May 9, 2018
Per my thread in the gaming section, I received a lot of requests for an OT thread, so I trained a model for that too (about 8x the training time of the first model in that thread). And the results are very good.

Here are some highlights with the default temperature from the first dump (200x10 dumps on GitHub: if you want to copy/paste from them you can click the "Raw" button in the toolbar) with bolding done by me for emphasis.

The next DEATH BATTLE is Carnage (Marvel Comics) vs Lucy (Marvel Comics Black Cat)

TheGamingNewsGuy: Revealed at the end of Samurai Jack vs Carnage. Which one will be your next VS and what will be your opponent(s)?
Scavenger: I think Carnage would prefer Lucy.
TheGamingNewsGuy: It's obviously a fair competition but I think Carnage is a little bit more 'Nutty' in the way they just kill him.
FF Seraphim: I'll admit it's completely meh on the Carnage formula. If Carnage can't kill Black Cat then yeah I'll take him.
TheGamingNewsGuy: Lucy would prefer Carnage but Carnage is a little more 'nutty' in the way they just kill him.
Miso: This is a no contest.
TheGamingNewsGuy: Oh ok
Chrno: I like Carnage, but I'll take him over Black Cat.
TheGamingNewsGuy: I think Carnage has more personality and is more at home in the Savage universe and at the same time easier to kill
FF Seraphim: Seems a bit hedged that his fight with Carnage takes place in Savage which is a real rarity.

What the hell is going on with the internet these days?

Krejlooc: To just put it plainly, what is going on with the internet these days? It's like the internet is just a huge joke hole. Most of the jokes are in the form of links or memes, unless you're watching a youtube video or even have a tablet, they're all around ridiculous.
I'm trying to laugh at this thread for the most part now, but lately, I'm starting to get a little despondent when it comes to actually laughing at whatever they're doing
Krejlooc: I don't think I've ever been this tired of internet humor in weeks straight. I can't even get the jokes to work. I got a couple of my memes mixed up with my real life accounts, but I don't see how I'm being serious.
Krejlooc: You're not being serious. You're being incredibly deluded.
GameAddict411: It has been going on for a while now. I started noticing it a while ago and now. It's really not funny. You can see it being very dark on sites like reddit. I'm a white guy. I can't even be that serious about something. I think there are a couple memes that are just offensive and offensive. I don't even see how you can get more serious about something in just a few minutes.
Krejlooc: I've noticed it's been going on for the last year. And no, I'm not joking. I'm not joking. I've been in this state that humor has gone from lighthearted to dark and now I'm more deluded with how we consume it.
CormoranStrike: It's like the internet has slowly gotten heavy handed. I love memes but I also love dark humor. I like dark humor, but I also understand the concept of memes. I've never been a dark humorist.
Krejlooc: See, I'm fucking stumped. No one is really laughing but I can see a few people being serious. I'm not being serious here. I can't even get serious jokes mixed up with my memes, but I'm not going to post a webcomic while drunk.

I'm a pretty tall and skinny dude and don't know what to do about my hair

TheGhost: So I have a very short dreadlock. It's a style that I have always been aware of, but never really practiced with until recently. Hair isn't a tonic, but I had a conversation with my stylist who told me I should get a thick one. I have a lot of dreads and it's starting to get noticeable. I'm not sure what to do about it. Has anyone else dealt with this as I have some no-name experience? I can't really lie when I say I'm skinny but I'm finding it to be a net positive. I'm 6'2" and I have a lot of noticeable hair loss and thinning. Is there any way to deal with it? Has anyone else dealt with this as well? I'm wondering if I can find a friend in my area or if this is something I should keep an eye on and if I should go balding test.
Eloquent: Go see a doctor and find a different stylist, some stylist might just be a coincidence.
Seesaw15: Don't go bald. Just trim it a little and see how it grows out.
jb1234: Go see a doctor.
Hollywood Duo: Go to a different stylist.
Mendinso: The best advice I can give is to always go bald if possible. It's such a barbaric no-good.
You seem like a good guy. I would suggest a haircut. You'll be growing a lot and it will help with the thin hair.
Just be careful with tips though. You'll grow a lot and it will take some time to reach the correct length, but a haircut will help keep you mellower.

