
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
i guarantee 100% of the mod drama will vanish overnight if they just steel up enable likes already. the people have spoken. the silent majority want likes and leaving them disabled is an act of cowardice.

also shoutouts to the homies Ratsky and Fiction


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
With 2 mods stepping down and 1 taking an indefinite hiatus, it makes me think that there is going to be a breaking point where there are only a few mods that cannot feasibly keep up with everything. I guess I'm wondering if there are plans to add more mods or not.
Whoever they decide to become mods I will trust their judgement. I mainly made this thread to remind the mods that while we want them to be better. We also acknowledge their hard work and appreciate all that they do to make a mega forum like Era an awesome community as it is. :)


Oct 25, 2017
Without diligent moderation this place would be a cesspool just like the rest of the internet. I am very grateful.

It ain't perfect, but nothing is.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
I am a black woman. I am also a moderator.

This bit of intersectionality has been one of the hardest weeks I as an individual have had to deal with in my life. Right now I'm sitting in my car with a cry-headache trying to leave to go to my brother's house. I barely have the energy.

It's been interesting to see both sides of the spectrum, where on one end my input in threads concerning black representation and issues is valuable because I can speak from life experience and knowledge, and then on the other end I get called a cop with all of the pain and irony that entails simply because I was the fool who said "yes" to volunteering.

I have simultaneously felt valued and valueless throughout this endeavor, and it's made me question whether or not I'm even a good person. I don't know how to parse the emotional toll, other than to just ignore it and make do with what I have and serve the community with the powe rand knowledge I myself have. Because I want this place to succeed. But I admit, my emotions have been all over the place.

That's all. I figured the most appropriate thread to open up in would be this one. To anyone who has given me and the other staff members a kind word, thank you. To anyone else who is dissatisfied with our performance: I understand, and I still apologize. Just remember we are human too.

I will be taking a break. I'm not leaving the forum, or my position, but I think I've exhausted myself to the point where my basic mental and even physical faculties are beginning to degrade. Continuing in my state right now is not fair to myself or to the people who want better.

I don't know how long it'll be either. I guess just long enough to bounce back. I love you guys. See you later!
Hugs forever

Hey guys, if you want to know why I'm no longer a mod, I couldn't take it. I just couldn't. Most of yall know I'm soft as hell but feeling like I was going to be attacked for posting on the community I love was it. Sorry everyone. My mental health sucks as is, so it was for the best.

Still <3 you all


Jan 6, 2018
what is the drama?? i feel like i browse the forum a lot but i have no idea what the big fight with the mods was about. everyone has been very vague in this thread and the other one about the mods, from what i can gather this has something to do with trans posters being oppressed i think?

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.

When I started, I thought I would do it forever. I wanted to be a permanent volunteer. A fixture, even, for the community I loved. This was my home, and these were my people, and without this forum I would have nowhere else to go. The outside internet is a horrible and inhospitable place. Contributing to the maintenance and safety of this community and its members gave me immense satisfaction. It meant so much to me. This is something I've said many times here. I said it often because I never wanted anyone to doubt it. People still did, but it was still true and it still is.

How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night? My existing blood pressure problems began to agitate and worsen. I developed insomnia because I'd be afraid to go to sleep. I went on emergency health hiatus before my wedding. I couldn't continue to do something that had such a dramatic impact on my life that had nothing to do with my family. I could have kept going if I was stronger. But I wasn't. I had so much going on and something had to go. I retired due to my deteriorated condition and how much worse I would get if I didn't make a change.

It ultimately was not a moment too soon. My father in law starts chemo on Tuesday.

I know exactly how much time and emotion it consumes to do this kind of work. It takes bravery. It takes sacrifice. It takes selflessness and compassion. It is prideless work. There is no such thing as a professional moderator. Nobody has the breadth of knowledge and context to address every single topic or situation with flawless judgment. We were just people, members of the community, trying their best for the benefit of everyone here. No decision is ever perfect, no situation is ever the same as one before it, and it never stops. However hard something hits you, or however long it took to resolve, the forum never stops. People always need you. There is always something happening somewhere. Doing that together for so long with so many people I cared so much about was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. But it was never, ever easy.

