
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in the most liberal county in Illinois, and yet I have seen a few maga and trump stickers, and one time at work a guy came in with some awf shirt with like Trump standing with fireworks and a huge american flag and some shit in the background.
Oct 27, 2017
I've seen Trump bumper stickers a few times in Florida. I've seen the stupid hat once, in Arizona. Of course, he was open carrying.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
I went to Seattle last month. Felt very much like the bubble we have in the Boston area. On the trip to Portland, I just saw gross bumper stickers left and right and the Uncle Sam billboard.

Oh yeah, I see that billboard every time I head to Portland. It's always filled with nonsense.
Feb 16, 2018
I live in Minneapolis and have only seen like one or two trump bumper stickers no MAGA hats, lots of people still with Hilary or Bernie bumper stickers though. Though once driving through southern Minnesota I saw some woman's car plastered with trump and American flags on it, looked over she was wearing and American flag outfit too, just the most stupidly murica thing I've ever seen.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump won the county I live in so I see plenty of Trump bumper stickers and lawn signs. I also see a ton of the black and blue American flag. People literally hang it from their house.


Oct 27, 2017
I live in Seattle and I saw a black guy wearing a Trump shirt. At first I thought "Is that guy blind?" (which is maybe a shitty thing think since it makes assumptions about his race / political choices), but no, he was going about his business. Then I thought maybe he was wearing the shirt ironically (again, making shitty assumptions)... I know it's non of my business ultimately but I just couldn't get my mind around it. To each their own I suppose.


Nov 6, 2017
I live in Michigan and outside of some signs in the yard I dont think Iv actually seen any candidate clothing being worn for anyone.


Oct 25, 2017
I live in San Diego (which is very republican) and I've never seen a MAGA hat.
I'm really surprised to hear that San Diego is Republican. They are a major metro and they probably have a lot of Hispanic people, so I would think they would be blue.
San Diego is very Republican? San Diego County voted for Hillary by 20 points and California US House Districts 52 and 53 both went for Democrats, by 13 and 33 points. It's not as blue as other cities in California, but it doesn't look R-leaning at all.


Oct 27, 2017
San Diego is very Republican? San Diego County voted for Hillary by 20 points and California US House Districts 52 and 53 both went for Democrats, by 13 and 33 points. It's not as blue as other cities in California, but it doesn't look R-leaning at all.

Yeah, that seems to fit with what I expect.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly in SC I've never seen one

plenty of rebel flags and "piss off a liberal" style bumper stickers though

EDIT: some of ya'll are definitely in liberal bubbles though


Oct 27, 2017
This is in South Everett, but there's a big billboard just outside where I live with Trump - Make America Great Again written on it. Appeared during election period and has stayed there ever since. I haven't met any awful people here though

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
When I used to live in VA, I would see them often. Especially the more I go south, where people have Confederate flags in their lawns and tons of crazy ass racist bumper stickers.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like MAGA hats aren't that common anywhere, I live in rural PA and have never seen one.

During the election there were tons of Trump signs, I only ever seen like two Clinton signs and one of them was vandalized.


Oct 25, 2017
I see MAGA hats now and then on the East Coast, but more often it's just TRUMP or LOCK HER UP stickers or Confederate flags. Leave the liberal cities / suburbs and that stuff is everywhere.

Having grown up in "the south" though I'm used to seeing confederate flags and camo everywhere and filtering it out.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm shocked by the SanDiego talk. Never knew that. My daughter is part of a huge group of transplants out there, all in their upper twenties and they hate what Trump stands for. Sad to hear they are in the minority.

I imagine proximity to the border makes stoking fear about immigration a powerful tool for politicians.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Seattle is a bubble in Washington. Practically the entire rest of the state is different -- especially east.

I imagine proximity to the border makes stoking fear about immigration a powerful tool for politicians.

I'm not sure what it is, really. I lived in El Paso, TX, which is very similar in that it's a border town with a huge military presence. But for some reason, El Paso voters are decidedly liberal.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I'm shocked by the SanDiego talk. Never knew that. My daughter is part of a huge group of transplants out there, all in their upper twenties and they hate what Trump stands for. Sad to hear they are in the minority.
San Diego is very different from usual red areas. It is not a Trump town. It's more right-leaning centrist.


Oct 25, 2017
Have you never gone more than like 15 miles out of Seattle in any direction?

I was on 405 heading to Redmond and saw a car with a Trump bumper sticker on one side of the back license plate and a confederate flag on the other. I've also seen a few random Trump stickers, and one older man in a truck with a "Black Guns Matter" sticker on his back window.
Oct 30, 2017
I live a little bit outside of the Atlanta area here, and it's fairly liberal. I've seen some Trump bumper stickers, and I've come across a student wearing a MAGA hat trying to show off, but he definitely wasn't trolling. Interestingly, the guy who wears is a white South African male; however, but I'm not sure if that has to do with anything...


Nov 8, 2017
I live in the South Bay Area (California) and I've seen MAGA hats precisely twice: Once on a university campus, and another when my cousin was wearing one. The university I went to had a decent amount of people who supported Trump publicly from what I saw, with an active TPUSA chapter and people talking positively in a class the day after the election. They were in the minority but they were large enough in numbers to be noticeable. I've also seen a few Trump stickers and supporters in other public places, though they seem to be less common there.


Oct 25, 2017
Southern part of Virginia here, I see Confederate flags flown on their trucks monthly, NRA or Trump stickers weekly. But what I see more often is the "Don't Tread On Me" vanity plates. They're nearly synonymous with the right. What's weird is that city itself isn't exactly rural but we're nearly right in the middle of a huge rural area I guess. But yeah, its red neck and huntin' country out here.


Feb 3, 2018
I live in Little Rock and I don't recall seeing any hats but I've definitely seen plenty of bumper stickers. I'll have to pay closer attention.
I lived in central Arkansas for a while. Went to UCA then found a job in Little Rock after graduation but have since moved (still in Arkansas though) due to another job opportunity. I don't recall seeing any in the larger metropolitan areas (maybe some during election season). My family lives in a very small town though so when I visited I recall seeing them several times, haven't visited in around 5 months though.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
In Texas. Seen a MAGA truck. "Lock her up", "crooked Hillary", "build the wall with their bones", confederate flags, "obummer" stickers. Cartoon level shit.

...Do people not realize that this makes them literally sound like an evil supervillain from a comic book?

Do they think that they're being evil "ironically" or do they just completely lack any self-awareness?


Nov 27, 2017
...Do people not realize that this makes them literally sound like an evil supervillain from a comic book?

Do they think that they're being evil "ironically" or do they just completely lack any self-awareness?
I think they think it's funny and I think they badly crave attention... any attention. Whether its a thumbs up or a middle finger... they don't care... someone finally noticed them.


Oct 25, 2017
Our campground just played a Trump + Regan speech along with patriotic music on a big screen before the 4th of July fireworks.

Yes , you're in a serious bubble, and I live in hell.


Nov 18, 2017
I live in Jersey City and work in New York. Never seen a maga hat, not on the subway or bus or in a bar or on the street or in a restaurant. I have never even seen it sold in any shop.

I literally only see them on TV at trump rallies.