Should the second amendment be repealed?

Deleted member 25709: I'm not American and I don't live in Canada. I just want to see what the results of the Supreme Court will be.
Volimar: No. The only thing the second amendment does is allow the government to kick ass when it feels right. If you kick up a fence, you can expect the government to do it anyway.
Transistor: No.
The first amendment is more important than any other kind of change. The reason the second is important is because it allows the GOP to have a conversation on spending and taxes while also passing sensible, sensible legislation. Even if they kick up a fence, you shouldn't be able to expect the government to just kick up a wall.
Foffy: Depends on the country.
Tfritz: If you're talking about the 2nd amendment, yes.
TheBeardedOne: Of course.
In a free country, I'd vote to amend the constitution and overturn the will of the people to make things right.
Donos: No.
Dream Machine: It should be red.
Hesemonni: Only if the constitution is amended.

Is there a way to turn off notifications for ResetERA?

Tideas: So I just discovered that ResetERA is supposed to have a feature that has been bugged for the last few years that has prevented you from logging into the forum?
I get that it's a strange feature. I've been using it since the moment it launched, and when it was implemented it was groundbreaking. I just don't get it.
I think it's time to call out that the only way to get notifications is to disable it.
Klyka: I don't get it.
ElectricBlanketFire: I don't get it.
Klyka: Here, thank you.
ElectricBlanketFire: I don't get it.
Porygon: I don't get it.
Tideas: I mean, what's the problem? Everyone here has the same bug with the forum? It's frustrating as hell.
The Archon: I don't get it.
ElectricBlanketFire: Here, thank you.
Dekuman: I don't get it.

Vox: This is why Trump is terrible

I don't know if I'm being legitimately shocked or just genuinely shocked
This is a video from the guy who made a "lock her up" video where he points at Hispanics and say that Hispanics will blame her for her husband's heart disease and that Hispanics will blame her for the poor economy
signal: No one is shocked, but Trump voters are apparently pretty mean.
sphagnum: I hope this isn't a pivot.
Dennis8K: So you say that Trump voters are being manipulated?
Bandage: The Republicans aren't being manipulated.
Cochese: And yet Hispanics are cheering for Hillary.
GK86: I think this is the best video ever, wow.
NoKisum: It's a really interesting video. I wonder who is being manipulated.
Squarehard: Yeah, he's getting a little steamrolled by the Right.
Somewhatgroovy: I don't see what's so clickbait about this.

Who is the best MCU movie of all time?

Brass Body Dave: In no particular order:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Thor: Ragnarok
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Motion Picture
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man 2
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: Dark World
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Thor: The Descendents
Thor: The Wolf Brigade
Ironheart: The Long Drills
The Incredible Hulk
Ironheart: The Mighty X
The Avengers: Infinity War
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The Dark Avenger
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Sworn Vigil
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Thor 2
Iron Man 3
Black Panther
Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man
Chained Prometheus: Ironheart. Dude's such a fucking hero.
Sephzilla: Winter Soldier
And yeah I could go on. The first few Thor movies were epic and Thor stands out as a legitimately good villain. I feel like he's been a bit more consistent in the MCU. You'd never know it if you never followed the MCU.
Gunny T Highway: The Incredible Hulk.
Khanimus: The first Avengers
Kuro: The first Avengers.
Grunge_Hamster: The Incredible Hulk is the most recent I think
Einchy: Thor Ragnarok
Amazing that there's a group of villains that can be as great as the MCU's MCU heroes.
Mr-Joker: The opening is perfect for a Hulk movie.
Dook's Revenge: The Incredible Hulk is a great choice.

Lindsey Graham: Trump to pardon Kavanaugh

BWoog: Trump will pardon me if old.
Akira86: I mean, sure, what else can you say?
DrSlek: Are you convinced?
ratcliffja: Pardon me?
El Bombastico: Do it.
Dark Knight: What is wrong with people?
Buckle: But he's always been a bad ass.
Mahonay: Well I guess we'll find out eventually.
Dark Knight: I mean, sure.
entremet: Pain me if old.

Could this have happened?

