
Oct 25, 2017
Discussing Castlevania 64 in a few recent threads about Smash Bros made it clear to me that this game does not have enough lovers. Those of us who love love heartily though often in secret, unaware that we are in the midst of other Castlevania 64 lovers. Please join us in this Church of Loving Castlevania 64, praise be upon the little Nintendo 64 that is so unfairly maligned.

First I am going to state the bad things so I don't have to have people go "But that tho". Yes, the graphics are soupy and the game is presented to you courtesy of Vaseline-o-Vision. Yes, the camera gets hella-wacked out sometimes and you must play the game as though you were a meth head, jittering furiously. Yes, the game is no SotN in neither beauty nor voice. And yes there are wacky skeletons on motorbikes (though I would argue that wacky out-of-time enemies are core to what Castlevania is anyway, but we have to address the "I heard this on a Podcast lol!" people).

So what is special about Castlevania 64? In my opinion, it is the truest conversion of the 2D actionvania format to 3D. The game is linear and is built primarily around platforming challenges, combat with enemies, and environmental puzzle solving. If you put this game up against Lament of Innocence (which is OK) or Curse of Darkness (which is just bad), IGA's attempt to make a game in 3D, you would find a game designed much more in the style of Super Castlevania IV or Rondo of Blood than you would Devil May Cry or God of War, and I like that.

The game's action stages are mixed with more exploration or adventure-style stages, generally where the player progresses through a non-linear or less linear environment exploring the castle grounds, navigating mazes, and meeting new characters. Like SotN, Dracula's bachelor pad is full of NPCs both friendly and unfriendly that enrich the world.

My favorite of these levels is probably the villa, which I think most people love. After you fight your way into the villa, you are immediately attacked by one of the first vampires in the game. Finally at peace, you explore some hallways and meet another vampire slayer and a demon merchant. You encounter a villager looking for help when you notice he doesn't have a reflection. It's a vampire. Yep. Time to beat his ass. This is all while haunting music plays and you feel a cold breeze blow through the villa's flowing curtains. Where is stuff like this in Curse of Darkness or Lament of Innocence? I don't even know them.

The thing about this game's platforming is that it is PLATFORMING. There's no autoplatforming, there's no "oh maybe you should go this way" cloud of bats like in Lords of Shadow 2, there's no highlighted ledges and shiz. This is bareknuckle platforming, particularly so in the original version of the game (because the camera is so bad! lol!). Playing as Carrie puts you on the more platformery path and through the Tower of Sorcery, which is basically just appearing and disappearing platforms over a void. For like 20 minutes. You will cry. You will scream. You will shit with fear.

The atmosphere of this game is really second to none. It does a lot with its crappy graphics. The Forest of Silence feels like something is constantly off. It's quiet. Maybe too quiet. The path up to the villa feels dark, damp, and decrepit. And there's actual platforming. Like a lot of it. The villa feels ornate and well appointed, like some kind of magnificent Tuscan holdover that just happened to appear in the middle of this gothic horrorfest. The music makes a solid impression despite the limited capabilities of the N64, and everything sounds good and has a strong melodic hook to it.

And then there's the Castle Keep. Oh, you cold, cold bitch. Many a run you have ended. This level is ingenious in design but execution requires patience and persistence. There's a central elevator you need to activate to advance. To advance, you need to basically deactivate a magic seal in the basement. Deactivating the seal requires you get some explosives and something else, I don't know what it is so let's call it IGAjuice. Carrying the dynamite from the roof of the Castle Keep, basically, all the way down to the basement has two nasty ass requirements: you can't jump at all and you can't get hit by an enemy. Oh mother of god. Oh lord. So you precariously carry this shit all the way down through spinning gears and through ferocious armor knights and through all that and you put it there. And then you fight a big ferocious dog thing. What a beast this game is.

With multiple paths through the game, great atmosphere, wonderful level design with actual platforming, and fun combat that makes you manage your life throughout the stage, this is a classic. Is it flawed? Yas. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best 3D Castlevania? Hell to the yas and you should try it.

And girl I haven't even talked about the time system or Reinhardt and Rosa.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I've got some love for Castlevania on the N64 (not Castlevania 64! That's not it's name). But I still wouldn't hesitate to call it a crappy game. They did what they could to try to translate Castlevania to 3D but I think they were largely unsuccessful. It hasn't aged well at all either. I bought a JP copy last year and trying to play it in 2018 just feels... yuck. It's so brown and fuzzy. Still, as I said, I've got nostalgia and some love for it.


