Stallion Free

Oct 29, 2017
I wouldn't mind them putting out a Gears 6 before moving on. Gears 5 was an awesome campaign and it looked insane on PC. Definitely excited for whatever they do next.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Agreed, too many people slept on this game or didn't enjoy it and I think you hit to the nail on the head as to the reason why.

The fact that they didn't really touch the moment to moment gameplay itself meant it was easy to overlook.
That formula was already kind of wearing thin by the time it hit Gears of War 3 and they didn't really do much with it outside of adding some weapons and environment effects..

But everything else about Gears 5 is top notch.
The characters and story were interesting, the worlds were beautiful and nicely realized and it sets a benchmark for graphics.
I found the pacing to be quite nice as well.

For me it was probably the most I've enjoyed a Gears game since Gears 2.

Well I'd personally like to see where the story goes, I'd also like to see what that studio can do without the shackles of the Gears IP especially in terms of gameplay because I think they've proved themselves quite competent in practically every other department.

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
Well, I'd be fine with a GoW level change too. Completely new designs for everything, completely new setting, completely new gameplay, but GoW had the advantage of having a possibility of a reboot already set up. Not sure how you'd do the same with Gears.
They've already planted the seeds of space travel being possible in the Gears universe. They could have Gears 6 end with humanity going into space in search of a new home.

Then Gears "7" could take place on a new planet several centuries into the future.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Gears 5 was the definition of mediocre so I'd love a new ip from them. I am enjoying Tactics though.

Gears 5 was not mediocre it was excellent. It just didn't have the same impact or hype as the original trilogy because it was the sixth game in the series that hasn't reinvented itself.

Gears 1
Gears 2
Gears 3
Gears Judgement
Gears 4
Gears 5


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed the series needs to take good break and wish the devs to come up with something fresh, something they want to do.


Oct 27, 2017
In what way does the Gears IP stop them from doing anything new and fresh?

I want more Gears.

But they could tweak parts of it. Put Kait in a heli crash, only survivor, no functional classic Gears gear, no bulky suit, make her survive the wild, pull back the camera during traversal but keep the close shoulder cam during fights, team up with some old crew member that was thought to be dead but just went off-grid, sneak past the enemy lines from behind, in the shadows, etc. Then retrieve the classic Gears suit mid game for a Kratos blades moment.

Deleted member 54292

User requested account closure
Feb 27, 2019
"Like, look at this, do these gifs look like a Gears game?"

you can sub in SOOOOO many games for this sentence. IPs should feel like places worth exploring with new ideas, not something set in stone by their first showing.

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
I played it and never saw anything special even as a new IP but I agree with your point, they need to move on and prove themselves in something entirely new.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Gears 5 was actually a great game to me. Much better than 4. I'm wondering if all these critics even played the game...


Loved the trilogy. Didn't enjoy Judgement. Couldn't make it through 4, it bored me to tears. 5 on the other hand was a fun experience. Worth a playthrough.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
This trilogy is such a misfire lol. I think the only good it did was give The Coalition AAA experience as a studio (not that its team members didnt already have it individually).

The fact that they have to spend another 2-3 years on Gears 6 sucks.
I..disagree. I had a blast playing Gears 5. It looked and played incredibly well. I don't think there is a 3rd person shooter that feels better to play. I like Kait as well. I think the overall story is a little boring but the characters are fun. I will happily play a Gears 6 even if it plays the exact same as Gears 5. There are also not a lot of great Co-Op experiences anymore, soo more of that.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like this gets brought up multiple times every week.

Personally I agree. Make the next one a new IP, experiment, try new stuff and come back to Gears 6 with all that learning.

Not that Gears 5 was bad. I loved the campaign, particularly the story and the new locations.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I've played hundreds and hundreds of hours of Gears online this gen (never touched the campaigns) and I'd personally be really sad if they dropped it and also strongly against it making massive sweeping God of War style changes to gameplay. Those kinds of changes are fine when you're a single player story game but the game has a dedicated audience that obsessed and revolts over the tiniest gnasher changes. The Coalition made UE strictly to prove to the Gears crowd that they knew what Gears was and what they wanted. Remember when Halo 4 tried to make Halo modern? Remember how everyone loves to tell you much they hate mantle and sprint in Halo 5 and want Halo to go back to feeling like the old games?

We may not see it as much in Europe or the US but Gears online is an absolutely behemoth in South America. It currently sits as the fourth most played Xbox game in Mexico, above Minecraft, FIFA, Siege etc. Even Gears 4 is played more than the vast majority of games there. It's really hard to make massive changes to a game like that without pissing off the core audience you already have. It's not hard to see why they stick absolutely to the Gears formula.