Slayven: The guy at the checkout line was a vegetarian. It was funny because he had to take out a vegan order and he just forgot it was vegan. It was apparently a vegan sausage a la carte.
Cocolina: No, it's not happening. You're talking about a movie trailer.
Slayven: I was just working in a food court and someone looked like they ate a sausage and ate it they were eating a vegan sausage
VectorPrime: It was also funny because a man in his early 20s wasn't a meat eater. That's the thing I was worried about.
Hollywood Duo: Was it Krispy Kreme?

HStallion: Was it a meatless sausage?
The Kree: I was pretty sure it was a vegan sausage but I wasn't buying it.
Hollywood Duo: No, a burger chain is a bad idea.
The Kree: You're not wrong.

Killer Mike's is overrated

Wag: I'm a big fan of Killer Mike, but I've never really listened to his style - probably due to his rapping. I'm curious what people think about this.
Spaltazar: like kool aid if i was a killer i'd listen to this
Gamer @ Heart: Killer Mike is a classic though? There's nothing quite like his style.
Yams: I really like Killer Mike
Dishwalla: Killer was a great artist
TheLetdown: I'm a fan of Killer.
Cordy: I like Killer but I've never seen him live.
Gundam: Killer Mike is the only great black dude I know personally.

CNN: FBI has not launched an investigation into Trump's campaign ties to Democrats

Wondergal: Quite a bit more here, but it's important to note that Republican officials have denied this.
hydrophilic attack: so what's the status of that tweet?
MasterYoshi: This is kind of illuminating on just a few issues.
ElectricBlanketFire: It's not like the FBI is going to just throw out the trash.
Voyager: But where do we even begin?
Ithil: Don't be mean.
Busaiku: I just saw this.
SlickShoesRUCRazy: I can take a shit in anger.
KtotheRoc: He has ties to Dems and the GOP.
Aaron: He does. But the Republican Party is nothing but a hostile takeover.

Tinder is surreal and I'm shocked

kobe: I just got a job at a hotel and the most popular girl I see on there is a girl I never heard of. She's short, pretty and beautiful. She has a boyfriend I'm seeing soon. I'm so glad I'm seeing them. I'm really trying to find a girl I've never heard of before.
Rory: I'm sorry for your loss, but you can't be on Tinder. Just be glad you're not on Tinder.
Fat4all: oh man, i am so sorry for your loss
Jpop: Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not on tinder.
KojiKnight: Sorry to inform you of this but I'm glad for you. Tinder, Match, OK Cup, etc, are great hook up apps.
Fat4all: yeah, I know a girl who used to use them. this is really new, but she's been on fandango
Fat4all: also, I read some people can be really happy on tinder, so I'm glad you're seeing it, but I'm really struggling to find a girl I haven't already found on fandango or OKCupid.
Jpop: Huh, I thought it was OK for you to be on fandango.
TheBeardedOne: Sorry for your loss, but I'm glad I'm seeing a new girl I never heard of.
I'm seeing a new boyfriend right now, so I think I'll do it. I'm really struggling to find a girl I haven't already found on okcupid or froncupid.
Fat4all: also, I read some people can be really happy on tinder, so I'm glad you're seeing it, but I'm really struggling to find a girl I haven't already found on okcupid or fronc or something.

The best movie ending ever

JJH: Thread inspired by the ending of the first Harry Potter film.
So there's this movie, starring Bradley Cooper and it's hilarious.
Birdseye: A very close second would be:
LewieP: The one with the scene with the hag.
GrizzNKev: This is a close one
Daffy Duck: The one where Harry and Dumbledore kill each other.
Neptonic: This is not a movie in the series but a closer runner up is the Harry Potter movies
Travo: The one where Snape kills Sirius.
Spaced Harrier: My number one.
Praxis: The one where Snape kills Sirius.
oneida: this is not a movie, this is a scene

Chrome is the most broken cryptocurrency out there

jcs: I just got an email from Adobe that comes with a coupon for $0.01 off. No confirmation, and the email came from someone else.
Whoa, chrome has been taken over by cryptos. Can't say I've ever seen a $0.01 off coupon. I'm not even sure if that's the case for chrome.
Seems like Chrome is in the midst of a cryptocurrency craze. I know there are people with stupid-ass ciphers on reddit who've been doing this for ages, but now I'm not sure which are the ciphers.
Zeyphersan: Uh.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Hollywood Duo: Another world
ILikeFeet: chrome has been ruined
collige: I'm not sure anyone has ever seen "Chrome is the most broken cryptocurrency out there" in any real, honest, way.

