Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Anyone know if Code Veronica X and both Revelation games are worth playing?

For me these were the worst with 0 coming in close. But you should definitely play them if you want the whole story. I honestly still don't know what revelations revealed though, I was just ready for it to finish I rushed through the last 5 chapters without a care.
Oct 30, 2017
Woah, the RE2 board game looks cool, I just checked out the Kickstarter page. It hasn't been released yet, right? I really enjoy board games and pen and paper RPGs and as I've been playing RE1 I keep thinking of ways the setting could be adapted to a tabletop game.
I'm very cautious with board games especially since this one is floating around the $90 mark for the base game. Since they met their goal very easily I decided not to pledge and am waiting for the retail release for reviews. You are correct though, that board game is not out yet, still in design phase. I have a feeling I won't be able to resist even if the reviews are middling, so I wanted to play RE2 fresh so I could understand the board game plot, enemies, etc.
Oct 30, 2017
Anyone know if Code Veronica X and both Revelation games are worth playing?

I haven't played CVX either (it's on my short list) but I can comment on Revelations 1 and 2.

Both of them are... OK. You can definitely feel the "side story" treatment of them. 1 is better than 2. The first third of the game is what a lot of people praise as a return to roots, low ammo, survival horror... the middle third is the turning point and the final third you get so much ammo it turns into RE5 levels of shooting. Still, I enjoyed it for the like $15 I got it for

Revelations 2 is a weird one. You flip between Claire and Barry. Barry's parts in particular are plucked straight out of The Last of Us. He has the hearing mode that highlights where enemies are around corners, etc. It's OK but a out of place for Resident Evil. I was disappointed with Revelations 2 but I paid full price for it and the season pass. Just like I did with Revelations 1, if you can get it for like $15 go for it. My recommendation would be play Rev 1, skip Rev 2, but neither of them are really that great.
Oct 30, 2017
I wish they made new RE games in the classic style. Tank controls, cinematic camera, inventory space... I don't care when it takes place in the timeline or what characters are in it, just make new ones like the old ones. 6-8 hour campaign, download only, $20... my dream come true
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
Awwwright guys, I did it! Just completed the game! You can see many more screens on my Twitter (along with some funny side thoughts) but here are the highlights on how it went down... Obviously, ENDGAME SPOILERS, though I feel like pretty much everyone keeping up with this thread has already seen this stuff ages ago, except me.

  • I wasted a crapload of Colt bullets on the Chimeras. Didn't expect to encounter a new enemy type so late in the game and they kept murking me from the ceiling. I was most worried about ammo management, and by the end I was running around to avoid enemies and hugging the walls a lot, but I made it out okay!


  • I was amused by Wesker revealing that he had used Barry for "personal purposes" (lol) and also impressed by the Tyrant reveal. Not a tough fight, though I died once. The Tyrant being a big bio weapon (and in fact, all of the mutated monsters in the game) actually reminded me a lot of the Parasite Eve games, which were really the first survival horror titles I completed back when I was getting more into the genre. There was definitely a trend of biopunk disaster during this era, though I imagine that Resident Evil was the first to start it? (Dino Crisis has a similar thing going on too or am I making that up?) Also makes me think on how the Japanese title "Biohazard" is way more appropriate for the franchise. "Resident Evil" isn't bad for sure, but it feels like whoever came up with that name during the renaming contest only witnessed the first section of the game, in the mansion, and based the title's logic off of that.


  • The finale was tense for sure. All the interviews I'm reading about the game's development stress how the devs really tried to make the experience feel like a major action blockbuster, and escaping a faculty under timer stress always does that. I got both Barry and Chris out, so Jill's good ending was in store. In the round two fight against Tyrant I basically ran circles around him because all I had left was the Beretta...until finally I got the rocket launcher! (Brad finally makes himself useful after spending the whole game screwing around in his chopper.)


  • And that was a wrap! Here are my final stats and the inventory I was working with at the end. As you can see, I didn't have much...


  • So here's a fun aside - I actually pulled out PAPER and PEN as I was playing this game to TAKE NOTES! I did end up using a walkthrough and GameFAQs map here and there, but I wanted to try and pretend like I was playing this back in 1996, hence the desire to do some writing and try to figure out puzzles on my own. Here are pics of my scribbles. Maybe they'll bring back memories for some folks here of their own notes when playing for the first time.


