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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
a sports bra would be revealing as well but still be more practical

Like even this would've went a looooong way compared to her actual outfit:



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I'm really not sure that's the case. There's plenty of examples of anime that are popular that don't feature much if any provocative sexual content. Of course, as you note, that doesn't stop anime that features provocative sexual content from being made. And there is probably greater tolerance of sexual content in family/general audience anime, such as Crayon Shin-chan, than a lot of people here would be comfortable with.

You're talking about shows in the winter season that haven't featured female nudity? Pretty sure there's more than that. (Also, as was earlier noted, Kokkoku had nudity in its ED as well as some salacious moments in the show proper.)

Well full on sexualization, you don't NEED nudity for that, more the leering camera for no reason, but the surprise nude preteen is something that happens pretty often, I'm just using it as an example. And while I wouldn't count the main character bathing with a baby to be that sexual, which I understand is subjective, you're absolutely right, the ED animation is totally sexualized for no reason and is completely misrepresentation of the show on a whole. It's really weird.


Oct 27, 2017
They never said their ages in Gurren Lagann itself, people got a them from a production book that wasn't meant to be published and in which Yoko looked slightly different since her design wasn't finalized.


Jan 15, 2018
To the teenager these characters are near their age. I think there is room for a healthy depiction of sexual expression in shows for teenagers going through puberty. The execution matters a lot. Pandering camera angles and outfits aren't doing much in service of this because they serve male fantasies. But I believe the sexual expression can be done tastefully and it is something teenagers can relate to, given they are going through puberty themselves. And I believe that necessarily involves sex appeal. Just not the objectifying kind. As I said in my first post in this thread, there's a very fine line and most anime doesn't do it well imo.

You know all your high minded it's meant for kids so sexualizing kids in anime is ok falls apart the second you take a look at something like boku no piko. Anime caters to otaku more than anything. Grown men who can afford all the merchandise they need to be sold to make profit on anime.


Oct 25, 2017
Like even this would've went a looooong way compared to her actual outfit:

and she never had any problem or was at disadvantage

momo I would be down to defend If she was wearing something like her festival clothes but nah her actual costume is shit but aesthetics wise and practicality


Feb 19, 2018
What you're doing is making the usual excuses for why an anime might have the fanservice it does. Okay, Mineta is a perverted character and we can see perverted moments through his perspective. So what? It still results in unjustified fanservice that could still be shown in a non-explicit way, if a character like that even need to exist in the first place.

There is no justification here. It's blatant fanservice, and the excuses aren't even good.

This is on point.

But to me it reads as alot of people just running away from the fact that shit like this happened in school with people everyone knew. The most unrealistic thing would be for a high school show to have awkward ass sexual shit happen because It sure as shit happened in my Middle school and High school.

Where do you thing Sexually active Band geek trope came from? Weird shit kids ( myself included) did in bank rooms with girls. IN middle school we used to sneak after class because the Band teacher had other classes and we would dry hump in the Instrument storage room. It was weird and kinky but we were all horny 14 year olds whose hormones were running wild. I had a big chick ( I was 6 foot in middle school and the girl was my height ) dry hump me against a Shop class door before class started.

It only settled down when I was a Junior in high school but before that We did wild shit and got in wild situations with girls and did kinky shit to just see a boob so maybe Thats why I'm more tolerant of so anime bullshit if they do it right. Its still bullshit and Anime over does it alot of the time for no fucking reason but Shit Like My Hero Academia is more normal to me than anything else. If Anything I kinda like how it shows a school with alot of fuck ups a weird people who actually get along most of the time.


Oct 28, 2017
Americans are generally a lot more puritan than the rest of the world, so your perception might be skwed. 15 isn't that rare for age of content in even plenty of advanced nations. And while old man creeping over 15 years old character is weird, those people aren't the target audience. The primary audience for shonen are middleschool and highschool boys and them lusting over 15 years old character is perfectly natural. Pretending that boys aren't interested in sex untill they reach 18 would be very naive.

Now when anime sexy up prepubescent girls and 800 years old vampire deamons, that's creepy :D


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
You know all your high minded it's meant for kids so sexualizing kids in anime is ok falls apart the second you take a look at something like boku no piko. Anime caters to otaku more than anything. Grown men who can afford all the merchandise they need to be sold to make profit on anime.
Man...Boku no Pico is porn.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
You know all your high minded it's meant for kids so sexualizing kids in anime is ok falls apart the second you take a look at something like boku no piko. Anime caters to otaku more than anything. Grown men who can afford all the merchandise they need to be sold to make profit on anime.'re joking right? It's hard to tell in this thread.


