
Jan 28, 2018
It's insane that Motomu Toriyama actually praised this series and was inspired by it for the Honeybee Inn content in FF7 Rebirth to then have some other twats at that company belittle the very thing this series is all about. Yikes!
I mean, from the credits, I don't think a single Japanese person from SE could have been the person in question. So it isn't that surprising there is not much overlap in perspective.


Dec 29, 2023
SE's attitude regarding sexuality is sadly no surprise. It was handled ALMOST well in FFXVI. Two male characters shared a kiss, but the camera zoomed out as soon as they were about to touch lips, and almost obscured them entirely. Then they referred to the pair as "lovers", which just feels so antiquated. They were clearly in love, maybe kept separate by station or social norms, but it could've been such a gold mine of representative storytelling.
FF7 Rebirth has multiple gay NPC relationships and there's homosexuality basically all over the game in terms of flamboyance, queer expression, etc.

I would also argue that the camera pan was done so they didn't have to try to animate two characters kissing, which is notoriously difficult and always looks awkward. Even when Squaresoft did it via CGI in FFX, it still looked off.

Also worth pointing out that this story didn't break from SE Japan.


Oct 25, 2017
Horrible shit and hopefully everyone involved gets what they deserve.

Also, Alex as the "first bisexual lead in a LiS game"? Did they play the other two? Literally every lead in LiS except maybe Steph (who appears to be purely attracted to women) if you count the DLC is bisexual.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
Horrible shit and hopefully everyone involved gets what they deserve.

Also, Alex as the "first bisexual lead in a LiS game"? Did they play the other two? Literally every lead in LiS except maybe Steph (who appears to be purely attracted to women) if you count the DLC is bisexual.
Steph is a canon lesbian, her first shirt in True Colors is a Lesbian Pride shirt. Also Chloe is a lesbian, at least Deck Nine's interpretation is. (I read her as a lesbian in the OG too.) I think Max is considered player determinate (by DON'T NOD and SE) but pretty much everyone in the fandom just says she is bi.

The glaring omission is Sean for LiS2 though I can't fault Littleton, given it's a complete scene you can miss and more player determinant than how Alex is handled. Also SE doesn't really acknowledge it much, naturally.


Jan 14, 2021
Well, that article made my blood boil. My heart goes out to the staff affected and to any fans who feel a sense of betrayal.

That was a hard read. Every single time I thought "there's no way it gets worse" it did, and then some.

Glad the COO is out but things don't look too bright for Deck Nine.
I should point out that Garriss was a CCO, not a COO.


Mar 28, 2018
While the Main lead is Bi (well choice-based games) compared to Female Romance (Chole, Cassidy, and Steph ) Male Romance (Warren, Finn, and Ryan) is very underrated.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
SE London was the old Eidos management right? Why do SE offload tons of talented studios, yet keep the old management that ran their previous company to the ground?

Yes. I thought they were part of the deal with Embracer initially.

Two men kissing is much harder to animate, apparently. /shrug

Reminds me of that "female characters are hard to animate so we don't include them" excuse from developers in some games.

Won't be surprised if some animation lead said something like " I don't want to animate this" and got away with it.


Dec 29, 2023
They didn't pan out from Jill and Clive kissing.
I rewatched the Jill and Clive romance scene; it plays out just as quickly and almost exactly as obscured as the Dion/Terrence scene is. Clive's head completely blocks out all of it (because they didn't want to animate it), and then the camera pulls back and up away from the two. The entire sequence is 10 seconds. Dion and Terrence are given an even sweeter moment, up close, literally right after; with Clive and Jill the scene fades to black.

No, it isn't because two men kissing is harder to animate. The entire concept is difficult to animate in videogames.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Very well-written article. As someone who really enjoyed True Colors, it is aggravating reading what the team had to suffer through.

Multiple women who experienced this behavior from Garriss described a pervasive feeling of being unable to tell him "no" when he crossed personal boundaries due to his status at the studio. This feeling only increased over time and bled into the workplace, with several of those I spoke to reporting numerous incidents of him lashing out against those who disagreed with him at work. This was especially true of those fighting for more thoughtful, authentic, or sensitive portrayals of diverse characters.
Others recalled being reprimanded by Garriss for asking questions about the removal of a transgender character from True Colors that took place fairly deep in development. Two anonymous individuals told me that when the Deck Nine social team wanted to post something in support of Black Lives Matter, Garriss pushed back, calling BLM a hate group. In another example, multiple people told me that Garriss fought hard for a twist on True Colors' final choice that a number of writers pointed out included a problematic portrayal of migrant workers and needed to be changed (it eventually was).
Garris went on to claim that the narrative team on True Colors was "initially characterized by torpor rather than toxicity" due to "a smaller portion of the group not collaborating well." He said, "In all of my career, I have never worked with writers who were as creatively inflexible, antagonistic toward difference, or less inclined to listen or compromise as a select few of this group." ... "Their conduct became unprofessional, more antagonistic, and accusatory toward me of the toxicity that, from the perspective of many people in the studio, was in actuality a result of their behavior."

