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Mike Slozchy

Banned for using a prohibited e-mail provider.
Oct 25, 2017
Hello, I have been told by some people that the resetera community will be intolerant of people with conservative viewpoints. I was considering hiding that I have conservative views because of this, but I've decided to do an experiment to see if it's true or not.

I am a Catholic who has socially conservative views, though economically I am neither left-wing or right-wing, I am more in the middle when it comes to such issues.
I believe in conservative values, such as being against abortions, not being supportive of gay marriage. I am not a republican.

That being said, I am very open to those who have different viewpoints from myself. I believe in engaging in civil discourse and though sometimes we may agree to disagree, I think we can all respect each other even if we vehemently disagree with each other on some issues.

I was told that people such as myself aren't welcome on places like neogaf or resetera, I'd actually like to test and see if that's true. Perhaps you could prove those people wrong.

I'm willing to bet that they are wrong and that you actually are tolerant of individuals who have all sorts of different viewpoints, and they are simply badmouthing you and lying about you.

At least that's my hope!


User requested ban
Oct 24, 2017
Yep! As long as you treat others with respect and discuss issues civilly, you're more than welcome here. We expect everyone else here to treat you with respect and act civilly towards you as well. If you think someone is not following these guidelines, feel free to hit the report button at the bottom of their post.


Oct 25, 2017
you don't think gay people should be allowed the the basic human decency of being allowed to marry. you should probably bounce, my dude


Oct 25, 2017
I hope you are welcome - I may disagree with you on the issue of abortion and gay marriage, but then you might disagree with me on my views surrounding legalisation of drugs and gender fluidity. Just because we disagree shouldn't mean we can't engage in discourse. In fact, it makes it more likely we should!


Oct 25, 2017
No, get out.

Just kidding, it's all about (and really it was always about) framing. Most people that criticized the old OT place for ostracizing contrary beliefs were very confrontational and liked to spark controversy by being utterly pedantic sometimes, naturally people reacted.

At least that's my take. I'm willing to bet Poligaf and the likes will welcome different points of view as long as it's civil.


Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Japan
I've yet to see a single conservative talking point on social issues that wasn't found offensive in some way or another. The issue with conservative viewpoints is in with its very definition of impeding progress which in the modern political climate (on the worldwide scale) is equality.

But otherwise I'm just assuming here. If you can argue your points civil-like and without knowingly offending people then I see no issue.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
Do you believe in trans rights? Women rights? Equal rights for all people?

I don't care or mind if you think Congress should slow down spending.

Post with substance on topics you want to engage in. If someone that considers themselves Conservative just posts "Yea abortions should be outlawed" and does not present any arguments with that thought then you will get responses that explain how that low effort post is indeed low effort and ignorant.
Oct 25, 2017

Muslim here. My family is originally persian.

Good to see others of the faith here.

Are you Muslim or are you Catholic? Pretty sure you gotta pick one or the other here.


Oct 23, 2017
Absolutely. The rules are fairly simple. Don't post obscene material, don't post hateful or intolerant speech, don't harass or flame other users. Those apply to everyone. Welcome!
Mike Slozchy

Mike Slozchy

Banned for using a prohibited e-mail provider.
Oct 25, 2017
This user was banned for a week for trolling.
you don't think gay people should be allowed the the basic human decency of being allowed to marry. you should probably bounce, my dude

This is the stance of the Catholic Church! I have nothing against any gay person personally. I am simply a devout Catholic and this is the stance I take.


Oct 27, 2017
Come one, come all! Looking forward to all the discussions to be had here, to be honest. :-)

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
You already admitted to some pretty hateful views. As long as you don't push those here I'm sure you won't be banned. You may be safer staying away from anything social or politics.


Oct 25, 2017
The community on the old board actually wasn't intolerant of differing views. It was intolerant of differing views arguing in bad faith. If you can back your arguments up with reason, accept civil discourse, and just be respectful, you'll be fine. If, instead, you want to put your fingers in your ears, argue with people, and just be a menace, then I can understand why this place may not feel welcome.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
As long as your "conservatism" doesn't lead you to suggest that anyone should be denied rights based on their race, religion, gender, creed or identity, you're good. You just may see some disagreement on other issues.

People's right to live can't be a point of debate.


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest, I don't understand what there is to support or not support about gay marriage, it's not your life and no one's forcing you to get married to someone of your own gender, why not support someone else making their own choice to live how they want?

I think if you spout those viewpoints, they will definitely require an explanation.

Edit: Also, this seems like a trap thread


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Your thoughts on gay marriage will certainly be frowned upon here (they are people too) and most won't care for your views on abortion either, but if you can at least act civil then you can make it here. But be forewarned, you saying that you hate a particular type of person or that your a gg/alt-righter will get you packing your stuff up in a flash.


Oct 25, 2017
I think not supporting gay marriage is borderline bigotry, but, I'm not gay so I won't speak for anybody that is.

I think if you treat everybody with decency you'll be alright.


Oct 25, 2017
I believe in conservative values, such as being against abortions, not being supportive of gay marriage.

I think we can all respect each other

How do you rationalize these opposing views? Restricting the rights of others because of your belief is not respectful. I'm not going to condemn you or anything like that, and I don't think others should either, but you HAVE to understand that your views contradict your own desire for peace, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Gay marriage fucking rules.
This is the stance of the Catholic Church! I have nothing against any gay person personally. I am simply a devout Catholic and this is the stance I take.
You can't do both. If don't believe that they should have certain rights then yes, you do have something against gay people. It's not about being conservative so much as that being one really shitty view.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think its a stretch to say that ResetEra will have a majority of left-leaning posters, but that certainly doesn't mean people with different views shouldn't be welcome. And I say different in that I'm sure its possible to disagree without harboring ill-will towards anyone.

