctor.

Edit: Oh you are wearing a generic medical mask - yep, go to the doctor.

Nobody here is gonna be able to determine what caused the issue.
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Shinra Employee Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 28, 2017
Is there any website or similar resource.that ranks masks by their potential to cause oxygen deficiency, or are you proposing people use trial and error to test different brands until they find one that doesn't make them pass out? I have used this brand of mask before several times without passing out

Well are you using a proper mask, like an N95, or a 'face covering' ? The face coverings a vary in quality and can be quite poor


Nov 4, 2017
I'm young 30s, not in the greatest shape in my life, but not unhealthy.

So was my uncle until he passed away at 33 from a heart attack.
Yes it's an extreme example, but don't assume young = healthy.

It's not the mask. You have an underlying health condition.
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Aug 1, 2018
I'd recommend getting checked out. I'm not sure what kind of mask would cause this. I've exercised and moved heavy furniture with pretty much every kind of mask. Zero problems.


Oct 26, 2017
Even an N95 mask won't deprive you of oxygen. You should see a doctor and explain what happened, because it sounds health-related. There are tests that can be done to narrow down the cause. You'll want to do this, as fainting can have serious consequences.


Oct 27, 2017
Masks shouldn't cause that kind of stress. People have been wearing them doubled up for 10-12 hours a day for a year now.

Either you're using something not recommended as a mask, or there's something else going on.
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
If your mask is affecting your breathing to the point of making you pass out, you don't have a properly-fitted mask.

I think you are conflating two events. You were already short of breath before putting the mask on, could be an undiagnosed health issue that you're just blaming the mask for.
More than half the times I've entered a bus in my life I entered short of breath after running. Never had anything like this happen before. It's possible I have a new issue that I'm unaware of I guess. Maybe low blood pressure.

I wasn't aware that the fit of the mask is a potential issue. I just bought a pack of disposable masks at the pharmacy. How do you ensure the mask is properly fitted? Do you go see an expert or something?
Oct 27, 2017
Echoing the other comments, I don't think this is the mask but sounds like something else health related. I definitely think you should go for a checkup and be sure to mention the incident.
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the advise to go get a check-up. I'll try to schedule one for next week. I guess bad sleeping habits when job searching could be a factor

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
Is there any website or similar resource.that ranks masks by their potential to cause oxygen deficiency, or are you proposing people use trial and error to test different brands until they find one that doesn't make them pass out? I have used this brand of mask before several times without passing out

What type of mask are you wearing?

If I'm running down the local footpath/cyclepath I wear my mask whilst running and I've never felt close to passing out. These runs are usually somewhere between 5k and 10k depending on the day if the week.


Oct 26, 2017
To echo others, it is probably a coincidence and not related to the mask. Had you eaten that day before hand? I know my blood sugar drops sometimes and I get very dizzy / faint. Hope you are well, friend!
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

This is a picture of the package of masks I'm using. I see a lot of people using these (though I see more people not using masks at all, despite recommendations to use them on public transport)


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't the mask. I walk three miles daily with two masks on with no problems at all.

You need to go to the doctor and get checked out because there is something going on with your health. Also consider getting a COVID test just to cover your bases since you weren't wearing your mask before you got on the bus which means you might be exposing yourself to COVID in other places without realizing it.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
More than half the times I've entered a bus in my life I entered short of breath after running. Never had anything like this happen before. It's possible I have a new issue that I'm unaware of I guess. Maybe low blood pressure.

I wasn't aware that the fit of the mask is a potential issue. I just bought a pack of disposable masks at the pharmacy. How do you ensure the mask is properly fitted? Do you go see an expert or something?

aren't you the person constantly pushing back on criticism of sweden's approach to covid? are you telling me you don't know how to wear a mask this far into the pandemic?


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
I was expecting some Bane-level bullshit homemade mask, not a standard medical mask that hundreds of thousands of people wear every day for the entire day while performing strenuous work without issue.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure your doctor will bring this up if they do not find anything obviously wrong with your health, but based on what you described it seems plausible that it could have been a panic attack.

The symptoms are similar to what you describe, and the type of situation you were in seems like it could be a trigger. With the extra stress that people are feeling about their health these days, I would wager this is getting pretty common.


Oct 28, 2017
Entire continents worth of people are wearing these masks on a daily basis, for over a year now.
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
aren't you the person constantly pushing back on criticism of sweden's approach to covid? are you telling me you don't know how to wear a mask this far into the pandemic?
My opinion of the Swedish policy is irrelevant for this topic. I have been mostly supportive of policy decisions which have been harsher than in other countries in ways not reported internationally and less harsh in other ways. I do think they were too late to recommend mask usage on public transport. The recommendation to use it at all times in public transportation came into effect as late as February I think. That should have happened much earlier


Mar 9, 2018
If OP was wearing an FFP2 mask I could definitely believe those could cause someone short of breath to pass out, but that seems much less likely with a surgery mask as those really don't offer much resistance at all. Kinda surprised by all the people saying that it wasn't the mask even before he showed the type of masks, since FFP2 masks very obviously add quite a lot of additional air resistance (these masks even expand and deflate while breathing in and out) and there have been studies saying that they do impair ventilation enough to matter during physical exercise.


Oct 25, 2017
Book a visit with your doctor or go to a walk-in clinic, because I don't know anyone who's had that happen simply from wearing a mask. Myself, I've spent hours in the past week on transit wearing a mask.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
My opinion of the Swedish policy is irrelevant for this topic. I have been mostly supportive of policy decisions which have been harsher than in other countries in ways not reported internationally and less harsh in other ways. I do think they were to late to recommend mask usage on public transport. The recommendation to use it at all times in public transportation came into effect as late as February I think. That should have happened much earlier

it's just that quizzical nature on masks seems like such a departure from your staunch and authoritative tone in other covid threads. hope you get the cause of your health issue figured out

If OP was wearing an FFP2 mask I could definitely believe those could cause someone short of breath to pass out, but that seems much less likely with a surgery mask as those really don't offer much resistance at all. Kinda surprised by all the people saying that it wasn't the mask even before he showed the type of masks, since FFP2 masks very obviously add quite a lot of additional air resistance (these masks even expand and deflate while breathing in and out) and there have been studies saying that they do impair ventilation enough to matter during physical exercise.

at least here 99% of people are wearing the disposable surgical or cloth masks

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
OP were you hyperventilating? Sometimes if i'm running up stairs with the mask on and i start to need more hair, the combination of being out of breath and the feeling the mask will make me hyperventilate easily and i have to mentally keep the rhythm to stop the anxiety.

But i keep the mask very tight so it doesn't fog up my glasses, which is probably not something that a lot of other people do.


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
It's not the mask. These do not affect the amount of oxygen you get in your lungs. You would have passed out with or without the mask.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
If a mask is causing you to pass out you need to see a doctor. There is probably an underlying health issue you do not know about. Hell, this whole covid situation could be causing your body to stress and shut down.


Oct 28, 2017
That doesn't sound like a mask issue. You should go to the doctors
It sounds more like a combination of anxiety & low blood pressure - but we're not doctors here, and even if we were, an over forum diagnosis is extremely unhelpful.
But yeah, not the mask.
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