Garris learned absolutely nothing from his time at Deck Nine. He denies every claim, instead doubling down on his insults and not acknowledging the actual people that put sweat and tears into the game. People like this should never be in leadership, yet here is an industry that stops at nothing to protect them.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
No, it isn't because two men kissing is harder to animate. The entire concept is difficult to animate in videogames.

I think the only time i've seen it done without looking compromised was in the last of us 2? BG3 was the last time I saw an attempt and it was (for obvious reasons) a bit awkward. Even weirder if your custom character height didn't match I think.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
I think the only time i've seen it done without looking compromised was in the last of us 2? BG3 was the last time I saw an attempt and it was (for obvious reasons) a bit awkward. Even weirder if your custom character height didn't match I think.
Yeah, the behind the scenes for the Ellie and Dina kiss went into how hard that was to mocap and animate. Possibly the highest quality kiss in a video game we will see for some time.

Of course, doesn't take away from the XVI team presumably deprioritizing a kiss between queer men and/or obscuring it.
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Dec 29, 2023
Yeah, the behind the scenes for the Ellie and Dina kiss went into how hard that was to mocap and animate. Possibly the highest quality kiss in a video game we will see for some time.

Of course, doesn't take away from the XVI team presumably deprioritizing a a kiss between queer men and/or obscuring it.
They didn't deprioritize the kiss or obscured it any moreso than Clive and Jill. Both are obscured to hell in different ways.

If the XVI team were ashamed of having a queer romance in the story, why would they focus back in on the two after the kiss for them to share even more intimate words with one another?

At this point, we're just reading homophobia into a scene that isn't actually there.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
While I get it, I feel that also downplays how good the story and the gameplay (as simple as it may be) was within the context of the story itself.

At the time it was also a fairly refreshing story told from actual female perspectives rather than it being something in which the MC could be any person under the Sun, you know?

Of course, there's no denying a big chunk of the hype at release and over the years is it being known as "the gay/queer game(s)" as SE would put it.

The story is Chloe/Max though


Oct 31, 2017
Pretty much.

I am surprised Square is this rotten. Weird because i am quite sure there is a big part of their fanbase that is part of the lgbtq+ community.

FF, Kingdom Hearts, LiS, these are games quite popular for gamer queer folk (at least in my personal experience and what i have seen online).

It would be wild to me if Square didn't see the Sora X Riku and Axel X Roxas posts, and let's be real, Sora and Riku have more of a connection than Sora and Kairi ever did.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
It's almost as if gaming has a toxic, misogynistic, white supremacist, queerphobic culture which spreads within the leadership of the corporations making products for the perceived target audience of straight, white, cisgendered men. 🤔

Fuck Square Enix but fuck the other companies such as CDPR for being scummy turds too. It's a systemic problem that white, cis, straight people within the community have to start addressing and pushing for change. It can't just be up to minorities and intersectional minorities to change within white majority countries. It needs allies more than ever to amplify voices that are too much easily dismissed. Because this shit seems commonplace. And it's getting to the point where I feel like giving up this hobby.
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Oct 29, 2017
I can't believe they still didn't find the person who put that stuff in. I assume everything people do is tracked using some kind of version control?
It's usually not that simple with art. Doing diffs and keeping track of changes in code is trivial. For art, not so much and they would tend to reside in a different system altogether (like Jfrog artifactory) and get pulled at build time.


Oct 25, 2017
That explains the weird regional sale restrictions that Square imposed on themselves - LiS Remastered and True Colors both aren't available for sale in some Middle East regions on Steam, although LiS1 (and 2) released with no issue. Truly amazing to see a publisher hate the very thing they sell, but here we are.


Oct 25, 2017
The story is Chloe/Max though

Yeah, but everything else around it helps elevate it. My point is more that just reducing it to solely that -which obviously was the main appeal of the game- seems unfair, as mostly everything in the game itself worked really together and made for a such a memorable experience, you know?

At least for me it's one of those games, more than LiS2 or True Colours, where even the little things made it good/fun. The devs really hit gold with that one, for me.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I was not the person who said that, hah. You might wanna check chain of quotes again.

Ha, my bad! I will say then that my reply to you was rather irrelevant after all!