Ive made this suggestion before but I'd be pro them splitting the campaign and multiplayer up or just dropping single player. They won't and they shouldn't touch multiplayer beyond small changes. Gears is Gears.

I agree with you that a new IP from The Coalition would be great to see. If they want to do that. If they want to keep making Gears then I say good luck to them. There's still a crowd for it. Microsoft have enough studios now that they don't need them all working on new things. They can presumably keep those flagship big games while other studios work on new things like Everwild or Grounded or whatever the rest of them are up to. I wouldn't rush to take Gears off of The Coalition or to push them to do something new. I'd be really sad if they dropped Gears now.
Last edited:


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I actually loved Gears 5 so I don't agree from a personal perspective, though I understand what you mean from a creative and marketing one.

Gears just doesn't have the same pull with audiences as it used to, and a new IP from The Coalition could be something really special, new and exciting, not to mention a visual or tech benchmark.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved Gears 5, but the thing is, it's still the same gears, it was a solid 8 and a gears game built on the same foundation could never be my GOTY.

I love gears like a comfort food sorta way. In for gears 6 tho.


Oct 25, 2017
i liked Gears 5 but it didn't stick with me all that much. in fact, i forgot all about the big choice until i saw it mentioned in a thread here lol.

the whole "we could've done something crazy but didn't" pitch for Gears 4 (a game i also liked) still bums me out
Apr 16, 2020
The Coalition has some crazy talent. I would love to see them tackle a new IP because I am getting tired of Gears. However, I don't see it happening right now. They were literally founded to be a Gears studio, just like 343 was founded to be a Halo studio.
Not to be a stickler, but no, they weren't at all. They were first black tusk, and they were working on something. They were asked if they wanted to work on gears and then they changed the name. They could easily start a new IP after Gears 6 without anyone being surprised

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Totally agree they should make something new. Gears 5 wasn't bad but it didn't exite me. Playing through it just made me realize how I'm over that series.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I kind of feel similarly. I hope they either change up the series even further with the next game (go full-on open world with light(!!!) RPG/customization elements), or they just end the series with the next one and then move on to something else. Gears 5 was fantastic, but I really feel like it was held back by those thoughts of "This is just another Gears game".

I think the next one is going to be even more different though. There's no way it isn't to some degree after

making you choose between saving JD or Del while the other one dies.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean people argued that God of War was tired, but they reinvigorated the franchise. I think there is still space in the Gears franchise do something new and fresh. I am just about to beat Gears Tacics which felt very fresh to me but still had that Gears feel.

I liked Gears 5 and am intrigued in Gears Tactics.

I think the problem is the Gears feel.

I abhor the God of War trilogy but the most recent God of War is something I want to play at some point because it looks like it has a completely different feel to it.

I mean, honestly Gears should just stay Gears though. Its okay if it has limited appeal. Shrug.
Nov 23, 2018
Gears isn't going away (see $$$ spent to purchase the IP from Epic).

Saying Gears has not room to grow/innovate is wrong. The Gears universe is extremely scalable into new eras, locations, and stories, and the IP can successfully move to new genres (e.g., Gears Tactics, Gears POP!).


Oct 27, 2017
i liked Gears 5 but it didn't stick with me all that much. in fact, i forgot all about the big choice until i saw it mentioned in a thread here lol.

the whole "we could've done something crazy but didn't" pitch for Gears 4 (a game i also liked) still bums me out
The big choice was the worst thing about the game. It's like the team was split on the subject and couldn't make the choice themselves and forced the player to do it themselves. But they still really wanted you to make a certain choice sooo bad but as a fan that just made you feel like shit. I hated all of that. Imagine Naughty Dog pulling something like that in TLOU or Uncharted. So dumb. And now they have to split the story in two and do each one as well or they'll have half the users hating on it.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I played through Gears 5 and enjoyed my time with it in the moment, but it's a game with no lasting impact. I don't know if it's the franchise or what, but it's not something I think about a week after completing it and that could be why it gets no recognition.


Oct 25, 2017
whatever is going to happen the studio needs to hire replacements for some of the high profile turnover they've had over the course of 4 months. They lost the lead MP designer, lead MP producer and head of the studio in that time.


Oct 25, 2017
Part of me thinks you're right, but parts of me thinks Gears 5 just wasn't that great to begin with. The open world did the game no favor, and the 3rd chapter I believe (the desert one) had TERRIBLE pacing.

Gears 4 was actually an incredible game, and exactly what I wanted from gears going forward. Creepy atmosphere (not the brightday one we got in 5) and tight pacing.

If they want to bring open world back for Gears 6 then make it actually meaningful. And get rid of the gadget BS plz, and put that work into more guns variety.