Oct 28, 2017
5 words that I'd never thought I'd hear. Unfortunately, when held up against the other Castlevania release on the other system, Castlevania 64 needs to stay in the shadows. Although, a remake may not be a bad idea. It had some good ideas, but badly held back by system limitations at the time.


Oct 29, 2017
OP is my man

I just love the N64 'vanias. Legacy of Darkness introduces some minor QoL features like controlling the camera with the D-Pad and adds a few neat touches like Reinhardt's whip going from leather to morningstar to holy whip. And upgradeable subweapons!

Shame the games were never re-released in the Virtual Console. I have both injected in my Wii U and enjoy every single playthrough. The 2x native res is a godsend.

Also, Carrie is the best Belnades


Oct 25, 2017
I've got some love for Castlevania on the N64 (not Castlevania 64! That's not it's name). But I still wouldn't hesitate to call it a crappy game. They did what they could to try to translate Castlevania to 3D but I think they were largely unsuccessful. It hasn't aged well at all either. I bought a JP copy last year and trying to play it in 2018 just feels... yuck. It's so brown and fuzzy. Still, as I said, I've got nostalgia and some love for it.
You cannot say I love you, Castlevania and expect people to know what you mean! Most games from that era are fuzzy these days, though Legacy of Darkness does support "hi res" mode. If you're into low framerates.

I think they were more successful than any other game outside of the Souls games. Maybe Maximo? But I'm not a huge fan.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this the one with the guy playing a violin on the title screen? With the village level at the start with the skeletons? I liked the atmosphere.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Gonna have to snag a copy off ebay. Enjoyed the game as a kid but never played all the way through.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 7, 2017
Wasn't there some kind of even at midnight in some place ?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I've got some love for Castlevania on the N64 (not Castlevania 64! That's not it's name).


Deleted member 35204

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2017
Great game, it perfectly nailed the atmosphere the franchise should have and controls aside the gameplay is actually good, a true classicvania in 3d.
The controls though... they absolutely kill the game.

Music is A+ too by the way.


Oct 27, 2017
Castlevania 64 legacy of darkness version is the goat. Such an underrated game. Too bad Konami didnt release that version first


Oct 25, 2017
OP you like PS1 Tomb Raider games which I do as well. So I'll take your word for it.
They are, in my opinion, similar games. Castlevania has analog control and the camera is much looser (and not fixed behind the player at all the time), but if you like those games I think you will like this too.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 7, 2017
Also didn't it have a counter where you had to beat it under a certain number of days else you would get the bad ending?


Oct 25, 2017
Agree with you OP.

I have no idea how it'd hold up today, but that game was a ton of fun two decades ago.


Apr 21, 2018
I really like Legacy of Darkness. It's an expanded version of Castlevania 64 that let's you play as a werewolf, and it still contains Carrie and Reinhardt's full stories. What other Castlevania lets you control a werewolf? Dracula had one of his best final forms in the frachise too.
Apr 25, 2018
Rockwall, Texas
Such a blurry mess. It's barely Castlevania. It's funny this came out after SotN. The two aren't in the same ballpark. OP I gotta give you credit though for being a fan enough to put up with it.


Oct 26, 2017
I love 64. Great atmosphere despite some weird things like skeletons on motorcycles. The gameplay needed more tweaks but overall it had the atmosphere and challenging platforming which later games lacked.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
My first CV game, actually. I too love it, and it's one of my favorite games on the system.

I never owned a memory card for the N64, so every time I died I had to restart the entire level I was on. Imagine playing Castle Center for 30 minutes, you get the Nitro (what the OP calls IGAjuice, lol) and finally get it past the gear without touching it and dying instantly, you finally get it past the dumb motorcycle skeletons without jumping or getting hit and dying instantly, you finally beat that big boar thing in the arena, and then you get to the boss after that and die. Whoops! But at 11 or 12, I just begrudgingly restarted the level and tried again, lol.

And I also had to beat the entire game in one session... I miss being that age and having the patience to play games like that, haha.

That said, I never actually beat Reinhardt's story because Castle Keep was just too hard. So there are two levels I've still never seen before.

