
Oct 28, 2017
Is this true? Do people just stare into people's homes at night when they have their windows open?

It finally hit the high 80s today so I opened the windows to let that spring air come in.

I got paranoid after she said that so I turned off the lamp to the room.
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Oct 27, 2017
Do you not have curtains or blinds? High '80s and you had your windows closed before then? This is a troll thread.


Oct 28, 2017
Do you not have curtains or blinds? High '80s and you had your windows closed before then? This is a troll thread.

I have blinds but I have to raise them to let a lot of air in. It's been in the 60s/70s in Virginia so I had the windows and blinds open but just slightly where there was still a lot of privacy. Since it hit the upper 80s today I've had to open the windows and blinds fully to make it cooler inside.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never seen someone intentionally come up and peer in, although if it's dark out, light inside and you keep your curtains or blinds up then you're basically creating a TV for anyone who walks past outside.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if they stare, but I'm not comfortable having the curtains not pulled over when it's night and the lights inside are on. So we pull the curtains.


Oct 25, 2017
You need to assert dominance by standing at the window completely naked.


If it is dark outside and light inside people will be able to see in but how many people are actually able to see into your room?


Oct 26, 2017
Depends on what kind of neighborhood you live in I guess. If it's completely residential your wife sounds paranoid. Like… it's possible obviously but I doubt it's common.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
If your question is ever "are there people who do this weird or creepy thing", the answer is always yes.

Fucking hell Fahrenheit is stupid, I have no idea if that's hot enough to justify exposing my junk to voyeurs.
And to anyone who grew up with Fahrenheit, Celsius is stupid. A five second Google search will convert them for you.


Oct 28, 2017
If it is dark outside and light inside people will be able to see in but how many people are actually able to see into your room?

I just went outside and took a picture from the street. My computer and 2 monitors are right in between the two windows so I guess they can see my head/upper body which isn't a big deal.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yup. Same here. No one looking inside my house. Not even from the backyard facing windows.
Lol we also cover up our back windows. There's no chance anyone would go back there and look into the house, but I'm creeped out at the thought of that happening.

When I was a little kid a man broke into our house and was there when I got home from school. He hid in my parents bedroom between the wall and their bed. Ever since then I've been ultra paranoid about everything.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I just went outside and took a picture from the street. My computer and 2 monitors are right in between the two windows so I guess they can see my head/upper body which isn't a big deal.

Assume you can be seen at any time with this setup. Nothing to be bothered by about it, you just don't have privacy with the blinds up and people will eventually see.
Nov 4, 2017
I just went outside and took a picture from the street. My computer and 2 monitors are right in between the two windows so I guess they can see my head/upper body which isn't a big deal.

That doesn't seem too exposed. And frugality aside, fresh air through windows is way nicer than air conditioning. I think the benefits of the open window outweigh any downside of potential pervs looking in briefly.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
No one can see you on the second floor. Or at the least they can't see anything interesting in the window. If you are really concerned you can always draw your blinds so that they are closed but able to keep the breeze coming through.

Upstairs neighbours can see in. People on hills with telescopes. People on stilts. Low flying helicopters.

I just went outside and took a picture from the street. My computer and 2 monitors are right in between the two windows so I guess they can see my head/upper body which isn't a big deal.


If some cheerleaders make a human pyramid outside they could see everything.


Oct 28, 2017
That doesn't seem too exposed. And frugality aside, fresh air through windows is way nicer than air conditioning. I think the benefits of the open window outweigh any downside of potential pervs looking in briefly.
Yeah we live on a busy sidestreet but we have a lot of trees here so I like getting that fresh air inside the home. My allergies don't with all the pollen in the spring though but I've been taking allergy medicine.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol we also cover up our back windows. There's no chance anyone would go back there and look into the house, but I'm creeped out at the thought of that happening.

When I was a little kid a man broke into our house and was there when I got home from school. He hid in my parents bedroom between the wall and their bed. Ever since then I've been ultra paranoid about everything.

Wow. That's terrifying. Similar story here. When I was a kid a burglar broke into our house when my mom was picking me and my brother up from school. We only realized after the fact that he was probably still inside the house when we got back hiding in a closet upstairs, and must have escaped in the time between our return and the police arriving, while we were at the neighbors place waiting.

Wonder if the similar experiences explain it...

