
Oct 25, 2017
I am a black woman. I am also a moderator.

This bit of intersectionality has been one of the hardest weeks I as an individual have had to deal with in my life. Right now I'm sitting in my car with a cry-headache trying to leave to go to my brother's house. I barely have the energy.

It's been interesting to see both sides of the spectrum, where on one end my input in threads concerning black representation and issues is valuable because I can speak from life experience and knowledge, and then on the other end I get called a cop with all of the pain and irony that entails simply because I was the fool who said "yes" to volunteering.

I have simultaneously felt valued and valueless throughout this endeavor, and it's made me question whether or not I'm even a good person. I don't know how to parse the emotional toll, other than to just ignore it and make do with what I have and serve the community with the powe rand knowledge I myself have. Because I want this place to succeed. But I admit, my emotions have been all over the place.

That's all. I figured the most appropriate thread to open up in would be this one. To anyone who has given me and the other staff members a kind word, thank you. To anyone else who is dissatisfied with our performance: I understand, and I still apologize. Just remember we are human too.

I will be taking a break. I'm not leaving the forum, or my position, but I think I've exhausted myself to the point where my basic mental and even physical faculties are beginning to degrade. Continuing in my state right now is not fair to myself or to the people who want better.

I don't know how long it'll be either. I guess just long enough to bounce back. I love you guys. See you later!
Hugs forever

Hey guys, if you want to know why I'm no longer a mod, I couldn't take it. I just couldn't. Most of yall know I'm soft as hell but feeling like I was going to be attacked for posting on the community I love was it. Sorry everyone. My mental health sucks as is, so it was for the best.

Still <3 you all
I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.

When I started, I thought I would do it forever. I wanted to be a permanent volunteer. A fixture, even, for the community I loved. This was my home, and these were my people, and without this forum I would have nowhere else to go. The outside internet is a horrible and inhospitable place. Contributing to the maintenance and safety of this community and its members gave me immense satisfaction. It meant so much to me. This is something I've said many times here. I said it often because I never wanted anyone to doubt it. People still did, but it was still true and it still is.

How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night? My existing blood pressure problems began to agitate and worsen. I developed insomnia because I'd be afraid to go to sleep. I went on emergency health hiatus before my wedding. I couldn't continue to do something that had such a dramatic impact on my life that had nothing to do with my family. I could have kept going if I was stronger. But I wasn't. I had so much going on and something had to go. I retired due to my deteriorated condition and how much worse I would get if I didn't make a change.

It ultimately was not a moment too soon. My father in law starts chemo on Tuesday.

I know exactly how much time and emotion it consumes to do this kind of work. It takes bravery. It takes sacrifice. It takes selflessness and compassion. It is prideless work. There is no such thing as a professional moderator. Nobody has the breadth of knowledge and context to address every single topic or situation with flawless judgment. We were just people, members of the community, trying their best for the benefit of everyone here. No decision is ever perfect, no situation is ever the same as one before it, and it never stops. However hard something hits you, or however long it took to resolve, the forum never stops. People always need you. There is always something happening somewhere. Doing that together for so long with so many people I cared so much about was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. But it was never, ever easy.

I have nothing but love and respect for the staff who keep trying, and keep working, and keep believing that a forum like ours must exist. A forum like this cannot exist without people like them. I never knew how much danger I would put myself in to help a stranger. I never knew how far I would go to serve people who don't know me. I never realized how much of myself I would give up in pursuit of an ideal. I don't regret a minute of it, but I couldn't do it anymore. The work people put in here, to me, is nothing short of heroism.

As a community, mod or member, we must love each other. We are all we have. If we cannot love each other, and trust each other, and believe in each other and why we are here, we will fail.

Thank you to everyone on staff who dedicates so much of their free time in pursuit of a better website. Thank you too to the members who wade in to topics that hurt them or cause them stress just to make reports and offer insight to situations as they develop. The difference between moderator and member is thinner than some think. All mods were members once. Many mods are now members again. So please have faith and be kind. We are all in this together.

Love you all, and glad to hear you prioritise mental health now. Thanks for all your hard work :)


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for everything, past, current, and future mods. I don't know how you do it, so seriously...

(if this image doesn't load, click this instead: THANK YOU)

This is my favourite community on the Internet, and y'all's moderation is why it's possible.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Thanks for everything, past, current, and future mods. I don't know how you do it, so seriously...

(if this image doesn't load, click this instead: THANK YOU)

This is my favourite community on the Internet, and y'all's moderation is why it's possible.
Same here. I post here almost every day and it's my favorite community to post in. I would be heartbroken if everything fell apart.


Nov 4, 2017
It's time for people here to realize that this forum is free of charge.
Can only speak for myself, but I get a lot out of it (news, help with games, entertainment) without paying a cent.

