
Oct 28, 2017
The Mortis arc being only an hororable mention has always been weird to me. That arc has so much mythology in it. I love it.

Btw, do not bother wondering why Ashoka suddenly appears with a 2nd lightsabre (I did and I never got a satisfactory answer, other than "she just does").

what else you need to know other than, he decides to master that kind of lightsaber style?

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
The Mortis arc being only an hororable mention has always been weird to me. That arc has so much mythology in it. I love it.

Btw, do not bother wondering why Ashoka suddenly appears with a 2nd lightsabre (I did and I never got a satisfactory answer, other than "she just does").
That image is quite old, as Rebels actually does call back to some of the old standalone arcs, such as Mortis.


Oct 25, 2017
That image is quite old, as Rebels actually does call back to some of the old standalone arcs, such as Mortis.
Whoever made the image decided mythology important stuff somehow wasn't critical to the "main story". And maybe it's not, but it's still kinda dumb they even made the distinction of "Honorable Mentions". That is why I just tell everyone to include those along with the actual recommended episodes. As long as you use the guide that way it works pretty well.


Oct 28, 2017
lol This interests me.

I have already watched the whole series (in the chronological order) and the movie and have wanted to do a rewatch before the new season comes out, but I know that I can't make it through some of more "filler" type episodes.

This will be the only way I'd be willing to rewatch since there is some great stuff in there and other episodes I was literally forcing myself to play in the background while I did other stuff.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Ignore everyone who says you shouldn't ever watch TV with a guide. They are leading you on a path to the dark side.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't like that image that keep being posted everytime. I think skipping episodes is normally a bad idea (of course there are exceptions like montage episodes like the infamous Shades of Grey in Star Trek).

I mean, if you want to only watch the "lore heavy" or important arcs I guess you could do it, but I will never understand the hate for self-contained episodes (I dislike so much the "filler" word). They can be a lot of fun.

Having said that I think the only "bad" episodes are some of the Jar Jar ones and the ones with the Padme stuff with other senators. If you are watching an episode and you're not feeling it you can always skip it, they are not that long. In my opinion almost all of the "worst" episodes are contained in the first couple of seasons, then it gets better.

Also I will never listen the opinion of someone who does not like the modern classic episode "A Sunny Day in the Void"


Oct 27, 2017
For a show like this, a guide like that is bliss!
I watched season 1 and parts of two without the guide and then switched over to that.

I know that the show gets better going forward but I still enjoyed being able to only watch the important stuff. It is a show that was primarily conceived for kids and there are a lot of episodes that are very "saturday morning cartoon" in how they feel. Which isn't a bad thing, I enjoy those every once in a while - but there are so many episodes and other shows that I don't really want to invest the time into the side stuff.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Anybody who thinks you should watch 100% of the episodes is basically touting a very bad viewing guide. You can't get the wasted time back.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
I've been using this guide the past few days after watching all of season 1 and most of 2 years ago. It's awesome because some of those episodes were trash and all of them listed in the guide have been really great.


Oct 25, 2017
That guide is fine but for the love of god people watch the honorable mentions too cause the Mortis arc shouldn't be in there.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I watched the movie way back when but hated it and wanted to die. A few months later, I decided to give the series a shot, but the first episode underwhelmed me so I dropped it and never looked back.

I've seen tons of people hyping it in the intervening years, especially recently, so last night I decided to give it one more shot - this time by following that chart people keep posting in every thread. Third time's the charm, maybe?

I started with the Malevolence arc and...thought it was pretty boring. Not sure why people recommend it, unless the plot ties into better arcs down the line. I also watched Rookies, which was better, but still kinda meh. I guess I'll keep going, but idk I'm not feeling it yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched the movie way back when but hated it and wanted to die. A few months later, I decided to give the series a shot, but the first episode underwhelmed me so I dropped it and never looked back.

I've seen tons of people hyping it in the intervening years, especially recently, so last night I decided to give it one more shot - this time by following that chart people keep posting in every thread. Third time's the charm, maybe?

I started with the Malevolence arc and...thought it was pretty boring. Not sure why people recommend it, unless the plot ties into better arcs down the line. I also watched Rookies, which was better, but still kinda meh. I guess I'll keep going, but idk I'm not feeling it yet.
It's not that those arcs are what we all love about it, it's just that they're better than the crap that most of S1 is. The show gets progressively better with each season. Season 1 is definitely the worst, and while I would say season 2 is a step up, and has a few "main story critical" arcs... Season 3 is where it finally really finds itself. Most of what people rave about is the majority of that season, as well as season 4, 5, and 6. I know it's a big ask to get anyone interested in this series given how rough it is at the start, but I hope you stick with it and end up seeing what so many of us do.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Season 1 is straight up bad, Season 2 had some alright episodes (Geonosis + Mandalore arcs) but is still pretty meh.

