
Oct 25, 2017
I would not worship or follow him, no, but I got a list of shit in the world that needs work if he really wants to try and help


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Uh no shit? Like he can send ya to hell. That place will suck ass dude (and not in a good way).


Oct 26, 2017
A better way to think of this is that the christian god could have removed all doubt and revealed itself at some point during the last 2000 years, eliminating atheism entirely AND preventing any number of religious conflicts across the globe.

So...why didn't it?
How do you know he didn't? Were you alive for the last 2000 years?


Oct 25, 2017
Is this thread where the rebellion against god starts? I call dibs on the gravity gun and Lightsaber.


Oct 25, 2017
How would we confirm that it was truly the Christian God and not some being trying to trick us?
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, but if the choice is between worshipping an insecure, petty, and cruel God or having to deal with rivers turning to blood, swarms of locusts, and continent-sized floods I'll worship god.
But that all-knowing god would know you're doing it wrongly and punish you too. Only the brutal worshipers that carried out his bloodlust would carry its favor.


Nov 6, 2017
yeah if god showed me heaven/hell as well as my current status of heaven/hell, I'd pull myself up by my bootstraps and stop eating pig.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
If there was a God, wouldn't all the horrible things of this world be our fault since we're all assholes? How many of us actually dedicate our lives to helping the poor or sick? I honestly think a God would owe us nothing since we suck as a species.


May 15, 2018
A better way to think of this is that the christian god could have removed all doubt and revealed itself at some point during the last 2000 years, eliminating atheism entirely AND preventing any number of religious conflicts across the globe.

So...why didn't it?

I mean going by the Bible he did a lot of proving his existence from Adam and Eve all the way up to I think Israel

Maybe he just got tired of trying
Oct 27, 2017
I would believe he/she/it exists, but I would never worship he/she/it. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic God is responsible for some absolutely horrid acts.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
He can't really exist, an all loving god can't exist when he lets pedophilia happen and some babies and animals aren't even born right. You might as well say, 'what if you secretly gave birth to yourself and didn't know it?' It just doesn't make sense and all loving is like an oxymoron.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
If god was theoretically real and proven to exist, no that would not immediately make me worship it, unless: it's principles and rules were persuasive and reasonable (like a parent or family member's authority) or it was immediately apparent I would suffer immediate irreconcilable consequences if I did not follow it (like an unjust law).

Same as if aliens invaded tomorrow or something and it was revealed they seeded the planet. It doesn't give them a right to enslave us. If the contract was untenable, rebel.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
How do you know he didn't? Were you alive for the last 2000 years?

If incontrovertible proof existed i wouldn't need to have been alive. The proof would still be there.

No one denies Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, the Great Pyramids, the moon, Polio, the grand Canyon, Tuna Fish, or the 1982 Green Bay Packers existed.

There is tangible proof of these things. No one sane denies they exist. There has never been any similar proof for the christian god.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I like the idea that god is real, but still somehow doesn't have any control over if you believe in it or not.

God, can create the universe, be everywhere at everytime. But make some random fucker believe? Stop same sex marriage? Protect gun rights? Only people can sort that shit out.


Oct 29, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Just because he reveals himself doesn't mean I'm gonna follow him.
What the hell would I or anyone follow that God if you have not already been indoctrinated to accept inhuman atrocities.
You would have to be insane, stupid or full of hate to want to follow that demon of evil, suffering and pain.

If he revealed himself I'd say, "oh so you actually are real? At least now I can tell you to fuck off and I know you exist to hear it."
Oct 27, 2017
Follow as in worship? Absolutely not. If an all-encompassing cosmic entity does exist I certainly wouldn't prostrate myself before something so capricious and malicious.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
i wouldn't believe in a god even on my final death bed, if he/she/it appeared to me i would just assume it's a hallucination.

though if im completely honest, i have been very close to death, 11 days in the ICU on a ventilator and i hallucinated like CRAZY, and i actually believed my hallucinations, embarrassing as that is... i thought i was in WW3 etc, all felt so real that i had NO doubt in my mind that it was happening.

so actually yeah i'd believe in a god real easily if it was convincing enough :P damnit.


Oct 26, 2017
God is omnipotent right? So he would be at Palestine or Syria
That's "omnipresent".
No one denies Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, the Great Pyramids,
Do they really exist, or is it just popular consensus that they exist? Is the past a place you can walk to and visit, if not, where do they exist except inside memory?
Tell that to the antivaxxers.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
He had to fight the plethora of all the other gods and goddesses first. The best mode was a round robin tournament.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Everybody would be pretty bummed out when they realize they have to give up all their fun stuff they've convinced themselves is Christian and start living like a Jehovah's Witness.

The mega church people might be the first in line to denounce him as a false idol.
How would we confirm that it was truly the Christian God and not some being trying to trick us?
I guess even if God literally reveals himself, you still gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith.