Anyway, it was a good thing for you to point out their hiring practices during the strike. Just more fuel on the garbage fire of a company Deck Nine appears to be.

It was me, was busy yesterday and didn't keep up with the thread. Just going to go back and edit the correct information in as I'd obviously misremembered it.


Oct 27, 2017
As a casual observer of the Life is Strabge IP, I always thought it's entire point was to be progressive and tell stories that other games typically wouldn't bother with. It seems extremely strange to me that SE don;t seem to understand the appeal and selling point of an IP they chose to retain after offloading other western studious.

I hope working conditions can improve and if leadership drags theor heals then I hope the talented team can find work making games that they love somewhere else. Good luck to them all.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It would be wild to me if Square didn't see the Sora X Riku and Axel X Roxas posts, and let's be real, Sora and Riku have more of a connection than Sora and Kairi ever did.

Agreed. Riku and Sora actually have a story spanning all the games, even games with only the 2 of them (like DDD). Kairi was a bit redeemed in 3 Remix, but still no where as near characterization and interactions with Sora as Riku has.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
It would be wild to me if Square didn't see the Sora X Riku and Axel X Roxas posts, and let's be real, Sora and Riku have more of a connection than Sora and Kairi ever did.
It's really damning when KH3 Remind and MOM also wrote Kairi out of the search for Sora and that Riku has been the one with the reality-crossing dreams connecting him to Sora across time, space, and death lol

Not to mention this is the same guy who:

1) got so jealous of his best friends being close that he destroyed his own home, and tried to take Sora without Kairi lol

2) sacrificed his own happiness and freedom from the darkness to watch over Sora for a yeat

3) sacrificed his physical form to embody the form of his gaslighting bodysnatcher to continue to protect and save Sora

4) followed Sora from a distance and did things in secret to help Sora on his journey in KH2

5) would have stayed in darkness with Sora forever at the end of KH2 had Kairi's letter not arrived

6) became a literal guardian dream eater thing by diving into Sora's heart instinctually because he sensed danger at the beginning of KH3D

7) when his and Sora's hearts are in tune, it is the literal "Dearly Beloved" theme

8) they make a rainbow Keyblade with a literal rainbow behind them when they fight together

9) idk every other thing I failed to mention

I couldn't even begin to make a list of why Sora and Kairi have chemistry even if the games try to sell the idea. I know it's there but it all seems awkward.

And after FFVII Remake and Rebirth I know for certain that Nomura must know what romance actually looks like.


Oct 18, 2020
To be clear, I'm not suggesting that this person, Rob, inserted the art mentioned in the IGN piece into the game. I just saw that someone on other site pointed out this person's likes and they're not great, to put it lightly. I'm just kinda bewildered that people who believe in what they do can still work on games like LIS, but a job is a job I guess.

Just checked Rob Tomlinson's Twitter likes and yikes, you weren't exaggerating about the problematic interactions. Here a tweet he liked:


The artist liked the tweet by the blue check mark "#Pureblood" bigot.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
I think usually game companies in Japan are way more conservative about this sort of stuff. I dunno', maybe I'm alone in that sentiment?

Nope, but its slowly coming there as well. I think SE might actually be the one with the most LGBTQ themes in their big proejcts? Which makes this whole thing even weirder.


May 22, 2023
Nope, but its slowly coming there as well. I think SE might actually be the one with the most LGBTQ themes in their big proejcts? Which makes this whole thing even weirder.

Companies are not monolithic entities, especially not multinational companies with various different subdivisions. This was people from the London branch being specifically shitty.


Mar 14, 2019
Yes. I thought they were part of the deal with Embracer initially.

Why would a London-based management office be part of a deal that only included North America based studios?

The Eidos management has been god-awful, I'm pretty sure they were the ones behind the "mechanical appartheid" marketing angle for Mankind Divided as well.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Why would a London-based management office be part of a deal that only included North America based studios?

The Eidos management has been god-awful, I'm pretty sure they were the ones behind the "mechanical appartheid" marketing angle for Mankind Divided as well.

Oh because Eidos London was merged into it.


Reporter at IGN
Oct 25, 2017
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
Feb 19, 2023
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3

Appreciate it, thank you! Although I will say that irregardless of it not being some company wide philosophy (it usually never is), they're still the ones to blame just like every other publisher/dev gets blamed when shit like this happens in the company. They're the ones that need to go in and internally fix their London branch.