Deleted member 35653

User requested account closure
Dec 8, 2017
I would rather want to see how far they can push the franchise. If they actually hit a wall, then sure, they should try something new.
Someone here mentioned Horizon, I think the situation is quite different, Killzone was the eternal 'it has potential' game, and seeing how mediocre Shadow Fall was I'm not surprised they moved on something else (for now). Gears on the other hand was something phenomenal, a very strong basis that just needs some reinvention without throwing away what's good.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I agree that its time to give gears to another smaller team like PCF or even the ultimate would be to get Cliffy back in with his own studio. Let Coalition branch out, I wish they did it while Rod was still there so he didn't leave. I don't think they should stop the franchise though like some people do just a rest.

Even the "bad" Gears games are good and there's a lot of fans there, the people who make the jokes about "Oh great another Gears" or "Gears, Halo, Forza" aren't forced to play, probably haven't played, or would complain no matter what. It just needs a break.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 19, 2020
I didn't play Gears 5 until last week after beating Gears Tactics and I was definitely surprised by how good it was. I though 4 was ok but what The Coalition did with this game was pretty good. I enjoyed the open world for the most part (the side quests felt the same) and the graphics were some of the best I've seen this gen (played on PC). I think now that Rob left they will just finish Gears 6 and move on to something new or revisit old projects. With how talented they are I'm pretty sure that whatever they do next will be great.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't a lot of the game design work for the Gears 5 campaign get outsourced? I can't remember where I heard that from, I think it was on a podcast somewhere, maybe Schreier's


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
The Coalition has some crazy talent. I would love to see them tackle a new IP because I am getting tired of Gears. However, I don't see it happening right now. They were literally founded to be a Gears studio, just like 343 was founded to be a Halo studio.

And I think that more or less displays the problems Microsoft have with their legacy studios. Too much emphasis is put on their brand keeping major staples as their focus for their brand. Halo, Gears, Forza need a break. Halo, Gears especially.

Get new IP's or bring back old ones and let those show what your brand is capable outside of your comfort zone. Ori is a good starting point.


Dec 13, 2017
Gears 5 and 4 for that matter were both extremely solid games with amazing graphics and Gears 5 had drop dead gorgeous environments and cutscenes with great acting and animation.

Loved them both.

The trouble with it all is that Gears is stuck in a lane that isn't popular anymore. They need to get out of it. But changing the game in a drastic way will get them slaughtered by the vocal minority and hardcore fans much like the Halo franchise was.

So...I agree. With the talent at The Coalition, I think they could make something truly special give the time and resources. It's just figuring out what genre to make will be the tough thing. I think they should pick up the rights to "Berserk" and make a game based on that.

remember this?

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage - Pt 1 - Dreamcast

A lot of people were asking for this, ever since the gameplay video I did last year. So here is an extended play with better video quality, much like I did w...


Oct 27, 2017
As a Gears fan I agree.
It needs a rest for crying out loud.
TC are amazing devs, do something else.


Jun 9, 2018
Gears is still the best TPS around from a mechanical standpoint. It's up there with Quake and Unreal Tournament as far as I'm concerned.

The modern Gears franchise isn't remotely bad, but the gameplay loop has matured and reached its logical conclusion. Most of the glaring issues have been addressed over the years and there's very little left to iterate on. Either they keep the same gameplay mechanics and experiment with the scenarios (Gears 5), or they throw it all out and design a completely different game (what God of War did).

Definitely a tough spot to be in from a creative standpoint. Either you keep things the same and become increasingly niche/unexciting, or you radically experiment and come up with something that will probably be different, but ultimately less polished.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this is the reason Rod left. I think you have to do a complete reinvention or just let it die.


Jun 22, 2018
I don't like the fact that microsoft made two studios and both are named after two of their franchises (343 and coalition) makes it seem like all they are good for are halo and Gears


Dec 27, 2017
I tried to like gears 5 but man does it get repetitive fast. The game looks amazing and runs great but that fresh coat of paint wears off after a while.
Nov 4, 2018
I really don't see the problem with Gears having a dedicated niche if that dedicated niche likes what they're getting.

The only problems with Gears 5 at the moment is the aggressive monetization and the content delivery times, both of which aren't huge issues.

Not every game in a long running series needs to be genre defining. Games should be allowed to be their own thing if they want to.
Oct 25, 2017
MS needs to stop with this idea of "Franchise X factories" and let their devs find their footing in new games and IPs 100% OP. If Sony has proven anything and MS can learn, with studios like Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games and even Insomniac, letting them experiment and try new ideas can make whole new and fantastic franchises.


Jun 22, 2018
okay, looking at wikipedia I thought Gears 4 was the fan name for "gears of war judgement" I didn't know it was a different game wtf