Am I happy about the warnings and bans I received so far? No, but it was their call and I can either adapt & learn or fuck off.
I'm in no position to demand explanations, changes, transparency and whatnot because I have 0€ riding on this.
This is not a paid service where I'm owed a certain amount/level of service.

Obviously, it's in the best interest of the site and the users to have a good relationship.
But the mods, admins and other staff don't owe us shit. Especially those of us who run AdBlock lol

When I read stuff like this,

I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.
How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night?

I realize that it's the mods who got the most riding on this.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you mods and admins for upholding the same double standards as the rest of society when allowing information from outside of the forum to be considered when punishing Black members while simultaneously telling Black members to ignore the plotting and doxxing openly happening against occurring outside the forum.

You're so awesome!

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's always nice to spread some positivity so thanks to the mods where it is due, especially the one who came to my defense in a Star Wars topic.


Mar 4, 2018
I have simultaneously felt valued and valueless throughout this endeavor, and it's made me question whether or not I'm even a good person. I don't know how to parse the emotional toll, other than to just ignore it and make do with what I have and serve the community with the powe rand knowledge I myself have. Because I want this place to succeed. But I admit, my emotions have been all over the place.
No matter what mistakes have gone wrong, you certainly haven't done anything wrong enough for you to think of yourself as a bad person. You deserve to take a break and recover for however long you need to.


Oct 31, 2017
Glad this thread exists as I wanted to say thank you too, when I saw a thread title comparing the moderation to the other place I balked, it's been a world of difference and you guys deserve credit as it certainly ain't easy!


Oct 25, 2017
I sometimes have my disagreements with the tone they set, and I don't think it's a bad thing that they get called out at times. Especially over very important things such as the Trans community's struggle.

But I respect and appreciate their work and dedication. It's important to remember that they're human beings putting in their own time, and are capable of mistakes. As this community continues to chug along and at times evolve, they have to adapt as well. We all have to work together to make ResetEra the place it should be.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
I've found that I disagree strongly with some of the moderating decisions that have seemingly been made with little thought with a view to shut down an argument/discussion straight away. However, having seen a lot of the posts on here it's very much a thankless role and I imagine the amount of grief and harrassment you receive can be enormous. Hell I wouldn't be a mod on here if you paid me - well, that's not true, a hefty salary would convince me otherwise tbh!

Even if I believe they can be extremely heavy handed sometimes I have nothing but respect for anyone who would voluntarily be a moderator on here. Hell I think they should be applauded just for the comedy value of seeing 'Wax Free Vanilla' getting repeatedly banned from the Formula One OT!


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda feeling left out having never copped a ban (don't do it) shit I got 'told off' when calling a member out on their bullshit led to a bit of a back and forth, but the most trouble I've been in on Era was one of my first posts when I assumed Bloodborne had come out on both consoles. Still by far the most alerts I've ever had lmao.

I guess there's an element of 'calling 999 because the pizza didn't turn up' and I'm sure the mods have to wade through piles of nonsense to even get to the problem alerts, not to mentioin having to actually kick people off the site. Not a small decision by any stretch. Easy to imagine it being a draining, thankless experience.

I'll join you all in raising a glass.
Cheers mods (you weirdos.)

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
Guys I am on your side. It could be any issue from abortion (I am pro choice) to trans rights (I am for full and equal human rights for all humans). But I feel like we aren't allowed to interrogate the opposing argument, because any time it comes up it is immediately banned. That isn't healthy if you're trying to understand the situation in the real world.

Can we get the alternate reality where "opposing argument" is "immediately banned"? because it's just not true. The very reason various communities on here are unhappy because the diametrically opposite reality is happening.

Look at the thread from May someone linked to show that people "get immediately banned". Reading it shows multiple people that downplay sexist harrassment, and they're not banned. Where are these instant perma bans? The same happens in threads about non-cisstraight people, by the by. People downplay the homophobia all the time, post transphobic stuff all the time, and absolutely nothing happens

You need to have some seriously bad stance - way, way, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy past the point of "innocently" being wrong - to be banned that fast. That we "aren't allowed to interrogate the opposing argument" is just not true. People can call anyone opposing them "pieces of shit" with apparent impunity in this very thread.

I appreciate the mods, Nepenthe in particular, mind you. On the whole, they make this place a better place than most. I just disagree that anything you claim is the case. There's just no evidence for it to be the case, and plenty for it not to be.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who has moderated a large forum, thank you. I'm sure you guys made some mistakes but I know that feeling of the community mob being after you and what it feels like. People forget they're talking about real people with real lives that are just volunteering their time and mistakes will be made. I'm certain you have good intentions.