Anyway, that's a wrap! I'll probably write up some longer impressions on my blog tomorrow and then post a link here. But overall, had a great time and I can see why this series is the granddaddy of survival horror. I'm looking forward to pushing on towards RE2... Unlike RE1, which I played some of back in the day, I know VERY LITTLE about the sequel. All I basically know is that it takes place in Raccoon City and features Claire and Leon...and that's it!


Nov 25, 2017
As I assume this thread will gather RE fans, I have a question for the experts. I loved RE 1 and 2 back on original release, but abandoned console gaming around Xbox/GC era and never played 4 back then. With all the praise it gets, I gave it a buy on PS4, and found it just a complete abomination. The controls and flow were just awful, very laggy and unsatisfying.

Is it worth looking at a PC port of it? It seems like something that KBM could really change for the better. I mean I love playing uncharted, destiny, etc on PS4 and have no problems with the controls, but this was just agonizing and made me shelve it shortly thereafter.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Prob Claire and then Leon, I think, unless there's a reason to play the other way. Any tips are appreciated!

You are on the right track.

Claire A + Leon B is the way to go not only because it's the closest thing to the actual canon, giving you much more context between what each character is doing with their time on Raccoon City, but also for the sake of variety as well. Those specific scenarios (in that order) are basically the best package to experience Resi 2 as a whole, facing and dealing with different characters, puzzles, minor locations and boss fights.

It also unlocks the "real ending" after finishing those runs. It's definitely worth it.


Oct 27, 2017
RE1 is the classic. You got the haunted mansion, the tragic tale of experiments gone wrong and the fun, B-movie storyline.

RE2 isanother classic. Same basic gameplay but everything is turned up to 11. You go from an isolated mansion to a zombie filled city. Graphics and gameplay were improved too.

RE3 had some gameplay enhancements but felt a lot like RE2.5. Fun but not as impactful as the first two games. By this point the gameplay was starting to wear a bit thin...

RE: Code Veronica, the last "classic" RE and rightfully so. The story was lame, the gameplay was the same as the first 3 games and there is very little to redeem it. Especially with that one boss where if you don't have enough items saved you have to start over.

RE4: I didn't play this one but they changed the gameplay style to action and it's supposed to be really good.

RE5: It's an action game. It's alright but didn't really feel like Resident Evil. And LOL at the resdesign of Chris.

RE6: Continues the action-style gameplay since RE4 but with a really silly story. Wesker is apparently a super-villain now and the whole thing is a mess. May as well call it RE:CV2 since it took the style from the previous games and ran it into the ground.

RE7: Haven't played it but apparently they went back to the horror roots of the earlier games and it's supposed to be really good.
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
Blogged my final thoughts on RE1. I'll probably do a long blog post after I finish each game.

Main takeaway:

I jumped when the Hellhounds burst from the window, even though I knew they were coming from a million screenshots showing that iconic scene. I gritted my teeth when Yawn the giant snake choked the life out of me in the library, then yelled "TAKE THAT, YOU SHIT," after I came back with acid rounds and melted him. I puzzled over my inventory screen in nervousness, trying to figure out how I was going to make my ammo last for the final bosses in the underground lab, and when I took down Tyrant with a rocket launcher, I cheered.

The proof is in the pudding. Despite Resident Evil 1′s age, it's still very capable of delivering memorable moments, and while it took some time to acclimate, I eventually found it hard to imagine exploring the Spencer Mansion without tank controls or cinematic camera angles. A 1996 interview with game director Shinji Mikami, published when RE1 was still new and RE2 was still in production, reveals that Mikami strongly believed that "if we made [Resident Evil] with full polygons and a free-floating camera, the elements of fear would be lost." He added that the careful nature of the game's presentation was the "best way to produce a true feeling of tension," and I agree. There's an infamous bit of pre-production art out there showing RE1 in a first-person view, but I'm glad that the dev team ultimately went another route. Back then, a first-person Resident Evil would very likely have been considered another Doom clone, and I'm not sure if the fear that the first game inspired would have been present, at least in the same way.

Thankfully, RE1 became a third-person experience somewhat akin to a highly elaborate stage play, where everything about the gameplay - from the camera to the enemy placement to the careful positioning needed to navigate Jill and Chris - forced the player to make highly deliberate decisions that couldn't be walked back upon, just like how everything done in a stage play is final. And that gameplay philosophy of forcing a player to make irreversible decisions and react on their consequences is at the heart of survival horror.