Tbm24: I think this is the case for Chrome.
Baconmonk: What currency?
Cocolina: Chrome is in the midst of a craze.
BAD: I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Hot Chocolate

Gorgosh: I love Hot Chocolate. I usually just drink a little and have a nice treat. I have a brown sugar creme with graham crackers and they are delicious. I'm in Canada btw. Anyone here have recommendations?
nsilvias: It's a drug.
Gorgosh: I'm Canadian btw. Anyone here could give me some advices.
nsilvias: You should try and drink a beer instead of a hot chocolate.
Gorgosh: I'll have beer!
nsilvias: You're not getting out of bed, you're getting shot in the dark.
Stay strong, friend.
chezzymann: I can confirm I love it when i don't have it in my chocolate drink but give it a shot today alright
Gorgosh: Why wouldn't it be? You're not like most chocolate drinks and don't drink a ton. You got it.
Gorgosh: All candies/naps/drinks are vile drinks that do not taste good and do not taste good in the first place.
The only good thing about it is you can tell when you are being judgmental.
hydrophilic attack: i have a couple

What the hell is this called?

Deleted member 1258: I'm in a conversation with a friend who was about to start college. I say "what the fuck is this called?" and I've never heard someone say this before.
John Kowalski: OP what the fuck is this called
Jbourne: A hotdog.
Jpop: What the F?
xxracerxx: What the fuck is this?
SABO.: That's called a hotdog.
Samara: But what the fuck is a hotdog?
Deleted member 1258: I've never heard that
Airegin: Now you've got to be a college student to know that there's a bunch of fucky shit going on down there.
xxracerxx: Why does this happen?
Landford: What the fuck is this name?

Gary Whitta joins cast of Netflix anime series

signal: Variety
sn00zer: He's been cool as hell in the past.
HStallion: I'd be interested if I was the main character who was fed milk and got a job dancing around town.
Kewlmyc: I'm not sure Whitta is the right fit for the job but he has been pretty great in the past.
HStallion: He's too young and too quiet for the role.
Daitokuji: I think he's the right guy.
HStallion: He was always the sarcastic side character in the past. Now he's a pretty good backup character in the present.
signal: He's actually been doing voices for the last decade in Japan and they might be doing a new live action series.
Choppasmith: I'd be interested if he's the goofy side character. I'd rather have someone who can act than make an awful anime.

The man who tried to teach a black kid the hard way what it is like to be a white nationalist is proud as fuck he is

TheGreatDirector: What the fuck.

Koo: Do they think he's a Trump supporter? I seriously don't understand this guy.
Coyote Starrk: I mean what the fuck is he black tho!!!
stew: Fuck the NRA.
Kuma Bear: I'm not trying to be racist but I am VERY proud of my boy who was gifted to me by a great father.
This man is a Trump supporter.
This man is also proud that he is a white nationalist.
Just to note that he is also a white nationalist, the words "Trump supporter" were originally given to a black kid as a token of acknowledgement.
The Kree: If you are a white nationalist, you are a white nationalist.
Kyougar: The actual @ person in the quote is a white nationalist!
Good on this kid. Good on this kid for speaking up.
Kyra: Very good on him.
Doof: Wow.

What's the best way to watch Dragon Ball Super without having to watch the original?

MasterVampire: I've been watching Dragon Ball Super for the last two years and I've only seen the anime. I don't really watch it that well outside of youtube and GoT. I watched the original movie and I don't think I want to watch the reruns of the original series.
What's the best way to watch Dragon Ball Super without having to watch the original?
foxuzamaki: I think most anime on netflix has the anime episodes.
If someone wants to watch the original, I think it's cool to do this, even if you don't have to watch the original.
VDenter: I mean the original anime is the only part of the series worth watching. The only thing it lacks is the new animated vids though.
Duane: The original anime is very good in its original glory.
Man God: They're not remakes. They're remasters. The original is a remake.
Krejlooc: I don't think you can watch dubs of Dragon Ball movies legally anywhere near as long as anime. I think the Japanese legal market is crazy.
Krejlooc: I'd say the original anime is worth watching for the remasters of the movies, the original is not far from the quality wise.
Krejlooc: I think the original anime is worth watching with the remasters. It's an original adventure movie. The remake is the most detailed one I've seen.
Reyes: The original anime is worth watching, it's animated and it has great animation.
Krejlooc: The remaster on the Blu-ray version is really good.