I have nothing but love and respect for the staff who keep trying, and keep working, and keep believing that a forum like ours must exist. A forum like this cannot exist without people like them. I never knew how much danger I would put myself in to help a stranger. I never knew how far I would go to serve people who don't know me. I never realized how much of myself I would give up in pursuit of an ideal. I don't regret a minute of it, but I couldn't do it anymore. The work people put in here, to me, is nothing short of heroism.

As a community, mod or member, we must love each other. We are all we have. If we cannot love each other, and trust each other, and believe in each other and why we are here, we will fail.

Thank you to everyone on staff who dedicates so much of their free time in pursuit of a better website. Thank you too to the members who wade in to topics that hurt them or cause them stress just to make reports and offer insight to situations as they develop. The difference between moderator and member is thinner than some think. All mods were members once. Many mods are now members again. So please have faith and be kind. We are all in this together.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
what is the drama?? i feel like i browse the forum a lot but i have no idea what the big fight with the mods was about. everyone has been very vague in this thread and the other one about the mods, from what i can gather this has something to do with trans posters being oppressed i think?
Context: 1, 2 & 3.

Moderators have been communicating and reacting to trolls/bad-faith better since those, and a wider staff post is expected to be coming at some point over the next week I believe. There's a long way to go but the fact it's being addressed is a ray of light that had been sorely missing.


Jan 6, 2018
1, 2 & 3.

Moderators have been communicating and reacting to trolls/bad-faith better since those, and a wider staff post is expected to be coming at some point over the next week I believe.
ok thanks for posting these i'll read up on what's going on. i hope this forum can be a safe place for everyone cuz there are like none of those online


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.

When I started, I thought I would do it forever. I wanted to be a permanent volunteer. A fixture, even, for the community I loved. This was my home, and these were my people, and without this forum I would have nowhere else to go. The outside internet is a horrible and inhospitable place. Contributing to the maintenance and safety of this community and its members gave me immense satisfaction. It meant so much to me. This is something I've said many times here. I said it often because I never wanted anyone to doubt it. People still did, but it was still true and it still is.

How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night? My existing blood pressure problems began to agitate and worsen. I developed insomnia because I'd be afraid to go to sleep. I went on emergency health hiatus before my wedding. I couldn't continue to do something that had such a dramatic impact on my life that had nothing to do with my family. I could have kept going if I was stronger. But I wasn't. I had so much going on and something had to go. I retired due to my deteriorated condition and how much worse I would get if I didn't make a change.

It ultimately was not a moment too soon. My father in law starts chemo on Tuesday.

I know exactly how much time and emotion it consumes to do this kind of work. It takes bravery. It takes sacrifice. It takes selflessness and compassion. It is prideless work. There is no such thing as a professional moderator. Nobody has the breadth of knowledge and context to address every single topic or situation with flawless judgment. We were just people, members of the community, trying their best for the benefit of everyone here. No decision is ever perfect, no situation is ever the same as one before it, and it never stops. However hard something hits you, or however long it took to resolve, the forum never stops. People always need you. There is always something happening somewhere. Doing that together for so long with so many people I cared so much about was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. But it was never, ever easy.

I have nothing but love and respect for the staff who keep trying, and keep working, and keep believing that a forum like ours must exist. A forum like this cannot exist without people like them. I never knew how much danger I would put myself in to help a stranger. I never knew how far I would go to serve people who don't know me. I never realized how much of myself I would give up in pursuit of an ideal. I don't regret a minute of it, but I couldn't do it anymore. The work people put in here, to me, is nothing short of heroism.

As a community, mod or member, we must love each other. We are all we have. If we cannot love each other, and trust each other, and believe in each other and why we are here, we will fail.

Thank you to everyone on staff who dedicates so much of their free time in pursuit of a better website. Thank you too to the members who wade in to topics that hurt them or cause them stress just to make reports and offer insight to situations as they develop. The difference between moderator and member is thinner than some think. All mods were members once. Many mods are now members again. So please have faith and be kind. We are all in this together.

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say you were the best of us.



Oct 25, 2017
With 2 mods stepping down and 1 taking an indefinite hiatus, it makes me think that there is going to be a breaking point where there are only a few mods that cannot feasibly keep up with everything. I guess I'm wondering if there are plans to add more mods or not.