Oct 25, 2017
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
It was rather good reporting and thank you for the follow up post as it were. Much appreciated. Fwiw I did take the SE portion as a smaller part of the overall reporting, but hopefully it's at least now, an issue on SE's radar to fix/address.
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Oct 19, 2023
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3

Thanks for the clarification! From the article, that was my interpretation that it was an issue with a few execs rather than SE as a whole. At least on the Final Fantasy side, I find a lot of Square to be relatively queer friendly.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
Thanks for popping in with additional information. Your articles have been great🙂


Oct 28, 2017
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3

Yeah, I've figured as much. It's probably one person they had contact with, and I've emphasized that at other places where I shared this. Thanks for the clarification. :)

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
Thank you for your in-depth reporting. To me it's obvious there is conflict within SE London or at least there was. Titan Comics who is also U.K. based was given the Life is Strange license for comics and novels, with the latter being newer. Both thus far have embraced the queer aspect of the IP, particularly love between queer women. Stuff like that doesn't happen without someone within SE signing off on it.


Sep 29, 2018
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
Incredible work Reb. You're the best in the biz


Jan 23, 2020
Yeah, I don't understand the sole fixation on Square-Enix management, when the leadership of Deck Nine was actively trying to bring back Zak Garriss:

True Colors launched to critical acclaim, and in the wake of its success, Deck Nine was preparing to expand its portfolio. But it was struggling with one story pitch in particular, and Deck Nine's leadership pitched bringing Garriss back to fix it.
Once news got out, the narrative team erupted. Multiple people begged management not to bring back Garriss in a series of meetings, messages, and emails. One person familiar with leadership at the company recalls HR stepping in, noting that management was actively underpaying a number of workers, especially women, while considering a massive salary for Garriss. HR allegedly suggested that Deck Nine could be legally liable for Garriss' behavior if they invited him back after the bevy of reports. When the company CEO and CFO persisted in arguing that they needed Garriss, multiple writers handed in resignations. Finally, management relented. Garriss did not return.
At least, not officially. Following his departure, Garriss landed at Telltale Games, which was working at the time on a project in close writing partnership with Deck Nine. Only a few months after his departure, several of those who had protested Garriss' return were told that a few narrative team members had been holding story breaking sessions at Garriss' home.

That, combined with their reaction to the entire Nazi symbols thing, is a pretty damning indictment of the leadership. The core takeaway of the article -- that marginalized people had to fight like hell to make True Colors come out the way it did -- does not inspire confidence that Deck Nine's future titles will continue to be that way, because the leadership does not represent them or take their concerns seriously.

There's a conversation that's been happening since GamerGate, about whether or not it's a good idea to suggest that marginalized people work in this industry. And the answer, going on for years now, is that it's largely not, if you aren't giving them the resources to succeed, or to even feel safe doing their jobs. Because without explicit support and enforcement of protective policies, all you're doing is setting people up to be abused and burned out. On a certain level, sending people in who you know will be chewed up and spit out by the machine is kind of unethical. But at the same time, that's the price we keep asking marginalized people to pay, in order to make products that (sometimes) reflect their viewpoints.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Howdy all, author here. Just wanted to say I didn't get the sense the "gay game" comment was emblematic of some all-encompassing Square Enix creed. Square is made up of a lot of different people and a lot of moving parts, and post-True Colors I've heard a mixture of good and bad stories about working with them on stuff like this. I'm not saying absolve them, but I don't think the massive publisher Square Enix has some blanket "do not put gay in games" global philosophy or anything.

I'd also note this was a relevant but also smaller part of the overall piece, so I feel a little strange seeing it dominate the conversation the way it has, but that's how it goes sometimes!

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Means a lot that this resonated with folks. <3
Just coming here to say that that was an amazingly good article!
Nov 13, 2017
FF7 Rebirth has multiple gay NPC relationships and there's homosexuality basically all over the game in terms of flamboyance, queer expression, etc.

I would also argue that the camera pan was done so they didn't have to try to animate two characters kissing, which is notoriously difficult and always looks awkward. Even when Squaresoft did it via CGI in FFX, it still looked off.

Also worth pointing out that this story didn't break from SE Japan.

7R is definitely on a better track, and I was very pleased with the couple in Cosmo Canyon talking about their honeymoon, checking into the hotel. Just felt like 16 had a much bigger opportunity with a main character, and stymied it.


Dec 29, 2023
7R is definitely on a better track, and I was very pleased with the couple in Cosmo Canyon talking about their honeymoon, checking into the hotel. Just felt like 16 had a much bigger opportunity with a main character, and stymied it.
Sure, I don't argue that. As a gay man, I think they're doing more than a lot of other developers are doing right now, and Dion is one of my favorite characters in the franchise. Him not being playable was the worst crime they committed, being factual here.

That said, S-E could take more inspiration from Naughty Dog games in that area if they want to do another M-rated Final Fantasy in the future.