Gnosticism would definitely have a big comeback.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean if He starts damning disbelievers then puts a livestream of Hell on Twitch/YouTube, would you really be sitting there going: "Well what if this was a trick and that's not really Hell".


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
That's "omnipresent".

Do they really exist, or is it just popular consensus that they exist?

This is a distinction without a difference for the purpose of this thread. There is enough proof that 99.999999% of sane people agree that these things exist and don't debate the issue. This is not the case for the christian god or ANY god.

Tell that to the antivaxxers.

Antivaxxers don't believe that polio never existed. Also I said "sane people." No use debating on what will convince crazy people.

Ms. Virion

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Frozen Hoosier Wasteland
I've always figured there are 2 questions when it comes to the worship of capital G god, at least for myself.

1: Does he exist
2: Does he deserve worship.

The first being proven still leaves the second to be answered. If he was willing, since he's already at this point shown up to go "Hey I'm real, check it," to answer some hard questions without the vagueness and "Do as I say because I made you"-ness of the Bible and I felt them satisfactory? Sure.

I'm open to the existence of God, but I'm not going to devote my life to someone with his track record without some actual answers.


Oct 25, 2017
Why we gotta assume its the christian god? I hope it would be some pagan god predating Christianity.


Oct 26, 2017
This is a distinction without a difference for the purpose of this thread. There is enough proof that 99.999999% of sane people agree that these things exist and don't debate the issue. This is not the case for the christian god or ANY god.
First, you make the assumption that everyone in the world has had a classical American education. I guarantee you most people in China have little to no idea who Lincoln is, just like you don't know how many dynasties there were in Chinese history. So that's immediately ~1 billion people out of 7 billion who wouldn't be sure of the existence of Lincoln.

Second, there are more people who follow the Bible/Torah/Qu'ran than people who have memorized their Presidents, so if we're leaning on popular consensus then the Judeo-Christian God has more of a claim over minds than Lincoln.

So once again I must ask, on what terms can something be said to have "existed"?


Nov 10, 2017
like, which version would he reveal himself as? the judaic version, christian version, islamic version, mormon version, or other?
can we get him to clarify the writings?
will the other gods start showing up? like the hindu ones? or odin?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A better way to think of this is that the christian god could have removed all doubt and revealed itself at some point during the last 2000 years, eliminating atheism entirely AND preventing any number of religious conflicts across the globe.

So...why didn't it?

That never works. All it would do would start a more centralized religious conflict and then it's nothing but micromanagement all the time.

If you can't get everyone to believe that the Earth is round how the hell do you think that's going to go over any better?


Oct 25, 2017
I have read the Bible and in the biblical days when he would perform miracles and prove his existence there were still non believers.

Would any atheist on here change the way they live because he exist or would you challenge what he believes is how we are suppose to live our lives

Um yes?

If God showed up tomorrow and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was all real, from death for mixing fabrics to she- bears dismembering children for bald jokes, yes I would probably toe the line right quick. I wouldn't be happy about it and I would need to re-examine some previous choices.

The absence of evidence for any of the claims made by the biggest religions is the only reason I am not religious.

I even like a lot of the rules like love thy neighbor but the legit good ones persist with or without the evidence.

I imagine it's a vanishingly small number of atheists who "do it" just to be edgy. You either grow up with a religion and accept/reject it - or you make up your mind based on compelling evidence/message or you choose one you read about on Goop (philosophy website by the inventor of yoga).


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
A person doesn't need God to do parlor tricks or crazy miracles to believe or not believe. You're either going to be the kind of person that believes in a specifc higher power (or leans that way), or you're not. People are only going to look for confirmation of what they think they already know to be true.

If God showed up tomorrow and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was all real,

Kinda my point. Who even knows what that would entail.

Just how I percieve the situation.
Last edited:


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
I do think it's been tampered with

Just speaking on God and whether he exist or not it's one of many sources that I think should be noted but not the only one

The bible is not one document. It's a collection of dozens of different documents that were voted on by the Church as to whether or not they were the divinely inspired word of God.

Some stuff got in, some stuff did not.

There's a LOT of suspension of belief one has to engage in to accept that the bible as we know it in present day is in any way a reliable document. As these things go, one could invent a religion entirely and have it be just as authoritative from an objective standpoint- which is basically what Joseph Smith did when he wrote the book of Mormon.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Funny thing if God appeared and proved to be true- He would not just be the God of Christians- Jews and Muslims would also have to be convinced. Not to mention sects like the Mormons. Would believers be able to admit their interpretation of God had been wrong in the presences of the True God? Or would they cling Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, or Joseph Smith?

How would believers explain to God the reason why they made so many different, warring sect that worship Him?


Oct 26, 2017
Surprised by the answers. So, even if a God were to "prove" himself to you, you still wouldn't follow him/change how you live? You would risk hell?

Deleted member 25712

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
If I was convinced it was actually an omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient being I was talking to, then sure I'd change my course and ask it why it's been such a cock.