I started season 3 and am only 1 episode in but I'm still not really hooked, it doesn't help that sometimes the show can be really really ugly.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, if you want to only watch the "lore heavy" or important arcs I guess you could do it, but I will never understand the hate for self-contained episodes (I dislike so much the "filler" word). They can be a lot of fun.
self-contained episodes are fine

self contrained, terrible episodes should be skipped

I fucking love Star Trek, but there's no way I'd tell anyone to watch all of The Next Generation without skipping anything


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
You skip them all and watch the really good one instead.


Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
self-contained episodes are fine

self contrained, terrible episodes should be skipped

I fucking love Star Trek, but there's no way I'd tell anyone to watch all of The Next Generation without skipping anything
Avatar still had the best use of "filler" episodes ever. Season 1 outside of a few episodes would be considered filler for a lot of other shows but they pack a shitton of character development, humor, backstory and arcs that come back later in season 3 so it's so good.


Oct 25, 2017
Season 1 is straight up bad, Season 2 had some alright episodes (Geonosis + Mandalore arcs) but is still pretty meh.

I started season 3 and am only 1 episode in but I'm still not really hooked, it doesn't help that sometimes the show can be really really ugly.
Part of the problem is the show was originally envisioned as a children's saturday morning cartoon... but as we all know, Star Wars fans are a much broader group than that and it was appealing much more to that greater audience. The show sort of changed its target as it went along and began to tell more complex stories. Additionally, Lucas himself stepped back a bit after the second season... and not super coincidentally is when the series started to become something more. Cartoon Network also moved it to a night time slight to better reflect what it became.

Avatar still had the best use of "filler" episodes ever. Season 1 outside of a few episodes would be considered filler for a lot of other shows but they pack a shitton of character development, humor, backstory and arcs that come back later in season 3 so it's so good.
If you stick with it, I think you'll find that TCW has done a few similar things. Not coincidentally, Dave Filoni, the showrunner for TCW, previously worked on Avatar The Last Airbender.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen this passed around a few years ago.

Edit: Beaten!

Neat. Thanks.

I probably shouldn't be asking in this thread but are there consensus guides like this for shit like The X-Files and Star Trek?

With so many different things on that I wanna watch, anthologies with so many episodes usually take a backseat for me. I think I'd hop in more often with guides like this available.

Might make a thread for viewing guides on anthology series.


Oct 27, 2017
I genuinely do not understand this mindset with a complete TV series. I can't just skip episodes.
With so much media today, it's really hard to watch everything of every series. I wish I had time to it but I really don't. if I can save myself ~3 hours by not watching subpar episodes it's really helpful.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Avoid all episodes with droids. They are truly awful and not as funny as they think. The incompetence stinks to high heavens.


Oct 25, 2017
Avoid all episodes with droids. They are truly awful and not as funny as they think. The incompetence stinks to high heavens.
I vaguely recall one that actually is part 1 of an arc that is otherwise not about them, that's basically the only exception. Unfortunately I don't remember which one that is.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Cloak of Darkness was p. neat - Ventress is cool and her fight with the battle nun was decent.

Lair of Grevious was just okay. Kind of whatever.

Trespass was the first solid-all-the-way-through episode. Those furry tube mouth aliens better not get wiped out in a future episode...


Oct 25, 2017
Cloak of Darkness was p. neat - Ventress is cool and her fight with the battle nun was decent.

Lair of Grevious was just okay. Kind of whatever.

Trespass was the first solid-all-the-way-through episode. Those furry tube mouth aliens better not get wiped out in a future episode...
I think Trespass is the best episode of a pretty mediocre starting season. Glad to see you've decided to keep going!


Apr 29, 2019
I'd suggest to watch it all. The guide skips a lot of the weirder (but good!) episodes like Nomad Droids and A Sunny Day in the Void (a personal favorite of mine) which is part of a larger 4 episode arc.

There's also a chance that the material in the upcoming 7th season will reference events from prior episodes, and I personally wouldn't want to skip anything and end up missing out, but that's just me.

Edit: Also the fact that the Deception Arc in season 4 is only an honorable mention is a real shame. It's got Anakin out for revenge, bounty hunters being cool, Obi-Wan undercover in the underworld among them, and the probably the best appearances of Count Dooku in the entire series (rivaled only by his time during the final episodes of season 6). I feel like it's absolutely essential if only for how it shows Anakin inching closer to the dark side and growing more distrustful of the Jedi.

The episode that follows, Massacre is also a personal favorite of mine, as it's one of the few episodes that has a pure villain vs. villain conflict and is one of General Grievous' best episodes. A definite watch, I think.
Last edited:


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I just watched the Malevolence arc and it was... ok? I started zoning out at parts, but the train chase was pretty cool, I suppose.