Nov 16, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Haven't kept up with the drama (though I think I know which thread is being referred to), but as a modmin of a large Facebook group, I know and want to thank the moderators and admins for their hard work, warts and all.

There are definitely days where you question why the fork you ever did it in the first place. You juggle real life responsibilities and volunteer to look after a community in your spare time, only to come home and receive a barrage of abuse, criticism and hostility.

And it's never enough. Mute/ban too much and you're a dictator. Don't moderate enough and "you're encouraging toxic behaviour". Let shit posts through and you've "changed the essence" of a group - filter only meaningful posts and it "becomes too boring".

Are we experts in the things we moderate? Possibly not. We try to come up with the best outcome, and regularly fail to see different variables. Do we always get it right? Not of the time, and that's when the community can and should open discussion so that all can work towards mutual understanding - being confrontational and resorting to personal attacks does absolutely nothing in advancing relations.

Before I end my TEDTalk though - seeing the modmin accounts about moderation affecting their mental health HITS WAY TOO HARD. 💔 I've also had to take many breaks from my group, as people seemed to forget that we're human too, doing what we think is best for a community.

For every fault we make that's visible in public, there are hundred of positive things we do in the background that the average community member can't see. And that's what discourages us the most when we "fail as an admin" (to paraphrase many a DM) - the failures and the hate ring louder that the accomplishments and support we get along the way.
Nov 17, 2017
Agreed completely

Your shit ain't as slick as you think it is tbh. I was tempted to keep quiet because this is an obvious bait/trap thread (btw, real cute putting that "the majority here appreciate you", because if there's anything queer posters, posters of color etc like being reminded of, it's that we're The Minority), but then you had to insert this shit which is just blatantly "Minorities with valid concerns and criticisms? Couldn't possibly exist, people just want to see this place burn to the ground" and it's fucking sickening to see us get downplayed and dehumanized to that regard so casually. Not just here and now but anytime we have something to say. If you want me being silent about it like you clearly want me and everyone else being silent about everything else that Bothers You, please spare us the time and outright say that you want us banned. At least that's honest

I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I think it's completely warranted. They've done a terrible job at making sure certain communities feel safe and included, and that's not talking about some of the neutral moderation issues. Giant, thriving communities that were active when GAF was around are now nonexistent or get little traffic because these minorities don't feel like they have a safe space here. That shit isn't made up.

Just because the mods are human and do it as volunteer work doesn't mean they're free from criticism. The complaints are because people want the Era community as a whole to be better.

Where did I said you could never criticize mods? I even said in the OP they sometimes miss the mark like what was going on this week. But at the end of the day Mods are just humans that are doing all of this on their free time on a video game forum. The level of hostility and vicisnous against the mods is a bit ridiculous.
I'd say if the mods only "sometimes missed the mark" it wouldn't be the issue we have now. Minorities on this forum are fed up because it's been consistent and it's consistently hasn't been addressed or corrected. You see the pattern long enough to know that's just how it is. It doesn't just come from the occasional, random mistake.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
This is my first post on the matter, and as I'm writing it, I'm not sure I will post it still. I'm one of the newest staff recruits, it's now getting close to 4 months since I've been appointed moderator, and it never stops being a wild roller-coaster. But the past week or two have been the most depressing and hurtful I've had to go through in a very long while.

I am a queer cis woman, as such, all LGBT+ related issues matter a great deal do me. And I saw several of my communities hurting. Being stuck in the middle, I felt like utter shit, and my mental health took a serious toll, to the point of physical self-harm (nothing serious, but it still happened). I questioned my position in the staff, I questioned my work, my ethics and morals. But this wasn't about me and it wasn't about my pain, so I stayed silent about it and weathered it all. I am just but a faceless moderator tag to most anyway. So I read the complaints, and heard the pain. I kept on reading, and I tried my best to listen.

At some point when everybody around you are just hurting, on all sides, it has to stop. I wanna build bridges, and I wanna let the hurt be healed, and we currently are planning on different ways of doing so, or are already doing so. Several communities on ERA have been hurting for much longer than I have. And it pains me greatly to see that. I want all minorities to feel safe, welcomed, valid and to freely exist in this space that we all love and cherish, for it is quite unique on the Internet, and absolutely needed. I'll do my best to do so, and hope that we can all make a better ERA out of this. I really want to. I know most of you do too.

I love this community a pretty good deal, and think its diversity is one of its strongest asset. I'm willing to tank any pain, as long as it means we can grow past it and be better together. I want to learn and I want to help. I don't know for how long I'll be able to weather this, it might eventually just catch up to me one day, but I'll do my very best to sincerely serve this community in the meantime, as much as my time, energy and mental health allow it.