Jan 15, 2018
*whistles* yeah man that explains a lot.

Has there ever been authors/creators that admit they don't like the status quo and want to burn it in a dumpster fire?

Not as far I know their pretty silent on it. Probably cause they like getting money. But I don't think many people raised a brow when rurouni kenshin's author was arrested on charges of possessing child porn.


Oct 25, 2017
Americans are generally a lot more puritan than the rest of the world, so your perception might be skwed. 15 isn't that rare for age of content in even plenty of advanced nations. And while old man creeping over 15 years old character is weird, those people aren't the target audience. The primary audience for shonen are middleschool and highschool boys and them lusting over 15 years old character is perfectly natural. Pretending that boys aren't interested in sex untill they reach 18 would be very naive.

Now when anime sexy up prepubescent girls and 800 years old vampire deamons, that's creepy :D

When I was 13, totally had a crush on the girls in Ranma, haha


Oct 27, 2017
You know all your high minded it's meant for kids so sexualizing kids in anime is ok falls apart the second you take a look at something like boku no piko. Anime caters to otaku more than anything. Grown men who can afford all the merchandise they need to be sold to make profit on anime.
dude,anime just means cartoon


Jan 15, 2018
1,358're joking right? It's hard to tell in this thread.

using boku no piko was probably an extreme example but it illustrates my point. This industry has some pretty disgusting issues with sexualising children to sell merch to grown men. Body pillows etc. And their in a country that has massive issues on sexual assault on minors etc. Where possessing child porn was legal till like 4 years ago.

That's quite some hill to choose to die on to defend something.


Feb 19, 2018
and she never had any problem or was at disadvantage

momo I would be down to defend If she was wearing something like her festival clothes but nah her actual costume is shit but aesthetics wise and practicality

I like that if only because it levels everyones playing field because everyone had to wear the gym clothes basically. it works good in the sports festival because light and death shit aint happening. Her against someone like stain, it would be a big target because it would be a nice two inch of space she can't make stuff out of or else she would break her bra and her boobs would be everywhere. Todoroki caught two knives to the arm and Ida caught a punctured shoulder and a knife embedded in his arm from the fight.

She needs a new costume year but I think its going to have the same problem of not having a sports Bra because surface area, unless she can up her speed in making things in less surface area.

Now I'm debating rules of the Universe When I no problem with nothing else in the convo but people dragging Momo in it.


Oct 29, 2017
using boku no piko was probably an extreme example but it illustrates my point. This industry has some pretty disgusting issues with sexualising children to sell merch to grown men. Body pillows etc. And their in a country that has massive issues on sexual assault on minors etc. Where possessing child porn was legal till like 4 years ago.

That's quite some hill to choose to die on to defend something.
My dude, you are using HENTAI to prove your argument.
Like what the hell is this faulty ass logic youre using?


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
using boku no piko was probably an extreme example but it illustrates my point. This industry has some pretty disgusting issues with sexualising children to sell merch to grown men. Body pillows etc. And their in a country that has massive issues on sexual assault on minors etc. Where possessing child porn was legal till like 4 years ago.

That's quite some hill to choose to die on to defend something.
Hentai is not at all in the same discussion here. And Boku no Pico is a gross example at that. You're misrepresenting the medium.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I like that if only because it levels everyones playing field because everyone had to wear the gym clothes basically. it works good in the sports festival because light and death shit aint happening. Her against someone like stain, it would be a big target because it would be a nice two inch of space she can't make stuff out of or else she would break her bra and her boobs would be everywhere. Todoroki caught two knives to the arm and Ida caught a punctured shoulder and a knife embedded in his arm from the fight.

She needs a new costume year but I think its going to have the same problem of not having a sports Bra because surface area, unless she can up her speed in making things in less surface area.

Now I'm debating rules of the Universe When I no problem with nothing else in the convo but people dragging Momo in it.
I mean, you are assuming that they're taking her powers into question opposed to just making her a sexy hero, like Mt. Lady and Midnight.

using boku no piko was probably an extreme example but it illustrates my point. This industry has some pretty disgusting issues with sexualising children to sell merch to grown men. Body pillows etc. And their in a country that has massive issues on sexual assault on minors etc. Where possessing child porn was legal till like 4 years ago.

That's quite some hill to choose to die on to defend something.