Interesting to see that Grievous was the first one to say "Hello there" to Kenobi. That added weight to his quip in RotS might have been worth those three eps.


Oct 25, 2017
Season 1 is straight up bad, Season 2 had some alright episodes (Geonosis + Mandalore arcs) but is still pretty meh.

I started season 3 and am only 1 episode in but I'm still not really hooked, it doesn't help that sometimes the show can be really really ugly.

There's a bump in the budget and an art style change halfway through season 3.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd suggest to watch it all. The guide skips a lot of the weirder (but good!) episodes like Nomad Droids and A Sunny Day in the Void (a personal favorite of mine) which is part of a larger 4 episode arc.

There's also a chance that the material in the upcoming 7th season will reference events from prior episodes, and I personally wouldn't want to skip anything and end up missing out, but that's just me.
We already know which arcs are comprising season 7, one of which had previously been released with incomplete animation.
I just watched the Malevolence arc and it was... ok? I started zoning out at parts, but the train chase was pretty cool, I suppose.

Interesting to see that Grievous was the first one to say "Hello there" to Kenobi. That added weight to his quip in RotS might have been worth those three eps.
Yeah, the entire first season is not really more than "ok" even at its best, but hopefully (like with several others here) you are able to make it through into the better material.

The Clone Wars saved the prequel trilogy from irrelevance but could not save Jar Jar.

To be fair, that was always going to be a big ask. And still, they almost did it with the one actually good Jar Jar arc in Season 6.
For someone willing to watch filler if it's decent is there a list of awful episodes to skip?
Follow the same guide I posted on page 1 for season 1 and 2, then just watch everything from season 3 on.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The Ryloth arc was honestly kind of whatever.

Hostage Crisis was pretty decent though. I liked the bounty hunters.

Overall, (the 11/22 episodes that I watched of) season 1 wasn't too bad. Trespass, Hostage Crisis, and Cloak of Darkness were the only ones that I felt were actually worthwhile; the others, while not terrible, were pretty bland and forgettable.

I'll try to start season 2 some time after Thanksgiving.


Oct 25, 2017
The Ryloth arc was honestly kind of whatever.

Hostage Crisis was pretty decent though. I liked the bounty hunters.

Overall, (the 11/22 episodes that I watched of) season 1 wasn't too bad. Trespass, Hostage Crisis, and Cloak of Darkness were the only ones that I felt were actually worthwhile; the others, while not terrible, were pretty bland and forgettable.

I'll try to start season 2 some time after Thanksgiving.
As soon as I saw him, I thought Cad Bane in live action was inevitable... still waiting though.
Before starting on The Clone Wars, someone on youtube actually made a Canon Edit of the Micro Series (Genndy Tartakovsky).
First 2 Parts should be seen after Episode II
Then watch The Clone Wars, I recommend using this guide Clone Wars Trim the Fat Edition.
and the last 2 parts before Episode III.
I hadn't seen this guide before but I don't think it's great. Not only does it "trim" less "fat" than the popular guide I posted, it also does some really weird stuff with the episode order. At first I thought it was just basically doing chronological order, but it's not. It's even more weird jumbled... all the way to the end, where it's recommending watching some of season 6 before finishing season 5. I don't understand that at all.

Also, what exactly is that edit of the 2D cartoon supposed to have done? Skipping through it, all it seems like (from memory) is it took out the small padme part and the 5 minutes of Mace Windu destroying a bunch of clones that everyone loves.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
As soon as I saw him, I thought Cad Bane in live action was inevitable... still waiting though.

I hadn't seen this guide before but I don't think it's great. Not only does it "trim" less "fat" than the popular guide I posted, it also does some really weird stuff with the episode order. At first I thought it was just basically doing chronological order, but it's not. It's even more weird jumbled... all the way to the end, where it's recommending watching some of season 6 before finishing season 5. I don't understand that at all.

Also, what exactly is that edit of the 2D cartoon supposed to have done? Skipping through it, all it seems like (from memory) is it took out the small padme part and the 5 minutes of Mace Windu destroying a bunch of clones that everyone loves.
The part with Dooku meeting Asajj is also no longer canon.


Oct 26, 2017
I really love clone wars. It is the best star war there is and made me a fan of star wars. ALso Bad episode of clone war > rebels


Oct 29, 2017
So you want to watch The Clone Wars but don't want to watch The Clone Wars. That's a tough call.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
Some of the best episodes are the political intrigue ones, which I think that list sadly omits several of.


Oct 30, 2017
Am not a fan of that list.
To be honest, you can skip season 1 and anything with Jar Jar in and you'll mostly be fine