I love you all.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
How 'bout me not blaming you for everything? How 'bout me enjoying the moment for once? How 'bout how good it feels to finally forgive you? How 'bout grieving it all one at a time?

Thank you India. Thank you terror. Thank you disillusionment. Thank you frailty. Thank you consequence. Thank you thank you silence.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to say thank you to each and every one of the moderation staff. This community couldn't exist without your individual efforts. Screw ups will happen, whats important is to learn, and to take special care to ensure your own personal well being. Moderation is a tolling process, and downtime is a must for each of you. You're all good people.

Deleted member 60729

User requested account closure
Oct 20, 2019
This is my first post on the matter, and as I'm writing it, I'm not sure I will post it still. I'm one of the newest staff recruits, it's now getting close to 4 months since I've been appointed moderator, and it never stops being a wild roller-coaster. But the past week or two have been the most depressing and hurtful I've had to go through in a very long while.

I am a queer cis woman, as such, all LGBT+ related issues matter a great deal do me. And I saw several of my communities hurting. Being stuck in the middle, I felt like utter shit, and my mental health took a serious toll, to the point of physical self-harm (nothing serious, but it still happened). I questioned my position in the staff, I questioned my work, my ethics and morals. But this wasn't about me and it wasn't about my pain, so I stayed silent about it and weathered it all. I am just but a faceless moderator tag to most anyway. So I read the complaints, and heard the pain. I kept on reading, and I tried my best to listen.

At some point when everybody around you are just hurting, on all sides, it has to stop. I wanna build bridges, and I wanna let the hurt be healed, and we currently are planning on different ways of doing so, or are already doing so. Several communities on ERA have been hurting for much longer than I have. And it pains me greatly to see that. I want all minorities to feel safe, welcomed, valid and to freely exist in this space that we all love and cherish, for it is quite unique on the Internet, and absolutely needed. I'll do my best to do so, and hope that we can all make a better ERA out of this. I really want to. I know most of you do too.

I love this community a pretty good deal, and think its diversity is one of its strongest asset. I'm willing to tank any pain, as long as it means we can grow past it and be better together. I want to learn and I want to help. I don't know for how long I'll be able to weather this, it might eventually just catch up to me one day, but I'll do my very best to sincerely serve this community in the meantime, as much as my time, energy and mental health allow it.

I love you all.
Thank you for this post. Nothing I've read so far has made me feel more optimistic about the future of all of this than what you just wrote.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I know mods are people too, so I get why people want to give a positive message out there for them. Even after the previous events I don't see the mods getting better in how they deal with people here. Yes, the mods fixed their mistakes in the thread, so I will give them praise for at least admitting their wrongs. To me though the issue is much bigger than a single event. Era has an issue and its not one I think needs to change immediately, but some communication would be nice. "Hey we are looking into this..." is way better than radio silence that seems to be most mods go to.

In public, its

You can always contact a moderator captain regarding concerns regarding bans, this is one way that we are held transparent and accountable.

In private, its

Please note that we do not guarantee a response to all communication

I dont know how we square this circle. I understand that the mods have a lot to do, so I am find waiting for mods to catch up a bit, but too often will mods stonewall you or give you basically a dismissive answer that doesn't even bother to have any sort of substance or reasoning. So yes its nice to say, "hey mods, nobody is perfect", but the truth of the matter is era needs to make steps to fixing their structural problems that lets weeks go by without getting any acknowledgement from the people who are supposed to acknowledge you. So I think there has to be a revamp of how people go about doing things from the top down because unless a thread of users are willing to go to bat for you a lot of mods seem to be allergic to transparency and accountability.

And look, mods are people too, if they need time, you need time because your mental well being is more important than a forum. Communication is the answer though.

I was a mod, then an admin, and was an everyday staff member for 18 months. I retired in September. My average daily availability was around ten hours a day. I did it for as long as I could. The work here is the hardest thing I ever did.

When I started, I thought I would do it forever. I wanted to be a permanent volunteer. A fixture, even, for the community I loved. This was my home, and these were my people, and without this forum I would have nowhere else to go. The outside internet is a horrible and inhospitable place. Contributing to the maintenance and safety of this community and its members gave me immense satisfaction. It meant so much to me. This is something I've said many times here. I said it often because I never wanted anyone to doubt it. People still did, but it was still true and it still is.

How things were going on the forum dictated my entire life. Would I eat? Would I sleep? Would I cancel my plans? Would I call in sick to work? Would I talk to my wife that night? My existing blood pressure problems began to agitate and worsen. I developed insomnia because I'd be afraid to go to sleep. I went on emergency health hiatus before my wedding. I couldn't continue to do something that had such a dramatic impact on my life that had nothing to do with my family. I could have kept going if I was stronger. But I wasn't. I had so much going on and something had to go. I retired due to my deteriorated condition and how much worse I would get if I didn't make a change.