Before I start Claire's CD on RE2 tonight, I leave you with this gory-ass ad for RE1's PC release. I remember seeing this in a magazine as a kid and it scaring the stuffing outta me!

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Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
RE1 is the classic. You got the haunted mansion, the tragic tale of experiments gone wrong and the fun, B-movie storyline.

RE2 isanother classic. Same basic gameplay but everything is turned up to 11. You go from an isolated mansion to a zombie filled city. Graphics and gameplay were improved too.

RE3 had some gameplay enhancements but felt a lot like RE2.5. Fun but not as impactful as the first two games. By this point the gameplay was starting to wear a bit thin...

RE: Code Veronica, the last "classic" RE and rightfully so. The story was lame, the gameplay was the same as the first 3 games and there is very little to redeem it. Especially with that one boss where if you don't have enough items saved you have to start over.

RE4: I didn't play this one but they changed the gameplay style to action and it's supposed to be really good.

RE5: It's an action game. It's alright but didn't really feel like Resident Evil. And LOL at the resdesign of Chris.

RE6: Continues the action-style gameplay since RE4 but with a really silly story. Wesker is apparently a super-villain now and the whole thing is a mess. May as well call it RE:CV2 since it took the style from the previous games and ran it into the ground.

RE7: Haven't played it but apparently they went back to the horror roots of the earlier games and it's supposed to be really good.

Zero was the last classic game.

WyLD iNk

Oct 27, 2017
Here, duh.
Probably solo; I do have one friend who may be interested in playing co-op with me but also possibly she won't be into it, so well see.

If you can get a partner, I suggest going that route. The AI sucks balls in those, and may unfairly sour you on the them. I'd hate to see you not have a good time with them, because I found them significantly better with a partner. Significantly.
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
On Resident Evil 2 now! Playing through Claire's disc first, then will tackle Leon's. I think I got through most of the police station last night.
  • We have moved on from FMV and are now in PS1 CG territory! I admit that I kinda miss the goofy actors but I'm also sucker for these late 90s cutscenes. They can't really compete with what Square was putting out at the same time, but Capcom did a solid job.


  • I LOVED the beginning of the game. Ruined city with fiery zombies everywhere and barely any time to react the second I'm able to control Claire made for a thrilling start. Already I'm seeing such a big graphical jump between RE1 and RE2, and the fact that the first game usually didn't toss more than 2 zombies your way when the second starts off with a LEGION of them in the streets shows that the stakes are now higher. I also loved ducking into crashed buses, struggling as corpses grabbed my legs, using dumpsters as cover and watching as zombies clattered at locked gates. Really atmospheric, but in a different way when compared to RE1. Instead of dark mansion we're now in apocalyptic cityscape.



  • I was actually a little disappointed when I made it to Racoon City PD and realized that the next section of the game was going to take place there. I wanted to run around more on those insane streets, and getting stuck in a large interior setting (complete with block pushing a POLICE STATION) felt a lot like the first game. After a few minutes, though, I realized that the place's design was more logical and interesting than Spencer Mansion, and after I found the STARS office and Jill and Chris' desks, I began to enjoy the fanservice a lot. (I like how Chris got a medal for marksmanship, haha... Not in that US version of Resident Evil 1 with the auto-aim removed, he didn't!)



  • There's finally a black guy in Resident Evil! And...he eventually transforms into a zombie, forcing me to shoot him in the head with a bow gun. =(


  • So far, I find the setting of RE2 to be less spooky than the first game, since it's a crowded city as opposed to an isolated house in the middle of nowhere. HOWEVER, the game gave me way more jump scares in the span of a few hours than RE1 did throughout its entirety, and they were good, solid jump scares too, like the Licker breaking out of the interrogation room window, the crows lunging at me in the hallways or (my favorite so far) a bunch of hands grabbing me from the window barricades.

  • I ended after running into the police chief and saving this little girl...and was surprised to find that in the next section, I play as her! Now I get to be a helpless child running from Hellhounds, fabulous.