I mean, while I agree that choosing the defend the blatant sexual nature of children in Japanese culture is a rough hill to die on, my dude...why are you using hentai as an example?


Oct 27, 2017
The only reason I watched Dagashi Kashi.

If shes a cartoon, Im a cartoon.
for what it's worth this is the type of age-less design in anime that I'm talking about. There is nothing physiologically indicating this character is any given age except for post-pubescent. If we were told she was 30 or 300 we'd buy it the same way if we were told she was 16. Is the design better or worse for that? I don't know but I do think it's safe to say that even if she was bio-ed at 16 it would be impossible to call this "sexualizing teens". In these design cases the age is entirely an arbitrary number to fit the story.

Urban Scholar

Oct 30, 2017
Not as far I know their pretty silent on it. Probably cause they like getting money. But I don't think many people raised a brow when rurouni kenshin's author was arrested on charges of possessing child porn.

Like any creative work you don't have to play to peanut gallery & still make money.

Hmm interesting but it's still too normalized. As evident in this very thread people see nothing wrong.

The better stance would be say a creative works that doesn't need the pandering. For MHA you also have oversexualization of underaged male figures; Free. Which was popular for that very reason.

It's pretty ingrained into the industry. I will say it makes it easy for me to avoid certain shows.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
There is a TON of rationalisation in this thread that I'm pretty sure I would never see in any other subject on this board that referenced minors and their sexuality.
It is rather like stumbling into the Rationalization Olympics. I'm not sure I recall a thread on this forum which has disgusted me so much. But then, I guess I'm not the target audience for this thread...


Nov 13, 2017
The most important question is how do Japanese people feel about this? Even though it is good to have a conversation about it, I believe what we think is irrelevant because this issue concern Japanese society and it is inappropriate for other countries to try and westernized another nation.


Oct 25, 2017
for what it's worth this is the type of age-less design in anime that I'm talking about. There is nothing physiologically indicating this character is any given age except for post-pubescent. If we were told she was 30 or 300 we'd buy it the same way if we were told she was 16. Is the design better or worse for that? I don't know but I do think it's safe to say that even if she was bio-ed at 16 it would be impossible to call this "sexualizing teens". In these design cases the age is entirely an arbitrary number to fit the story.

Right, the author has actually never revealed Hotaru's age.


Oct 25, 2017
I like that if only because it levels everyones playing field because everyone had to wear the gym clothes basically. it works good in the sports festival because light and death shit aint happening. Her against someone like stain, it would be a big target because it would be a nice two inch of space she can't make stuff out of or else she would break her bra and her boobs would be everywhere. Todoroki caught two knives to the arm and Ida caught a punctured shoulder and a knife embedded in his arm from the fight
as opposed to get current clothes covering her back limiting her there and only some space in her front

in her festival outfit she created a canon and shields


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
The most important question is how do Japanese people feel about this? Even though it is good to have a conversation about it, I believe what we think is irrelevant because this issue concern Japanese society and it is inappropriate for other countries to try and westernized another nation.
Well, it's a tangential topic, but there are certainly Japanese people who are not okay with the "joshi kōsei" leaning businesses, as a mini-doc posted earlier in this thread shows. This is what permeates to anime, resulting in the topic we have now.



Jan 15, 2018
I mean, you are assuming that they're taking her powers into question opposed to just making her a sexy hero, like Mt. Lady and Midnight.

I mean, while I agree that choosing the defend the blatant sexual nature of children in Japanese culture is a rough hill to die on, my dude...why are you using hentai as an example?

My point was the whole industry anime/manga/hentai are fine with making underage kids sexual objects and it's indefensible. But still people are coming with quiet level she breathes through her skin apologies or its ok its aimed at children defense for anime series.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
I'm not seeing the mass amount of people rationalizing objectification of underage characters. If that's your take after reading the thread then we're in two different universes.


Oct 29, 2017
My point was the whole industry anime/manga/hentai are fine with making underage kids sexual objects and it's indefensible. But still people are coming with quiet level she breathes through her skin apologies or its ok its aimed at children defense for anime series.
Or people like me,teenagers, are telling you that they like the shit and that it isnt aimed at adult exclusively, and you choose to ignore it.

Like I think its just a difference of viewpoints. It seems a lot of people in this thread view anime characters like real people rather than cartoon characters.


Feb 19, 2018
I mean, you are assuming that they're taking her powers into question opposed to just making her a sexy hero, like Mt. Lady and Midnight.

