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Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
You shouldn't have done that op. You could've talked to them about it . I'm curious what the job is exactly that you felt the need to do this in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
Is he making it up at all after you leave, op?
As a tardy person myself, that sucks op. I more than make up for my lateness by staying late or working from home. I have the receipts to prove it just in case someone like you narcs on me.


Oct 25, 2017
Better hope he gets fired OP, because now every minor thing you fuck up you're gonna need look over your shoulder at him.


Alt Account
Jan 30, 2020
Listen OP I don't wanna drag you too bad for doing *sneers* the right thing */sneer* but maybe you shoulda talked to them about it more before resorting to snitching.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017

This is "did you just admit to a crime" levels of ridiculous. It's not hard to mind your own business. If there's an issue with his work it will come through in his work, not because of someone feeling petty reporting him during a time when everyone is breaking down and having a tough time.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's a big yikes from me.

Unless the person reports to you, mind your business unless it's significantly causing more issues for you. Even then I would directly confront them first instead of snitching.
Oct 30, 2017
God damn can't you people mind your own business? Congrats OP you corporate buttkisser.

Trust me, when it comes to time theft, it is not hard for the company to find out.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 day): Hostility
What a colossal asshole. Imagine throwing someone under the bus when they may now be out of work (and unemployment!!) for months


Oct 25, 2017
If he's coming in late, he shouldn't be clocking in.
It's normal to feel bad about it, but he's the one stealing time, not you. It's not fair that someone else can be at work for less time each day, and still get paid the same as others who are there for their entire shift.

So many calling this snitching. It's a workplace, not the streets.

I've actually reported this behavior too, but I'm also management. If I don't report it and someone else finds out, I get in trouble for keeping it hidden.


Nov 2, 2017
How do you know he's been clocking? I hate clocking and think it sucks, but all places I worked at where I had to clock it was a personal account and no one could see it.

Also :
"Hey man, noticed you've been arriving late these past few days. Everything alright?"

HR is not to be trusted even in regular times for cases like these, even less so during crisis like these. They're prone to overreaction to prove their worth. You fed him to the wolves.


Nov 13, 2017
Also, what is the deal with people not being able to TALK to other people and air their grievances and sort it out amicably? For all you know he's been volunteering at the local homeless shelter, or going to AA or some shit.

I take it from the "he lied to me part" that he did talk to him, though?

I realize people hate HR and I have no idea what this company is like, but if he's got extenuating circumstances wouldn't he be able to tell it to HR/his manager? There's really no excuse for clocking in (if he was doing it) and lying about his hours. Plus even if it doesn't affect OP, if the guy gets caught somehow else, how does that reflect on the OP who saw him clocking in late, said nothing, and now is going to be suspected of maybe doing the same thing because it doesn't seem like there's any accountability there?

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
When you said fraud I thought it was something like your coworker embezzling funds or something.
But you reported your coworker for coming "30-40 minutes late" and "an hour and a half late" ONCE, during the whole covid situation? Are you shitting me, OP?
Like what the hell. Just, the hell.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, even by your own admission you only did it because you were angry at him.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Did you ask him why he was late or did you offer any help? Do you know if he already discussed his tardiness reasons with their manager?

I am not that big on reporting incidents unless they are blatant or unless I know the full story behind it.

If you have valid reasonings and you understand the full situation, then you did what you had to do.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
You "did the right thing" but it was unnecessary and you'll have to have this sit on your conscious, so...good luck?


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine not even knowing what their situation is and basically saying they deserve to lose their job because OP got salty.
If he has a "situation" that requires him to be late, then he shouldn't expect his employer to pay for him for that lost time. If he's concerned about losing his job over his tardiness, then he needs to be proactive and discuss the "situation" with his employer.

stump sock

Oct 25, 2017
I hope you weren't looking for people to cheer you up because that's a total turd move and not your business in the first place

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
God damn can't you people mind your own business? Congrats OP you corporate buttkisser.

Trust me, when it comes to time theft, it is not hard for the company to find out.
Yeah this is the thing I'm confused about. Actually there are a lot of things I'm confused about here but do they have 0 cameras on the entire premises? Does OP know that the guy is saying they clocked in early? How does the OP know they were lying?


Oct 25, 2017

butthole move, op


Oct 27, 2017
Snitching is never rewarding. If his lateness wasnt affecting your job performance, thats some shitty personality you have


Oct 30, 2017
The only reason I think it's sorta ok that you told HR is so that there's a record of it in case this person keeps doing it. I've gone the other route of saying nothing, and the bad behavior just builds.

At a time like this though, anything you do that hurts someone else's livelihood is a shitty thing. Companies are going to be looking to cut costs, and they won't feel any guilt about canning this person.


Jan 8, 2019
If it's fraud it's fraud. Reporting is the right ting to do. However do you know if he is making up the time later on? I used to go to work late and stay late just to make up for it. A manager once asked me why I was staying behind and I told them the reason.

I wont be one of those people who said you did the wrong thing, because it takes more courage to do what you did than it does to remain silent and give yourself poor excuses.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that loses their job in this climate is very likely to be fucked. Unless he was absolutely making coworkers' lives hell with his absence, that shit is to be let slide while there's a lockdown happening. Even then, maybe his personal life is chaos now due to the lockdown (taking care of kids while daycares/schools are closed, etc.), so consideration has to be taken into account for that as well.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
If he has a "situation" that requires him to be late, then he shouldn't expect his employer to pay for him for that lost time. If he's concerned about losing his job over his tardiness, then he needs to be proactive and discuss the "situation" with his employer.
How does OP know the person actually clocked in and was getting paid though lol


Oct 25, 2017
I think you did the right thing, it is not fair he is coming in 30+ minutes late and getting paid for it while you are there on time. Also, it is taking advantage of the fact that there is no manager there to see when you arrive vs when you clock in.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
If it's fraud it's fraud. Reporting is the right ting to do. However do you know if he is making up the time later on? I used to go to work late and stay late just to make up for it. A manager once asked me why I was staying behind and I told them the reason.

I wont be one of those people who said you did the wrong thing, because it takes more courage to do what you did than it does to remain silent and give yourself poor excuses.
It takes more courage to be a human being and reach out to the person and talk to them first instead of being angry and petty and doing what OP did. There's nothing just or noble about their actions.
If only this was true of all adults that could rationally think things through before saying things. We can't even get that level of rationality here on this forum from everyone.
Agreed. How people act under emotional duress has become almost a de-facto measuring stick for me of the people I do and do not want in my life. If only we could have less rash decision making and acting out on emotion, and more restraint, compassionate and rational decisionmaking.
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