
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's worth a shot. Nier Automata isn't really that anime, outside of the costumes. It's fairly light on anime tropes and doesn't harp on them the way some of the more anime games do.
Kevin Shields

Kevin Shields

Oct 27, 2017
Quick Update: it's not too bad! Haven't really got far at all, about to go to desert area, but the music is really drawing me in. Open world is very fetch questy right now, but I'm still gonna roll with it for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
I hate most animes, but I enjoyed Automata - Mostly.
The sexual pandering was super uncomfortable and unnecessary ,and the story didn't quite live up to it's promise in the end IMO, because like a lot of anime stories it ended up in a semi-coherent clusterfuck. So, it's not quite like Evangelion where it absolutely transcends the tropes of the medium and manages to be a fully coherent masterpiece - It's like 70% of the way there, and sometime it just got stuck way too deep up the genre's tropes and its own ass.

I also enjoyed the socialist and existential name dropping even though the game's narrative didn't manage to make anything out of it.


Oct 27, 2017
No interest in Japanese RPGs or anime, but downloaded Nier through game pass and the prologue was fun although my anti anime sensors were ringing at times. At the same time it feels a bit "different". It's on the cusp for me and I'm wondering if I should invest a lot of time. Also reading an article that it goes for some ambitious philosophic concepts has me intrigued. Teaching a intro to philosophy class at college, and wouldn't mind a good mind bender while I do

should I continue? Again, don't like final fantasy, xenoblade, chrono trigger... I always give up on all of them!
Let me tell you. I hate anime, but I love this game. The acting can get corny at times, but the story is something genuinely unique and worth experiencing. Also, it's not much similar to those other games you listed since it's an action game rather than a JRPG. Nier gets as philosophical as you want it to, especially in the third act.
But yeah, I'm in the same position as you, but I love the game.


Mar 13, 2018
Xenoblade 1 and 2 seem very different to me in the anime scale so it's hard to me to lump the whole franchise together like you just did.


Oct 30, 2019
Most likely a very hard no. The existence of canonical stage plays alone seals that deal. There are all sorts of philosophical themes that might ascend over basically all else but you could look them up on YT. Friedrich Engels is coming for you:

The semi-prequel is even more niche and frankly more unique than good so don´t even both with its remake. It's one of the most "anime" games of that gen and also a sort of J-PRG.

PS: Taro is a manga, LN and I guess stage play writer. He is as anime as it gets.
Kevin Shields

Kevin Shields

Oct 27, 2017
Made it past the sand with the funky naked Android that got two swords in him. Phew, I'm on the edge here of deciding whether to continue.... I'm curious to it's themes cause I got a feeling it's going to be humans are all gone and be about finding meaning with no meaning if y'all are saying it's existentialist.

Yet I don't know if I can stick it out.Im enjoying combat, but the character designs and aura are kinda grating for me already. I may give it some more time....


Oct 27, 2017

As already said, "disliking anime" sounds like "disliking movies" or "disliking books", so you actually meant something more specified.

Speaking of, if you like David Lynch movies, should really watch works by Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue is practically Mulholland Drive before Mulholland Drive, while Paprika and Millenium Actress perhaps closer to Michel Gondry works). And like this thread suggested, cyberpunk/sci-fi classics that also touch on philosophy/ideology subjects like Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain etc. There is also some very avantgarde stuff like Angel's Egg, Tehxnolyze, Ping Pong etc. And i think, that for "based westerner" golden era of anime is late 80s early 90s with titles like Ninja Scroll, Demon City Shunjuku, Genocyber etc.

As for NierA... give it a chance and see if it resonates with you. Though imho, Drakengard 1 is more interesting (but much more painful as game)


Jul 13, 2020
Nier automata is as anime as it gets though, story wise. But the art style might be different enough.

Just hating anime is a bit weird though sinds the medium has all sorts of genres.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
is Nier Automata "anime"? Yes. However, anime encompasses a lot more than shonen which is what people think of when they think anime (fanservice, tropey, over reliance on action).
Will you hate it? Maybe? especially if you hate say FFXV.


Oct 27, 2017
Worst case scenario, you put the game on ultra easy and breeze through the story in around 20 hours.
Oct 27, 2017
Do you REALLY hate anime? It's like saying you hate movies or music, it's just an art form. Have you watched masterpieces like Akira, for example?


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
is Nier Automata "anime"? Yes. However, anime encompasses a lot more than shonen which is what people think of when they think anime (fanservice, tropey, over reliance on action).
Will you hate it? Maybe? especially if you hate say FFXV.
I honestly gave up on people whenever someone says they hate particular medium. It's not really worth it


Apr 12, 2020
Dunno, it's not very anime, unless you count anime that isn't very anime. It's also not easily comparable to anything else. Try, I guess?
Kevin Shields

Kevin Shields

Oct 27, 2017
Do you REALLY hate anime? It's like saying you hate movies or music, it's just an art form. Have you watched masterpieces like Akira, for example?

like I said earlier is that "hate" is a strong word. I have not enjoyed anything coming from genre as much as I have tried. I don't know if I dislike all anime as I have not consumed it all, but I guess it would be similiar to movies if I have t found a movie that I liked :)

I'm not disparaging everyone else for enjoying it, I wish I could, I just can't seem to get into it.

Nier A is going back and forth for me but I keep playing so that is good news I guess. Just beat circus part and met Pascal. It's both drawing me in and pushing me away at the same time.
Oct 27, 2017
like I said earlier is that "hate" is a strong word. I have not enjoyed anything coming from genre as much as I have tried. I don't know if I dislike all anime as I have not consumed it all, but I guess it would be similiar to movies if I have t found a movie that I liked :)

I'm not disparaging everyone else for enjoying it, I wish I could, I just can't seem to get into it.

Nier A is going back and forth for me but I keep playing so that is good news I guess. Just beat circus part and met Pascal. It's both drawing me in and pushing me away at the same time.
You're Good. I was so sleepy last night, sorry I didn't give your post proper attention. I'm not even that big into anime, but there's a lot of generalize that all anime is had. I just decided to complain about it to the wrong user :p