It ultimately was not a moment too soon. My father in law starts chemo on Tuesday.

I know exactly how much time and emotion it consumes to do this kind of work. It takes bravery. It takes sacrifice. It takes selflessness and compassion. It is prideless work. There is no such thing as a professional moderator. Nobody has the breadth of knowledge and context to address every single topic or situation with flawless judgment. We were just people, members of the community, trying their best for the benefit of everyone here. No decision is ever perfect, no situation is ever the same as one before it, and it never stops. However hard something hits you, or however long it took to resolve, the forum never stops. People always need you. There is always something happening somewhere. Doing that together for so long with so many people I cared so much about was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. But it was never, ever easy.

I have nothing but love and respect for the staff who keep trying, and keep working, and keep believing that a forum like ours must exist. A forum like this cannot exist without people like them. I never knew how much danger I would put myself in to help a stranger. I never knew how far I would go to serve people who don't know me. I never realized how much of myself I would give up in pursuit of an ideal. I don't regret a minute of it, but I couldn't do it anymore. The work people put in here, to me, is nothing short of heroism.

As a community, mod or member, we must love each other. We are all we have. If we cannot love each other, and trust each other, and believe in each other and why we are here, we will fail.

Thank you to everyone on staff who dedicates so much of their free time in pursuit of a better website. Thank you too to the members who wade in to topics that hurt them or cause them stress just to make reports and offer insight to situations as they develop. The difference between moderator and member is thinner than some think. All mods were members once. Many mods are now members again. So please have faith and be kind. We are all in this together.
I do want to shout out Finale as being the best mod Ive had the pleasure of interacting with. I hope everything goes well for you. There are a lot of good mods who try their best, I think a lot of era issues are from the structure rather than individuals.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, Colorado
Where did I said you could never criticize mods? I even said in the OP they sometimes miss the mark like what was going on this week. But at the end of the day Mods are just humans that are doing all of this on their free time on a video game forum. The level of hostility and vicisnous against the mods is a bit ridiculous.

They didn't "miss the mark". To miss it would mean they were aiming for it to begin with, and if you thought they were trying to be sensitive and proactive to the needs of marginalized people here and just whoopsied, I don't think you were paying attention. There was a good bit of malicious intent in a lot of what happened, and it was only because the trans community stood up and very vocally made their issues known in clear, unequivocal terms that the staff backed down even a bit.

Whatever your intent was with this thread, its timing and attitude is bound to earn the ire of people here for good reason.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Ok, if this is the routine for the thread let's stop referring to the past few weeks as "drama" or an "issue" that others have had to put up with, because it seems it's too detached for 99% of the forum to appreciate we're talking about human beings there as well.

-- -- -- -- --
Note: This isn't aimed at the staff posts or staff / ex-staff. Staff have every right to post and express their thoughts and I'm glad they do. Part of healing this divide is diminishing the perceived wall between us. More will be coming out soon but in the background TransEra x staff communication is positive. Things have happened recently and elements are coming soon that will start to make the trans community feel better and repair the divide. It's warming to see, and something that everyone is keen to ensure is afforded to, and works for, the broader minority groups on the forum too. Going through the past few months is something I would rather not experience again. The past fortnight one staff would rather not as well. We're working to achieve that.
-- -- -- -- --

Warning: This will come across frustrated, because it is built upon a largely-unvoiced frustration by the community.
It will cover things that are now being resolved, because the context is important.

This is at those on the forum that can't resist throwing a shot at the past couple of weeks as being something overblown – the same shit these entire events aim to address. The concern trolls that think they're smart for playing at the child's table without considering the possibility that the adults have been discussing at the dinner table, and the side they think they're on doesn't actually exist.

So, I'll kindly ask you to step outside of whatever wank-group you've gathered around the lunchbox digestives and realise that the 'mob' (or similar) you refer to are people and that half the dumb shit you want to ask you wouldn't have the spine to do so to a group of trans people in real life. I've heard reams about how people can't talk about sensitive issues now because they've been asked to show a degree of tact or consideration before doing so. Pages of it. How do you think that sits - hearing endless whines about how difficult it is to show the most minimal veneer of respect to us as people?

Mental tolls?

How about going months with threads about yourself, your identity and your issues being the least approachable place to go. That in order to engage on a topic that matters to you, you're forced to endure an unending latrine of being mocked, insulted or dismissed until you tapped out or the thread died. That if you didn't, there's going to be transphobic bile covering the walls and ceilings of the thread like that's supposed to be the norm.

