
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Feb 20, 2021

At first I was shocked he's still skinny and in decent shape but then someone in the comments did the napkin math on this and he's downing about 1800-1900 calories of pizza daily. Someone his age and height probably has a BMR of around 2300 so if that's really the only thing he eats + some drinks it makes sense. Dude probably has early heart disease tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna lie, I'd rather enjoy an alternate reality where the only food is pizza and there were no health implications of eating it (food is purely for pleasure, humans get nutrients via photosynthesis, maybe we have leaves on our heads, fuck the details).


Oct 27, 2017
Whenever you enter a room and they call you Papa Johns, give them a no-shame look and say "Papa's in the house!" Embrace it.

At least they aren't calling you Pizza the Hutt.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Dude, 40 pizzas in one month is not healthy for anyone. Especially if that is all they eat. Saying their lifestyle has been rocked due to a new job sounds like enabling bad behaviors.
On the issue of friends, yeah I think most would make that kind of joke because once again 40 pizzas in a month is a Papa Johns move. Only way they will stop is if OP stops eating pizza everyday. Or OP gets new friends. One of the two.
I dunno... Maybe they're personal pan pizzas. 😕 I've just learned recently to not offer corrective advice on someone's behavior unless specifically asked for. There are worse things OP could be doing to their body. lol

Still, either way, OP deserves better friends. If I had a friend whose diet fluctuated wildly in this way, the first thing I'd show is concern, maybe offer a shoulder. Last thing I'd do is mock them
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno... Maybe they're personal pan pizzas. 😕 I've just learned recently to not offer corrective advice on someone's behavior unless specifically asked for. There are worse things OP could be doing to their body. lol

Still, either way, OP deserves better friends. If I had a friend whose diet fluctuated wildly in this way, the first thing I'd show is concern, maybe offer a shoulder. Last thing I'd do is mock them

Still, either way,


Nov 6, 2017
hey as long as you throw in a Supreme every now and again you're getting in some good nutritional value*


*I have no idea


Oct 28, 2017
some of the posters are correct in that, like... while its funny for their friends to call OP Papa John and i laughed and its very funny, if it were one of my buddy's in that position, id absolutely be offering to drop off meals or cook some extra for him to pick up on his way home or drop off for him. i mean, come on. obviously, your dude is going through a tough time, help that motherfucker adjust a little bit. and there is a fine line when it comes to understanding the context of information shared and whether or not someone is looking for genuine help, just venting, sharing amusing anedcotes, &c... just like there's acceptable nuance in doing so on a public message board filled overwhelmingly with smarmy internet gamer comedians.

having said that - and i know everyone has different methods and abilities when it comes to parsing life changes and stressors and everything else - cooking or preparing a quick dinner is really not that difficult. grab a shitload of veggies you like and a head of lettuce, a bag of chicken tenders. boom, dinner's done in 20 minutes, tenders in the oven while you chop tomatoes and onions and cucumbers. i got a new job in the beginning of the year and was working 7 days a week, often 12 hours a day, for a month and a half, and i still was able to make my partner and i fresh dinners every night (or sometimes making enough to meal prep leftovers the next night or two). like i said, i know not everyone has the mental bandwidth or "spoons" to handle even simple tasks like that sometimes, but after a couple of weeks, its time to rethink whats going on.

i fuckin love pizza too, but my body cant handle more than grabbing a slice from a local joint on the way home from work once or twice every couple of weeks or treating myself to the occasional pie from La Rosa's, Goddamn.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand you OP, I Would have pizza everyday too if I could without any negative health effects.
Jul 2, 2021
I've been really busy lately, I got a new job, and honestly I've been coming home and been really tired. What with my new job and constant longer nights, I've been eating out a lot more. I like pizza and my favorite pizza spot is like right down the street so, in the last month at the job I've had pizza, every night, and sometimes for lunch. I think I've had about 40(?) pizzas in my time there, but I'm not even certain... Needless to say, I know it's not the best, but its pizza, and I've been fucking drained after work. My friends keep mocking me and calling me papa john now and I don't want to be associated with that asshole, but I love pizza. What do ERA?
Think about your health and not about the stuff your friends say. You're eating too much pizza. Mix it up with something else. Something more healthy.


Oct 27, 2017
I came here to say "maybe your friends are assholes" but it's really hard to say that now after reading the OP.


Oct 25, 2017
OP, serious question: Do you have a greasy forehead?

My buddy and I always joke about that the grease coming out of our pores and so I was wondering if it is true when you eat a lot of pizza.


Nov 11, 2017
Tell your friends to fuck off and you do what you like to do.

If you want to make a change make it for you, not for anybody else.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
If I had 40 pizzas in 30 days my toilet would literally be destroyed. I don't know if my body could process that without shutting down, and I'm not a terribly healthy eater.