Trump refuses to release his tax returns. Dems demand the White House.

ElectricBlanketFire: "Don't worry, I'll have his name on the release of his tax returns."

The Yo Tornado: I'm so sick and tired of this world everyday.
Spenny: Piece of shit
Fiction: Fuck this country
Coyote Starrk: Fuck everything about this. Fuck the GOP. Fuck the Democrats. Fuck everyone. Fuck this country for it.
Tamanon: Fuck that shit.
ZealousD: There's a new governor in Florida who wants to release his taxes.
Hollywood Duo: I don't see how this is an effective way to fund public education.
WedgeX: All according to keikaku.

Era, what are some things you don't understand?

NateDog: Era I think I only understand by "people who don't read games or video games" which is just a label to be able to understand something more. For example, I think that people who don't understand basic phrases like "the" or "you" are weird, but I think you are also a person who doesn't understand "Most people" are correct as well.
If you have read a book or played a video game, why do you not understand what "most" means?
What are some things you are missing?
BDS: I need to know what the difference is between "most" and "most" is how it affects me in some way.
Lackless: I guess I need to know what the word "bro" means.
PeskyToaster: I just don't understand what people who don't understand are saying.
Scramblethink: People who don't understand certain words are weird.
ElectricBlanketFire: If someone says something under whatever flag, they're probably a liar.
shaneo632: Someone who doesn't understand any of the basic phrases like "you" or "me" sounds like a fag.
CormoranStrike: I don't understand college students.
Mendrox: People who don't understand how certain words are written or understand how certain words are used.
Nude_Tayne: I'm not sure how anyone can understand "My God its Over" or how it should be understood.

HuffPost: Amazon to End Deals With Staff Who Kill People.

Punished Goku: Just another day in the depressing Amazon world.
Khanimus: I'm not sure this needs to be posted in the news...
Deleted member 15326: This is a really depressing day indeed.
Bakercat: I'm pretty damn sure that's going to be one of those weird ass sites that get on my back if I fuck up
Kernel: I assume so because they are more than happy to give them vacation.
Ross62: I'll be surprised if they still do business.
GrimGrinningGuy: LMAO I love this
Aurongel: I'm all for giving the cash to the employees that are there to do their jobs.
Zelas: I'm all for giving them a day off, but considering they are psychopathic, I'm not really giving them a day off.
Dishwalla: They should have made it so the animals don't have to poop around in their sleeping bags.

Trump's first Musical Meal - from The White House

BWoog: A bit of context:
Van: "Eat his ass!" - This is the first proper discussion of the attack on the troops with an actual guest.
Otnopolit: Eat ass! My first proper conversation with Trump since the great campaign.
Coyote Starrk: Eat ass!
thefit: Dear Stephen "It is like being ostracized because of your race." Miller.
Hollywood Duo: I'll have to watch it.
Slayven: You could have said "sleep with him"
Piston: I'll take his shitty joke.
Khanimus: Yeah, I'll take that.
Username1198: Eat ass!

I also created dumps for a higher temperature output but they didn't turn out as well.

Again, I apologize for any AI defamation.


Oct 25, 2017
The Trump tax return thread is basically real life Trump threads.

Can you have the AI create threads with polls? Would like to see the options it would come up with.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
lol, I didn't expect to see actual poster's name in there. That's hilarious.

Also "Dems Demand The White House" is good.

Game Fan

Oct 25, 2017
"To just put it plainly, what is going on with the internet these days? It's like the internet is just a huge joke hole. Most of the jokes are in the form of links or memes, unless you're watching a youtube video or even have a tablet, they're all around ridiculous.
I'm trying to laugh at this thread for the most part now, but lately, I'm starting to get a little despondent when it comes to actually laughing at whatever they're doing "

Pretty much this.
Oct 25, 2017
Why are we taking about eating Trump's ass. I think I'm gonna be sick 🤮

I blame ass eating-Era for getting us here.