That you operate between not being able to release that frustration for fear of being banned, and not wanting to be banned because then the people that literally track and harass LGBTQ+ members of the forum might descend like wolves to laugh at you on every other medium you frequent. Better to shut the fuck up and put up with the abuse here and keep quiet than deal with that.

How about the people who face transphobic abuse at home, at school and come on to find more here?

Oh, a week? How about months.

Page 1: Discussion about or highlighting of issues
Page 2: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 3: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 4: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 5: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 6: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing


Every fucking thread.

Some cisgender personality tells the non-binary community they're not worth apologising to before throwing out a transphobic joke and the thread is bursting at the seams with cis people telling us how to feel about it. People in there saying we're "too sensitive" about transphobia being normalised catching a warning while trans people are under the fucking ground because the notion of gender identity is still something to be mocked and rejected.

Then when after those months the staff finally draw focus to it?
50%: Boilerplate "transphobia is bad"
50%: This has made the moderators feel bad, please think about them.
0%: Acknowledgement of the mental toll taken by the trans community through the months, nothing even about the months.

How do you think it feels that when a months-long issue is finally highlighted it's immediately put upon you to feel bad for showing discontent? That despite it having been a growing issue over time with no intervention, we should feel bad for shouting loud enough that it finally got people to notice. Not the months of ignoring a festering situation, no us for finally reaching breaking point with it.

This isn't some shitty The Last Jedi drama that might be the most significant thing that impacts you here, it was a serious concern that after a lot of time, pain and hurt is being addressed. Why some of you think you're being smart by trying to sidle up to the mods with the "psh these guys, right?" attitude and think it's going to afford you warmth from either side I don't know.

Want to speak of people dropping out?

Moderators step down for wholly understandable reasons and they can post here, receive warranted affection for the work and commitment put into the community and (hopefully) start leaving most of the stress behind them. That's how it should be.

I want to talk about the trans people who left the forum feeling shit at best and thinking themselves unnatural at worst. The members here that now only feel comfortable talking about trans topics -- topics about them-fucking-selves -- in Discord and will ignore trans related topics on the forum because they don't have the stamina to run the gauntlet every time. The trans people for whom this forum was the only place they feel valid while facing abuse at home or work, them being forced further into the dark.

People not so concerned about them on the whole though. Just eye-rolled as "drama" or not even entered as a thought into the mind.


The past few months have been difficult. Not the past week.

It is a situation that needed to come to the fore. It having impacted staff negatively is shit. I don't enjoy that. Delphine is one of my favourite people on the forum because all of her posts exude warmth, and topics with her in are some of the most joyous I've been a part of. I think she's an exemplary mod. I hate that she felt shit. I know for a fact she hates that I felt shit. No one wants to feel like shit, yet through the resulting mess many were made to feel so.

The moderators acknowledge all of this and are working with us to create a better environment for trans people and minorities in general. I just wish more people here would, instead of suggesting we've been a nuisance or doing so infringes too much on their right to post bluntly and without consideration.
Last edited:
2 gifts from Kyuuji


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 2 gifts from Kyuuji Kyuuji!

This is a day raffle that will expire in 24 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Kyuuji said:
Delphine care package & trans representation?
Let's go.


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  • Xbox One Xbox One: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - Won by ghostcrew ghostcrew (6 entries)
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Oct 26, 2017
Ok, if this is the routine for the thread let's stop referring to the past few weeks as "drama" or an "issue" that others have had to put up with, because it seems it's too detached for 99% of the forum to appreciate we're talking about human beings there as well.

-- -- -- -- --
Note: This isn't aimed at the staff posts or staff / ex-staff. Staff have every right to post and express their thoughts and I'm glad they do. Part of healing this divide is diminishing the perceived wall between us. More will be coming out soon but in the background TransEra x staff communication is positive. Things have happened recently and elements are coming soon that will start to make the trans community feel better and repair the divide. It's warming to see, and something that everyone is keen to ensure is afforded to, and works for, the broader minority groups on the forum too. Going through the past few months is something I would rather not experience again. The past fortnight one staff would rather not as well. We're working to achieve that.
-- -- -- -- --

Warning: This will come across frustrated, because it is built upon a largely-unvoiced frustration by the community.
It will cover things that are now being resolved, because the context is important.

This is at those on the forum that can't resist throwing a shot at the past couple of weeks as being something overblown – the same shit these entire events aim to address. The concern trolls that think they're smart for playing at the child's table without considering the possibility that the adults have been discussing at the dinner table, and the side they think they're on doesn't actually exist.