Apr 16, 2020
Lmao at that nickname. As for the habit, sounds pretty unhealthy. I understand being exhausted and eating out a lot, but maybe try to change it up a bit to break the cycle.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
I dunno... Maybe they're personal pan pizzas. 😕 I've just learned recently to not offer corrective advice on someone's behavior unless specifically asked for. There are worse things OP could be doing to their body. lol

Still, either way, OP deserves better friends. If I had a friend whose diet fluctuated wildly in this way, the first thing I'd show is concern, maybe offer a shoulder. Last thing I'd do is mock them

I hope someone showed concern... if not... OP really needs to find better friends.


Oct 27, 2017
It isn't any wonder you feel like crap after work when all you've eaten for the past month is pizza.


Oct 25, 2017
Pizza is fucking delicious. As long as you're being healthy and still getting the nutrients you need, it's fine.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
As long as you are maintaining good portion control you are fine. I have pizza all the time too. Like 4-5 days a week. It's too good.


Oct 28, 2017
Just think, now every time you post here you can be reminded of your friends tormenting you.


Oct 25, 2017
My ibs will not handle me eating a few days in a row of pizza, nevermind that much. At this point I have a hard time imagining being able to eat pizza every day without direct repurcussions from my intestines.


Oct 27, 2017
Not every pizza needs to be a Pizza Hut pan pizza 2500 calorie monster.

You can make relativiely low calorie, low carb pizza. Just make your own pizzas and sauce. Skip the oil, make only ultra thin crust using no more than a cup-ish of flour. Keep the cheese to an absolute minimum and use other toppings like cashew flour, nutritional yeast, and lots of veggies. That's legitimately a balanced meal of fats, carbs, and proteins.

It's all about how you approach because it's so flexible. Obvious in the OP it's talking about fast food pizza. Pretty much any fast food is bad (and expensive). You've gotta cut that out and get to making meals regardless of what they are.

If you're worried about the effort to make meals, you can bulk make pizza dough and sauce for the whole week. It's literally just slap it together when you get home, a 10 minute process at best and babysitting the oven. Overall, it's ez pz.


Dec 16, 2018
I've been really busy lately, I got a new job, and honestly I've been coming home and been really tired. What with my new job and constant longer nights, I've been eating out a lot more. I like pizza and my favorite pizza spot is like right down the street so, in the last month at the job I've had pizza, every night, and sometimes for lunch. I think I've had about 40(?) pizzas in my time there, but I'm not even certain... Needless to say, I know it's not the best, but its pizza, and I've been fucking drained after work. My friends keep mocking me and calling me papa john now and I don't want to be associated with that asshole, but I love pizza. What do ERA?
It's funny because I love tacos and eat an absurd amount per year. Like you, I also get mocked by people but I just love me those tacos.
Oct 30, 2017
Not every pizza needs to be a Pizza Hut pan pizza 2500 calorie monster.

You can make relativiely low calorie, low carb pizza. Just make your own pizzas and sauce. Skip the oil, make only ultra thin crust using no more than a cup-ish of flour. Keep the cheese to an absolute minimum and use other toppings like cashew flour, nutritional yeast, and lots of veggies. That's legitimately a balanced meal of fats, carbs, and proteins.
the abomination you just described is a pizza in name only.

that sounds like something you make for a person you hate.


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
It really depends on the pizza. Like are we talking a Mod or Blaze pizza where it is more personal sized?
Or are we doing like 30 large pizza hut abominations?

I don't know you, i know plenty of skinny, healthy people who could put down a ton of food and be fine.
So as long as you feel good about whats going on then who really cares.

My metabolism can't take that any more.


Oct 27, 2017
I dunno... Maybe they're personal pan pizzas. 😕 I've just learned recently to not offer corrective advice on someone's behavior unless specifically asked for. There are worse things OP could be doing to their body. lol

Still, either way, OP deserves better friends. If I had a friend whose diet fluctuated wildly in this way, the first thing I'd show is concern, maybe offer a shoulder. Last thing I'd do is mock them

Think this really depends on friendship dynamics. For the majority of my male friends, it'd be weirder if they weren't talking shit about me eating pizza for a month straight.

OP, you need to make an effort to do something after work. If you just keep relaxing with your easy meal after work, you'll never have energy to do anything else in the future. Once you start forcing yourself to be a little more active after work, you'll adapt and probably feel a little better too.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Is Pizza really that unhealthy? It's vegetables, cheese, oil, bread dough, meat. Seems all pretty good? 🤷

I don't know anyone who likes pizza who eats just 1 slice of pizza. Quantity is where you really get into trouble.

Here's the nutritional stats for 1 Costco pepperoni pizza.

4230 calories
165g fat
10,600 mg sodium
464g carbs
30g sugar
39g fiber
195g protein

Even half a pizza would be a massive amount of calories and sodium. Also, generally fast food pizzas don't use the highest quality ingredients so you get cancer-causing meat, dough devoid of nutrients, etc.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
'Ey, what are ya some kinda human pizza or something? Ya gonna marry the pizza or something? 'Ey.


Oct 25, 2017
In college Dominos would have their Thursday carry out deal, and then on Sunday, depending on how well the college sports team did, it would be up to 50% off. So I was ordering a large pizza twice a week and eating it over the course of 2-3 days. Still the skinniest I've ever been.