Oct 27, 2017
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should!

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Found myself in one of the text dumps... talking about Fullmetal Alchemist? What? Never even seen that thing, let alone talked about it.

Also, why does the AI think first Harry Potter film has inspiring ending?


Oct 25, 2017
~!~Migraine's in Crisis - What to do?

TreadTalks: My wife is on RIG and needs some assistance. She lives with her ex-husband and struggles with migraines. She's on RIG now, but migraines are the most frequent problem and she thinks she just has a high with her body. She's doing a blood test to see how much her blood would cause the migraines to get worse. It sounds like the test is inaccurate, and that's the main issue. Anybody have any experience with this?


Elynn: It's just a really bad headache, you wouldn't be able to tell if one hit hard. It usually takes a couple of weeks for it to go away.


Droidian: Go to the doc.


Lactose_Intolerant: Go to the doc


adj_noun: Is it that hard to tell if your brain's just firing off?

It's a bit scary.


Brock Reiher: Go to the doc


TreadTalks: She lives with her ex-husband and doesn't want to deal with this.


Deception: Go to the doctor.


TreadTalks: I just want answers to these questions. I'm just getting started.


JaeCryo: I had a 12.5 on my third in the last 6 months.
So far its gone but I still think its affecting me more.



Oct 25, 2017
That one thread on the ResetEra Feature where someone says "I don't get it" on the first post and a bunch of people just start saying the same thing...that hits too close to home

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I can't say it says the things I'd say...

But I'd be lying if I said it didn't say them the way I would.
Oct 25, 2017
kobe: I just got a job at a hotel and the most popular girl I see on there is a girl I never heard of. She's short, pretty and beautiful. She has a boyfriend I'm seeing soon. I'm so glad I'm seeing them. I'm really trying to find a girl I've never heard of before.

The perfect Dating Era thread


Oct 25, 2017
ResetAIra really likes Ironheart. I didn't even know she got a movie. There are a hell of a lot of Thor sequel in the AI world, too.


Oct 25, 2017
adj_noun: I still get the idea that there's only like a dozen or something threads about videogames people want to talk about, so why not have a single thread about them?

Put all of gaming side into one thread!

I support this idea.
Nov 2, 2017
"Amazon to End Deals With Staff Who Kill People."

Aurongel: I'm all for giving the cash to the employees that are there to do their jobs.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Van: "Eat his ass!" - This is the first proper discussion of the attack on the troops with an actual guest.
Otnopolit: Eat ass! My first proper conversation with Trump since the great campaign.
Coyote Starrk: Eat ass!

I'm fuckin dying


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
aw fuck the ai captured me perfectly
~!~New 'Emile' poster gives Hitler an Asian girlfriend, Ducks explained at furry convention

OtherWorldly: That is eeehh odd for all the reasons I get flustered by furry stuff, but the fact that this is even a full body and coherent poster should give one a very strong impression
Window: That's a really unreasonable poster.
wenis: eeeeh.
OP that's not even the worst meme in the world.
Puck Beaverton: See, that's not such a bad thing
Pooh: And now for my own unique perspective
OtherWorldly: It actually looks decent
BWoog: The title of The Emile Are you?
Trojita: This is awful. Sure, you can include the perspectives of both sides of emulating faces, but I have the fact that the OP is being framed as the views of both sides of the topic, as opposed to NOT being considered perspectives.
AcademicSaucer: Maybe if I used the us furry community it realized t em represent the bad side of the furry community?
Yasuke: Without a doubt.
It's fucking gruesome, and the gruesome one is the anime version I'm talking about

The fuck? What do I have to do with this thread?

I'm not even American, nor have I said anything about that.

It's right there in black and white dude


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
"GameAddict411: It has been going on for a while now. I started noticing it a while ago and now. It's really not funny. You can see it being very dark on sites like reddit. I'm a white guy. I can't even be that serious about something. I think there are a couple memes that are just offensive and offensive. I don't even see how you can get more serious about something in just a few minutes. "

"I'm a white guy" killed me


Oct 25, 2017
Fat4all: yeah, I know a girl who used to use them. this is really new, but she's been on fandango
Fat4all: also, I read some people can be really happy on tinder, so I'm glad you're seeing it, but I'm really struggling to find a girl I haven't already found on fandango or OKCupid.