Midnight is a weird Dom lady and Mt.Lady is basically trying the Kim Kardasian her way to the top. They take there jobs seriously to a point but they are also weird quirky people. We haven't even see the cooler female heroes yet so wait for that as it should begin to show up in season 3 but Yeah Early on maybe you could think that but Momo is never treated like a sexy character by anyone. Mostly she is just treated like the brainy rich kid that everyone knows. They don't make her do sexy poses or other out of character things so It doesn't break high on a tolerance level.

To me Momo is someone who got cool with walking around naked when she was younger because she burst out of clothes all the time. And We see she was Homeschooled alot also in the studying episode and never really had friends her own age. So yeah Maybe she was supposed to be a sexy character to begin with when the author designed her but he then wrote an actual character around the design that is actually pretty understandable and likable. Also She doesn't walk around with the Hero outfit all the time so it helps, I would not be as laid back about it if she walked around in those clothes during school hours or at her own home or out in the street when they go to the mall. But since they have practicallity and only pop up in certain situations I can deal with it.

We all know most of them are going to get a costume revision at some point. Deku has had like 4 new costumes because he breaks his shit all the time, SO assume when they Graduate they are all going to get there official Hero costumes and hers would be better suited for powers, Like could break away easily and reform once its done. Kinda like how Mount Lady's clothes stretch when she grows, Its a bit tighter on her when she is big but it seems like they went out of there way to not make her the hulk who bursts their shit when powers turn on.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Aside from all the obvious over sexualized, weird fetishism creepy stuff, I've always felt theres been an inherent problem with the arbitrary age of various characters. This goes for Japanese video games just as much as anime. There have been numerous times where I think the characters look and act like young adults, 18-20, only to then find out they're supposed to be 14. Unless the age really lends itself to the story , like they're in school or whatnot, I notice this need to slap an unesseccary young age on various characters. Of course, maybe that's because of who the games or shows are supposed to be marketed towards.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't even know why Midnight is a teacher to begin with lol

To me Momo is someone who got cool with walking around naked when she was younger because she burst out of clothes all the time.

What type of headcanon justification is this lmao, what does that even have to do with her design

We all know most of them are going to get a costume revision at some point.

That's no excuse, much a less good one.


Oct 27, 2017
I should bring up that 18 isn't strictly the 'adult' line, especially not internationally, it just happens to be the age of consent as far as US federal law is concerned - states range from 16-18, according to Wikipedia. The rough average of age of consent in first world countries generally ranges around 15-18, which makes some degree of sense, teens at that age are, well, teens, they get curious about sex at that age and if they want to get randy they usually don't really give a damn about what the law says anyway. It's less of a problem if they're old, mature and educated enough about sex to make proper decisions (though sexualization just for pandering and objectification is a problem in general), but going below that general threshold is a serious fucking problem indeed.

Though, there's also the issue of characters looking like they could be any range of ages from teenage to twenties. Momo and Yoko are fairly obvious examples. If you showed me the latter without me knowing her age I'd pin her as 16 at absolute minimum. The arbitrary age range for animated body types can blur the lines a fuckton, especially since the characters in question are not real people. That being said, teenagers can go through puberty very quickly - remember May and Dawn from the Pokemon anime, and how they seemed weirdly well-developed for 10-year-olds (though, really, Ash and his crew all look like teenagers at minimum)? Well, that's not nearly as unrealistic as it used to be, as puberty in girls has been triggering sooner in recent years due to increased body fat on average. But again, we need to consider the "teen in bio only" syndrome for fictional characters. If a character plausibly looks like an adult, then you get back to the general sexualisation argument, but sexualizing anything that obviously looks younger than that is line blatantly crossed.

But to sum up my opinion because I realize I'm getting rambly, if a character plausibly looks adult it's way more of a blurred line due to both international ages of consent, the fictional nature of said character and the teenage demographic of many of these shows, and leans more towards the problems with sexualization in general. Blatant pedo bait, however, fuck that, that needs to go.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Midnight is a weird Dom lady and Mt.Lady is basically tryin
g the Kim Kardasian her way to the top. They take there jobs seriously to a point but they are also weird quirky people. We haven't even see the cooler female heroes yet so wait for that as it should begin to show up in season 3 but Yeah Early on maybe you could think that but Momo is never treated like a sexy character by anyone. Mostly she is just treated like the brainy rich kid that everyone knows. They don't make her do sexy poses or other out of character things so It doesn't break high on a tolerance level.