So, I'll kindly ask you to step outside of whatever wank-group you've gathered around the lunchbox digestives and realise that the 'mob' (or similar) you refer to are people and that half the dumb shit you want to ask you wouldn't have the spine to do so to a group of trans people in real life. I've heard reams about how people can't talk about sensitive issues now because they've been asked to show a degree of tact or consideration before doing so. Pages of it. How do you think that sits - hearing endless whines about how difficult it is to show the most minimal veneer of respect to us as people?

Mental tolls?

How about going months with threads about yourself, your identity and your issues being the least approachable place to go. That in order to engage on a topic that matters to you, you're forced to ensure an unending latrine of being mocked, insulted or dismissed until you tapped out or the thread died. That if you didn't, there's going to be transphobic bile covering the walls and ceilings of the thread like that's supposed to be the norm.

That you operate between not being able to release that frustration for fear of being banned, and not wanting to be banned because then the people that literally track and harass LGBTQ+ members of the forum might descend like wolves to laugh at you on every other medium you frequent. Better to shut the fuck up and put up with the abuse here and keep quiet than deal with that.

How about the people who face transphobic abuse at home, at school and come on to find more here?

Oh, a week? How about months.

Page 1: Discussion about or highlighting of issues
Page 2: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 3: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 4: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 5: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing
Page 6: Validate yourself and your concern to people mocking and dismissing


Every fucking thread.

Some cisgender personality tells the non-binary community they're not worth apologising to before throwing out a transphobic joke and the thread is bursting at the seams with cis people telling us how to feel about it. People in there saying we're "too sensitive" about transphobia being normalised catching a warning while trans people are under the fucking ground because the notion of gender identity is still something to be mocked and rejected.

Then when after those months the staff finally draw focus to it?
50%: Boilerplate "transphobia is bad"
50%: This has made the moderators feel bad, please think about them.
0%: Acknowledgement of the mental toll taken by the trans community through the months, nothing even about the months.

How do you think it feels that when a months-long issue is finally highlighted it's immediately put upon you to feel bad for showing discontent? That despite it having been a growing issue over time with no intervention, we should feel bad for shouting loud enough that it finally got people to notice. Not the months of ignoring a festering situation, no us for finally reaching breaking point with it.

This isn't some shitty The Last Jedi drama that might be the most significant thing that impacts you here, it was a serious concern that after a lot of time, pain and hurt is being addressed. Why some of you think you're being smart by trying to sidle up to the mods with the "psh these guys, right?" attitude and think it's going to afford you warmth from either side I don't know.

Want to speak of people dropping out?

Moderators step down for wholly understandable reasons and they can post here, receive warranted affection for the work and commitment put into the community and (hopefully) start leaving most of the stress behind them. That's how it should be.

I want to talk about the trans people who left the forum feeling shit at best and thinking themselves unnatural at worst. The members here that now only feel comfortable talking about trans topics -- topics about them-fucking-selves -- in Discord and will ignore trans related topics on the forum because they don't have the stamina to run the gauntlet every time. The trans people for whom this forum was the only place they feel valid while facing abuse at home or work, them being forced further into the dark.

People not so concerned about them on the whole though. Just eye-rolled as "drama" or not even entered as a thought into the mind.


The past few months have been difficult. Not the past week.

It is a situation that needed to come to the fore. It having impacted staff negatively is shit. I don't enjoy that. Delphine is one of my favourite people on the forum because all of her posts exude warmth, and topics with her in are some of the most joyous I've been a part of. I think she's an exemplary mod. I hate that she felt shit. I know for a fact she hates that I felt shit. No one wants to feel like shit, yet through the resulting mess many were made to feel so.

The moderators acknowledge all of this and are working with us to create a better environment for trans people and minorities in general. I just wish more people here would, instead of suggesting we've been a nuisance or doing so infringes too much on their right to post bluntly and without consideration.
Thank you so much for this.
Nov 17, 2017
They didn't "miss the mark". To miss it would mean they were aiming for it to begin with, and if you thought they were trying to be sensitive and proactive to the needs of marginalized people here and just whoopsied, I don't think you were paying attention. There was a good bit of malicious intent in a lot of what happened, and it was only because the trans community stood up and very vocally made their issues known in clear, unequivocal terms that the staff backed down even a bit.

Whatever your intent was with this thread, its timing and attitude is bound to earn the ire of people here for good reason.
Yeah, I don't like OP's phrasing of "missing the mark.". Like you said, it makes it seem like a whoopsie, an isolated moment from time to time - a simple mistake. I think besides what you pointed out, it's also just not isolated incidents. People don't speak out on a level like that, don't retreat into their own community hangouts (or from the forum entirely) because of a slip up or two. It comes from a consistent behavior and attitude that makes them feel unwelcome or not considered on the forum. People get fed up with it after enough of it. It's far bigger than what any single "mark missing" can incite.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Just want to drop by and give my thanks to the moderation team too, the old and the current. I think you're the most important part of making this place what it is, which is the only place to discuss games and other things I care to visit. It ain't easy, but you're doing great.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
They didn't "miss the mark". To miss it would mean they were aiming for it to begin with, and if you thought they were trying to be sensitive and proactive to the needs of marginalized people here and just whoopsied, I don't think you were paying attention. There was a good bit of malicious intent in a lot of what happened, and it was only because the trans community stood up and very vocally made their issues known in clear, unequivocal terms that the staff backed down even a bit.

