Oct 27, 2017
For the record, I am not an employer nor anyone with the ability to hire or fire. Let's also assume you did not ask about Trump in the interview nor did they volunteer their views. You just magically know.

I don't think I would. I think we've reached the point where this is not a normal acceptable political opinion. I'd be worried how they would deal with fellow employees/customers of different races and sexual orientation. Quite frankly, I'd also doubt thier intelligence and morality. If you think locking refugee children is okay, I don't trust you won't steal from me or just lie to my face to save your ass. I also don't want to spend any time with you.

Deleted member 4452

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Oct 25, 2017
I work in healthcare in an ethnically diverse neighborhood, so the complete lack of empathy would be a dealbreaker, even putting aside 'politics.'

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Unless they're somehow uniquely gifted in what they do, I wouldn't. Their profile would certainly not fit into the company I'd be trying to establish with my hiring decisions.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
In some states this is illegal actually. Discriminating based on political beliefs.

Key phrasing is not about asking, but making your decision on that knowledge. That is illegal in NY and California if I recall.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
no. I've labeled trump supporters as racists/misogynists so they'd be toxic for the work environment.

because if you just "know" then some shit had to have come up, and it would happen again


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Actually no. And I usually wouldn't judge people for their beliefs but damn me if I enable that lifestyle
Oct 25, 2017
As someone that does have responsibility for personnel decisions, I'll know plenty about a candidate before ever getting to their political affiliation. You're not going to see a blank canvas with nothing more than "Trump supporter".

I hire for the fit within my team. The rest takes care of itself.


Oct 27, 2017
Putting aside my own personal disdain for their political views, I'd still not hire them.

Their support alone shows a severe lack of critical reasoning, below the standard I'd require from my employees.


Dec 22, 2017
Depends. On one hand they generally create a toxic work environment, on the other hand they're probably stupid enough that you could pay them less without them noticing

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In some states this is illegal actually. Discriminating based on political beliefs.

Key phrasing is not about asking, but making your decision on that knowledge. That is illegal in NY and California if I recall.

Except no one would know that happened, like how would you even reasonably enforce that


Oct 25, 2017
In probably wouldn't ask about it, and if all he/she said was "I'm a Trump supporter" at work or something I'd probably just tell him to keep his opinions to himself because they are directly counter to my business goals and make others feel uncomfortable and if that was an issue for him he'd need to seek employment elsewhere. And then after that I would judge how his behavior was.

If I knew 100% beforehand he was a Trump supporter, probably not unless it was extreme situation.


Oct 25, 2017
In the modern workplace you want employees who are able to, like, work with different people. Different gender, different ethnicity, etc., you gotta be able to work with them as equals. And knowing someone is a Trump supporter would definitely give me pause about if they are able to do that. Like if you don't know how to talk to women as human beings then that's gonna be a problem


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Yes, but I would have a blanket no political talk in my office. Work is not your place to peddle your political beliefs. You're there to work.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be more worried about getting hired as an ardent Democrat by a Trump-supporting employer.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
Fuck no. I'm an out bi woman with a mixed race girlfriend, no fucking way I'm going to leave myself open to being hurt or stolen from or disrespected by some MAGA hat wearing shit stain.

If anyone is still a Trump supporter at this point, they are a bad person full stop. It means they are ok with locking children in cages just so long as they're brown kids, and that's just fucking evil. And I can't hire someone with that huge of a lack of morals and empathy


Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't hire them, but I do have to work with them. About 80% of my department are Trump supporters. They are blithering idiots honestly; most of the time they joke about Hillary Clinton, how she should be locked up, etc. while ignoring everything Trump has done including locking children up, lying about sexual assault, and ignoring a mass shooting for reporters. This is completely at odds with the rest of the workforce for this employer; a few of the people I work with actually took gleeful delight in Trump winning because "that shows those liberals here" instead of it being a terrible choice.