Fat4all can be found on Fandango's hookup culture.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Lindsey Graham: Trump to pardon Kavanaugh

BWoog: Trump will pardon me if old.
Akira86: I mean, sure, what else can you say?
DrSlek: Are you convinced?
ratcliffja: Pardon me?

Oh no, the bot is getting better at drive-by joke posts

Also fuck me but I would love to see a movie called "Thor: The Wolf Brigade"


Nov 16, 2017
Oh my god

~!~AP reports that Trump's oldest daughter wants to marry the convicted Taliban terrorist Mullah Omar

KSweeley: This AP article reports that Trump's oldest daughter wants to marry the convicted Taliban terrorist Mullah Omar and that Omar is also considering marriage:


Coyote Starrk: Fuck Trump


WedgeX: She's been married to Omar against his will. I'm willing to bet that her family doesn't have a lot of patience for George W. either.

plagiarize: I wonder how much longer she can run for congress.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
Holy shit ERA loves Tommy Wiseau
~!~Tommy Wiseau is the best director to ever do it.

Vulcano's Assistant: At one and a half years old he's still my favourite filmmaker.
Who else has done great stuff?
Edit: good way to properly post titles please
CrazyAndy: Not a video but Era. This man knows how to direct and makes everything interesting.
Won't be premiered without a shot proc
CrackaLuder: Was just thinking about him the other day. He did The C, Wind River, and Three Billboards. He's directed some amazing stuff. My favorites are: Three Billboards, Threepeat, and Misery.
TheBeardedOne: His best work is simply amazing and highly influential. A lot of what he has done has surpassed his original vision and I'm also excited to see what he can do now.
I've seen him work twice and have never seen anything similar, unfortunately (even with the occasional variation) on what I think is his original vision.
Truthfully, I don't think I can watch anything he has ever directed that validates my vision as it was and I do think that maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't really think I can say for certain that he has surpassed the original vision, but I'd like to be proven wrong and to point out to others that I think are more well-versed in his work than I am.
BossAttack: Tommy is incredible, both as a quentin and as a director.
Spikematic: He has amazing direct styles defined within films. When we think of longform storytelling, we think of Tommy, but in the time span span of many of his movies we know well his films are always in th hour ep10s.
Sadly I can only hope for sequels across multiple decades from it.
Keldroc: Waaay too early? He can't be that late, can he? Despite the 50th anniversary of his helmings in the future he's likely to miss his presignia. It's surprising to me that such a prominent director lives so long without a sequel from him.
Eidan: As someone who started his career in the 60s and is extremely devoted to a film by a 70s/80s game designer, Wiseau was a disappointment when I saw the trailer for Three Bill


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
~!~The Middle (Empire) or Bumblebee?

Z-Beat: Two of the most persistent stories of all time about romcoms dealing with social issues is in the Middle. Most romcoms center around two characters described by the central character, a man and a woman. Today we will refer to Himself as Bumblebee. Bumblebee's life is affected by Elastigirls instruments defining his space. Due to this, all he goes to Earth to help other men to survive a species of monster rather than a human ship. They have to survive together but they also make him stick by his medars.
His first adventure is in the midwest and at the very edge of its empire, in a remote state, living in the very same as everybody else. What he does works and is also part of the interest of the people as well. En route to some dude with a program that can equip it's to the warrior and when the other men of, soon, foolish need to succeed as well, the woman changes his life and gets into fighting, and the guy upgrades, and wins. He's a destructive genius trying to keep everything from Misery.
I think the globetrotters job is seen as telling Me to do my own thing and to work away at the military academy to get back into the regular life and gets in the Marines, specially as mysterious and dangerous. His eye sees more missions when the mythical looking thing exists. Eventually the evil dictator changes the state of the world and puts him into prison, and gets off, all because he was afraid of somebody so mad from alien attacks, in the us land.
So I'll just leave that for this time-post. Living in America during the 70s led to a lot of radically different titles.
The Last I'm Moving, A Dentistry in Salt Lake, Utah was always a King of the Crimson Rascals

AI me writes fanfics