Whatever your intent was with this thread, its timing and attitude is bound to earn the ire of people here for good reason.
My intention was to try let the staff know that while they have a lot of work to do. They also have the community here that cares and supports them on there way to improvement. I'm sorry if people read something else from my OP but all I want is this community to stay in one piece.

I would be heartbroken if this site goes the way of GAF and falls apart. This is my second home :(


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I don't like OP's phrasing of "missing the mark.". Like you said, it makes it seem like a whoopsie, an isolated moment from time to time - a simple mistake. I think besides what you pointed out, it's also just not isolated incidents. People don't speak out on a level like that, don't retreat into their own community hangouts (or from the forum entirely) because of a slip up or two. It comes from a consistent behavior and attitude that makes them feel unwelcome or not considered on the forum. People get fed up with it after enough of it. It's far bigger than what any single "mark missing" can incite.

It looks like a lot of mods have had enough of it too. I don't blame them and don't see why they would want the job. Realize that you aren't paying these people. If they're trying to do the job because they care, if they're not appreciated, why would they do it?


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I'm just speaking for myself here. I realise most of you don't know me very well. Lots of moderators have offered their personal takes on things already. I just thought I'd kinda wave and say I'm here to work for and with our community. I don't know if it helps to put another name to a face, so to speak, but here goes.

I've been a moderator for almost a year now, it's been something of a baptism of fire, and if I don't post as much as I used to, it's because my limited spare time to participate in the community is largely taken up by moderation. It expands to fill any time I have to be browsing the site, and began to impact on my family life and mental health to the point where I have had to put rules in place to stop it doing so and reach a sustainable point. These days I tend to drop in smaller posts here and there rather than the tediously long posts about RPGs and character design and representation that I used to. I miss that engagement, but am going to try and be more active on the boards again going forward.

The reason I agreed to help moderate in the first place was to try and help the community that I love, that was formed from a set of principles based around respect for our constituent parts at Era's formation. Those principles mean a lot to me. If the discussions that have followed the last couple of week's events lead to a better site for everyone, then I'm all for it.

One last point- thanks in particular to Finale Fireworker, and all the mods and admins past and present that have spent endless amounts of time teaching me stuff. Some of the names on the staff list are probably more familiar than others depending on where in Era you hang out the most. No one mod has all the answers, that's why we work as a team. There have been and are a lot of skilled and dedicated people determined to make this site better than ever for everyone, whether you've felt let down by me or not. In the case of the former, I'll always do my best to stand for the values that brought our communities together.



volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just speaking for myself here. I realise most of you don't know me very well. Lots of moderators have offered their personal takes on things already. I just thought I'd kinda wave and say I'm here to work for and with our community. I don't know if it helps to put another name to a face, so to speak, but here goes.

I've been a moderator for almost a year now, it's been something of a baptism of fire, and if I don't post as much as I used to, it's because my limited spare time to participate in the community is largely taken up by moderation. It expands to fill any time I have to be browsing the site, and began to impact on my family life and mental health to the point where I have had to put rules in place to stop it doing so and reach a sustainable point. These days I tend to drop in smaller posts here and there rather than the tediously long posts about RPGs and character design and representation that I used to. I miss that engagement, but am going to try and be more active on the boards again going forward.

The reason I agreed to help moderate in the first place was to try and help the community that I love, that was formed from a set of principles based around respect for our constituent parts at Era's formation. Those principles mean a lot to me. If the discussions that have followed the last couple of week's events lead to a better site for everyone, then I'm all for it.

One last point- thanks in particular to Finale Fireworker, and all the mods and admins past and present that have spent endless amounts of time teaching me stuff. Some of the names on the staff list are probably more familiar than others depending on where in Era you hang out the most. No one mod has all the answers, that's why we work as a team. There have been and are a lot of skilled and dedicated people determined to make this site better than ever for everyone, whether you've felt let down by me or not. In the case of the former, I'll always do my best to stand for the values that brought our communities together.


Red taught me what a plonker is and I shall be forever grateful.


Oct 27, 2017
Although majority of staff should be thanked, there's a long way to go before the issue is resolved. Absolutely gross how the whole situation was treated and honestly could potentially be one of ResetEra's downfalls.