  • A few more thoughts - The little quality of life improvements in this game are much appreciated. Finally there's a location marker on the map to show me where I am in each room, and the inventory screen seems nicely streamlined. I like how Claire clutches her side when she's wounded (I feel like she's always in this state for me, since I'm never at optimal health) and stares at objects of interest. Also, the new game over screen is INTENSE. It struck me as almost a little rapey at first, though Leon gets the same screen as well, right?



I've only just started but I can tell why people count this as one of the best of the series. Man, 1998 was a really good year in gaming, wasn't it? Ocarina of Time came out along with Half-Life that year as well, I think...
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Oct 28, 2017
Blogged my final thoughts on RE1. I'll probably do a long blog post after I finish each game.

Main takeaway:

Before I start Claire's CD on RE2 tonight, I leave you with this gory-ass ad for RE1's PC release. I remember seeing this in a magazine as a kid and it scaring the stuffing outta me!


The first game is still pretty good and smart, and I played it for the first time just 3 years ago. Most enjoyable when everything opens up.

I was actually a little disappointed when I made it to Racoon City PD and realized that the next section of the game was going to take place there. I wanted to run around more on those insane streets, and getting stuck in a large interior setting (complete with block pushing a POLICE STATION) felt a lot like the first game. After a few minutes, though, I realized that the place's design was more logical and interesting than Spencer Mansion, and after I found the STARS office and Jill and Chris' desks, I began to enjoy the fanservice a lot. (I like how Chris got a medal for marksmanship, haha... Not in that US version of Resident Evil 1 with the auto-aim removed, he didn't!)

I was a tad disappointed but at the end of the day I think the police station is tremendous. I talked about how I had issues that RE1 kept making you do back and forth to open a single door but it's much less the case in 2. It has a brisk pace, it's less wide, but more packed. You know what to do, you just have to focus on how you can survive doing it. Also, I think a huge improvement over the first game is the soundtrack, it adds to the atmosphere in a way that is incredible.

I think a key soundtrack that you must have heard by now is this one. It really has this perfect mix of being stressful but eerie at the same time. Call me crazy but I listened to this for hours, but to be honest I was obsessed with RE2, and I played it in the same year as RE1. I thought that pretty much everything about it was great and my opinion surely hasn't changed a bit.

I have some more things to add to the score but I'll wait until you complete this game. I played as Leon first though, but I was very satisfied with my choice.
Oct 26, 2017
Not in that US version of Resident Evil 1 with the auto-aim removed, he didn't!
Speaking of, they did something similiar here, auto-aim is deactivated by default but you can activate it. (While there's actually no way to deactivate it in the japanese version.)

Select control scheme C, it's exactly the same as A, but with auto-aim enabled. The setting doesn't save however, you gotta switch it everytime, even if you load a save where you already had it enabled.
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
I was a tad disappointed but at the end of the day I think the police station is tremendous. I talked about how I had issues that RE1 kept making you do back and forth to open a single door but it's much less the case in 2. It has a brisk pace, it's less wide, but more packed. You know what to do, you just have to focus on how you can survive doing it. Also, I think a huge improvement over the first game is the soundtrack, it adds to the atmosphere in a way that is incredible.

I think a key soundtrack that you must have heard by now is this one. It really has this perfect mix of being stressful but eerie at the same time. Call me crazy but I listened to this for hours, but to be honest I was obsessed with RE2, and I played it in the same year as RE1. I thought that pretty much everything about it was great and my opinion surely hasn't changed a bit.

I have some more things to add to the score but I'll wait until you complete this game. I played as Leon first though, but I was very satisfied with my choice.

Right, I think "you know what to do, you just have to focus on how you can survive doing it" is a good way to sum up the station. The layout just seems more sensible than Spencer Mansion and the shortcuts like the ladder that you can drop down to the main lobby help a lot. And while the location marker on the map is a godsend, there's one other thing I forgot to mention - the fact that they COLOR CODED the DOORS on the map. Huge! No longer do I have to try and keep track of which skeleton key I have! I guess it makes the game "easier" in a way that removes some of that old school need to take down notes in favor of convenience...but this is one instance where I prefer the convenience.

Cosign on the soundtrack. I don't quite like the save room theme in this one as much as the first but I can't argue that the more ominous nature of it is probably appropriate considering the "city overrun by zombies" setting.

Speaking of, they did something similiar here, auto-aim is deactivated by default but you can activate it. (While there's actually no way to deactivate it in the japanese version.)