To me Momo is someone who got cool with walking around naked when she was younger because she burst out of clothes all the time. And We see she was Homeschooled alot also in the studying episode and never really had friends her own age. So yeah Maybe she was supposed to be a sexy character to begin with when the author designed her but he then wrote an actual character around the design that is actually pretty understandable and likable. Also She doesn't walk around with the Hero outfit all the time so it helps, I would not be as laid back about it if she walked around in those clothes during school hours or at her own home or out in the street when they go to the mall. But since they have practicallity and only pop up in certain situations I can deal with it.

We all know most of them are going to get a costume revision at some point. Deku has had like 4 new costumes because he breaks his shit all the time, SO assume when they Graduate they are all going to get there official Hero costumes and hers would be better suited for powers, Like could break away easily and reform once its done. Kinda like how Mount Lady's clothes stretch when she grows, Its a bit tighter on her when she is big but it seems like they went out of there way to not make her the hulk who bursts their shit when powers turn on.

I'm trying to think of cool female heroes from the manga and am coming up empty. I won't spoil people who are only watching the show but...I'd go as far as to say that interesting female characters, both hero and villain, are being pushed to the spinoff and even then, Popstar is absolutely a sexualized character.

Also, don't get your hopes up on new outfits. Deku's changes a lot but that's mostly because his fighting style changes every arc.


Feb 19, 2018
as opposed to get current clothes covering her back limiting her there and only some space in her front

in her festival outfit she created a canon and shields
Yeah she had to roll up her sleeves before the fight started to make sure she had space for it and had to unzip her jack to make a cannon. Yeah its not alot of time but we all watched the Stain fight and we saw how a villian fight can escalate super fast and if she doesn't have the space to make something, she would be boned, which is why she has shorts and a No sleeve vest. If we were going super practical, she would be like old Midnight who pretty much ran around stopping crime in a mask and panties with some leather around for asthetic purposes.

If I was Momo I would go with speedo as my hero outfit because then I have all the space in the world but that aint something she can do so I let her be until they get a better outfit for her when she goes official. But as a first try outfit designed by her? Its pretty good for her purposes, She just has to figure out the back space issue because that is always going to be an issue if she wears any sort of top.


Oct 30, 2017
Considering how much work anime does in certain cases to make pre-pubescent looking girls 9000 year old dragons and such, I don't see how they couldn't avoid sexualizing girls that are explicitly teenagers if they cared enough to do so.

The truth is, they know the people who buy the products often prefer that, which is part of what makes it especially creepy.

Teenagers can often express their sexuality or their curiosity about sexuality in ways that adults find uncomfortable, but that is much different that drawing them, framing them, and costuming them in a way that makes titillating to other people. It's not just that it's aimed at people who have the money to buy merch, it's that they flatten out what could be interesting characters in service of making them titillating.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't even know why Midnight is a teacher to begin with lol

What type of headcanon justification is this lmao, what does that even have to do with her design

That's no excuse, much a less good one.
It still doesn't justify her costume as it's not revealing enough for her powers and only shows off her books and stomach


Jan 15, 2018
The fact is that western media manages to portray sexuality in the teenage years without having the characters in very revealing clothing with ridiculously big breasts and with those camera angles. So I don't see why japanese media can't?


Feb 19, 2018
I'm trying to think of cool female heroes from the manga and am coming up empty. I won't spoil people who are only watching the show but...I'd go as far as to say that interesting female characters, both hero and villain, are being pushed to the spinoff and even then, Popstar is absolutely a sexualized character.

Also, don't get your hopes up on new outfits. Deku's changes a lot but that's mostly because his fighting style changes every arc.

Yeah there are a few coming up in the arc with also a couple Trans characters. I wont go into to detail but yeah there are female heroes and villians who are cool and some from other classes that show up and are cool. To me MHA gets a pass if only because every one dresses for their powers to a point and the only people who Run around partially nude is Hardening Dude/Momo/ and Midnight because there powers dont like clothes.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
The fact is that western media manages to portray sexuality in the teenage years without having the characters in very revealing clothing with ridiculously big breasts and with those camera angles. So I don't see why japanese media can't?
What shows in the west do it well in your opinion? I can think of Big Mouth, which is fantastic, but seems to be aimed more at adults.


Oct 27, 2017
Wtf is this. I thought it was about people going into a MMORPG and having adventures or something.
SAO is also weird and terrible and its popularity is utterly baffling. There are way better anime, even better anime that tackle the same general modern-teen-in-a-fantasy-world premise (Konosuba, Re:Zero, etc).
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