In the next several months, I'm going to be looking for another position elsewhere.
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Oct 25, 2017
I would wager a guess and say they are likely to be unqualified professionally or personally to be an employee, so I have zero hesitation in saying no.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. I would just make sure I never hire any gay, non-white, liberal leaning people...especially if they are women. Problem solved.
Oct 30, 2017
Too much of a liability.

Are they going to treat PoC employees/clients worse?
Will they say something racially insensitive? And when they get called out on it, will they double down?


Oct 25, 2017
I would hire a republican. I would hesitate to hire a Trump supporter, as it indicates either poor critical thinking or a lack of morals.


Oct 27, 2017
Good thing none of you are employers, it is tough to run a business with ideological hiring practices. It's hard hard enough to run a business without them.

As long as you have policies around employee behavior that enforce federal law against harming protected classes, you will be fine.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Nope, not a chance in hell. It would only cause division in the work place unless you hired an entire force of MAGA idiots and even that would just lead to nothing actually being done I would imagine. Best to just avoid the issue and not support hateful bigots as much as you can.

Edit: If they had just been mislead/stupidly fell for all of his lies and voted for him in the past election but weren't still flying the dumbass flag and showed any semblance of regret that would be a different story. It would still be hard to hire someone because he was still this offensive even on the campaign trail, but if they are still supporting him after he has actually started to implement the terrible policies and seen firsthand how awful it is then they're beyond hope and don't belong in the workplace. I took the scenario to be that they are still actively flaunting their love of Trump and that is a reason for a hard pass in my case at least.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
If I could tell they were on this side of a political fence and how outspoken they were about it during or before a job interview, I could probably surmise that they won't be a good fit for my team. We're not allowed to get political.


Oct 31, 2017
It would be hard for me to hire a republican because their whole deal is cutting services for people in MA. Second, I m black if you are stupid enough to reveal to me you are a Trump supporter then I will assume you are an idiot.

Having said that, i won't go out of my way to mess with you nor will I brother enough to investigate if you are a Trump supporter. I have a couple of Trump supporters, I just do Midwestern thing I passive aggressive their ass in private.

I had a few Trump supporters that did try to sabotage my company. They created a toxic environment for my Somali employee and we're trying to recruit people to join their racist circle. I tried to offer diversity training but the ringleader quit and her friends conveniently took the day off during the training. Luckily, they all had the decency to resign within a few weeks of each other. I also made a new manual that pretty much spells out, I will fire your ass for any bigotry.

I couldn't outright fire them because the manual wasn't a very well written one. So I rewrote it and offer diversity training.

In some states this is illegal actually. Discriminating based on political beliefs.
It is also illegal to discriminate because of race and yet here we are.
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Oct 25, 2017
Good thing none of you are employers, it is tough to run a business with ideological hiring practices. It's hard hard enough to run a business without them.

As long as you have policies around employee behavior that enforce federal law against harming protected classes, you will be fine.
Or I could just hire someone more qualified who isn't a shitheel that will bitch and whine about my policies for employee behaviour and how it's "against freeze peach!".


Oct 27, 2017
Depends if they can separate work from politics. If they can't, then no. Not worth the hassle.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
This would be illegal in California. Even asking is illegal odds are you work with a trump supporter and don't know.

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Joke answer yes, because I'd be able to screw them on their wages and keep payrises as bonuses for myself, and they'd thank me for it.

Real answer still yes, because I don't expect more than cordial politeness from co-workers because its a job and not a social club, and the OPs premise is that there is nothing obnoxious about them personally or underlying incompetence, its just who they voted for.

Its a moot point though as I'm not American, so its highly unlikely the situation would arise.


Oct 25, 2017
If he was a strong enough supporter that I would realize it during a completely unrelated work interview, then yeah, I would not.


Dec 18, 2017
They brought it up during an interview?

Hard pass.

I don't care about legalese. I'd justify it some other way. Hell, given I'd be interviewing multiple people, I wouldn't have to justify it at all. I just found someone "more qualified" or a "better fit" or something.