Select control scheme C, it's exactly the same as A, but with auto-aim enabled. The setting doesn't save however, you gotta switch it everytime, even if you load a save where you already had it enabled.

Woah! I thought it was enabled by default since my aiming seemed a lot better in this game. (Or maybe I'm just more used to the RE control scheme by now.) Thanks though, I was wondering what the different control options meant.
Nov 4, 2017
Glad this thread exists as I've just started my RE Journey. Started with REmake, Finished RE2 last week & on gonna start 3 tonight!

Loved REmake & was pleasantly surprised by how playable & how well RE2 holds up today. The retro, late 90's charm also made me nostalgic not nessacarily for the game but for the culture & memories of growing up playing PS1 Games that looked like this. I played it on ePSXe with a nice curved CRT shader at night & it makes me feel like a kid again.


Oh well.
Oct 26, 2017
I think RE2 is my favourite game to run on a whim.
Doing Claire then Leon is the better way to do it. His story has more interesting stuff going on in the B scenario, though I think Claire has at least 1 more unique scare moment in Playthrouh B.
Oct 26, 2017
I think RE2 is my favourite game to run on a whim.
Doing Claire then Leon is the better way to do it. His story has more interesting stuff going on in the B scenario, though I think Claire has at least 1 more unique scare moment in Playthrouh B.
The two positives of Leon A and Claire B are
Sherry actually meeting up with her mother one last time
Leon's and Ada's confrontation.
In Leon B it's like
"Ada is a spy." "Oh, okay." and it's never brought up again.

Overall though, yeah, the connectivity between Claire A and Leon B is much better and the stakes are straight up higher.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm planning on playing through the entire series eventually, is the original RE worth playing eventhough I've already played REmake?
Oct 26, 2017
I'm planning on playing through the entire series eventually, is the original RE worth playing eventhough I've already played REmake?
Yes. Better soundtrack, more story branching paths and in general a couple of possible scenes and encounters that were removed in the REmake. The whole deal with "Does Barry survive or not, it's up to you." is also better handled. The events leading up to that decision and it's aftermath in the REmake are so incredibly stupid and make me lose all respect for Jill. And if you get the Director's Cut (NOT the DualShock version, that one has an entirely different, horrible soundtrack.) you also get to play Arranged Mode which is the ultimate RE1 experience.


Oh well.
Oct 26, 2017
The two positives of Leon A and Claire B are
Sherry actually meeting up with her mother one last time
Leon's and Ada's confrontation.
In Leon B it's like
"Ada is a spy." "Oh, okay." and it's never brought up again.

Overall though, yeah, the connectivity between Claire A and Leon B is much better and the stakes are straight up higher.

I can't agree, Leon B has the whole
whole vs. Mr X/ death of Ada
plot during the end of his scene. Feels like a much more interesting end than Claire's game B.

Edit: I just wanted to clarify that I actually find the wrap up of Claire scenario a bit too similar to her A version, ultimately I think you get the most if you do them both for each character.
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Oct 28, 2017
I do feel like Leon A/Claire B is more involving. Honestly I don't regret doing this first one bit. It might not be canon, but it's my favorite route
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
Made it through the remainder of the police station and completed the sewers last night.
  • THIS decision was probably the toughest one I've had to make so far! What to do, what to do! I ended up giving the sidepack to Claire and left the gun for Leon. It probably doesn't matter that much...but curious to know how it might affect Leon's scenario later? Also...EIGHT INVENTORY SLOTS, DAMN. I don't even know what to do with so many pockets.


  • That creepy ass Raccoon City police chief got chestbusted, Aliens style. I liked his crazy man speech right before he went down - the voice acting in this game is still a LITTLE goofy, but not nearly as silly as the first game. (Guessing the voice direction was better this time around!) Pretty easy boss, but I liked its biomutated design; reminded me of The Thing (as in John Carpenter).



  • I find the sections where you play as Sherry to be intriguing, since I didn't expect them and thought the game was going to be all Claire/Leon. (After looking at wiki a little, I found out that Ada is in Leon's scenario, which is a spoiler but really cool since I was under the false impression that her character originated in RE4.) Anyway, Sherry's sections are simplistic but remind me of Clock Tower 1 where you're a little girl with very few defenses. I'm also reminded of how the devs wanted to include co-op/AI partner sections in the first Resident Evil, and how those plans finally manifested in the sequels. It seems that this trend was in the series' DNA from the start.