Even a Thank you Mods thread is half vile, who would put up with that?

Thanks you mods.


Oct 25, 2017
Hugs forever

Hey guys, if you want to know why I'm no longer a mod, I couldn't take it. I just couldn't. Most of yall know I'm soft as hell but feeling like I was going to be attacked for posting on the community I love was it. Sorry everyone. My mental health sucks as is, so it was for the best.

Still <3 you all
It is not you who are too soft. It is ResetEra that is too mean.


Oct 25, 2017
You know that thread about whether you've had your views changed by the forum? Well I have. But it was back when I could say something stupid, get a temporary ban with some constructive criticism like "stop being an asshole," and then I would come back and be less of an asshole because I ultimately valued the community I was trying to be a part of. And in turn I would be less of an asshole and a better person in my real life discourse.

Now I hardly ever make any serious comments because moderation seems really volatile to me. I'm afraid to say one thing out of line because that seems to be enough for a perma-ban. I've been here (and previously the other place) for years, so I know, understand, and appreciate the rules, that's why I stick around, but I feel like I have to keep my mouth shut. I can't say something stupid and be corrected - I'll just get the boot.

But a dumb kid like me back when i first came to GAF? You're going to immediately ban them and scare them away at best, and at worst you're going to make them resentful of the progressive ideals that Era stands for.

And I think that's unfortunate. That dumb kid could learn something and be a better person for it. But only if we talk to them.

You have to say something pretty abhorrent to get permanently banned here, I call bullshit. Do the work, educate yourself, don't be an asshole and you won't get banned.
Last edited:


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, as I said in my thread from last week, I wish all the best for this place and everyone who's working hard on maintaining it.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
I am a black woman. I am also a moderator.

This bit of intersectionality has been one of the hardest weeks I as an individual have had to deal with in my life. Right now I'm sitting in my car with a cry-headache trying to leave to go to my brother's house. I barely have the energy.

It's been interesting to see both sides of the spectrum, where on one end my input in threads concerning black representation and issues is valuable because I can speak from life experience and knowledge, and then on the other end I get called a cop with all of the pain and irony that entails simply because I was the fool who said "yes" to volunteering.

I have simultaneously felt valued and valueless throughout this endeavor, and it's made me question whether or not I'm even a good person. I don't know how to parse the emotional toll, other than to just ignore it and make do with what I have and serve the community with the powe rand knowledge I myself have. Because I want this place to succeed. But I admit, my emotions have been all over the place.

That's all. I figured the most appropriate thread to open up in would be this one. To anyone who has given me and the other staff members a kind word, thank you. To anyone else who is dissatisfied with our performance: I understand, and I still apologize. Just remember we are human too.

I will be taking a break. I'm not leaving the forum, or my position, but I think I've exhausted myself to the point where my basic mental and even physical faculties are beginning to degrade. Continuing in my state right now is not fair to myself or to the people who want better.

I don't know how long it'll be either. I guess just long enough to bounce back. I love you guys. See you later!

For what it's worth, you're one of the best people here, staff or otherwise, and I value the fuck out of your voice. Take all the time you need.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
You have to say something pretty abhorrent to get permanently banned here, I call bullshit. Do the work, educate yourself, don't be an asshole and you won't get banned.
I agree. I've never been banned here before.
Just be chill, keep an open mind and don't be a jerk and you will have no problems here.

Sometimes mods will make a mistake, but again they are only human. Just don't be an asshole and you will be just fine.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
Beef story was about downplaying and joking with Etika's mental breakdowns before he committed suicide, which left a solid bitter taste after the fact.

However, I'm fine with Beef, he apologized for it and I believe that people can learn and evolve from their past mistakes, unlike some here who'd wish people a death sentence and an eternity of pain over a spilled coke.
eh, close enough, yeah. i paid for it by being harassed on twitter for a month+, but it's whatever. that's why the block list was invented. all i can do is just learn from what happened, and vow to change so i don't do something so stupid ever again.

also i want to chime in on what volimar said in that finale is probably the best mod we've ever had, and it's a huge blow to the site to lose him, even if it's completely understandable why he needed to.
Oct 25, 2017
Roy is gone. Fiction is gone. Finale is gone. Nepenthe is on break, which means when she comes back rejuvenated she'll realize this shit ain't worth the stress, and she'll be gone too.