Now that I'm older with a house of my own and a child, I have cameras outside on all corners, and every window has a security bar. I guess childhood trauma put me on that path lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Mid-to-high 70s in the afternoon and my house gets too warm. I turn on the central air because I refuse to be uncomfortable. It's just not worth it.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
Upstairs neighbours can see in. People on hills with telescopes. People on stilts. Low flying helicopters.

If some cheerleaders make a human pyramid outside they could see everything.
The solution is simple. You must make a distraction window. A window where something suspiciously interesting is happening to distract helicopters and roving bands of cheerleaders.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
I've never willingly opened a window in spring or summer. Forget people, I don't want any of those six-legged fuckers peering in on me. They might get ideas.


May 14, 2019
If it makes you feel better, I don't want to look through your windows. You exhibitionist.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the market for amatuer telescopes might be slightly larger than the market for people wanting to look at the planets through a crappy $100 piece of glass. Maybe consider curtains, or at least mood lighting and fancy underwear.

Fucking hell Fahrenheit is stupid, I have no idea if that's hot enough to justify exposing my junk to voyeurs.
Fahrenheit is great for weather.
0: fuck it's cold out
100: fuck it's hot out

0: Okay, it's reasonably cold outside

Wishbone Ash

One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
It's not like a habit everyone has, but sure people do. I'm sure you've gazed over at "open" windows more than a few times in your life.

I personally don't care much for ever raising the blinds, but my wife always wants them open during the day. Before I left for work today, I walked out of the bathroom which leads into our kitchen/living room with wall-sized windows and saw my neighbors on their deck at the side of their house, and made eye contact with one of them. Could have been buck ass naked or something, but my wife doesn't give a fuck


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I am out and about during the night (I deliver the morning paper), but I never ran into someone people looking through people's windows. But I'm from the Netherlands, so maybe it's different here I dunno.

But because of my job, I get to do it a shit ton... and there's nothing to see. If it's dark inside you can't see shit and if there's a light on, someone is either watching tv or making coffee. Rarely you see someone watching porn at 4 am with their curtains open, but that's about it.

Personally I'm not the type to leave my curtains open but if you are, I wouldn't worry too much about people peeping. Unless you're doing weird stuff in a brighly lit room I suppose. I had neighbors who had sex in the middle of the night with their curtains open and the lights on. It was hard not to see it.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking hell Fahrenheit is stupid, I have no idea if that's hot enough to justify exposing my junk to voyeurs.
0 very/uncomfortably cold
100 very/uncomfortably hot
You can go in negatives or over and that's when you know "oh yeah that's COLD cold/HOT hot"

It's a 0-100 scale for human feels like x outside temperature. Yes I know, everyone else uses Celsius, we know. But I swear people make it out like a 0-100 scale is an absolute unknown.

On topic, I doubt anyone is actually watching intently or nothing. If you have lights inside, it does draw attention to anyone outside. But it's just gonna be a passing glance from the walkers/joggers you mentioned if anything, I feel. And they're way more focused on their exercise/music/podcast/whatever than another house passed, I'm sure.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes when I'm out walking my dog at night and he's stopping to do his business, sure I might find myself absent-mindedly gawking at a lit window as I wait for him to finish up. But I also live in a neighborhood with multi-level homes where the second floor above street level is the "Main" floor, so it's not as if I'm getting much out of it. Well, beyond knowing I'm probably the only guy in the neighborhood who went through the trouble of painting his living room anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
We have some windows without blinds on the back side of our house (dining room & living room). I busted out the forensic equipment and CSI'ed that shit to ensure the angles our neighbors have from the backyard before agreeing with my wife to leave them blind-less. Last thing I need is the neighbors complaining because their kids saw a boob on our 85" TV lol.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
My neighbor was my age and hot so honestly I didn't mind. It was actually pretty funny because it looked like she was literally getting banged into a closet by her boyfriend. I was like, dude, chill.

No idea why they did it. Literally a row of houses, all pitch dark, with one brighly lit window with people having sex near the window. Next to a fairly busy road. I mean, come on.


Oct 25, 2017
My wife and I are bizzaro OP/wife.

When we are out on walks sometimes I am like "everyone must think you're such a creep the way you're always looking so hard in their windows"

And she's like "they decorated all cute and left their windows open because they want people to see!"