Phantasy Star Online Remaster/port to current platforms?

  • Stop wishing for things that won't happen

    Votes: 93 29.3%
  • Please Sega...Do this for us, it's what the gaming world needs!

    Votes: 224 70.7%

  • Total voters
Oct 27, 2017
Southend on Sea, UK
I whole heartedly agree. I put over 20 hours over the holiday with new playthrough on Dreamcast V2 with a Force. Still maybe the greatest Diablo clone of all time.

Had so much fun, I got myself set up on Ephinea server and it's even more fun with better drop rates and real people.

Come Sega this or Skies of Arcadia, for f's sake.


Oct 26, 2017
Sega is pretty good at remakes, i'm not sure what you mean? The worst they could do is redo it in PSO2(which I don't necessarily want) and that wouldn't be that bad.
I''ve probably said this in a similar topic, but one thing that made PSO so great, to me at least, is that there was no artificial gatekeeping. You had access to the full game right from the start. Whatever items were on that disc were the be-all end-all, no later update would render your gear obsolete (if you don't count the path to V2, EP1&2 or BB).
Also you could raise a mag and give it to a new character you made, as well as weapons, units, shields and armor. These were all things that made the game so much fun in the long run when starting new characters. All things that, by todays standards, are considered breaking the game because you are supposed to grind all the time and not take any shortcuts. And I don't see them keeping it that way if they ever remake the game.

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
A PSO remake or remaster with combat leaning just a bit more into FROM-styled combat would be like a dream game for me.

I love the melancholy atmosphere of PSO and the jumping around and rock music character-action-esque speed and more outwardly lighthearted feel of PSO2 (from what I played) didn't replicate it for me.

I'm in for Phantasy Souls


Oct 25, 2017
The first time I play a Souls game I felt like I was playing something PSO again. Obviously there are major game design differences, but they both have this relatively bleak atmosphere, a hostile world, and deliberate combat.

I been saying the same when Demon souls came out. There definitely some inspiration there.

Bleak,Hostile world to explore
Slow methodical combat
Main lobby with Portals to different levels
Slow bits and pieces of information lying around to uncover the story of what happened
Classic big giant boss at the end of the level

Somewhat related :
Invasions are basically Dreamcast hacking PKers


Oct 25, 2017
Last I checked, the rumor is there's a reboot part of the new Sega revival

I kinda find it hard to believe they would ever go back to PSO with how much bigger PSO2 is compared to the original.

But maybe after seeing the success of titles like MH and Souls they might try to streamline back to their roots more ?


Nov 15, 2017
I been saying the same when Demon souls came out. There definitely some inspiration there.

Bleak,Hostile world to explore
Slow methodical combat
Main lobby with Portals to different levels
Slow bits and pieces of information lying around to uncover the story of what happened
Classic big giant boss at the end of the level

Somewhat related :
Invasions are basically Dreamcast hacking PKers
One of the things that struck me as a kid was when it hit me that, if you had a quest to find a missing person on Ragol, it was like 50/50 as to whether that person would be alive or not, especially near the end of the game.

And of course the revelation that the person you were looking for the whole game was subsumed by the Eldritch force on the planet and you had to kill her.

I dunno. It's hardly the darkest game ever or anything, but it always just stuck with me.

I don't know if PSO2 ever got to a point where it had that kind of bleakness, maybe it did, but it didn't seem that way from what little I've played.


Oct 28, 2017

I kinda find it hard to believe they would ever go back to PSO with how much bigger PSO2 is compared to the original.

But maybe after seeing the success of titles like MH and Souls they might try to streamline back to their roots more ?

Post from Head on the Block (previously I'm a Hero Too). Again, it's a rumor so take with a grain of salt. I'm personally really hoping it's a return to form with modern QOL features


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not saying anyone under the age of 35 would give a shit about it... but I would pay a lot of money to play this as a proper release on current hardware.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
This is the game that's seared the Dreamcast disc drive grind into my head as if it is a part of the PSO OST


Dec 20, 2018


so this Glader fella has been working on a "remake" for years


I appreciate this guys effort but this is more of an art project than anything.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the things that struck me as a kid was when it hit me that, if you had a quest to find a missing person on Ragol, it was like 50/50 as to whether that person would be alive or not, especially near the end of the game.

And of course the revelation that the person you were looking for the whole game was subsumed by the Eldritch force on the planet and you had to kill her.

I dunno. It's hardly the darkest game ever or anything, but it always just stuck with me.

I don't know if PSO2 ever got to a point where it had that kind of bleakness, maybe it did, but it didn't seem that way from what little I've played.

I think what set it apart was that it had that feeling of hope. There are obviously darker games , but I think what makes PSO feel sadder at times is that there is a lot of positivity around as well. Also the feeling of coming to an end of a voyage to land on a new planet. Like Souls is just grim and dark right from the start.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
having played on sega net with a dreamcast keyboard in the day: hell yes, id be all over this

We all do. I also would love the OST on vinyl

the classic games got vinyl releases last year from ship to shore, here's hoping PSO sees one too!

This. It was the simplicity of the game that made it so great. I would love a remake with new zones, many new zones, larger zones etc.

all of this yes

I certainly don't disagree, but give me Phantasy Star V also.

as a huge classic PS fan: with so much of the team gone (rip reiko kodama), i don't think i'd want a numbered title after IV concluded the series so well. totally open to single player RPG in that universe, though


Oct 25, 2017
I wish we would get an official remake.