  • So in this cutscene where Umbrella security officers storm the lab of Sherry's father, one of these guys is HUNK right? Anyone play through the game with HUNK/Tofu and have any thoughts? I read that Tofu was included as an unlockable partly as a joke, but also to get back at a bunch of Japanese Resident Evil speedrunners who kept sending Capcom tapes of them beating the game super fast. No idea if that's true or not!

  • LOOOVED the crocodile reveal. I ran down the corridor and let him suck the gas canister up into his mouth, then blasted his head apart with one shot from the Browning HP. Satisfying.



  • The trend of great monster designs in this game continues with Sherry's dad. Once again, not a very hard boss thanks to the grenade launcher. BTW, I didn't pick up that spark gun thingy that takes up two inventory spaces which you can find right before this battle. Is it a good weapon at all? I wanted to save inventory slots and heard it was mediocre, so...


  • And Sherry gets Claire's jacket! I like the relationship between these two a lot. Thanks to my meanderings on the Resident Evil wiki, I did see that Sherry comes back in later games (RE6?) all grown up, which was a nice surprise. (I gotta stop spoiling myself on wikis.) Have to say that I didn't imagine that the RE series would have a rotating cast of characters like this and such an interesting sense of legacy, with children growing older and tangible progression happening between different games in the franchise. That's one of my favorite things in any sort of long-lasting series - the sense that time is moving forward and legacies are being passed on - so I'm very, very pleased to find it here.

Glad this thread exists as I've just started my RE Journey. Started with REmake, Finished RE2 last week & on gonna start 3 tonight!

Loved REmake & was pleasantly surprised by how playable & how well RE2 holds up today. The retro, late 90's charm also made me nostalgic not nessacarily for the game but for the culture & memories of growing up playing PS1 Games that looked like this. I played it on ePSXe with a nice curved CRT shader at night & it makes me feel like a kid again.

Welcome to the party! I know EXACTLY what you feel when you say the game made you nostalgic for memories of playing PS1 games during this era. I feel the same, especially because I found a copy of THIS sucker on the Internet Archive and was looking through it a little. It's filled with very 90s tips on Gameshark codes and speculation on how Resident Evil 3 was going to take place in Europe, since you find a note in Chris' diary talking about an infiltration of Umbrella's European facilities. Anybody else remember Versus Books from back in the day? I own copies of their Final Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Time guides and they were fabulous.


The first Resident Evil featured a black guy, Kenneth Sullivan. He's the dude being eaten by that famous first zombie.

Ahh, had no idea! Does he play a larger role in Remake? Sad that he was the first death in the series though...

Anyway, will finish Claire's scenario next time. Onwards!
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Oct 28, 2017
You've made the right choice in playing the original RE before REmake. There's a few moments that have been spoiled 15 years over, but if you go in as blind as possible with recent knowledge of the first game, you've got a hell of an experience ahead of you.

Resident Evie

Oct 27, 2017
Ah, Resident Evil 2 is my absolute favourite! Despite playing the game literally hundreds of times I never knew until recently that if you shoot the croc a bunch of times with regular weapons in the A scenario, he chews a hole in the corridor wall and toddles off, returning in the B scenario. I mean, why wouldn't you just make him eat the gas canister?
Oct 26, 2017
Picking the sidepack for Claire is better because that way you can juggle all three grenade types without any issues. For Leon you're fine carrying the shotgun throughout most of the game.
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
Ah, Resident Evil 2 is my absolute favourite! Despite playing the game literally hundreds of times I never knew until recently that if you shoot the croc a bunch of times with regular weapons in the A scenario, he chews a hole in the corridor wall and toddles off, returning in the B scenario. I mean, why wouldn't you just make him eat the gas canister?

Yeah, I read about shooting him down with regular weapons too but decided that ammo conservation was a bigger deal. I'm assuming some people play in a faster style and might miss the gas canister, or maybe Capcom wanted to encourage replay value with the scenarios.

Side note: Part of the reason why I loved the croc in the sewers is because I'm actually organizing a Dungeons & Dragons campaign at the moment which, funnily enough, involves a sewer trek where the protagonists come across a super strong, teleporting crocodile. I devised this before playing RE2 and the coincidence is uncanny! Maybe I'll put a gas canister in there now...


