
Oct 25, 2017
I tried Green Cuisine from Birds Eye and it wasn't too bad.

I'll have to try the real deal next time I'm in the US.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually look forward to trying this! I went to BK last week thinking they were nationwide already, but I am excited. Beyond burgers are pretty awesome (but my local vegan bar makes a homemade patty that's better than any "meat" I've had so far)
Oct 27, 2017
I've been buying Beyond Burgers in stores for months. Two patties for $5 isn't atrocious compared to other pre-pattied burger prices.

Impossible Burgers needed to get FDA approval to be sold in grocery stores due to the soy leghemoglobin which when cooked is the heme - the red liquid that makes these more convincing. The FDA sent a letter stating they consider this ingredient generally safe for consumption at the end of July. I guess the concern was allergies but that turns out to be not an issue.
I think both pre-formed burger patties and the plant-based patties are too expensive. I can buy a pound of beef for like $3.49 (83%/17%) which would make four 1/4 pound patties versus two pre-formed patties for like $5 (which I'm not sure are 1/4 pound or are less). They're quick and easy to make and nowhere near worth the premium to me. I'm not a "pay more for slight convenience" type of person, though.
If they sold Impossible Burgers as ground "beef" to get the cost down and I made the patties myself I'd be down for that assuming not too much more than $3.49 a pound.
I think as they ramp up scale prices will get pretty competitive with beef, though. At least I hope so. I want to not eat beef given the environmental and humane issues but still, I can't help but buy with an eye to my wallet.
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Oct 27, 2017
The gov can subsidize veg patties as well, it just comes down to lobbying power eventually.

If we took climate change seriously we'd already be doing this but beef is pretty big in America (though on the decline).

yup. should be subsidized as we did electric cars.


Oct 26, 2017
Had one yesterday at Burger King.

I haven't ate at BK in years as I'm vegetarian but their fries are super average.

The burger was good but far from the best Impossible Burger I've had. Still for $7 for the meal I'll get it again in the future (it's usually $14 or so at sit down restaurants I've had them at). I also don't love how many toppings the Whopper has. Will probably just get lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, cheese next time.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll give this a try sometime. Really interested in meat alternatives. I'm not a vegetarian, but I used to be one, and I might go back at some point in my life.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
There's a small burger joint in Sonoma County here that sells a mean Impossible Burger— along with a bunch of other delicious non-red meat burgers— for $8.75 if i remember correctly. So I thankfully am spared going to a BK.


Oct 25, 2017
So, not sure if this is the thread but Metro in the UK is running wtih this...

This month the fast food chain announced the US-wide launch of the burger following a trial in the St Louis area in April. Though the burger was not labelled 'vegetarian', it was advertised as '0% beef' and 'made from plants'. The patty's main ingredients are soy and potato proteins.

However, the fine print on Burger King's website states the Whopper is flame-grilled in the same broiler used for beef and chicken, meaning it will almost certainly come into contact with meat.

One former employee said that the in-restaurant production line means that 'veggie burgers get soaked in meat juices'.

Seems the news is from April, but it's suddenly trending again.


Oct 25, 2017
The app is running a special combo with one Impossible Whopper and one regular Whopper.


Oct 25, 2017
Picked up two Whoppers yesterday that I didn't know were impossibles until I was told. I've been bamboozled!


Oct 27, 2017
Just had my first Impossible Whopper (I've had Impossible patties elsewhere) - it's like 90% there! Texture is good. It still has that weird lingering aftertaste that is the only major giveaway, but honestly it's impressively close to the real thing.