
Oct 25, 2017
" those above him are also making things worse " is because of how bad things have gotten. If Xbox leadership had been doing a great job they would have been left to their devices .

Yeah. In that sense it's a choice and consequence.

He kept fucking up, which resulted in those above him clamping down, making an already bad situation worse.


Oct 27, 2017
Its sarcasm about how Phil was blindsided by stuff that was obvious

From the article

""Now, console sales are down. Post-COVID recession. Game Pass slowing. The acquisition was more costly and time-consuming than anyone expected. And the focus on fighting the FTC probably cost them time they would have spent thinking through the people and studio implications."

Obviously Sony, Nintendo and the FTC was not just going to go "Sure yeah make Call of Duty exclusive to X-box, we are fine with that". The article is trying to absolve Phil for stuff that where easily foreseeable.

I am pretty sure gamepass was slowing down before MS bought Activision in the first place because the whole thing just comes off as completely desperate.

Game sales being down post Covid was obvious both because people arent buying more games, and because they slowed down making them during covid, and yeah its going to be pain in the ass to include a billion new studios including all the CoD studios, and Blizzard into the Microsoft family

I'll offer a few counterpoints for this: The FTC lets a lot of shit slide that they shouldn't, I'm not surprised Microsoft (or Phil in particular) thought it'd be easy to acquire Activision. And while I'm all for blaming Phil for not realizing game sales would be down post-2021, the reality is he's not the only one. Nearly every lay off of the past two years can be narrowed down to "we thought 2020-2021 growth would last forever."

I do think Phil and Xbox both deserve more shit tho.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to know where the line in the sand is for some of these dudes. I mean at what point can Phil not cross?


Oct 12, 2020
Definitely not surprised that Ryan McCaffrey is backing Phil with yet another puff piece. 10 years, 10 years in charge Xbox (nearly half of Xbox's existence). Correct me if I'm wrong, but that makes him the longest reigning CEO of Xbox right?

At the end of the day, the thing that matters, that truly matters in getting people to buy into your platform, is making great games, consistently. This is where Nintendo and Sony have succeeded, and Microsoft has failed, miserably. And truly, who is shocked that a management team who could barely manage 12 studios previously (to the point they shuttered half of them) are struggling to manage 35+ studios across Xbox, Bethesda and ABK?

People like McCaffrey keep buying into the same shit, year after year, promise after failed promise. For what reason?

But 2025 will be the year though, am I right?


Oct 17, 2020
Did the Joker write the headline.

Edit: Anyone casting blame beyond Spencer is incredibly naive. He's not just the head of Microsoft Game's studios anymore. He reports to one person the Microsoft CEO, who I guarantee isn't dealing with the day to day operations of Xbox. It's on Spencer that they bought Activision and it seems like that's what is causing them to have maintain a certain level of profitability. Give him some credit, he would have known this was going to happened, he also doesn't need to be told by anyone to do is job, ie: maintaining profit margins by laying people off and closing studios. That's part of the gig and why most people aren't fans of CEO's. I'm sure he feels bad, who wouldn't doesn't make it not his decision.
Most people would love be paid millions to feel bad. That is the disconnect this thread is about. I am responding just because of that fact nothing against you at all.


Dec 9, 2017
I ain't giving IGN clicks, but based on the journalists past reputation, he's deflecting blame on why Xbox us where its at because Phil couldn'f fullfill his vision and evil Nadella and Amy stepped in and caused the closure of the studios, yeah of course
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Oct 27, 2017
I just want to know where the line in the sand is for some of these dudes. I mean at what point can Phil not cross?
I think at this point, Phil is at the mercy of the board and shareholders. He can try to protect all the developers XBOX has; however, if the shareholders and board say cut, he has no choice.

but it feels like a death of a thousand cuts going back to pre Xbox One days and poor handling of their first party developers and IP's like Banjo and Kazooie.

Just my opinion though.


Oct 17, 2020
I really care about Xbox I want it to keep going many of their decisions made me happy but I can't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore
Oct 25, 2017
Ryan McCaffery everytime Xbox comes under fire



Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
still defending spencer and absolving him from any responsibility.

There are a lot of people like that. I was like that for way too long.

"Its not his responsibility"
"He didnt want this"
"He couldnt do anything about it"

Nah sorry. He had enough time to prove himself.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Its literally no different than the MAGA cult and how they worship Trump.

I would like to believe that there is not a single Xbox fanboy/girl who would be willing to literally go to prison for Phil Spencer.

Like come on. I get the cult thing, but it isn't MAGA levels by a long shot.


Oct 24, 2017
I spoke to two former longtime Xbox employees, separately, and both lamented the current state of the business. One told me, prior to this week's awful studio closures, "I had lengthy conversations with a bunch of Xbox founders, and we all came to the same conclusion: it's no longer Xbox, but Microsoft Gaming." Ouch.
Sounds about right.

Going to be a lot of changes in the next 12-24 months.


Oct 25, 2017
Are they still doing the enhanced upgrades on original xbox games?(60fps, 4k, etc.) Haven't heard about any new ones in a while.
Oct 27, 2017
Phil was a good face for the brand and he pushed lots of consumer friendly features. That's it.

He and the rest of Xbox's leadership have been running the quality of Xbox game output into the ground for over a decade.

Halo completely mishandled, destroyed.

Forza Motorsport fell off.

Forza Horizon formula starting to get old.

Gears has run it's course. (I was a huge fan of Gears 1 & 2)

Lots of projects spent years and years and years in development only to be released as deflating disappointments (Crackdown 3, Halo Infinite, newest Forza, Perfect Dark Reboot next in line)

They buy Bethesda and the first game that comes out of the acquisition is fucking Redfall. Letting that happen is enough incompetence on its own to say clean house at Xbox and get some people who know what they're doing.

These people suck at their job and I'm tired of hearing excuses.


Dec 10, 2023
Why this article doesn't surprise me one bit. A big part of the videogame press/media has been cheering XB strategy for years.


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
The title of the article says enough.. Ryan McCaffrey shouldn't run PR for Microsoft.

He does have an interview with Phil Spencer lined up in a few months, and that will be in front of a live audience.. I don't expect any talk about the layoffs.


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck is this, Ryan?

Same guy that, unprompted, wrote a celebratory puff piece about Spencer's achievements over the past 10 years.

Same guy that will be interviewing him in June after the showcase, of course failing to hold him accountable for anything.


May 24, 2018
United States
Are they still doing the enhanced upgrades on original xbox games?(60fps, 4k, etc.) Haven't heard about any new ones in a while.

All OG games are enhanced by default (either full 4K or whatever the 4:3 version of 4K is if the game doesn't support widescreen, plus 16x anisotropic), but they have stopped adding new OG games and they have said they have exhausted the back compat games that can be FPS boosted without breaking them.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Why this article doesn't surprise me one bit. A big part of the videogame press/media has been cheering XB strategy for years.

Fucking hell, I still remember 2013 and all the articles that were just SCREAMING "gamer entitlement" and "Sony will do it too!" when the Xbox One DRM news broke. Then once the consoles launched there was a new cry of "Sony's lead is only temporary. Wait until Titanfall!" And the goalposts kept moving, throughout the entire console gen...


May 12, 2018
I mean... People are really expecting this IGN interview to be anything else than PR? At best you'll have some very general mentions of the rough state of the industry that needs to reinvent itself, and Team Xbox is leading the way blah blah blah.