Oh, and special shout-out to the strategy guide for the game... I used to read that thing for fun, even after I gave the game back to the person I borrowed it from.


Oct 27, 2017
It is funny because the setting was year 1844 and motorbikes didnt exist back then


Oct 25, 2017
I always liked the game. It definitely has issues, but it's more interesting and enjoyable the probably all of the other 3D entries. It's hard to go back to N64 games though, particularly ones like CV that were already kind of sketchy in terms of controls, camera, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
it was pretty decent. could've been way worse as as primitive transitions to 3D go

but pretty disappointing as well. luckily castlevania already had a great 32/64 bit gen game by then


Oct 25, 2017
The camera is wonky and the jumping imprecise, but I'll always retain a soft spot for it. Some real good levels in there like the Mansion, and a fine soundtrack.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Castlevania 64 was worth a rental at least. The N64 was the first time it felt like a Nintendo system was only getting Konami's second rate stuff instead of some of their best.


Nov 30, 2017
There are dozens of us! Goemon047 on youtube did a great review on Castlevania 64 and the sequel.


Oct 30, 2017
Legacy of Darkness is one of my favorite Castlevania games, and it's what Castlevania 64 should have been from the start.

I'd pay good money for a proper remake of it. So many good ideas and concepts that so few got to experience.
Dec 29, 2017
Castlevania 64 is by far my favorite Castlevania game and one of my favorite games of all time, and much of it is because of the atmosphere it creates. I have yet to found another game that replicates the Gothic atmosphere with horror elements that this game provides (Demon's Souls has come the closest, if not surpassed it). Every time I listen to its music and remember parts of the game (like the nitro section the OP named, the bull fight, Villa section and the Frankenstein chase) I get all excited and giddy, I absolutely love it. One of my favorite childhood games that I still enjoy and treasure the most.

This is a great song to study too:


Oct 25, 2017
I've been wanting this game to be rereleased on VC for ages. Sadly lost to time forever at this point. But I loved CV64/LoD to bits. And most Konami N64 releases too.


"This guy are sick"
Well, that's a thread title I did not expect to read.

I'm with you on this, though. Played through it several times and even bought the sequel of it. Only downside is that shitty N64 camera we all grew up with and learned to love. Platforming in some areas was fucking horrible.


Oct 28, 2017
CV64 has the best title screen intro of all time. Think about it, Dracula in the flesh is playing the theme of his mortal enemy in his castle. There's such a deep display of respect of a battle that has waged for centuries. He acknowledges his role to play, and maybe somewhere deep inside him the hatred of the Belmont bloodline has been replaced by an appreciation of the play that unfolds in each of his reincarnation.

Oct 26, 2017
The game definitely left an impression on me, it was genuinely eerie. I have a soft spot for it.

Lament Of Innocence on the PS2 is one I really enjoyed, but strangely, I completely forgot I'd played it until somebody mentioned it a couple of years ago.


Oct 30, 2017
CV64 has the best title screen intro of all time. Think about it, Dracula in the flesh is playing the theme of his mortal enemy in his castle. There's such a deep display of respect of a battle that has waged for centuries. He acknowledges his role to play, and maybe somewhere deep inside him the hatred of the Belmont bloodline has been replaced by an appreciation of the play that unfolds in each of his reincarnation.


The ONLY thing that's inferior with Legacy of Darkness. I wish they'd kept the Malus intro.


Dec 17, 2017
Thank you for this thread. Really enjoyed this game and should get more appreciation than it does. In fact, in college our whole dorm wing got together to play this game. Great atmosphere and lots of fun.
Dec 29, 2017
CV64 has the best title screen intro of all time. Think about it, Dracula in the flesh is playing the theme of his mortal enemy in his castle. There's such a deep display of respect of a battle that has waged for centuries. He acknowledges his role to play, and maybe somewhere deep inside him the hatred of the Belmont bloodline has been replaced by an appreciation of the play that unfolds in each of his reincarnation.


Watching the intro again gave me the chills. Oh, how i love thee Castlevania 64.


Oct 25, 2017
'vania 64 has the best 3D atmosphere. I was always a big fan on how the N64 "fog" helped give a sense of isolation to the castle.

What it has over other 3D games that I like is verticality. The PS2 games are more or less flat surfaces in nearly every room, and the Lords of Shadow games are so automated in their platforming that their verticality might as well just be visual window dressing. The clock tower, good lawd.