Dec 21, 2017
The first revelations game is fine. It's nothing special, there are a few good moments in the mansion, but you might be spending too much of your time scanning for items to pick up.

Half of Revelations 2 is a great game. The other half, Barry's half, is pretty annoying to play. It's a bit more action-packed, there's a heavier reliance on partner switching for combat which was annoying, and it wanted to be TLoU but it's not as good as TLoU. The Claire sections are reeaaaaally good, though, aside from some bad dialogue from side characters.


Oct 27, 2017
Ahh, had no idea! Does he play a larger role in Remake? Sad that he was the first death in the series though...

Gonna correct you again :D, Kenneth wasn't the first death release-wise. Joseph was the first character killed in RE1, and the first specifically-named character killed in the series chronologically would probably be George Trevor.
Oct 30, 2017
I beat RE3 2 days ago. I won't say much here so as not to sway Pixel Grotto one way or another, but it was good. The weakest of the 3, though.

Regarding playing the original RE1 before REmake, I'm still upset that they changed some of the iconic voice lines.

I'm off to play some non-Resident Evil game next, I try to stagger them so I don't get burned out. I'll be back if this thread is still going, I think I'll play Doom and then back to 1 of my remaining RE's, CVX, 0, 7, or Gaiden.
Pixel Grotto

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
I just beat Claire's Scenario A! Actually finished it faster than I imagined since I was pretty close to the end last time.

  • Half of my playtime in the lab seemed to feel like I was running around listening to the sound of an imminent self-destruct ringing in my ears, since I unlocked that bit super early and still had a ways to go before I finished Sherry's vaccine. I forgot where the vaccine completion room was also so that was a bit annoying. Pretty good for tension, though. Also, what exactly was up with this big plant and the fingerprint room? I registered my prints as a guest but it said two people had to be present. I'm guessing stuff for Leon's scenario?


  • The bigger and badder mutations of Sherry's dad were cool. (I called him Hyper Mutated Sherry's Dad Turbo Edition: The New Challengers on Twitter.) Quite an easy final boss though, so much that I didn't even realize he was the final boss.


  • In the end, I saved my new little sis and got a D ranking! As expected, since I took my sweet time. I heard you get unlimited ammo weapons for getting higher ranks - any other benefits? (I'm guessing the unlockable characters?)


Overall, the last stretch of the game felt sort of abrupt but maybe that's because it's not the true ending and I've still got to play through Leon's campaign.

So does RE3 deal with what Jill and Chris are up to while Leon and Claire are running around? I heard somewhere that it takes place prior. So many questions.

Gonna correct you again :D, Kenneth wasn't the first death release-wise. Joseph was the first character killed in RE1, and the first specifically-named character killed in the series chronologically would probably be George Trevor.

Ahhh as expected from your avatar you know your stuff :D I'm tempted to go on wiki and read all about all of these characters but trying to keep myself from getting too spoiled, since I already found out too many details about Leon's scenario by accident last time I was on there!
Oct 26, 2017
RE3 takes place around the same time as RE2. It starts off a bit earlier than RE2 but ends after RE2 does.

It only focuses on Jill btw. Originally the RE3 we got was designed as a side-game focusing on random survivors. Jill was brought in when they decided to make it a main entry.

And the rankings in RE2 only unlock the bonus scenario starring Hunk (And later Tofu.), nothing else. Weapon unlocks aren't specifically tied to your ranking. There's one weapon you get for never saving, one for not using any first aid sprays (Those decrease your ranking as well. Herbs on the other hand do not.) and one for finishing it under a certain amount of time. I think like under 1:30 or 2 hours, not entirely sure anymore.
Oct 30, 2017
5 saves, holy crap. When I play a RE game I have like 22 saves. In fact I sent a buddy a screenshot of my RE3 one so I can look it up. 7:06:35 and 25 saves. Rank E


Oct 27, 2017
A playthrough of RE2's B scenario for a first-timer is a must. Prepare for lots of nice surprises.

So does RE3 deal with what Jill and Chris are up to while Leon and Claire are running around? I heard somewhere that it takes place prior. So many questions.

RE3 is like a side-story for RE2. Code Veronica takes place shortly after. You'll get your answers from both games.