Congrats to the assholes. You win. Pieces of shit.


Oct 30, 2017
Not something that I would want to do even if it was paid (despite having exp). So thank you mods.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.

When I started, I thought I would do it forever. I wanted to be a permanent volunteer. A fixture, even, for the community I loved. This was my home, and these were my people, and without this forum I would have nowhere else to go. The outside internet is a horrible and inhospitable place. Contributing to the maintenance and safety of this community and its members gave me immense satisfaction. It meant so much to me. This is something I've said many times here. I said it often because I never wanted anyone to doubt it. People still did, but it was still true and it still is.

How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night? My existing blood pressure problems began to agitate and worsen. I developed insomnia because I'd be afraid to go to sleep. I went on emergency health hiatus before my wedding. I couldn't continue to do something that had such a dramatic impact on my life that had nothing to do with my family. I could have kept going if I was stronger. But I wasn't. I had so much going on and something had to go. I retired due to my deteriorated condition and how much worse I would get if I didn't make a change.

It ultimately was not a moment too soon. My father in law starts chemo on Tuesday.

I know exactly how much time and emotion it consumes to do this kind of work. It takes bravery. It takes sacrifice. It takes selflessness and compassion. It is prideless work. There is no such thing as a professional moderator. Nobody has the breadth of knowledge and context to address every single topic or situation with flawless judgment. We were just people, members of the community, trying their best for the benefit of everyone here. No decision is ever perfect, no situation is ever the same as one before it, and it never stops. However hard something hits you, or however long it took to resolve, the forum never stops. People always need you. There is always something happening somewhere. Doing that together for so long with so many people I cared so much about was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. But it was never, ever easy.

I have nothing but love and respect for the staff who keep trying, and keep working, and keep believing that a forum like ours must exist. A forum like this cannot exist without people like them. I never knew how much danger I would put myself in to help a stranger. I never knew how far I would go to serve people who don't know me. I never realized how much of myself I would give up in pursuit of an ideal. I don't regret a minute of it, but I couldn't do it anymore. The work people put in here, to me, is nothing short of heroism.

As a community, mod or member, we must love each other. We are all we have. If we cannot love each other, and trust each other, and believe in each other and why we are here, we will fail.

Thank you to everyone on staff who dedicates so much of their free time in pursuit of a better website. Thank you too to the members who wade in to topics that hurt them or cause them stress just to make reports and offer insight to situations as they develop. The difference between moderator and member is thinner than some think. All mods were members once. Many mods are now members again. So please have faith and be kind. We are all in this together.

We don't know each other whatsoever but you have just made a friend and an ally. This was one of the most beautifully-written posts I've seen on ResetEra and so much of it resonates with me for reasons I won't get into (because this thread isn't about me). Thank you so much for writing it. If you ever feel the urge to chat with a complete stranger about absolutely anything, my PM box will be open to you.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
13 fucking Star Wars threads on page one.

Thank you for locking some this shit is ridiculous mods.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
13 fucking Star Wars threads on page one.

Thank you for locking some this shit is ridiculous mods.



Oct 26, 2017
Back in 2017 we had a vision, and that vision was to take edibles, watch some Star Wars, and cum all over our own faces.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol no. I have seen people who called out moderation bias get permanently banned.

That poster's statement seems ridiculous to me, and it isn't the first time they've been banned/warned for it.

Also, the poster I was responding to was arguing that permanent bans stop people from "learning" from their mistakes. That poster clearly didn't have any interest in learning anything or changing their behaviour.


Nov 21, 2017
I've been a mod of a gaming community, it's hard work and thankless. Sometimes you make judgement calls based on loose guidance and other times based off experience and yet other times based off what you think is right.

Thanks mods for trying everyday and for sticking with it. This community is great and I appreciate your work.


Oct 25, 2017
Got banned for 3 days for saying the new Pokémon looks like a PS2 game.

I'm not wrong and I know mods are people like us who make mistakes.

I'll let it slide.