There have been some attempts by fans before but they haven't gone anywhere of course SEGA isn't about to self compete with itself and it's the whole reason they refused to give Phantasy Star Nova on the PS Vita and online mode

So until they get tired of faffing about with their micro transaction dress up game with PSO2:NG we probably won't get a real Phantasy Star Online game anytime soon.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

Post from Head on the Block (previously I'm a Hero Too). Again, it's a rumor so take with a grain of salt. I'm personally really hoping it's a return to form with modern QOL features

His posts make me think its something more like Phantasy Star Zero, a new small take on the series but inspired by PSO. Which while not exactly what people want, could still be good if done right. I thought PS0 was a fun spin off.


Oct 25, 2017
Radical. And a tip - I found that the quickest way to level up fast is to join games named "TTF" on the highest difficulty you can handle. TTF is a quest that runs you through the Episode 1 bosses in order. It's pretty popular.

For anyone else interested:

So you were right, if was super easy to get up and running. Is there a community button layout or something you can point me towards. Trying to get it to feel right and it's been a little dicey.
Oct 25, 2017
So you were right, if was super easy to get up and running. Is there a community button layout or something you can point me towards. Trying to get it to feel right and it's been a little dicey.
Just map the action buttons in the bottom right to where they are on your controller. (Ie on xbox pad map the bottom one to a, the right one to b and the left one to x.) map R2 to bring the sub menu up and map reset camera with L2. Movement on LS and menu movement on dpad.


Oct 25, 2017
Just map the action buttons in the bottom right to where they are on your controller. (Ie on xbox pad map the bottom one to a, the right one to b and the left one to x.) map R2 to bring the sub menu up and map reset camera with L2. Movement on LS and menu movement on dpad.

Well I feel dumb. I was staying to mess with things in the Steam controller setup rather than just binding it in game lol.

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
One of the things that struck me as a kid was when it hit me that, if you had a quest to find a missing person on Ragol, it was like 50/50 as to whether that person would be alive or not, especially near the end of the game.

And of course the revelation that the person you were looking for the whole game was subsumed by the Eldritch force on the planet and you had to kill her.

I dunno. It's hardly the darkest game ever or anything, but it always just stuck with me.

I don't know if PSO2 ever got to a point where it had that kind of bleakness, maybe it did, but it didn't seem that way from what little I've played.

I adore how fucking dark everything is. There were just enough breadcrumbs to really create this intriguing tale of government lies and eldritch horror. It really allowed the imagination to fill in the blanks.

My friends and I theorized that the monsters in the ruins were actually the people from the Pioneer 1, infected with the D-cell or whatever it was from De Rol Le that was causing mutations in the wildlife. I don't know if the game ever outright states it, but like, the Delsaber has a photon sword and shield, the Chaos Sorcerer is a staff-wielding Force, etc.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, one of the things that made PSO's setting so interesting was that it felt a like the cosmic horror was mixed with Resident Evil-ish science horror a bit. 100% agree that most Darker enemies are monsters and people corrupted by D-Cells, with Falz itself prioritizing the strongest available that it needed to destroy psychologically rather than physically to make use of them as a host. Was really cool to be able to see some of that firsthand in PSP2i, including the side of her that's famous for being strong as hell when she took out the central dome dragon in one hit.

Though another thing that made the setting so memorable was that it had a very normal side on Pioneer 2, where almost no one has any idea any of that stuff is happening and just want to get married, or stake out land on Ragol and are antsy about why they're not allowed to go down there, or just want to know about the animals planetside. Probably one of the things that makes NGS's setting hard to get into is I have literally no idea what the average person wants or is even doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Yeah alot of folks didn't read the logs but if you did by the time you got to the ruins you've pretty much pieced the whole story together of what the hell happened and you realize you're fighting the citizens/hunters that were on pioneer 1 that weren't lucky enough to just be outright killed. Everyone else was either transformed into the the abominations you're struggling against or directly absorbed into its being. You can visually see this as you're fighting dark falz on what is essentially all the people its eaten.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah alot of folks didn't read the logs but if you did by the time you got to the ruins you've pretty much pieced the whole story together of what the hell happened and you realize you're fighting the citizens/hunters that were on pioneer 1 that weren't lucky enough to just be outright killed. Everyone else was either transformed into the the abominations you're struggling against or directly absorbed into its being. You can visually see this as you're fighting dark falz on what is essentially all the people its eaten.

i think those bits were written by the same person that did PSIV and Sonic Adventure 1. Shame he does not write anymore only management


May 9, 2019
A souls-like is definitely not where I want the series to go.
I think we must have liked very different things about the game if that's something people want.
To be fair, I think most people are comparing it to Souls and MH games because they're the only mainstream action RPGs with simple, weighty, methodical combat. Most action games now are more interested in long, fast combos where your primary means of interacting with the enemies is to do a well timed dodge or parry with little power lent to level design and enemy positioning (granted souls games do some of this too, but are on the tame side of it for sure).

Also the actual RPG elements in those games can be vaguely reminiscent of PSO in terms of how your power scaling impacts the flow of combat (more-so on the souls side). Truth is there isn't a good modern PSO equivalent though so yeah it's a very vague comparison, but I get where it comes from.

Honestly, the only new looter I've played that's felt close to as tightly designed and well realized as PSO is Remnant 2. But it's a shooter so it's not gonna scratch the same itch.

EDIT: nevermind I'm dumb I see people literally saying they want PSO souls now lol


May 9, 2019
So you were right, if was super easy to get up and running. Is there a community button layout or something you can point me towards. Trying to get it to feel right and it's been a little dicey.
I'd recommend adding as a non-steam game and using one of the steam input presets, that way you can have access to techniques and items mapped to the number keys while still using a controller.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
MH is probably the closest thing in a modern sense that I've played to PSO because of the emphasis on positioning. Not being aware of threats outside of your field of vision is the fastest way to die. You didn't have dual analog camera control so you better make damn sure you can secure yourself some escape route to back off if things get too hairy