The problems arise when one group shouts down the other, and I think that happened at times on the previous site. As long as people can have polite and civil discussion, there shouldn't be any issues. Personally I would rather sit on my balls then participate in political discussions, but I don't want anyone to be afraid to post either. If anyone wants to argue though, they should be prepared to back up their points. If someone points out a flaw in your logic in a respectful way, don't get your feelings hurt.

Deleted member 2474

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I stand by the idea that tolerance is a peace treaty - as long as you are tolerant of others, and do not harm others, they should be tolerant of you.

That said, being against gay marriage is, as far as I am concerned, a breaking of that treaty. You want to deny other people a basic decency you and millions of others enjoy for entirely personal reasons. Tolerance can not tolerate intolerance or the entire treaty breaks down.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the stance of the Catholic Church! I have nothing against any gay person personally. I am simply a devout Catholic and this is the stance I take.

Do you think laws should be made based on the stance of the Church? Do you think the Church can be wrong?

I'm not trying to attack or start shit, I'm genuinely curious. I have friends who are Catholic, but are also very socially liberal, so I'm interested in your point of view.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sure you as a person will be accepted, but you should expect to get pushback when you express those particular political views

Sir Charles

Oct 25, 2017
San Diego, CA
As a fellow devout Catholic (and supporter of gay rights/marriage, right to choose and social justice), welcome. Keep an eye out and read Pope Francis' encyclicals. You may find the Church's teachings on these subjects are more nuanced than portrayed in the media.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no problem with people that are conservative (I do have a problem with the GOP however). In fact, I have some friends that have conservative views but we get along fine. If you're civil and treat people with respect, I'm sure you will have people be kind to you as well. I certainly hope so, as anything else would be disappointing.

I'm sure most of us will get along just fine.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you'd be a good fit, what with trying to deny marriage to people.
Oct 25, 2017
I hope you are welcome - I may disagree with you on the issue of abortion and gay marriage, but then you might disagree with me on my views surrounding legalisation of drugs and gender fluidity. Just because we disagree shouldn't mean we can't engage in discourse. In fact, it makes it more likely we should!
I second this guy, welcome my dude!
Mike Slozchy

Mike Slozchy

Banned for using a prohibited e-mail provider.
Oct 25, 2017

Are you Muslim or are you Catholic? Pretty sure you gotta pick one or the other here.

I've always felt that because of my persian origins, and because much of my family is Muslim, I can identify as a Muslim as well. I feel that we both share the same views and general beliefs.

I think I can, in a sense, be both.

Allah is just another name for God. Christians and Muslims do not need to be opposed.

We are all Muslim, and we are all Christian.


Oct 25, 2017
Joplin, MO
I wouldn't call myself a conservative politically, but I am a devout Christian and haven't had an issue despite many folks in this community holding beliefs very different from mine. If you're civil, kind, respectful, and open-minded, that is what matters.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Semiserious question - what if I civilly believe that Catholics should not be allowed to get driver's licenses because I believe in a Holy Book that tells me it is wrong? What if I gave money to groups that lobbied for this to be law, successfully in some states I might add, or stood outside a DMV screaming and waving signs with pictures of car accidents, saying that Catholics are unnatural and shouldn't exist?

You are free to believe you are merely engaging in civil discourse, but by your silence you are tacitly supporting the idea that a gay person is immoral, and that immorality of existing is enough to deny them government rights that afforded to other humans.

You are free to believe you are merely engaging in civil discourse, but your anti choice beliefs directly contribute to the phenomenon where women's bodies do not belong to themselves, and where a woman's life is worth less than other kinds of lives.

I don't think you should be banned, but not everyone can be calm when they are told that they are less and not worth protecting. Your beliefs can be summed up to believing that some people are inferior to others and do not deserve the same rights as people like yourself. Why do you think that will be met with civility?

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't suggest talking about your views on gay marriage here, as they may be considered an indefensible position depending on how "not supportive" you are.

We are a tolerant community, but not to bigotry masquerading as religious beliefs.

Are you Muslim or are you Catholic? Pretty sure you gotta pick one or the other here.

Oh OK, I think I know what this is - probably the same group of kids that tried to get that 'Mario Odyssey is actually racist' thread going.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Being conservative was never a problem on [redacted] either, it's just it seems like those who share your beliefs could not explain them without devolving into homophobia, racism, misogyny, xenophobic, etc, remarks; which you have already done so in your OP (not thinking gay people are equal citizens).

Luckily this forum won't tolerate such beliefs. I'd like to meet a conservative that wants to engage in a discussion without invoking previously listed language, but it rarely ever happens.

Dr. Dre's Dr.

Oct 27, 2017
I think you may find yourself gritting your teeth at times in disagreement but I think you are welcome here. I believe one of the faqs said to walk away sometimes you may want to do that before posting sometimes. Reread your posts before submitting them to make sure you are conveying your points without offense and be prepared for resistance. Good luck.


Oct 25, 2017
I think your belief about gay marriage is messed up and immoral, and I'm also not interested in dignifying such a viewpoint with a debate. If you proactively try to push those views, then I think your welcome would probably be worn out.

However if you are a respectful person I'm sure there are many other topics we could talk about and you're certainly welcome to participate.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I disagree with your views, particularly around gay marriage (I can think of reasonable arguments against abortion, but not a single argument in opposition to gay marriage holds water). But we don't have to agree to have civil discourse. Actually, it's more engaging to talk with someone who doesn't share your views, because it forces you to examine why you think the way you do about certain things, and that's a good habit to get into. And just because you happen to have social conservative views in some areas doesn't mean there won't be other common ground.
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