
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Personally, along with Bill Parcells, I found Drew to be foundational in making the Patriots a relevant franchise. That was obviously then solidified with the Brady/Belichek dynasty runs.

The Pats were a pretty bad organization before Drew and Parcells and then seeing their run to SB31 against Favre's Packers was pretty fun I remember.

And Drew was pretty funny at Tom's roast. What a good sport.

It's got to be hard losing your job when you helped put the franchise to respectability, but hey, if you want to lose a QB job, might as well lose it to the GOAT.

Cousin From Boston

Prophet of Regret
Nov 21, 2017
He's trying to sell me his wine every fucking chance he gets. He handled the Brady situation as best as one could, and he was a big part of the Pats finding some sense of organizational identity in the late 90s.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Always loved him. I came of age in the 90s patriots, and he was probably the first big local sports star for me. Curtis Martin, Ben Coates, Drew. I was mostly too young for prime bird, my earlier memories of Reggie Lewis were his death, so for true elite players, drew was the first.

Thought how he handled his exit from New England was 1000% class, went out and shredded the patriots in that 2003 game with lawyer Milloy for Buffalo.

He's always been honest about New England, that he wishes it was his team, but he was part of that Super Bowl run and there's a chance they don't win it and beat the stealers when Brady got hurt if there was some other QB back there… although I almost shit on that no look pass on one of those drives. If that was picked he'd be a goat for the rest of his career.

The wine thing is awesome. I nabbed a bottle of his more expensive one for my sister like 10 years ago when I was traveling for work. I'm not a wine drinker but she said it was good. It was overpriced for what it was, $60 or $70, but whatever. Its not a marketing gimmick for him, he's always been actually involved not just putting his name on something that someone else makes.

Thought he's been great on the media circuit the last year or two.